girl line

Chapter 497

Chapter 497

"Liu Nian Feng has been arrested!"

"The hero Liu Nianfeng didn't go to recuperate, but was arrested by the military." Such news quickly spread to everyone's ears with the live broadcast of Qianqiu TV.

And such an explosive news, so that the audience who watched the news for the first time couldn't wait to convey this explosive news to their relatives and friends, so that only one hour later, the entire Qingzhou star Everyone in the district learned the news that made people feel extremely angry.

As the source of the news, Qianqiu TV's broadcast signal only played for about 15 minutes, and the entire picture of Qianqiu TV station was blurred. According to those netizens who live near the headquarters of Qianqiu TV station, at least there are Thousands of police officers rushed into Qianqiu TV station, arrested all the staff of Qianqiu TV station, and added a photo of the police rushing into the building.

Although the Qianqiu TV station's signal was blocked by the authorities, the situation on the Internet is rapidly fermenting.As the news broke out, countless netizens on the Internet began to yell violently, and directly pointed their finger at the military department, saying that the military department is a fool who doesn't know right from wrong. The current commander-in-chief of the military department, Marshal Chen, they They are all beasts that are not as good as pigs and dogs. They actually arrested a great human hero like Liu Nianfeng. The world has already fallen into terror.

At the same time, those fans of Liu Nianfeng also started to act.

After learning that Liu Nianfeng, whom they regarded as a superhero, was innocently arrested, these fans immediately dominated the headlines of all social media, and their crazy @网络大V occupied almost every popular homepage. Frantically refreshing everything about Fleeting Maple.

According to incomplete statistics, the popularity of the entire Internet has increased by about [-]% in an instant, and almost all the topics are about Fleeting Maple. Knowing this news, a huge wave is fermenting on the Internet and among the people.


So at this time, what is the situation of the military headquarters, which is the focus of all the storms?

In fact, the current military department is also in a state of desperation. The people in the military department have never imagined how the news would suddenly spread under such a tight blockade, and it was spread quickly through the TV station. Completely caught the military by surprise.

Especially when it was found that the public opinion on the Internet was raging, and almost all ordinary people were pointing their heads at the military department and yelling, the people in the military department naturally jumped their feet in a hurry!
"Bastard, who is the master of that Qianqiu TV station, who dared to reveal our secrets, arrest me, arrest me in the name of violating the secrecy law!" The admiral who was praised as wise before, now He was so angry that he jumped around in his office and yelled at his secretary.

"My lord general, calm down... We have actually arrested the master of Qianqiu TV!" The secretary said with a wry smile.

"Really? Then your actions are not bad!" The admiral finally looked a little better when he heard this. It seems that the people below are not good at handling things.

"That... the major shareholder of Qianqiu TV is Liunianfeng... Qianqiu TV is the TV station controlled by Liunianfeng!" Although he knew that he would be scolded if he told this fact, but he couldn't do it if he didn't say it, so the secretary could only He said with a stiff neck.

"What!" Sure enough, when he heard the news, the general almost smashed the table in front of him into two pieces, "Why didn't you report such important news? Why didn't you remind me of such important information earlier! If I knew that the TV station was owned by Liu Nianfeng, I would have blocked it together!!!"

"It was you who said that before the trial results came out, don't startle the snake and arouse other people's suspicions... So... I just... I just... I didn't touch Liu Nianfeng's TV station!" The secretary sat trembling in the corner, weak said weakly.

"..." The general was also silent for a while, because she was indeed the one who gave the order.

"Immediately pass my order to let those guys from the Internet Supervision and Management Department immediately issue me a network-wide surveillance order, immediately delete and block all topics and discussions related to Liu Nianfeng, and cancel all discussions about Liu Nianfeng. account number, after three hours, I don't want to see the name Liu Nianfeng on the Internet!" said the admiral, gritting his teeth.

"Yes!" The secretary saluted, and immediately went to work on network harmony.

Admiral General thought that after his Internet monitoring order was issued, the entire Internet would return to its previous quiet state, and he would never see that annoying name of Liu Nianfeng again.But what the admiral never expected was that after three hours had passed, the Internet was still full of Liu Nianfeng's name, and the discussion became even more intense than before.

So the admiral called his secretary over again, and after coming in, he yelled and cursed, and finally pointed to the Internet that was still buzzing and said, "What's going on? Why is Liu Nianfeng's name still on the Internet? Have you ignored my orders?"

"Master General, this is none of my business. Your supervision order was suppressed by the cabinet. They said that such a supervision order must be discussed by the cabinet before deciding whether to implement it." The secretary lowered his head, aggrieved Said.

"Cabinet discussion? When are they going to start the discussion?" the general lost his temper.

"This... the people in the cabinet said that the government affairs that need to be discussed in the cabinet are piled up, and your supervision order will be scheduled for about 15 days before they can be discussed!"

"Bastard! Fifteen days, after fifteen days, I will be scolded by these mobs as an eternal criminal!" The general roared angrily, but after the angry roar, the general regained some composure, He lowered his head and said, "Don't worry about the cabinet, just give an order to the Internet Supervision Department!"

"I'm afraid it won't work..." the secretary said with a wry smile, "The Internet Supervision and Management Department is not a department directly under our military department. On the contrary, the management authority is in the hands of the cabinet. For some trivial matters, the people from the Supervision and Management Department will help if they help. But now that such a big news is going to be blocked, those people will never dare to do it without the approval of the cabinet!"

"So, I still have to get the cabinet's permission!" The general said annoyedly, "No, the guys in the cabinet don't know how important it is to supervise the Internet now, and they can't divide it up." I don't know the priority of the matter, and put my supervision order on for 15 days... These guys are deliberately suppressing it, they just want to delay the time... These bastards, they are too brave, how dare they do this !"

"My lord, please forgive me. You have just taken office, and you don't know too much about the tricks between the military department and the cabinet court... For those people in the cabinet court, people in our military department will fall down even if they walk and fall." A fall can make them laugh for ten days and a half months... Now that our military department has caused such a big mess, those people in the cabinet and court can't wait for things to become bigger and bigger, and give our military department's reputation It’s completely ruined, let alone hold it down for 15 days, if necessary, it’s nothing surprising for them to hold it down for 15 years!”

"What! Has the conflict between the military and the court reached such a point?" The admiral said weakly, rubbing his temples.She had been fighting on the front line before, and until she was about to retire now, she took advantage of the last few years of her career as an admiral to sit in the military department to manage and handle the daily affairs of the military department. She did not sit in this position for a long time. I don't know the various entanglements that I know, otherwise I wouldn't have said such a thing.


"Damn it... I really want to shoot at that damn government affairs compound and kill all these useless men. These guys can't do anything except get in the way!" He slapped his hand on the table, "Then tell me, how can we handle this matter without the cabinet?"

"There are basically two ways to deal with the crisis right now!" the secretary said cautiously.

"Which two? Tell me and listen!"

"The first one is to let Liu Nianfeng come out to hold a press conference and tell everyone that he is indeed recuperating on a beautiful planet now, and he has not been arrested by the military. The rumors outside are just rumors." Forget it, as long as Liu Nianfeng refute the rumors himself, all the turmoil will be calmed down, and our military department can still end up with a wronged image, this is the best result!" said the secretary.

"Let Liu Nianfeng come forward to refute the rumors? Is Liu Nianfeng willing? Is he so stupid? Do you want me to point a gun at him and let him come out to refute the rumors?" The general frowned.

"No, I think Liu Nianfeng is definitely willing...or he is eager to stand up and refute the rumors!!" Facing the general's questioning, the secretary said cautiously.

"Why? Why is Liu Nianfeng willing?" The general asked in puzzlement.

"Because...because...because as long as we agree with Liu Nianfeng to come out to refute rumors, that means giving up the investigation of Liu Nianfeng, and Liu Nianfeng can regain his freedom. Of course he is willing to come out to refute rumors! This is good for him and for us. Either way, it's all beneficial!" The secretary laughed.

"You bastard! You're asking Liu Nianfeng for peace! You're embarrassing our military department!!!" What the secretary didn't expect was that the general scolded himself, "Liu Nianfeng violated the military law. It's a certainty, it's undeniable. How could our military department seek peace from Liu Nianfeng just because of public opinion? When did our military department do such a shameful thing for thousands of years!"

"But this is the best way..." The secretary wanted to argue.

"That's enough! Never consider the first method, you can talk about the second solution!"

"The second method also requires a press conference, but instead of Liu Nianfeng, you hold a press conference in person. You have to denounce Liu Nianfeng's crimes at the press conference, and make the laws that Liu Nianfeng committed one by one to everyone. People explained clearly and told everyone that the arrest of Liu Nianfeng by the military was not a conspiracy, but because Liu Nianfeng violated the law, and arresting him was required by the law. In this way, we stood on the commanding heights of the law, and the media outside made a fuss. No matter how powerful it is, we don’t have to care.”

"We can let everyone wait patiently for the trial by the Military Justice Department, and the Military Justice Department will give all Liu Nianfeng a fair result!"

"Well, that's a good idea, let's do it like this!" The admiral nodded, which seemed to approve of the secretary's suggestion.

(End of this chapter)

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