girl line

Chapter 490

Chapter 490
"Where am I?" When Liu Nianfeng slowly opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a clean bed, bright sunlight came in from the window, and he could still hear birds chirping. Voice, this is obviously not a scene on a battleship. Could it be that Liu Nianfeng has returned to the planet?

"Are you awake? Come, have some soup!" At this moment, a tall girl walked in with a bowl of steaming hot and fragrant soup. His face was startled, and he exclaimed in surprise, "Master Haifeng!!!"

"So you still remember me, I thought our hero had forgotten me as a master long ago!" Hearing Liu Nianfeng call out this name, Gaifeng smiled slightly.That's right, this is the titled warrior Ji Gaifeng who once fought side by side with Liu Nianfeng.

Before Liunianfeng had time to write, a mouthful of thick soup was forcefully poured into Liunianfeng's mouth by Gaifeng... To be honest, Gaifeng is really not a woman who can take care of others. Clothes and bedding were half wet.

Embarrassed, Gaifeng put the soup down again, and picked up a piece of cloth to wipe Liu Nianfeng's body... It's just that the shape of the cloth looks so triangular, and the hollow lace on the edge of the cloth looks a little tempting What about the smell... Is this really a dishcloth?

"This dishcloth..." Liu Nianfeng pointed at the dishcloth in embarrassment, embarrassed to say the following words.

"What's wrong, my dishcloth is not worthy of you as a hero!" Gaifeng muttered unhappily, and then directly covered Liunianfeng's face with this dishcloth, and gave Liunianfeng the soup on his face Wipe it away? It made Liu Nianfeng's face flushed, and he didn't know what expression to make.

And it was only at this time that Haifeng looked at the rag in his hand, and then threw the rag out of his hand as if he had touched a hot potato. His face was ashamed like a monkey's butt. Her title Zhan Ji escaped from Liu Nian Feng's room in such a panic.

"This guy, at least let's clean up this mess!" Liu Nianfeng said with a wry smile, but at this time, Liu Nianfeng's body had almost returned to normal, so he got up from the bed, found a bathrobe and put it on. Feeling a little hungry in his stomach, he drank the thick soup that Gale had sprinkled half on the table.

It's strange to say that although Haifeng doesn't know how to take care of people, the soup is very good, and the taste is quite good. It is the most delicious soup that Liu Nianfeng has ever tasted.

"Hero, are you okay? I'll help you!" Just as Liu Nianfeng was curious, a girl like the wind rushed in, and immediately began to help Liu Nianfeng clean up the mess.

Not to mention, this girl's hands and feet were quite nimble, and she cleaned up the room that was messed up by the gust of wind in the blink of an eye, and finally sprayed some light perfume on it, filling the whole room with a delicate fragrance.

"That...beautiful lady, who are you?" Liu Nianfeng didn't find a chance to ask until the girl was busy.

"Ah!" The girl was taken aback by Liu Nianfeng's words, and when she saw Liu Nianfeng's face, she was sweating all over with excitement, and spoke incoherently, "My from here...Mo Sang... Waiter... I am the waiter here!"

Well, even though the words in this passage were reversed, Liu Nianfeng still reacted.The girl's name is Mo Sang, and she is the waiter here, so there is probably nothing wrong with her meaning.

"Are you the waiter here? Then where is this place?" Liu Nianfeng asked again.

"Guest house... this is... this is... the guest house of Yanghaoxing Guardian Mansion..." The girl finally pronounced the name intermittently.

"This is the guest house? In other words, this is the territory of the tutelary mansion!" Liu Nianfeng's heart moved. The name of the guest house had already disappeared in the long river of history, but with the appearance of the tutelary mansion, the guest house reappeared .

To put it simply, the guest house is a place inside the tutelary mansion that is closed to the public and is specially used to entertain visiting admirals, guests, starship girls and other outsiders who come to the office.In order to express the simplicity and non-extravagance of the tutelary mansion as much as possible, the guest house was chosen as a very simple-sounding name.

"Well, this is the guest house of Yanghaoxing Guardian Mansion. I am the waiter here. My name is Mo Sang. I was specially arranged by the admiral to take care of you, the hero!" The girl's sentence finally calmed down, but the excitement in her words And admiration, but it can't be concealed no matter what.

"Why do you call me that? When did I have such a title!" Liu Nianfeng asked curiously. When the girl entered the door, she called herself a big hero, which made Liu Nianfeng extremely curious.

"Because... because..." The girl suddenly became a little incoherent again. Before she could finish her sentence for a long time, she heard another voice that had recovered her composure and said, "Because you are a great hero. Now who in the entire human empire is incoherent?" I know your Liu Nianfeng's name. You are already a hero in everyone's hearts!"

Gale's tone sounds very plain, but there is a strong sour smell in it, which can be smelled clearly even a few kilometers away.

"How did I become a great hero?" Liu Nianfeng said with a wry smile.

"Yes, a person who surpassed the experienced colonel-level admiral and discovered the arrival of Hanba in advance based on a little clue."

"A person who resisted all opinions, resisted the doubts of his superiors, and constantly suggested that his superiors issue retreat orders, and even took the risk of rebellion to order the bombardment of the Stargate, so as to let the Stargate enter the maximum power state in advance."

"A person who single-handedly saved the entire imperial examination, saved the lives of 90 admirals and more than 2000 starship girls, as well as 10,000+ staff members, and saved the harmony and happiness of millions of families."

"At a critical moment, I figured out to use the air-breaking mech to escape, and saved the four colonel-level admirals and countless compatriots who were left behind."

"A person who, at the last critical moment, sacrificed himself, forcibly closed the interstellar gate with his own body, faced the terrifying Hanba alone, and miraculously escaped from Hanba's hands!"

"If this person is not a great hero, there are not many people in the entire human empire who are worthy of the title of a great hero!"

This series of parallel sentences is magnificent, logical, full of emotion, and a touch of humor. Even Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but feel that he is indeed a great hero when he heard it.

Of course, such words are obviously not what Haifeng, the taciturn titled war girl, can say. It is another woman who came in with Haifeng.

This is a middle-aged woman, who looks about 35 years old, but according to the life expectancy of an admiral who is over 150 years old and the advanced technology of modern technology, the actual age of this woman is a mystery, even if there is a 50-year-old There's nothing surprising left or right.

"You are the senior admiral of Yanghaoxing's guardian mansion, my junior Liu Nianfeng pays respects to senior!" Even if Liu Nianfeng has no sharp eyesight, he can tell that the woman who came in with Gaifeng is the girl of this guardian mansion, and immediately stands at attention and salutes road.

"Don't! Don't! My three nieces survived because of your kindness. If I accept your gift, they will scold me to death!" Feng put his raised hand down, and then said with a smile on his face, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Han Mengyu, and I am the admiral of Yanghao Star Guarding Mansion. You can just treat me as your elder here." If you need anything, just tell Mo Sang, and Mo Sang will get it for you!"

"Thank you, senior!" Liu Nianfeng thanked quickly, and then a wry smile appeared on his face, "But senior, rather than saying what I lack now, I want to know more, how did I appear here with you! I remember that I was not in Are you unconscious in the starry sky?"

"Don't ask me about this! Ask your good friend Yasuo Zhanji!" Han Mengyu pushed Haifeng's shoulder, and Haifeng probably remembered the rag that wiped his face just now, and said with a blushing face, "This is actually not enough. Ask yourself, I was on a mission in the starry sky, and suddenly I received a distress signal. Following the distress signal, I found a medical cabin floating in the universe. I took the medical cabin in my hand and took a look. , it turned out that it was you, a great hero!"

"Because I'm performing a mission on the Goat's Hand, and I won't be able to get away for a while, so I sent you to the Goat's Hand first!" Gaifeng explained.

"So that's how it is!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, "Did you find me beside the wormhole?"

"What wormhole?" Gaifeng shrugged his shoulders. There are no wormholes near your position. Even the closest stargate to you is three light-days away. To pick you up, it took a full six days of sailing!

"What! You sailed for six days to pick me up. Doesn't that mean that I have been in a coma for more than six days this time?"

"To be precise, you have been in a coma for 19 days! You have lived in my tutelary mansion for 6 days. You don't know how many people want to rush into my tutelary mansion these days to take a look , and made the daily operation of my tutelary mansion somewhat paralyzed!" Han Mengyu laughed.

"I've been in a coma for 19 days... What about my starship girls? How are they? Are they okay?" Liu Nianfeng immediately thought of Alice and the others, and immediately asked anxiously.

"When everyone thought you were dead in the first 12 days, I don't know if they cried to death. But now they should be relieved. Don't worry, they have boarded the passenger ship and are heading to me. If they had set off seven days ago when they received the news that you were still alive, they would arrive in one or two days now!" Han Mengyu said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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