girl line

Chapter 454 Turbulent Network

Chapter 454 Turbulent Network

There is an old saying, "In this lonely and cold world, only Oupai can bring me a little warmth!".

When Liu Nianfeng woke up and looked at the white flowers in front of him with a touch of stunning cherry red Oupai, Liu Nianfeng really realized the true meaning of this old saying!The ancients do not deceive me!

But to be honest, when Liu Nianfeng found out that he had slept for a full day surrounded by Alice's Oupai, Liu Nianfeng was still a little shy, and at the same time more ashamed.

Yesterday afternoon, Liu Nianfeng took the initiative to make such a request to Alice in a state of trance. In other words, if Liu Nianfeng was in a sane state, he would not have made such a request at all.Because Liu Nianfeng knows very well that sleeping on Oupai's pillow may seem like a very romantic and wonderful thing, but in fact, it is not a kind of friendship to the person being pillowed, that is, Alice. experience.

Anyone who has slept on Opie knows how uncomfortable this position is for Alice, because Opie is pressed heavily on her head, so her breathing is greatly affected, and Alice must also Keeping this posture, you can't move and turn around at will, otherwise Liu Nianfeng's head will fall from the Opie. After a long time, Alice's shoulders will inevitably feel sore... This feeling is like a teacher You will be fined to hold the textbook with one hand, and it will be as painful as holding your foot for a whole class.

If Liu Nianfeng had to bear such a posture, Liu Nianfeng estimated that he would not be able to hold it for half an hour, and would be defeated by the pain all over his body.

Lovely Alice persisted, and she persisted for a full eight hours. It was completely dark that day, and it was already early in the morning of the next day. Liu Nianfeng woke up from her sleep and found herself lying on Alice's pillow. It took more than eight hours for Opie to fall asleep.

"Sorry!" Liu Nianfeng hurriedly moved his head away from Alice's Oupe, lovingly hugged Alice in his arms, and found that Alice had become extraordinarily haggard at this time, but seeing Liu Nianfeng wake up, still Forcibly cheered up and said, "Admiral, if you haven't slept enough, please continue to sleep with Alice on your pillow... When the admiral was in Alice's arms, Alice was very happy and happy, and felt that the whole world was in Alice's arms." In Si's arms, Alice won't be uncomfortable!"

"Nonsense...Looking at your haggard look, I'm afraid you haven't rested for a minute and a second in these eight hours!" Liu Nianfeng took Alice into his arms in turn, and gently patted Alice's cheeks. On his back, he sang slightly.

rock Me

摇到 外婆桥

shake to the sky
shake to the ground
shake to the stars
rock into my arms

Accompanied by Fleeting Maple's voice, which is definitely not sweet, but gentle enough, Alice slowly fell asleep.


Alice was asleep, but Liu Nianfeng couldn't fall asleep.It's not that he is still entangled with yesterday's failure. After experiencing Alice's Oupai therapy, Liu Nianfeng has successfully walked out of the failure, and will not be entangled in it anymore, let alone shed tears for it. Well, Liu Nianfeng simply slept too well, that's why he couldn't fall asleep.

But Liu Nianfeng didn't want to let go of Alice in his arms. After all, Alice slept with his arms around him for eight hours, so he had to sleep with his arms around Alice until the next morning!
And if this happens, Liu Nianfeng can't walk around at will, and finally can only take out his personal terminal and start browsing various information on the Internet.As a result, I don’t know if I don’t read it. I was shocked when I saw it. Almost all the news on the entire Internet was about myself, or about my fighting in the hospital examination.

Liu Nianfeng browsed through the news on the Internet very carefully, and found that the comments about himself on the Internet were divided into two different factions with distinct factions.One is the fan Liunian Feng faction who supports him, and the other is just the opposite, the Hei Liunian Feng faction who specifically blackmails him.

It can be seen that most of the netizens of the Fenliu Nianfeng Sect are netizens from the Qingzhou Star District, and of course there are some netizens from other star districts, but the number of these netizens is not estimated to be too many, accounting for only about 95% of the total. About [-]% of them, as for the Hei Liunian Maple Sect, [-]% came from other star areas except the Qingzhou star area.

The rhetoric of the Hei Liunianfeng faction is that although Liunianfeng is a man, he is extremely shameless, using his male gender advantage to seduce other women, and finally shamelessly using the bugs in the rules to score a large number of points. Only then did he get the No.1 result in the college examination.His grades are fake and obtained by cheating. He is not worthy of being a member, let alone taking part in the imperial examination.

Fan Liunianfeng faction naturally tried their best to refute this, saying that Liunianfeng did not violate any rules, all his actions were within the scope of the rules, and his results were of course in line with the rules. His No. 1 is the legitimate No.1, and those who want to officially revoke the results of Liu Nianfeng are stupid.And Liu Nianfeng is not without strength, his strength is definitely very strong, even if he doesn't score points, Liu Nianfeng can easily participate in the palace examination.

Regarding the rebuttals from the fans, the black fans immediately took out the video of Liu Nianfeng's last battle, pointing out triumphantly that Liu Nianfeng is a complete idiot and a waste, commanding more than 8000 warships, with an absolutely superior army to go The underdog with only 3000 warships was actually killed by Liu Zhuangtian with a simple beheading action, so this Fleeting Maple is definitely an idiot and a waste, and he has no ability at all. He can get the first place in the hospital test His grades depended on his cheating-like behavior of earning points, that is, Liu Nianfeng's grades for taking the exam should be cancelled.

Although for this point, the fans of Liunianfeng also tried their best to refute, and took out the record of Liunianfeng's counterattack of 300 warships, and the record of 15 warships against more than [-] warships, trying to prove that Liunianfeng's strength is absolutely Yes, but these achievements were turned a blind eye by the black fans, who just kept mocking the fans of Liu Nianfeng with the last battle.

For this, although Liu Nianfeng's fans were very angry, they couldn't find any way to refute it. After all, Liu Nianfeng lost too badly in the last battle, and there was no way to wash it away!

But if there is no way to wash it, you have to wash it, so the fans of both sides began to argue wildly on the Internet, posting bars, forums, and social media, but all places where discussions can be held. Occupying the headlines of all the media, no matter what, Liu Nianfeng has become completely famous this time, as long as he is on the Internet, only those who don't know the name Liu Nianfeng.

But one thing must be pointed out, the number of fans of the Black Liunianfeng faction is almost three times the total number of fans of Liunianfeng, plus the final irrefutable defeat, so the fans of Liunianfeng have been beaten on the Internet The army was defeated, and gradually the right to speak was completely taken over by Liu Nianfeng's black fans.And when it was almost dawn, the battle gradually came to an end. Except for some of Liu Nianfeng's fans who were still insisting on defending Liu Nianfeng, almost all social media had been occupied by black fans, and Liu Nianfeng also It has completely become a "mediocre and incompetent, relying on ingenuity to win", similar to the image of Shuhan Adou.

However, it is worth mentioning that as this debate unfolded, there was one person who made a lot of money, and this person was naturally Liu Zhuangtian.

After defeating Liu Nianfeng's 3000 warships with 8000 warships, Liu Zhuangtian appeared in front of almost everyone with the image of a peerless military god and a natural number one candidate.

Some experts even expressed their opinion that Liu Zhuantian's personal strength was already comparable to that of some general-level admirals. What Liu Zhuantian lacked was only meritorious deeds. It seems to be a matter of course to rise to a high position and become the marshal of human beings.

Faced with such a statement, even Liu Nianfeng's fans did not make any rebuttals, or they had already acquiesced in their hearts to this statement, acquiescing that Liu Zhuangtian's strength is far stronger than Liu Nianfeng's.They tried their best to argue with the black fans, just to prove that Liu Nianfeng has strength, but his strength is not as good as Liu Zhuangtian's.

"Hey!" At the moment when the day began to dim, Liu Nianfeng shut down his personal terminal a little tiredly.

To be honest, after watching this fan battle on the Internet, Lian Nianfeng was in an extremely bad mood.Although Liu Nianfeng himself admits that his strength may indeed be inferior to Liu Zhuangtian, but it is by no means as unbearable as described by black fans on the Internet. At least the strength of No.2, Liu Nianfeng thinks that he is still worthy of it.

But in fact, under the description of online black fans, Liu Nianfeng seems to have become synonymous with luck. Some black fans even said that Liu Nianfeng didn't even deserve the qualifications for the college exam, and he was the worst among all the candidates who took the exam. one.

Although such a statement is nonsense in the eyes of a discerning person, a discerning person can also judge that Liu Nianfeng's strength is at least within the range of the top ten, and he is definitely qualified to participate in the palace examination.But the vast majority of people seldom use their own heads to think about problems, they are used to being led by the nose by various comments on the Internet, otherwise the navy industry in the previous life would not be so developed and profitable.

So in general, Liu Nianfeng's reputation on the Internet has become a bit ugly now. Apart from fans and black fans, a large number of onlookers are a little unhappy with Liu Nianfeng's attitude, especially a large number of men. Liu Nianfeng even made all kinds of cynicism and criticism, who made Liu Nianfeng the only male star admiral.

As for the fans of Liu Nianfeng, they could only huddle in the corner pitifully in the end, trembling at being scolded by the black fans, and finally lost all the right to speak.

"Even to support my fans, I have to prove to everyone how far I am from Liu Zhuangtian!" Liu Nianfeng finally said with piercing eyes. So looking forward to, or so impatient.

Liu Nianfeng couldn't wait to slap all the black fans who looked down on him on the Internet.

It's just that whether this slap can be slapped, even Liu Nianfeng himself is not sure, because Liu Zhuantian's huge black shadow is always in front of Liu Nianfeng. If Liu Zhuangtian's shadow cannot be defeated, Liu Nianfeng may never Can't prove myself anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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