girl line

Chapter 470

Chapter 470
"I agree with Liunianfeng's opinion. I think we should organize a retreat and not repeat the tragedy of 1000 years ago!" After Su Boqi lost his voice, Colonel Yimar spoke for the second time.As soon as these words were spoken, Su Bo glared at Emaar, as if asking Emaar why he betrayed him.

When he heard that Yimaer agreed to retreat, Liu Nianfeng's face suddenly became happy, and he put more expectant eyes on the other two admirals, and the two admirals instantly sat on the wax, and Su Bo and Yima who had a firm stand Unlike you, the two admirals did not have a clear position of their own.

From the heart, they are more inclined to Su Bo's opinion.But thinking of Liu Nianfeng's words that will be remembered for thousands of years and will always be engraved on the pillar of shame in history, they immediately lost the courage to answer, so Liu Nianfeng waited for a full two minutes, and the two admirals remained silent and did not do anything. make up your own mind.

"Silence means abstention! Now the total voting result is 1:1, the voting result is invalid, and the status quo will remain!" Seeing that the other two admirals remained silent, Su Bo, who finally got over his anger, immediately jumped up and shouted, arrogantly announcing the final voting results.

Su Bo's words are indeed correct. In the case of 1:1, the voting result is meaningless, so the status quo can only be maintained without any changes.

"Admiral Su Bo, I hope you can still have the courage to live after making this decision, and face the accusations of countless parents who sacrificed their daughters, you can still survive!" Liu Nianfeng was disappointed, and his eyes were full of resentment towards Su Bo. channel.

"Hmph, you can't see this day anymore!" Su Bo laughed happily, "Student Liu Nianfeng, don't you want to retreat? I think you can leave now, you can pass through the Bollard star gate now." Leave, I will satisfy your desire to retreat!"

Su Bo's cheerful tone was like a village woman who seemed to have won an afternoon of cursing with the three aunts and six women next door. She was so complacent and proud!
"Hey, the audience who are watching the live broadcast in front of the TV. You all have seen that I, Liu Nianfeng, cannot get the support of the seniors. I, Liu Nianfeng, can also leave and return to a safe place, don't worry I saw the tragic scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere."

"But I, Liu Nianfeng, can't do it. I, Liu Nianfeng, can't write poems. More than 100 sisters turned into the humblest dust in the universe under the attack of Hanba. I'm sorry, audience friends, I, Liu Nianfeng, can only write poems today. Can violate the laws of the empire, violate the norms that an admiral should abide by, and do some excessive things."

"But I, Liu Nianfeng, will never regret it. For the lives of these more than 100 sisters, even if I, Liu Nianfeng, stand on the guillotine tomorrow, I will be worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth!" Liu Nianfeng turned around and faced the camera crew behind him Said decisively.

At the same time, Liu Nianfeng's speech spread through the quantum network to every audience who was watching the live broadcast of Qianqiu TV in front of the TV or the Internet.

Many viewers are still at a loss until now, and they don't know what happened at all. Why did Liu Nianfeng say such words that sounded inexplicable, as if he was going to rebel.

You must know that they were watching the fierce battle with Fat Yi, but without any warning, the TV station directly shifted to a video projection conference scene. The man in it was known to every viewer, and he was their favorite Fleeting Maple. .As for the four admirals on the other side of the meeting, the audience was at a loss as to what was going on.

Later, with the development of the dialogue, the audience gradually realized that these four admirals were the four colonel-level admirals who were in charge of protecting the entire battle this time, and they were also Liu Nianfeng's when they saw that Liu Nianfeng was so staunch When Liu Nianfeng confronted his boss Su Bo with his attitude, the audience was very puzzled. They didn't even know why Liu Nianfeng went crazy to confront his boss.

As for Liu Nianfeng's last words, and the last sentence "Even if I, Liu Nianfeng, stand on the guillotine tomorrow, I will be worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth", which made the audience confused. Does Liu Nianfeng still want to rebel?

"Hey! Xueluo, it's me!" Just as the audience was puzzled by this, Liu Nianfeng dialed another communication in front of the four colonels and admirals, blocking all the audience watching the live broadcast.

It's just that the image of the other party did not appear on the other end of the communication, but a somewhat weak voice responded to Liu Nianfeng's contact.

"Report to Commander, the three of Xueluo have arrived at the predetermined location and have completed all the preparations. Commander, please give me an order!" It can be heard that the girl named Xueluo was actually very unconfident when she spoke, and the entire conversation was in the middle of I couldn't help shivering, as if my whole body was full of fear.

But even in this state, Xueluo finished his words verbatim.

"Xueluo, I'm sorry for you, let's act according to the plan!" Liu Nianfeng sighed.

"Yes! Commander!" Xueluo over there also took a deep breath, and finally no longer hesitated.

"Liu Nianfeng! What are you trying to do? Don't be stupid!" Emaar suddenly reacted, and shouted at Liu Nianfeng, his eyes widened immediately, and the eyeballs almost rolled out of their sockets.

"Trust me! Master Yimaer, you will thank me for the stupid thing I did!" Liu Nianfeng said with a silly smile.


"The commander's order has been issued, let's act separately!" After finishing the communication with Liu Nianfeng, Xueluo took a deep breath and said to Om Shaleton and Jialu Sonas.

"Understood!" The two replied at the same time.

"I think I must be crazy! How could I do such a thing!" Ohm Shaleton said with a wry smile as he thought of what he was going to do next.

"That's right! If the commander's guess is wrong, the future of the three of us will probably be ruined!" Jialu Sonas said with a wry smile.

"It's not just that, even if Commander Liu Nianfeng takes full responsibility at that time, I'm afraid we can't escape the responsibility. The best ending is to be sent to some mineral planet to dig mines for decades!" Ohm Shalai Paused.

"That is indeed the best ending! It's better than death!" Jialu Sonas laughed harder. "If we can save our lives, it will be the end of God's grace!"

"However, there is an ending that is certain." Xueluo tried hard to calm down his heart, and made a smile that was not happy. "After we finish this matter, we are destined to be famous forever. As for the left Whether it is a bad name or a good name, only God knows!"


"Old Wang, how many admirals are still waiting in line!" In the core control room of Bollard Stargate, the station master of Bollard Stargate asked his deputy beside him.

"There's still about a half!" The deputy rubbed his sore shoulders, "It's rare for us to have two or three warships pass through the Bollard Stargate a day. When did so many warships pass by? And they are all admirals. The battleship is coming!"

"Yeah, I used to complain that it was too deserted and boring, and I wished more warships came. In the end, so many warships really came, and my old arms and legs couldn't take it anymore!" A man in his middle age The station master said with a wry smile, "It's been six hours, and there are still admirals queuing up. I just watched the live broadcast of National Central Television, and the unlucky star beast has no more than 10% of its blood. The admirals lining up couldn’t even touch their tails!”

"Hey, these admirals are also pitiful. It's a pity that they have cut off their future because of queuing before they can show their skills!" The deputy station chief Lao Wang praised, and then said, "Okay, this wave of fleets will be dispatched soon." It’s almost time to pass through the Stargate, let’s prepare quickly, so as not to delay the queue on the other side!”

"Wait... You said that this wave of fleet hasn't arrived yet?" The station master's voice was a little surprised.

"That's right! This fleet is still shuttling through the Stargate. That's right. Is there any problem?" Old Wang asked strangely.

"Then what is this fleet in front of us doing?" The station master's voice trembled, and Lao Wang looked out of the glass curtain wall curiously, and then found that there were more than 20 warships gathered in the interstellar space in front of him. outside the door.

"These little bastards, have you forgotten the most basic rules? This is the main channel to pass through. After leaving the Stargate, you should leave immediately. Why are you stuck here instead? These admirals have all learned in school. Can you return the things to the teacher?" The station master still didn't understand what happened, thinking it was just that some admirals made a mistake and accidentally drove the battleship outside the core control room of the Stargate.

So the station master immediately connected to the communication of this fleet, and then said righteously, very unhappy, "This admiral, you have gone on the wrong course, please leave immediately, leave immediately, otherwise you will be killed in "Interstellar" You will be punished by the Gate Management Regulations, and you will be severely punished!"

The station master thought that the lost fleet would obediently leave after he made the broadcast.

But what the stationmaster never expected was that after the broadcast was sent out, the fleet did not leave. Instead, all the warships were turning their muzzles. The last warship had hundreds of muzzles aimed at it. The poor core control room of Stargate.

You know, although this is as huge as the Stargate, the core control room is not that big, at most it is about the size of an office building in the previous life... Such a small core control room is not even as large as a main cannon shell of a battleship. Nothing compares in size.

In other words, it only takes a small cannonball to destroy the entire core control room, and everyone in the core control room can never hope to survive.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to rebel? This is a crime that needs to be shot!!!" The station master lost his voice completely, completely unclear about what happened, why he was suddenly targeted by his own cannons Oh...he has worked in the Stargate business for decades, but he has never heard of a situation where the Stargate was aimed at by his own guns!

"Sorry! There is an accident on the battlefield ahead, and I announce that we will temporarily take over the Stargate!" A somewhat icy voice was transmitted to the core control room through communication, "Please complete the following operations. First, immediately close the two-way channel of the Stargate , refusing the arrival of the fleet on the other side through the stargate."

"Second, after closing the two-way channel of the Stargate, immediately increase the single-phase output power, operate the output power of the Stargate to the limit, and at the same time expand the channel size of the Stargate to the limit, and at least maintain this Limit power for more than 30 minutes!"

"Third, lift the restrictions on the passage of the Stargate, and do not allow any measures to limit the number and speed of warships passing through the Stargate, so that all warships can freely pass through the Stargate!!!"

"The order has been issued, please execute it immediately!" After the other party stated the three orders coldly, he said extremely forcefully.

"What the hell order are you guys doing? You're messing around! This is an order from the bastards!" The station master said in a rage, ignoring the threat from the cannon at this time, "You lunatics, you actually want me to last 30 minutes at the limit power , are you trying to completely destroy the Boda Stargate?"

"After 30 minutes, the entire wormhole will completely collapse because it can't bear such a huge energy. We will lose the Burrard Stargate forever. You crazy people, you are really crazy!"

"I don't want to listen to such nonsense, so I'll ask you, do you want to do it?" The other party asked coldly.

"I won't do it! Let me destroy my door with my own hands, and I won't do it!" The station master said extremely forcefully.

"Okay, target XXX YYY ZZZ fire!" The other party didn't seem to be interested in any nonsense, and directly issued an order that terrified the station master, and then more than 20 warships fired at the same time, and the shells violently hit the Burrard interstellar At a certain position of the door, the entire Bollard Stargate began to tremble violently under the influence of the explosion power, and the staff in the core control room were even knocked to the ground, and some people's heads hit some sharp objects. The thing, immediately bleed profusely.

"Report! The storage area has been attacked, the antimatter energy has begun to leak, the power of the interstellar engine has begun to change drastically, and the interstellar gate is running towards an unstable state, causing the impact to be unpredictable... In addition, three staff members have lost contact. !” Soon the loss report was carried directly to the core control room, scaring the stationmaster who was still extremely tough just now into a cold sweat, and he was no longer tough at all.

"The last time was in the storage area. If you don't meet our requirements, then my next shell will fall near the engine room. The engine that is out of control can also accelerate the power of the Stargate to the limit power. But the casualties at the Stargate are going to be extremely heavy! This station master, you don’t want to see your subordinates who have been with you for so many years die in the Stargate like this!” The other party’s voice became even more ruthless.

"Don't! Don't! I'll do it! I'll do anything!" The station master completely gave up all resistance, his face was covered in tears, and he sat down weakly, nodding as if he had lost his soul.

(End of this chapter)

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