girl line

Chapter 448

Chapter 448
"What are you going to do?" It was still Iori Hinata who was speaking, and even Iori Hinata couldn't help being a little moved by Liu Nianfeng's words this time.Earning kill points recklessly like Liu Nianfeng just now, this is a temptation that no one can refuse!

"It's easy, we can just trade as before, except that the executioner is replaced by your starship girl!" Liu Nianfeng said with narrowed eyes.

"You know that's not what I'm asking, what I'm asking is how do you plan to distribute it? Are you planning to distribute all the kill points equally?" Yagami Hinata asked the crux of the problem.

"Of course it is impossible to distribute evenly!" Liu Nianfeng immediately said firmly, "It's not that I don't want to share equally with everyone, it's just that after a battle, it is inevitable that some admirals have selfish intentions, want to preserve their own strength, and are unwilling to pay for the joint fleet." The price, or there may be some situations where they don’t obey orders and go their own way, should such a person also share the kill points equally with all of us?”

Liu Nianfeng's words aroused everyone's discussion again, but Liu Nianfeng's words definitely stood on the commanding heights of morality, so no admiral expressed any objection to Liu Nianfeng's words, they really didn't want to be compared with those admirals who paddled water rewards.

"So I decided that the kill rewards this time should be distributed in this way. First of all, all the admirals can get 10 kill points each, and if all the admirals listen to my command of Liu Nianfeng and promise to carry out the order, then You can get 10 points... these 20 points are points that everyone will have!"

"This sounds good, but we have more than 100 people here, and 20 points per person is just over 2000 points. Then you may have more than [-] points in total. Can you take the rest by yourself?"

"No, no, no! Of course I don't dare to swallow so much alone, I haven't finished my words yet!" Liu Nianfeng continued, "In order to ensure that everyone will not paddle during the battle and fight hard, so I decided to follow the results of the battle. Give bonus points...Every time you sacrifice two warships in battle, you can get ten kill points. And for every ten destroyers, or five cruisers, or two battleships and space carriers killed, It can also be exchanged for ten kill points."

"The purpose of my making this rule is very simple. It is to let everyone fight bravely, don't be stingy with your own sacrifices, and use all your fighting power so that we can occupy the tutelary mansion. Admirals think How is it!" Liu Nianfeng finally asked.

"no problem!"

"Good way! We have no objection." After hearing what Liu Nianfeng said, the admirals all felt very reasonable. You can score points by sinking a battleship, and you can also score points by sacrificing a battleship. In this way, even if Liu Nianfeng sent himself to the position where he must die Shield, that's no big deal, as long as the flagship is still there, then it is possible for him to get more points.

After all, compared with killing a destroyer, sacrificing a battleship is easier.All the admirals, estimate in your mind, if you have sunk more than ten warships and sacrificed more than ten warships in the bloody battle, then you can get about 100 kill points, plus the original 20 points for kill points, this is indeed a good deal... If you want to get 120 points for kill points by yourself, it is simply extremely difficult!

"Liu Nian Feng, then this is only 1 points, do you want to take the remaining 8000 points by yourself!" Yagami Hinata suddenly asked sharply.

"Hmph! Why are you talking so much nonsense, woman!" But this time, Liu Nianfeng didn't bother to explain to Yagami Hinata, and suddenly said with a little anger, "Yes, the remaining 8000 points are just for me. Do you have any points?" Do you have any opinions? I helped everyone get more than 120 points, so what if I can score 8000 points by myself? If you have any opinions, you can leave me, I don’t need you to join in!”

"You... you shameless villain... 2 points and you alone have 8000 points, and you are still reasonable!" Iori Hinata said not to be outdone, "Well, my sisters, Liu Nianfeng's plan is not a big deal, I, Iori Hinata can also lead everyone to do the same. At that time, everyone will fight with me to fight for the Taishan galaxy tutelage. At that time, Iori Yagami Hinata will take up to [-] points for all the points, and the remaining points will belong to everyone. Don't take too much!"

No wonder this Iori Hinata has been fighting against Liu Nianfeng. She actually wanted to take Liu Nianfeng's job and leadership, but I have to admit that Iori Hinata's behavior was indeed very successful, and soon these admirals They responded to Iori Hinata's call one after another, and it seemed that they really planned to get rid of Liu Nianfeng's call and go to get more rewards with Iori Hinata.

"Idiot!" Seeing Iori Hinata's impassioned gesture in the universe, Liu Nianfeng sneered slightly, and directly interrupted Iori Hinata's speech with the word "idiot", and then said directly "Iori Hinata, stop talking nonsense, let everyone present make the decision! If you are willing to follow her Iori Hinata, you can turn on your anti-matter engine. If you want to follow my Fleeting Maple, turn off your Antimatter engine."

"Now, let everyone use their own engines to tell me the answer!"

Liu Nianfeng said lightly, so the engines of all the battleships near the tutelary mansion began to change drastically.

Some engines were originally on, but were quickly shut down.

There are also some engines that were originally off, but turned on again.

In just a dozen seconds, the engine's closing and opening are constantly flashing in the universe like starlight, and as time goes by, there are fewer and fewer flashing engines, and finally only a few engines are still on in the entire starry sky With the light shining, most of the engines have already turned off.

Obviously, the result has been very obvious.

In fact, after about 30 seconds, all the engines that were barely running before had been turned off. Except for Yagami Hinata's own battleship, the entire starry sky was dark, and no second engine was in a state of lighting up. It was like a slap on Yagami Hinata's face fiercely, making Yagami Hinata's face instantly become as ugly as dead ashes.

"Li Shiqi? Why even you? Even you..." What made Yagami Hinata feel extremely desperate was that Li Shiqi, the deputy who thought she was on her side, turned off the engine immediately and chose to stand on the side of Fleeting Years. Maple's side.

"Sorry, although we used to be rivals and friends, but what I have to say is that the gap between you, Hinata, and Liunianfeng is still too great! No matter how cost-effective your distribution plan is, if you can't win the tutelary mansion, all that will happen. It's all empty talk. That's why I believe that Liu Nianfeng can lead us to the end!" Li Shiqi said lightly, these words can be said to be Li Shiqi's sincere words, and there is no intention of deception in it.But it also pierced Yagami Hinata's heart like a deep sharp knife, causing Yagami Hinata to completely collapse.

"I won't play anymore! I won't play with you!" Yagami Hinata, a strong woman, shed tears for the first time. She no longer had the face to stay here, and directly led her fleet away and disappeared. In this starry sky.

"Hey!" Seeing Iori Hinata's disappearing ship shadow, Liu Nianfeng said to the woman beside him with emotion, "It is important to have self-knowledge, if you don't know how capable you are, you will bear such a shame. So before you do things in the future, you must first weigh how much ability you have, otherwise you will only embarrass yourself if you say more!"

In this way, a super combined fleet alliance with a total of [-] warships gradually took shape under the organization of Liu Nianfeng, but what Liu Nianfeng didn't know was that at this moment, in the Ministry of Education of the imperial court, a The discussion about Fleeting Maple is going on intensely.


"This is a violation of the exam rules. It is necessary to revoke the results of this Liu Nianfeng, and even drive him out of the exam room, and deprive him of this exam ranking forever! This is really too much. The exam rules are a joke, blatant cheating. If such a guy is not kicked out, won't our Ministry of Education become a joke in the eyes of others?" In a huge conference room, a man in official uniform He spoke eloquently and impassionedly.

"Master Liu is right. This Fleeting Maple used the Lingyou energy cannon to score thousands of kill points before. I already wanted to say that this is a kind of cheating. Now he actually uses props to shamelessly score points." , didn’t move a single step, and actually scored more than 5000 points. I heard that this was broadcast live by the TV station, attracting tens of thousands of trillions of people to watch it at the same time. It’s like tens of millions of slaps on our faces Ah!" The other man said in the same indignation.

"Lord Liu, Lord Chen, you can't say that. Although this Liu Nianfeng is really scoring points, to be honest, I read all the rules in the exam, and Liu Nianfeng didn't violate any of these rules. Any one! You say that Liu Nianfeng is cheating, so why do you say he is cheating?" Another official retorted.

"This..." The two officials who had spoken so generously just now shut their mouths instantly. Indeed, they also didn't know which rule Liu Nianfeng had violated.

"It seems that the two adults can't be found either. From my point of view, Liu Nianfeng did not violate any rules, so he should be allowed to continue the exam, and we don't have to intervene in these matters!" The official continued.

"What made him continue the exam? Didn't you see that he is drinking a lot of fleets now, and he is going to copy the score scoring just now on Mount Tai? If he succeeds this time, wouldn't he want to score tens of thousands of points? Come out, you have to know that the last person who survives will only get a thousand kill points, don’t you think this is too much? Aren’t you afraid that this college entrance examination will become a laughing stock in the eyes of the audience?”

"What about the laughing stock?"

"Your Wang is willing to be a laughing stock, but I, Liu, am not willing to be this laughing stock. This Liu Nianfeng must be eliminated from the examination room!" Master Liu said very forcefully.

"Hahaha! This is such a big joke. Please think about it with your head, Mr. Liu. If you really remove Liu Nianfeng from the examination room like this, then our Ministry of Education will become an even bigger laughing stock." Is it? Anyway, the matter of Liu Nianfeng is already the biggest laughing stock of our Ministry of Education, no matter whether Liu Nianfeng is eliminated or not, our Ministry of Education is still a laughingstock!"

"And what's even more frightening is that if you tear up the rules and kick Liu Nianfeng out at this time, then this incident itself will become a bigger laughing stock. At that time, our Ministry of Education will become a laughing stock at both ends. I see you Liu What face does your lord have to sit down as the vice minister of the Ministry of Education!" said lord Wang viciously.

"" Liu Daqi's face was flushed red, but he finally said with a stiff neck, "Don't be alarmist here, as long as you kick Liu Nianfeng out, we will no longer be a laughing stock! This Liu Nianfeng He must be kicked out of the examination room, and he must not be allowed to continue cheating!"

"I don't agree! I object!" Mr. Wang said immediately.

"It's useless for you to object. Now the minister is recuperating at home. I am the decision maker of the Ministry of Education and the examiner of the entire exam. I have the final say. You guys should immediately contact the invigilator office and give me the scum of Liu Nianfeng from the exam room." Kick it out!" Minister Liu said extremely forcefully.

"Liu! You are abusing your power. You have no right to kick candidates out without the joint vote of several of our examiners. Don't think that I don't know the relationship between you and that Liu Zhuangtian. You just saw that Liu Zhuangtian's No.1 was taken by someone, do you want to take action for her? Let me tell you, if you don't want to succeed, I will find Mr. Shoufu right now!"

"Hmph! According to the rules of the past and present, the chief assistant is not allowed to intervene in the imperial examinations. Unless you invite His Majesty's imperial decree, you can obediently let me watch!" Minister Liu snorted coldly, and no longer cared about Mr. Wang. Stop it, and directly issue an order to the invigilator, asking them to forcibly remove Liu Nianfeng from the examination room.

(End of this chapter)

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