girl line

Chapter 458 The Test Begins From Queuing Up

Chapter 458 The Test Begins From Queuing Up

His Majesty's words immediately made the atmosphere of the whole hall much easier. It turned out that there were bodyguards to protect them!

The admiral at the colonel level is second only to the admiral at the general level, and his strength is also one of the best among the admirals, a one-in-a-million existence.Every admiral at the colonel level has the strength to easily defeat a star monster at the monster soldier level.So as long as the four colonels are suppressing it, I believe the safety factor will be greatly improved, and you don't have to worry about your life being in danger.

"However, don't put all your hopes on these four colonels. If you feel that you have their protection, you can do whatever you want. I'm going to put the ugly words to the front here, but whoever asks the colonel to rescue, or If the colonel is forced to come to the rescue, then the admiral's exam will come to an end, and you will immediately lose your qualifications for the exam, and your grades will come to an end. Don't even expect to hit the top ten qualifications!"

"Similarly, if anyone fails to protect his starship girl and the colonels die without being able to rescue them in time, then the admiral will immediately lose all his grades and be punished with zero points." His Majesty's words made everyone feel It was another sneer, but these words were basically nonsense, no admiral would joke about the life of his own starship girl.

"Finally, it is about the evaluation of the scores this time. Because it is impossible to clearly calculate the damage caused by everyone like in the virtual world, it is not easy to compare the results based on damage. And the military merit calculation of our military department The formula is a bit inappropriate for this battle, after all, many reference factors in the formula will not be included in this exam, so the calculation of the score this time is a big trouble."

"So I decided that this time, I will hand over the power of scoring and judging to all the admirals. All the admirals of our human empire who are idle in the town guard must watch your battle live broadcast, and then give each of you admirals. Take the highest score and the lowest score, and then take the average score, which is your final score!"

"I believe that all our admirals must be fair and impartial. Everyone's eyes are discerning, and they will definitely give the most fair scores!" His Majesty said lightly, "Okay, I've finished my topic, everyone. Go down and get ready. There are still 55 minutes before your departure, if you miss the time and start late, you should know the consequences!"

As His Majesty's words fell, the admirals in the hall no longer cared about their dignity, and began to run wildly outside the Forbidden City, just kidding.It takes half an hour to go back to the dormitory from the Forbidden City, and it takes another 20 minutes to go from the dormitory to Xinggang, which adds up to only 5 minutes of free time left, which is not enough!

In this way, including Liu Nianfeng and Liu Zhuangtian, they didn't dare to delay for a second and rushed out of the palace.And our emperor, His Majesty the Emperor, was looking at the back of someone who was gradually going away, and finally a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and whispered in a voice that only she could hear, "Liu Nian Feng, let me see if you are the one!" The man of prophecy!"


"Damn! Your Majesty really, why did you only give us such a short time, so I didn't comb my hair, I didn't wash my face, and I didn't even have time to change my clothes, so I ran into this battleship!" In the cockpit, Alice complained to Liu Nianfeng.Because there is no need to take the starship girl to the palace test, Alice was still at home to catch up on sleep, but was quickly awakened by Liu Nianfeng, and entered her own starship in a daze.

"Okay, there's no need to wash at home. You can also wash here. I read the target map sent to us by the military department. The star beast is about two days away from us. Now you can do it again." There is still time to go in and catch up on sleep, and I will control the battleship to move forward." Liu Nianfeng said with some love.

Although he has seen it many times, every time he appears in front of Liu Nianfeng, Liu Nianfeng can't help being seduced by this tempting thing.

"Ahem... what are you doing... Hurry up and change into your clothes..." Liu Nianfeng said with a blushing face.

"Hehe, Admiral, I heard this from Xiyue'er. She said that if she enters the Lingyou console without wearing clothes, she can improve the degree of fusion between herself and the battleship, and burst out with stronger combat power. I just want to try it, is it really like this!" Alice said with a smile, and at the same time her body was stuck to the back of Liunianfeng, and her body squeezed hard against Liunianfeng, and the pair of snow-white papayas were squeezed instantly It became two big pot helmets, so tempting that the flame in Liu Nianfeng's heart couldn't stop burning.

"Are you kidding me!" Liu Nianfeng stared at Alice with fiery eyes, "Alice, the admiral will let you know what a real man is!"

"Hee hee, stop making trouble, admiral, even if you really want people to eat you... But now is not the time, the star gate is ahead, let's go through the star gate!" Alice said with a smile, and These words also instantly extinguished the flame in Liu Nianfeng's heart.

You can't do other things while going through the stargate, or some very interesting things will happen.

It was only when Liu Nianfeng really felt the Stargate that he realized that he was wrong. He was very wrong. Not only did he have enough time for Alice to eat it once, even ten times it was enough time. Yes... the premise is that Liu Nianfeng doesn't need a lot of time to recover energy.

Under normal circumstances, unless it is some special time point, you can pass through the Stargate smoothly after waiting for about 10 minutes at most.

But this time is not a normal situation. At this time, a large number of warships are blocked in front of Liu Nianfeng. A rough count shows that there are at least a thousand warships lined up in front of Liu Nianfeng... According to the number of ships that can pass through every 10 minutes If calculated with 20 battleships, Liu Nianfeng might have to wait for 500 minutes, which is more than eight hours, to pass through the Stargate... This is indeed more than enough for Liu Nianfeng to feel refreshed ten times

The reason for this situation is very simple, because the people blocking Liu Nianfeng are all the admirals who participated in the palace examination this time.Everyone's destination is at the same location, so the best route planned by the military on the map is naturally the same route.

The admirals who set off first naturally took a step ahead, and the admirals who started a little later like Liu Nianfeng could only tragically get stuck in the middle of the team.

But after returning home, troubles arose. The originally normal Ono just happened to enter the wild cat form and ran around the whole room. It took Alice three to four minutes to catch Ono back... ...And for this race against the clock, even though it was only three or four minutes late, Liu Nianfeng could only be ranked in the middle and rear.

"Do you still have to wait for eight hours?" At this time, Liu Nianfeng's face was not good-looking. The itinerary along the way was very tortuous. It took a full 17 interstellar gates to reach the final destination. .

Although it is not necessary to queue for eight hours for each stargate, in theory, as long as you queue for eight hours at the first stargate, other stargates can pass through smoothly and quickly... But this is just a theory. If there is a little change along the way, it may lead to a queue at the next Stargate. Maybe when the final destination is reached, it will be worse than the first admiral who arrived. It takes a full dozen hours at night, or even a day and a night.

If this is the case, don't even think about the champion of Liu Nianfeng. Maybe this day and night will be enough for those admirals who arrived earlier to directly kill this monster-level star beast That's it... Even if the Xingchen Beast didn't die after Liunianfeng arrived, at least half of its blood would be knocked out. If this was the case, it would definitely be impossible for the champion to fall on Liunianfeng's head.

Therefore, the time of departure is very critical and important. If you can't arrive at the battlefield within the first one or two hours, Liu Nianfeng's position as the number one scholar may be in danger.

"Our Emperor's Majesty is really powerful... He set up a big game for us from the very beginning!!!" Liu Nianfeng looked at the standard map issued by the military department in his hand and smiled wryly. Guessing that the admirals will block the position of the Stargate, then His Majesty the Emperor is no longer His Majesty the Emperor. The test of the palace test has really begun from now on.

The first question of the test is to reach the battlefield in the fastest time when the stargate is blocked.

(End of this chapter)

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