girl line

Chapter 499 Meeting of the Supreme Military Council

Chapter 499 Meeting of the Supreme Military Council
So far, there are a total of 18 marshal-level admirals still in service in the entire human empire, and these 18 marshals are guarding different positions in extremely critical and important tutelary mansions, which are the most important 18 on the human defense node. node.

Apart from the three deputy ministers, the military department does not have any ministerial positions. The one who is really in charge of the highest power is the Supreme Military Committee composed of 18 marshal-level admirals.However, the daily work of the military department is managed and controlled by three general-level deputy ministers. The Supreme Military Committee rarely comes forward to make decisions unless necessary.

But then again, once it is something decided by the Supreme Military Council, especially something related to the military admiral, even the cabinet and His Majesty the Emperor cannot stop it, and can only acquiesce. It is the highest authority of the human empire.

These 18 marshals do not always live in the military headquarters, because the location of the tutelary mansion they guard is extremely critical, so they spend most of their time in their tutelary mansion. When the Supreme Military Council needs to meet, they will Meet each other through the network, and discuss through the form of a network meeting at the same time.

Because there are not many things that really need to be decided by the Supreme Military Council, it has been eight months since the last collective meeting of the Supreme Military Council, and eight months later, the members of the Supreme Military Council again They sat together one at a time, and as for the reason for their meeting, there was no other reason besides Fleeting Maple, which had almost disturbed the entire human empire.

"Commissioners, I won't say anything about the current situation facing the empire. You are very clear about it. So the point of view discussed at this meeting is how we should deal with this fleeting maple. Please express your opinions!" A dark-skinned committee member, That is, the admiral at the marshal level was the first to speak. This is the rotating chairman of the Supreme Military Council, and is also responsible for presiding over the work of the entire Supreme Military Council.

"Wait, before discussing what to do with this Fleeting Maple, shouldn't we first figure out another thing, that is, why did the military department arrest this Fleeting Maple?" A blond marshal squinted The eyes said, if Liu Nianfeng was here, he would definitely find this Marshal very familiar, because this is the Marshal Christine who had met once on Kiran Star.

"Is there any doubt about this? Liu Nianfeng is so bold that he dared to order the fleet to attack the Stargate. Vice Minister Liu arrested him according to the military law. Is there something wrong?" Another black-haired marshal snorted coldly. soundtrack.

"Yes, your Vice Minister Liu opened his mouth and arrested a great hero admired by the whole people, so that almost every planet has large and small demonstrations. I have lived for 30 to [-] years. I have never seen such a large-scale demonstration in my time, and your Vice Minister Liu really did a good job!" Marshal Christine mocked.

"Hmph! In short, Vice Minister Liu is only acting in accordance with military law. All her actions are in accordance with the law and procedures. You don't need to make irresponsible remarks on this point!" It seems that the black-haired Marshal is Vice Minister Liu's backstage , bluntly supporting Vice Minister Liu.

However, what the marshal said was not wrong, Liu Nianfeng had indeed violated the military law, and it was irrefutable.

"If it's in line with the law, we won't discuss it, but it's not necessarily in line with the procedures!" Marshal Christine said with a sneer, "Actually, I think what the reporter in red said is reasonable. , If you really act in accordance with the law. Then you can be aboveboard and detain Liu Nianfeng in front of all the media. Why do you have to play such a low-handed trick and arrest people behind the scenes, and call it a planet? Going to recuperate, isn't this scolding our military department?"

"..." The black-haired Marshal was choked up by Marshal Christine and had nothing to say, and finally he could only nod and said, "Lao Liu didn't do a good job in this matter, and she didn't want to cause too much trouble, so she did such a thing After the meeting is over, we can order Lao Liu to review this mistake, and other punishments are also optional.”

"But I have to emphasize that Lao Liu is not wrong about the gangster Liu Nianfeng!" the black-haired marshal said forcefully.

"Okay, none of us said that Lao Liu made a mistake on this point, and there is no doubt that Liu Nianfeng violated the military law. You should stop arguing about this matter. The real important thing is to consider how to solve this time. Trouble!" The rotating chairman knocked on the table and said, "Now let's talk about it, how should we deal with this Fleeting Maple."

"I don't think there is any need to discuss this point. According to the regular procedures of the Military Investigation Department, it is enough for the Military Investigation Department to complete the internal investigation, trial, execution, and finally issue a notice!" the black-haired marshal said.

"That's right! According to the perverted urination of the Military Investigation Department, plus the crimes committed by Liu Nianfeng, it is enough to shoot him ten times. Are you planning to leave such a result to the public?" Christine The marshal laughed.

"Hmph, you also said that Liu Nianfeng's charges are enough to shoot him ten times, so let's shoot him, what's there to argue about!" the black-haired Marshal said.

"Yes, I won't argue with you at that time, those angry people will argue with you!" Marshal Christine knocked on the table vigorously, "We will conduct all the trials in secret, even if the military investigation department People maintain absolute justice, and there is no conspiracy involved. But just handing over a trial report to the public about the final shooting of Liu Nianfeng, do you still think that things are not big enough now? You want the reputation of our military department to be among the common people Is it ruined in the eyes of the people, and finally ended up with a huge infamy, and even the entire empire is in turmoil?"

"It's just a group of ordinary people, what else can they do? Can they still rebel? I invite them to deal with the star beasts themselves! This is not an era when water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it." The black-haired marshal said disdainfully .

"That's right, the common people may make a fuss and let it go like this, but let me ask you a question? Do we want the reputation of the 18 present here?" Marshal Christine's eyes turned around on the faces of all the marshals. I'm afraid you don't know, there are hundreds of thousands of jokes about Deputy Minister Liu on the Internet. Starting from her 18th generation ancestors of Deputy Minister Liu, they have been scolded by angry netizens on the Internet. As for She, Deputy Minister Liu, has already been given the title of contemporary Qin Hui by netizens, saying that she does not know how to fight for the country, but only knows how to kill her own people, and is the most vicious and corrupt official in the world."

"I think back then, Vice Minister Liu was also a battle hero. In order to protect the lives of tens of billions of humans on the three planets, he fought to the death with his own strength, so that he almost died in the hands of the stars and beasts. Ah! When it comes to credit, Vice Minister Liu's credit is only a little less than that of all of us here."

"But because of today's incident, the netizens gave the title of contemporary Qin Hui. If there is no accident, this title will probably accompany Vice Minister Liu for the rest of his life, and even her grandparents and grandchildren will be forced to Bearing the infamy of contemporary Qin Hui's descendants... Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not scaremongering, if we just issue a trial announcement like this, all of us here will not know what titles to put on our heads after a hundred years!"

"That's why I suggest that the committee members present here agree to the demands of the people, and have an open, fair and just trial for Liu Nianfeng, at least to make the matter look clear, so that the people have nothing to say about the outcome of the trial."

The words of Marshal Christine had a huge impact. These marshals had already stood at the pinnacle of the power structure, and apart from being emperor, there was nothing else that could move their hearts.

Only this posthumous reputation cannot be ignored by these marshals... In fact, no matter what dynasty they are in, except for those treacherous ministers whose reputations have become blackened, everyone cherishes their reputations, only for themselves After death, he can leave his name in history, and he can enjoy the admiration of future generations in the future, instead of hanging on to the reputation of a contemporary Qin Hui.

So after listening to Marshal Kristin's words, all the committee members present nodded and said, "Yes, although according to the procedure, it is absolutely no problem for the Military Investigation Department to judge on its own. Liu Nianfeng has indeed made great contributions and has great influence among the people, so we must treat it with caution."

"Well, that's good. Our Supreme Military Council will issue a special document, indicating that 18 of us accept and support the opinions of the people. In order to give the greatest justice, we agree to openly try Liu Nianfeng!" Another admiral said, and This sentence also made the other committee members nod in unison.

That's right, this is indeed an excellent method. The Supreme Military Council issued this document, which shows that the Supreme Military Council is wise and powerful, and loves the people.The 18 marshals of the Supreme Military Council are also wise and powerful, and they are in harmony with the people.

As for the blame, let the people in the military department take the blame. Originally, they marshals had no interest in liu Nianfeng's affairs.

This point was quickly reached a consensus in the Supreme Military Council. Even the black-haired Marshal readily voted for it. After all, she didn't want to take the blame.


"Okay, we don't have much time to get together for a meeting, so we might as well make a direct decision this time, what kind of verdict should we give Liu Nianfeng?" the rotating chairman said flatly.

what happened?

Shouldn't the verdict be decided after the trial?Why was it decided directly at the current meeting?

(End of this chapter)

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