girl line

Chapter 442 The Great Harvest

Chapter 442 The Great Harvest

"It's actually two pieces of peerless equipment!" Seeing the first line of equipment on the list, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help being taken aback. This Shaw actually took out two pieces of peerless equipment. Equipment, if you look closely, these two pieces of peerless equipment are actually the space-breaking mechs used by the space carrier. The mecha is gone.

However, apart from these two peerless air-breaking mechas, there is no other equipment on this list.Liu Nianfeng also knew in his heart that the price he offered for elite equipment was too low, and the other party was losing money by trading elite equipment, so unless there was no equipment to trade, he would never trade elite equipment. Take it out.And this Shaw, Tutankhamun doesn't seem to have a starship girl of the space carrier type, so these two pieces of peerless equipment are actually equipment that she can't use.

Although it is a bit painful to make a deal, it will not cause any substantial loss to her.

Of course, there are some other props on this list. Liu Nianfeng has seen some of them, and they are all dispensable props, which are not too attractive to Liu Nianfeng.The only thing that is fully attractive is about ten bottles of "Lingyou Power Oral Liquid". This "Lingyou Power Oral Liquid" is an oral liquid that can quickly restore the starship girl's psionic and psionic energy, which is equivalent to the blue medicine in the game , because it needs to use a lot of rare raw materials, so the output is not much in reality, and it needs to spend a full 100 resource points to exchange for a bottle, which is a very expensive price for any admiral, even in the game It is also very rare in it. I only got one bottle after trading for a long time before Liunianfeng, and this bottle has been given to Alice when I activated the Lingyou energy cannon just now, otherwise I might not be able to save enough to use Lingyou. What about the psionic energy and psionic energy needed by the energy cannon.

I don't know where Tutankhamun got so many "Lingyou Power Oral Liquid".

But there is no doubt that this is undoubtedly a very attractive item for Liu Nianfeng, so Liu Nianfeng nodded and said, "These two pieces of peerless equipment can be exchanged for a total of forty units of fuel or supplies. You take the props back, I don’t need them...but you can keep the ten bottles of Lingyou power oral liquid, one bottle of two units of fuel or ammunition, these things can be traded to a total of 60 units of fuel or ammunition, including me With the 72% discount I promised you earlier, I can give you a total of [-] units of fuel and ammunition."

"There are only 72 units... This is a peerless mecha. This is the equipment I got after looting two small bases. One piece only has ten units. It's too dark... We The Tutankhamun family has never sold it at such a low price!" Shaw immediately said aggrieved Tutankhamun.

"Stop! I don't accept counter-offers here. If you want to sell, you can sell it. If you don't sell it, you can leave. It's a great benefit for me to give you a [-]% discount. When others come over, you won't have this discount. If you are not satisfied, you can go straight away, I won't serve you anymore!" Liu Nianfeng frowned and said.

"Don't! Don't! I won't counter-offer... Is it okay if I don't counter-offer..." Shaw was so wronged that he was about to cry. She finally understood what capitalism is dirty, just like As the former thinker said, from the time capital was born, there was dirty blood in every pore!

"Okay, happy cooperation!" Liu Nianfeng finally showed a satisfied smile on his face. The oil and ammunition of only 72 units have been exchanged for such precious and urgently needed supplies. Liu Nianfeng is really happy.

"But 72 units is still not enough. A destroyer needs two units, a star light cruiser needs four units, a heavy cruiser needs six units, and a battleship needs ten units. I These 24 girls need at least a hundred units, which is still not enough!" But Shaw, Tutankhamun couldn't laugh at all, 72 units were not enough for her.

She finally gritted her teeth again, took out another item, looked at Liu Nian Feng pitifully and asked, "Mr. Liu Nian Feng, can you see how many units of supplies this item can be exchanged for?"

"Let me see! There is such a thing as "forced rebirth position"!!" Liu Nianfeng was taken aback by what he saw, and what Bernard Shaw handed to Liu Nianfeng was a piece called " Forced rebirth position" equipment, this item does not enhance the combat power in any way, but it has an ability that Fengjian has never seen before, that is, it can forcibly lock the rebirth point of the admiral who died within 10 kilometers. Within the range of 10 kilometers.

To put it simply, once a battleship is engaged with a fleet equipped with this equipment, unless it can escape the warship at a distance of 10 kilometers, otherwise, once it is sunk by the opponent, it will definitely be reborn in an area within 10 kilometers. Rather than being randomly reborn in any position in the galaxy as in the normal situation.

Because according to the game mechanism, only killing the admiral can get 30 kill points, and each admiral can die three times, so an admiral can provide a maximum of [-] kill points.It's just because of the random rebirth after death, so if you work hard to defeat one, you can only get ten kill points at most.

But with this device, it is different. After defeating the opponent so hard, the opponent will no longer be able to escape from his clutches. A battleship, an opponent with only a lifeboat without any weapons, can fully squeeze that hapless opponent.

With this item, killing an admiral will no longer get only 30 kill points, but it is possible to get a maximum of [-] kill points. In a sense, this is a game that surpasses everything. The most expensive and most vicious equipment.

But then again, this prop can kill the opponent, and can kill himself.The advantage is that if you can beat your opponent, if you encounter an opponent you can't beat, then this device will become a reminder for the holder, and you can only be harvested three times by the opponent pitifully, and then completely leave the game. The exam is over.

So this piece of equipment is completely a double-edged sword. If it is used well, it can make a lot of money, but if one is unlucky or lacks strength, then everything will be lost.

Originally, Shaw, Tutankhamun didn't plan to trade this piece of equipment, and she planned to rely on this piece of equipment to earn enough kill points.But now that Shaw's strength has been greatly weakened, this equipment has become extremely hot, so after much hesitation, Shaw finally took out this piece of equipment, intending to exchange it for More supplies.

"Supplies of 100 units! Including 50% ​​off!!" Liu Nianfeng's eyes lit up, and she offered a high price that even Shaw had never thought of. She thought that Liu Nianfeng would give [-] at most. The supply of a unit is coming, unexpectedly exceeding the value of all the previous trade items. It seems that this Fleeting Maple is not black-hearted to the bone!

"Okay! Thank you, Mr. Liunianfeng!" Shaw thanked Liunianfeng with joy, acting like a real fan of Liunianfeng.After bowing several times in a row, Shaw rolled his eyes and found that he should have more fuel and ammunition, so he asked again, "Excuse me, Mr. Liu Nianfeng, how many warships beside you selling?"

Emotionally, she focused on the unowned warships floating around the tutelary mansion at this time. These were originally warships of their three fleets, but now they all became the spoils of Liu Nianfeng... Although Liu Nianfeng has nothing extra at this time There is no extra space to gather these unowned battleships, but because of the deterrence of the terrifying blow just now, the surrounding starship girls don't even have the courage to acquire these unowned battleships, fearing that their rash actions will make the He became the next target of Liu Nianfeng's attack.

"These unowned battleships are also a trouble, and there may be some valuable equipment and props inside. No one dares to move them now, but when the fear dissipates, I'm afraid it's these unowned battleships... Battleships It’s nothing to feel bad about, but it’s too bad when the equipment and props inside are gone!” Shaw’s words reminded Liu Nianfeng, and after thinking about it for a while, Liu Nianfeng responded with a smile on his face. Shaw said, "Miss Tutankhamun, I have a job as a cleaner. Would you like to do it?"


"This Shaw, Tutankhamun, how did he become Liu Nianfeng's henchman!" Looking at the information about the vicinity of the tutelary mansion sent by the destroyer that entered the tutelary mansion, the two soon found out.After that Shaw completed the transaction, not only did her fleet return to its full size, with 24 warships, it even became Liu Nianfeng's henchman. Firmly aiming at the other star warships around, it looks like it is loyal to guard the tutelary mansion.

But her destroyer turned into a cleaner, cleaning up unowned warships one by one. After cleaning up more than a dozen warships, she obediently returned to the tutelary mansion, and came out after a while to continue cleaning up other unowned warships. .

This fool can see that these destroyers must be looting the equipment and props on those unowned battleships, and sending valuable equipment and props into Liunianfeng's tutelary mansion. Isn't this a diligent cleaner? .

"Hey! I can't imagine that the direct descendants of the dignified Tutankhamun family have degenerated to such a point, and went to work as cleaners for others. It's really sad!" Iori Hinata lamented, but if she knew that Liu Nianfeng had opened When the price of 24 second-tier battleships is used to hire the other party, I am afraid that Hinata Yagami will also cry and shout to work as a cleaner! !

These are 24 second-tier battleships. Yagami Hinata's own fleet only has three second-tier battleships in total. Only a fool would refuse this deal!

(End of this chapter)

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