girl line

Chapter 437 Eternal Star Project

Chapter 437 Eternal Star Project
The meeting of the four commanders is still going on, but there is still no agreement on the distribution of the spoils. Among them, Bernard Shaw, Tutankhamun, is so powerful that he insists on taking the lead in the distribution of the spoils, otherwise he will Do not unite to distribute the benefits of the tutelary government of the plum blossom galaxy.

Seeing that the entire meeting was about to reach a stalemate, Shaw suddenly received a piece of information, and then his expression suddenly became extremely strange, and finally he looked at Iori Hinata mockingly and said, "So you have already been with Occupy The fleet of the tutelary mansion fought against each other, and was defeated by the opponent, and fled back in a panic...Is that right?"

"..." Yagami Hinata's face changed. Only the members of the fleet that she united using the battle video knew about this matter. These later large-scale combined fleet alliances did not know about the battle at all.Now there are one or two anti-bones in his fleet, and he handed over the video to Bernac Shaw Tutankhamun.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, so there is so much to say!" Yagami Hinata replied in a flat tone.

"It's really not surprising that you lost. The strange thing is that you lost more than 100 warships to a mere twelve warships. This is very interesting! Is this still the invincible Youzhou people? ? Ms. Iori is afraid that she has lost all the face of the Youzhou people!" Shaw Bernac Tutankhamun said meanly, with this expression, Iori Hinata wanted to slap her on the face, but this time At that time, the four of them just stayed in the virtual meeting room for a communication meeting, so Yagami Hinata had nothing to do with this guy.

Besides, what this guy said was the truth, he was indeed defeated by a mere 12 warships.

"Hey! This is probably a black spot that I will never be able to wash off in my life!" At the same time, Yagami Hinata sighed in her heart. She felt that she would be labeled as a waste for the rest of her life because of this fiasco. It made Yagami Hinata feel extremely sad.

But what Iori Hinata didn't expect was that after a few years, this incident not only did not become Iori Hinata's black spot, but became Iori Hinata's biggest sign... the first [-]-[-] match with Fleeting Maple in history Admiral, this is a rare achievement!So much so that when Yagami Hinata recalled what happened today, she didn't know how to face it.

Well, let’s not gossip, anyway, with the shit stick of Bernard Shaw Tutankhamun, it is obvious that the whole meeting can no longer go on.And when they heard that Yagami Hinata was only defeated by 12 battleships, other people looked at Yagami Hinata in a completely different way.

Before, they were a little in awe of Yagami Hinata. After all, the other party had the words Youzhou people on his head... It was like a Russian with a fighting nation on his head, which gave people a very mighty feeling by nature.But now, they looked at Yagami Hinata with disdain... A commander who would be defeated by only 12 warships, this guy is probably a waste even in Youzhou.

"I know what you are thinking, and I won't refute anything, because what she said is the truth!" Seeing the changes in the expressions of the others, Yagami Hinata said as calmly as possible while smashing her teeth and swallowing into her stomach. "I must tell you that the fleet guarding there is extremely powerful, and it is definitely not something that our combined fleet can defeat. If you think that I am defeated by the opponent, it is because my strength is too weak. Well, then, If any of you can defeat the fleet occupying the tutelary fort with your own power, I, Yagami Hinata, promise in the name of the family that I am willing to hand over the command of the fleet immediately to become her deputy and obey her orders Commander, even if she tells me to die, I won't frown!"

"So ruthless!!" After hearing Iori Hinata's oath, everyone was taken aback. They didn't expect that Iori Hinata would make such a decisive oath. It seems that the fleet guarding the tutelary mansion is really strong.And everyone couldn't help but become a little eager to move. If he could really single-handedly occupy the tutelary fort, wouldn't he have obtained massive resources and the powerful fleet of Yagami Hinata?This is simply making money!

Because Yagami Hinata made the oath in the name of his own family, and the Yagami family can be regarded as a famous family in the Youzhou star area, the other party should not insult the dignity of his family, so the credibility of this oath is still extremely high. High.

And more importantly, according to the information they got, there were indeed only a dozen warships defending the town guard mansion. If I had five or six hundred warships swarming up, it would be impossible for me to fail!
"Okay! This bet is accepted by my Tutankhamun family! I will show you, a ignorant Youzhou native, the strength of our Tutankhamun family!!!" Before everyone could speak, Bernac Shaw Tankamon took the lead in expressing his attitude excitedly.

After finishing speaking, Shaw directly cut off the communication and ended the meeting, leaving everyone looking at each other in blank dismay.


"Admiral, those four fleets have finally started to move, and we can implement the Eternal Star plan!" Seeing the four large combined fleet alliances suddenly start to move again, Alice immediately said a little nervously.

"No hurry, let's take a look again, these four fleets are not so easy to reach a cooperation plan, let's take a look!" Liu Nianfeng said very calmly, and the fact is exactly as what Liu Nianfeng said, the four fleets The fleet did not act as a whole, but one of the largest large-scale combined fleet alliances acted alone, advancing towards the tutelary fortress of the Plum Blossom Galaxy.

"Admiral, the enemy has a total of 713 warships. We are not our opponents, so hurry up and execute the Eternal Star plan!" Alice urged again.

"No... If we implement the Eternal Star plan now, the other three large combined fleet alliances may flee immediately, and the kill points I got will be gone. This is impossible!" Liu Nianfeng shook his head and said , now is not the time to use the eternal star plan.

"Then what should we do now?" Alice asked with a wry smile.

"Let the fleet attack first, but don't leave too far away from the tutelary mansion. Keep the battleships within a thousand kilometers away from the tutelary mansion. In this way, even if the battleship is blown up, the lifeboat can return to the tutelary mansion immediately, so you don't have to worry about being resurrected." The problem."

"But if the front line is so close, our guarding mansion may become the focus of the enemy's artillery, and then all the facilities of the guarding mansion will be destroyed!" Alice said worriedly.

"Don't worry, they are reluctant to attack our tutelary mansion!" Liu Nianfeng chuckled, "Their target is not us, but our tutelary mansion. If the main facilities of the tutelary mansion are destroyed, the oil depot and the tutelary mansion will be destroyed." The ammunition depot has been destroyed, where can they get fuel and ammunition, they will cherish the tutelary mansion more than we do."


"Iori Hinata, what is in your head? Why did you agree to such a bet, even if the other party has such a terrifying light cruiser. But after all, they only have 12 battleships, and more than 700 battleships swarmed up. You can win with your eyes, why do you agree to such a losing bet!" And in the starry sky far away, Li Shiqi, who watched Bernard Shaw's fleet start to attack, had a painful expression on her face. Said.

"Even you can understand this. Could it be that the admiral who stayed in the tutelary mansion couldn't understand? If she really only had the strength of 12 warships, then he would have given up the tutelary mansion and fled...with her strength Ability, it is not impossible to escape from the encirclement. After all, our hearts are not in harmony, and the first time after she gave up the tutelary mansion, the goal is to seize control of the tutelary mansion, not to waste time chasing her , She must have some unused hole cards!" Yagami Hinata said.

"Look... this Shaw, Tutankhamun will definitely be in big trouble, I promise!" Yagami Hinata said confidently.


Although Yagami Hinata's tone was extremely positive, reality slapped her across the face.

Shaw and Tutankhamun's United Fleet advanced all the way, but this time the opponent didn't seem to have the courage to go out and fight. They only dared to fight against Shaw by staying close to the tutelary fort.And until there were only two battlecruisers left in Liu Nianfeng, the trump card that Yagami Hinata had said did not appear. Shaw, Bernac Tutankhamun was already in his hands, and her vanguard fleet had even begun to land on the ships of the tutelary fort. Bridge, ready to send marines to attack the tutelary mansion and seize the core control of the tutelary mansion.

"How could this be?" Yagami Hinata trembled all over her body, which was completely different from what she had imagined.How could that terrifying opponent who had just defeated him by a ratio of 10:1 become so rubbish at this time, that he didn't even resist for two or three minutes, and was defeated by Bernard Shaw in such a powerful manner? Does the opponent really have no hole cards?

Thinking that I will recognize this Shaw Shaw Tutankhamun as the commander-in-chief and follow her command thoroughly, Yagami Hinata can't help but tremble... Such a shameful behavior, for a Youzhou native , is completely unimaginable.Yagami Hinata even thought of committing suicide to wash away her shame.

"Forget it, Yagami, you don't have to worry too much, this Shaw Bernac Tutankhamun is too naive, does she think that other people will really watch her monopolize the entire tutelary fort?" Li Shiqi said suddenly, and as if to confirm Li Shiqi's words, the other two large combined fleet alliances hiding aside suddenly started to move. The artillery fire poured on her fleet.

Shaw, Tutankhamun forgot that this was an alliance that hadn't been built yet, and that alliance meeting hadn't ended yet, and she ended it alone.

(End of this chapter)

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