girl line

Chapter 511 New Profession Ghost Fighter

Chapter 511 New Profession Ghost Fighter

"Understood Admiral! All the marines are already in position, the operation code is [Admiral's Chastity Protection Operation], and the battle begins!" After hearing the order from Liu Nianfeng, Alice in the sky immediately ordered, and in the next second, countless The dark blue light shot out from around the village, launching a fierce attack on the entire indigenous village.

"What's going on? Where did the attack come from? Did people from the Tiangu tribe come to attack us?" Seeing the sudden violent attack, the old witch suddenly asked in panic, and the young witch naturally couldn't care less about the convection. Nian Feng didn't do anything, but quickly returned to the old witch's side, looking at his teacher nervously.

"Zhili Gulu..." After a while, several soldiers rushed over and reported to the old witch in a language that was a mixture of languages ​​from more than a dozen countries.Liu Nianfeng can roughly understand that some humans wearing strange, red armor made of steel are attacking the village.

There is a strange weapon in the hands of these armored humans, which can emit red light, and once hit by this red light, all compatriots immediately lose their ability to move, and directly faint on the ground, unable to move.

"Damn it, this is not the attack of the Tiangu tribe. How can there be so many ghost fighters in the Tiangu tribe! Could it be that several other tribes have united to attack us! No, how could it be a red light?" The old witch looked very worried. Nervous, he raised his staff and shouted loudly, "Heroic ghost fighters of the Tianhe tribe, today is the moment of our Tianhe tribe's life and death. For the honor of the Tianhe tribe, everyone will fight with me!"

As the voice of the old witch fell, many young girls jumped out of some rooms in the village. The costumes of these girls were very similar to those of the old witch and the young witch, and they were all covered with various bone ornaments. It is also filled with strange symbols with paint, which is completely different from other warriors.

What's more, the teenage girls who appeared were all holding very different weapons.

The reason why these weapons are completely different is that unlike the indigenous warriors holding stone weapons that Liu Nianfeng saw along the way, these girls are holding either wooden staffs or similar metal staffs. For common weapons.

"Master! I will fight with you!" The young witch pulled out two short weapons made of unknown materials... The reason why they are called short weapons is because the shape of these weapons is very strange , similar to the shape of a crescent moon, such a weapon has never been seen by Liu Nianfeng, so it can only be said that it is a short weapon.

"No! You are looking at these two guys here. I have a feeling that these enemies that have never been seen before may be for these two humans. You must keep an eye on these two guys. Guys, we must not let them escape!" Sure enough, Jiang was still hot, although he didn't know the origin of these marines who appeared suddenly.But the old hag relied on her own experience and intuition to judge that these marines were inseparable from Liu Nianfeng and Xi Yue'er.

"Yes! I promise to take them seriously!" The young witch swore, while the old witch nodded, and led dozens of young girls around to kill the marines.

"Hehe, these aborigines are really naive. Those crude weapons in their hands can't even leave a scratch on our alloy armor!" Seeing these aborigines bravely go up to fight, Xiyue on the side Said with a sneer.

In Xi Yue'er's view, the moment the Marine Corps appeared, the battle situation had already been decided.Among other things, let's just talk about the set of alloy single-person armor on the marines, which is made of alloys that are hundreds of times harder than steel, plus the armor in their hands can make the opponent fall into a coma instantly. With high-particle shock laser energy weapons, the fate of these indigenous people has already been decided.

This is a battle separated by tens of thousands of years of time and technological gap. To put it bluntly, let alone a 100-member marine squad, even one person can easily kill all the indigenous people here. Group destroyed.

Xi Yue'er's idea was indeed correct, but the development of the battle situation was completely beyond Xi Yue'er's expectation, or rather beyond Xi Yue'er's imagination.

The battle situation was really smooth at the beginning. The defense around the village was about zero in front of the marine team. It was as fragile as paper, and it was easily broken by the marine team. As for Liu Nianfeng and Xi Yue'er who were trapped in the middle, they could clearly see the development of the whole battle situation.

But when the so-called ghost fighters led by the old witch appeared on the stage, everything became completely different.

The old witch was the first to strike. I saw the old witch vigorously rubbing the wooden staff in her hand, and then murmured some words that Fleeting Maple could not understand. A dazzling blue light shot from the old witch. He shot out from his staff and accurately hit one of the members of the Marine Squad.

Then the situation that made Liu Nianfeng and Xi Yueer's eyes widen at the same time happened, the alloy armor that was as hard as a hundred times steel was actually penetrated directly by the blue light... and it was completely penetrated, this The blue light even pierced through the back of this marine, and then hit a marine behind her. The alloy armor of that marine was also shot through, and finally several rows of trees were thrown into the ground. Shoot down, and only then will the strength be exhausted.

And after the old witch made a move, the rest of the ghost fighters also followed suit. Those ghost fighters holding wooden sticks shot out various blue lights just like the old witch.Although these people are unlikely to be able to shoot Marines straight through like old witches, they can still shoot through one side of armor protection.

And those ghost fighters with metal weapons in their hands are more suitable for the title of fighters. They shuttled through the woods with extremely sharp figures, and under the cover of trees, they easily approached these marines, and then used their hands to take risks. With the blue light weapon, he directly cut a big hole in the protective armor of the marines, and then made a fierce assassination move on the humans staying in the armor.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen marines fell unexpectedly under the attack of these ghost fighters.

"My God...laser weapons...these natives actually have laser weapons...and they are extremely powerful laser weapons, which can actually shoot through the defense of land battle armor!" Said confidently.

"Hmph! The weirdest enemies are indeed your people. They are here to save you, right?" The young witch at the side immediately glared at Xi Yue'er's words and said, "Hmph, but don't think that you are guaranteed to win. And don't think that you can defeat our Tianhe tribe with extravagant metal protection. My master is a strong person at the level of a great spirit, and she only needs a group of psionic attacks, and all of you metal things will die!"

"What, there are group attacks!" The young witch had no idea what a huge secret she had revealed in her extraneous words. Liu Nianfeng immediately set her eyes on the old witch, and found that the other was lowering her head at this time, frantically Twitching the staff in his hand, at the same time, chanting a paragraph of words very quickly in his mouth.

Anyone who has played the game knows that this is definitely the appearance of casting some powerful spell, and at this time it is obviously the guided casting phase of the spell. Once the guided spell is over, it is the time for the terrifying powerful spell to come.

"No, we can't let this old witch successfully cast spells, otherwise these marines will be finished!" Liu Nianfeng said with some anxiety in his heart. Originally, Liu Nianfeng hadn't thought about killing all these indigenous humans, so he only let Lu Nian Fighters use laser weapons that can stun opponents powerfully, but do not harm their lives.

Not to mention letting the Glory in the sky directly strike these aborigines with laser strikes from the sky, otherwise all the aborigines would be burnt to ashes by the laser in an instant as long as Liu Nianfeng gave an order. of.

But now, it is not the time for Liu Nianfeng to have kind thoughts in his heart. This dangerous old witch must be killed immediately, otherwise God knows what other moths she will make.

So Liu Nianfeng decisively contacted Alice in the air, and gave a simple order "Kill this old witch!"

"Yes!" Alice's answer was equally crisp and simple.

So at the next moment, the old witch, who was still immersed in the guidance of spells and seemed to be about to cast a spell that would shake the world and cry ghosts and gods, was hit directly by a purple light that fell from the sky without the slightest delay. Under the direct strike of the Neng laser, his body turned into a cloud of black ash, which fluttered to the ground gracefully, never to exist again!
"Master!" The young witch uttered a shrill cry. She could never have imagined that the master who was invincible in her mind would turn into black ash in the blink of an eye. This is absolutely unacceptable to the young witch. fact.

Of course, if the young witch finds out that her master's death was actually due to her superfluous boasting, the young girl will probably fall into guilt and depression for the rest of her life, and she might even commit suicide.

With the death of the old witch, the battle situation, which seemed to have improved, completely lost the ability to resist.

Those ghost fighters, like the girl witch, were equally shocked by the death of the old witch, so that many of them lost their minds for a short time, and then the marines, who became extremely angry because their teammates fell down, used their hands The laser gun fell to the ground and passed out completely.

And without the fighting power of these ghost fighters, the situation of the battle is self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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