girl line

Chapter 465 The Shadow of Victory

Chapter 465 The Shadow of Victory
After Liu Zhuangtian arrived, the rest of the admirals arrived one after another, and after another four hours or so, the number of admirals who arrived had reached about 50 people, and more than 1000 warships surrounded this hapless star. The alien beasts bombarded wildly.The battle has become no suspense at all. Human victory is inevitable, and this star beast will undoubtedly die. The only difference is how long this star beast can last, and whether it can last until the last admiral arrives. battlefield.

At this time, the star beast has lost more than 50% of its body and blood volume. From this point of view, it is estimated that the star beast will last less than eight hours. Say, it's really bad news.

It is precisely because of this insight that the admirals present have become a little more relaxed from the previous tension. After all, this star beast is already a dead thing, and victory will be an inevitable result, so relaxation will naturally be inevitable. And that's it.

And as the mentality relaxed, some admirals inevitably made some very low-level mistakes, although they were harmless, they did not cause serious consequences!Anyway, the overall situation is extremely optimistic.

"Hey, I don't think there's any need for us to come here! These little guys are all strong enough to handle it!" Even the four colonel-level admirals who were in charge of the rescue at this time talked about it very optimistically.

"Which admiral do you think will be No. 1 this time?" A colonel asked curiously.

"I don't know which one it is, but it should be one of those two!" Colonel Yimaar smiled and said, "I am more inclined to trainee Fleeting Maple, after all, he arrived eight hours earlier, and he was perfect." Commanded the most difficult early stage battle, I think he is more suitable for the No.1 position!"

"I don't think so!" Another colonel shook his head and said, "If there is no doubt about who will arrive first in the competition, then there is no doubt that it will be the student Liu Nianfeng. But the champion tests the comprehensive strength in all aspects such as combat skills and command ability. From On this point, I am still more inclined towards student Liu Zhuantian. Although student Liu Zhuantian arrived eight hours late, the combat ability she showed during these four hours is still much stronger than that of student Liu Nianfeng, or It is said that her ability is more than one level higher than Liu Nianfeng's student. To be honest, the four of us present may not be able to beat this junior. When it comes to strength, Liu Zhuangtian's champion is worthy of the name of!"

"I also think it's student Liu Zhuangtian!"

"I agree too!"

The four colonel-level admirals expressed their opinions one after another. As a result, except for Yimaer, the other three actually voted for Liu Zhuangtian... Although this is only the opinion of the four admirals, from the views of the four admirals However, I can detect the views of most of the admirals.

As for the three admirals who voted for Liu Zhuantian, is it because they really appreciate Liu Zhuantian's personal strength, or because they are afraid of Liu Zhuantian's strong family background, or because they are concerned about the gender of Liu Nianfeng? If there is dissatisfaction, then it is unknown.

All in all, the entire battlefield is now in a very cheerful atmosphere. Whether it is the admiral who is fighting or the colonel in charge of protection, they all feel that the battle is stable and there will be no great danger With the occurrence of accidents, it can be said that everyone's vigilance has been lowered.


"As expected, there is still a huge gap in strength between Liu Zhuantian and I!" At this moment, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help sighing like this.

In the four hours of battle just now, Liu Nianfeng only devoted half of his energy to the battle command, and the other half of his energy was devoted to Liu Zhuangtian's battle.Then even Liu Nianfeng had to admit that he was still far behind Liu Zhuangtian, and his strength was really not as good as this terrifying woman.

"Looking at the current situation, although I have gained an advantage of eight hours, anyone with a discerning eye can see the gap in strength between me and Liu Zhuangtian. If I don't want to make some eye-catching performances again, I'm afraid this time The No. [-] Scholar is on the line!" Liu Nianfeng also felt the uncertainty of his No. [-] Scholar position, and felt that it was necessary for him to obtain some amazing military exploits to ensure his No. [-] Scholar position.

If it is a normal battle, it is not easy to do something amazing, so Liu Nianfeng decided to allocate most of his energy to read the fat left. This is the information of this star beast, take a look Can there be any gains that can make myself make the first contribution.

Feiyi is a star-like beast with a length similar to a bird, and this beast is called the omen of the legendary drought demon in the Chinese Shan Hai Jing, because once the fat remains appears, it means that the drought demon will also die. It is about to appear, and with the appearance of the drought, it means that a large-scale drought is about to come.

For the ancients in China, it is obviously not a good sign to see the fat left, and the fat left is also very scary.

The Fat Remains of the Star Alien Beast in front of him has one head, two bodies, six legs and four wings. Its face is like a face-changing mask in Sichuan opera, and there are four ears like rabbit ears growing on both sides of its head.

It looked terribly scary, but there was also an amusing sense of humor.

This Fat Yi is one of the very common star beasts. Human beings kill one or two Fat Yi almost every year, so humans have a very thorough grasp of Fei Yi. Almost all the weaknesses and advantages of Fei Yi are written in the information. Clearly, even its fighting style is clearly written.It is precisely because of this that Liu Nianfeng was able to fight Fei Yi for about eight hours with only hundreds of warships, and it was because he had already understood Fei Yi very clearly through the materials.

According to the records, Feiyi's advantage lies in its huge power and the inverse electronic ghost storm flapping its four wings. Great danger to speak of.

Moreover, Feiyi is not the kind that becomes more difficult to deal with as the blood remains, or some kind of supernatural beast that will disintegrate the demon, or some self-exposed star beast. The period when Feiyi is really difficult to deal with is its heyday. The weaker it gets, the easier it is to deal with.

Liu Nianfeng spent half an hour going through almost all the information about Feiyi in his hand, and then had to admit that this Feiyi is indeed an ordinary one that cannot be more ordinary, and it has also been thoroughly studied by humans. As a star-studded beast, Liu Nianfeng really couldn't find a place where he could do amazing things.

Although this made Liu Nianfeng very disappointed, it didn't make Liu Nianfeng give up. Although the official combat materials released by the officials were not useful, there were still some official materials that were not included in the official materials, but were added as appendices. At the back of the material, Liu Nianfeng didn't read some information.

Most of these materials are battle reports handed in by the admirals after the battle with Feiyi. They are used to describe and record in detail the process of his battle with Feiyi. Liu Nianfeng thinks that there may be some useful information in it. The place.

But what made Liu Nianfeng feel desperate very quickly was that the number of these battle reports was too many, there were as many as 10,000+ copies. If Liu Nianfeng wanted to read these battle reports, I am afraid it would not take a few months Time is impossible.

"Forget it! Let it be fate!" Just when Liu Nianfeng was about to give up making a big news, a report in this appendix suddenly aroused Liu Nianfeng's strong interest.

Because it is different from the name of the "Commitment Report on the Battle of the Admiral of the XX Star Guardian's Mansion on XX, XX, XX, XX" with the same title, the name of this report is "About the battle between the Tianche star's tutelary mansion and Fei Yi on December 6052, 13. related review.

You can tell from the name that this report is actually a review, and the review is about the battle with Fei Yi, which made Liu Nianfeng curious.

You must know that the review book usually needs to be written after the defeat in the battle, and the Fei Yi has been thoroughly studied by humans, and the battle against the Fei Yi has rarely failed. How could there be a review book?
So Liu Nianfeng accidentally clicked on the review book, read the contents of the review book completely, and then frowned.

This review book comes from the admiral of the Tianche star's tutelary mansion, and he is also a lieutenant colonel-level admiral... Don't underestimate the admiral of this level, this is a military rank that can command hundreds of tutelary mansions, and can climb The admirals in this position are all guys who can stand on their own, and their strength should not be underestimated.

And this admiral, whose strength should not be underestimated, made an extremely profound review in the review... There is nothing to do if it is not profound. According to the statement in the review, he mobilized a total of 12 admirals, 1000 remnants of more than two hundred warships.

In the end, the battle failed. Nine admirals, more than 800 starship girls, and more than 1200 warships remained on the battlefield forever, becoming a lonely soul in the universe... It is no wonder that this The admiral is going to write a special review.

Seeing this, Liu Nianfeng became extremely curious. Against such a familiar opponent as Fei Yi, defeating the battle is already unbelievable. More than 800% of the warships were lost, and even the lives of nine admirals and more than [-] starship girls were lost. That is an extremely incredible behavior. What happened in this battle?Will it cause such a cruel loss that is close to annihilation of the entire army?
Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng couldn't wait to read the entire review from beginning to end, and after reading it, Liu Nianfeng immediately connected to the dedicated network of the military department, quickly entered a paragraph of text to search, and then the whole person He started sweating, and in just a few seconds, a snow-white shirt was completely soaked by Liu Nianfeng's cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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