girl line

Chapter 450 Unexpectedly Simple

Chapter 450 Unexpectedly Simple

"The 24 hours are almost over, and soon there will be a large number of fleets from three small galaxies rushing in, everyone be on guard, this time we must earn him a few dozen kill points!" Behind a large meteorite, a fleet was secretly hiding there, and at the same time, the admiral was still thinking about how to chase down those fleets that came in.

It would be best for him to run into a fleet that lacks supplies, so that he can easily earn [-] kill points!
In fact, not only this admiral thinks so, there are more than 200 admirals in this entire meteorite area, and thousands of warships are ambushing here, and everyone intends to get it from the admirals of those unlucky small galaxies. some scores.

"Here we come!" In the admiral's radar, a white bright spot flew in from the front of the meteorite field, which was the direction from the Plum Blossom Galaxy. It seemed that this was an admiral from the Plum Blossom Galaxy.This excited the admirals who were ambushing here. When some admirals were about to go out and strangle this hapless opponent, four or five light spots appeared on the radar one after another.

"Great! The more you come, the better!" The admirals in ambush became even more excited. If there were only one or two light spots, it would not be enough for them to share. The more light spots came, the more they would gain. Big, there is nothing more exciting than this.

So when the number of light spots reached two or three hundred, these admirals were extremely excited, which meant that this wave of opponents was enough for all of us, and we didn't have to fight each other for food.

But after only a few seconds, the faces of all the admirals collapsed in an instant, because the number of light spots appearing in the radar has reached more than 600, and this number has quickly expanded to more than 1000. In the end, as many as 2000 light spots were crowded on the radar screen at the same time.The originally black radar screen was covered with a piece of light, which was as dazzling as a fluorescent tube.

"Damn! Super United Fleet Alliance! It's still a Super United Fleet Alliance with [-] warships!!!" The admirals who were in ambush were almost scared to death. They never expected that the number of warships appeared in the end. There are as many as two thousand ships of the Super United Fleet Alliance, which is twice as many as the number of warships ambushed here. Can this be a friendly game.

At the same time, since these warships can appear at the same time, in an orderly and dense manner, it is obvious that this cannot happen by accident. This is definitely a fleet that has already achieved unity and has an extremely tacit understanding! !
"Withdraw! Withdraw!" Some winking admirals immediately threw aside any ambush plans. With so many warships, they could no longer ambush them. Maybe they would be surrounded and suppressed, so they Immediately pulled his fleet away from the meteorite field.

These admirals who fled for the first time indeed made a very wise decision, because after only a dozen seconds, more than 2000 warships immediately dispersed like locusts, surrounding the entire meteorite field from all directions Get up, and surround all those admirals who hadn't figured it out in the meteorite field.

The final result is naturally self-evident. Facing a super combined fleet alliance with a unified command, the remaining less than 600 warships are no match for 600 warships.After a battle of encirclement and annihilation that could not even be called intense, all [-] warships were wiped out, and some admirals were unlucky enough to be reborn near the meteorite belt. Granted, only God knows.

All in all, this battle came very suddenly, and the encirclement and annihilation battle that ended quickly brought about 700 kill points to the fleet... But to the disappointment of the admirals in the fleet, there are certainly more than 600 warships. There are many, but there are not many supplies in the battleships. There are only about 1/4 of the supplies in a battleship. This makes the admirals who think they can seize the supplies in these battleships very unhappy.

"Didn't it mean that the supply resources of medium-sized galaxies are very rich? Why are these admirals so poor!" Some admirals thought very angrily.

"It seems that the resource consumption of the Taishan Galaxy is much faster than I expected, and it seems that the admirals of the Taishan Galaxy will soon have a headache for resource replenishment!" Liu Nianfeng thought silently in his heart. After noticing that the morale of the fleet had dropped, he immediately said happily to everyone, "Students, don't be sad. In my opinion, this is not a bad thing, but a very good thing!"

Hearing what Liu Nianfeng said, the admirals immediately pricked up their ears. How could it be a good thing that they didn't get supplies?

"Students, it can be seen from this that the admirals in the Taishan galaxy are also very short of supplies, so after we take down the tutelary fort, those admirals who lack supplies will definitely kill them with tears The points are sold to us, and everyone will earn a lot of money, wouldn't it be great!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile.

"That's right!"

"This is indeed the truth!" When everyone heard this, they immediately felt that what Liu Nianfeng said was very reasonable, and their sad thoughts suddenly became clear...Remembering that because of lack of supplies, they had to sell their bodies and In the scene of the soul, these admirals felt that they would be able to earn back what they had lost.

As a result, the morale of the entire fleet soared, and the trust in Liu Nianfeng became even higher.The entire fleet did not make any turns or detours, and directly killed the position of the Taishan galaxy's tutelary fort.

At this time, the largest combined fleet in the entire Taishan galaxy is just a combined fleet alliance of about [-] warships, so when such a super combined fleet with [-] warships appears in the universe of the Taishan galaxy At that time, the admirals of the entire Taishan galaxy were terrified. Their first reaction when they saw this combined fleet was to run away immediately, not daring to have any contact with this terrifying fleet.

And Liu Nianfeng is not interested in finding trouble with those admirals, anyway, I believe that in a short time, these admirals will take the initiative to send them to the door to let Liu Nianfeng earn kill points, why waste time and energy now to chase What about these little fish and shrimp?

In this way, the entire fleet rushed to the Taishan star tutelary mansion at the fastest speed.

And as the saying goes, good things come in pairs, when Liu Nianfeng arrived at Taishan Star Guardian Mansion, the scene at this time almost didn't make Liu Nianfeng laugh out loud.

Fleeting Maple originally estimated that when he arrived near the tutelary mansion, the local admirals in the Taishan galaxy should not have the strength to fight against the brutal AI, or the several combined fleets would hold back each other, so they could only stalemate around the Taishan tutelary mansion , Waiting for the opponent to show his flaws.

So when his fleet arrived at the tutelary mansion, the tutelary mansion should still be in a state of no stalemate.

But the reality was far beyond Liu Nianfeng's expectation. When Liu Nianfeng's fleet arrived, the area around the tutelary mansion was already in chaos. At least two thousand warships were fighting frantically around the tutelary mansion. , If you take a closer look, the two thousand warships are actually divided into five different fleets to fight.

What's even more wonderful is that the two thousand warships only look like two thousand warships. In fact, half of the two thousand warships are unowned warships, and the battleships that really maintain their combat effectiveness are only about a thousand. That's all.

"Attack! Attack immediately! Destroy them!!!" Seeing this situation, Liu Nianfeng would not delay any longer.The previous 600 warships have been easily crushed by myself. Although there are a thousand ships now, they have been smashed into a mass of 600 warships. The real resistance that can be formed may not be as good as [-] warships. There is nothing to be afraid of, just rush to eat meat.

As a result, the two thousand warships under Liu Nianfeng's command immediately frantically killed the thousand warships around the guarding mansion like tigers out of their cages.

These battleships were a little startled when they saw the battleship killed by Liu Nianfeng, but soon they made the most correct decision, which was to put down their grievances and unite temporarily to resist this large-scale team. An extremely huge fleet, otherwise none of them would be able to take the fleet away from here alive.

But a joint consensus is easy to reach, but how is it possible to reach a real union in an instant? After all, these people were still opponents who fought to the death before. Even if they are united because of a common threat, it is impossible to truly believe The opponent handed over his rear to these temporary teammates, and he also had to guard against the opponent's plot during the battle.

And more importantly, the admirals in these joint fleets did not have the courage to fight to the death and give up everything... Anyone with a discerning eye can see that a thousand warships fighting each other cannot defeat two thousand warships working together For battleships, failure has become an inevitable outcome, the only difference is whether they can survive this failure.

So while these fleets were resisting, they frantically checked the surrounding situation to see if there was any position that could break through. Leaving aside anything else, the most important thing was to escape from the mortal place of the tutelary fort.Then these admirals discovered that the opponent's encirclement was actually not tight. Around the position of XXX YYY ZZZ, there was a huge gap in the encirclement. As long as they could pass through this gap, the fleet would be able to escape.

After discovering this fact, those admirals who were close to the distance escaped from this gap immediately, and this further destroyed the battle formation and completely disturbed their own morale. The fleet tried to escape from this gap, not thinking about how to resist the opponent at all.

On the contrary, under the temptation of sacrificing battleships to get more compensation for killing points, all the starship girls under Liu Nianfeng are not afraid of life and death, and are not afraid of sacrifice. In the front, sacrificed under the enemy's artillery fire, so as to gain more benefits.

As the saying goes, those who are afraid of being stunned, those who are afraid of dying, when the number of battleships far more than themselves are desperately rushing up to die with him, the outcome of the battle is also doomed.

This super-large battle that gathered more than 3000 warships came to an end in just 30 minutes. About 800 warships were sunk by Liu Nianfeng's fleet on the spot, and more than 110 admirals were sent by Liu Nianfeng. After rebirth, less than two hundred warships escaped from the gap.

In fact, you don't need to think about it to know that this gap was intentionally left by Liu Nianfeng.

Wei San Que Yi, a military strategy left by our ancestors from ancient times, will be equally useful in the future 5000 years later.As long as the opponent is still afraid of death, this strategy will continue to work.

In this way, the Taishan Galaxy Guardian Mansion easily fell into the hands of Liu Nianfeng. This process was far easier and simpler than Liu Nianfeng imagined. Nothing, brain cells in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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