girl line

Chapter 519 Seed Plant

Chapter 519 Seed Plant
"In just ten days, more than 20 tribes have been subdued. Yuan, you are very good. Your ability is beyond my imagination!" As well as the growing population and the more prosperous natural tribe, Liu Nianfeng said to Yuan approvingly.

"This is your glory, master, and slaves dare not take credit for it!" Yuan replied respectfully.

"There's no need to do this, how are you doing with the affairs of the Holy See of the Stars?" Mu Tian asked.

"Everything is going very smoothly. Although most of the elderly Lingyou priests are unwilling to believe in the great star god, those young Lingyou priest apprentices are loyal to the star god. What they currently lack is ability. In ten years or so, there will be no belief in the Great God of Ninety-Nine here, and all human beings will be bathed in the glory of the Great Star God!"

"En!" Liu Nianfeng nodded in satisfaction, "Remember, our Holy See of Stars is not an illusory religion that relies on fantasy. Girls above one million levels can directly enter the Pure Land of Bliss in our Holy See of the Stars, you must spread this widely, understand?"

"Yes! The slave understands!" Yuan nodded vigorously, with a loyal look on his face.

In fact, Liu Nianfeng didn't care much about Yuan's work results.Because it is impossible for Liu Nianfeng to let Yuan alone take over the power here. In fact, Liu Nianfeng has decided to keep two Star Warships and a team of experts proficient in sociology, let this expert team serve as the deputy of the Holy See of Stars, That is, a position similar to that of a cardinal.

In name, it is to assist Yuan's work, but in fact it is to monitor and guide Yuan's work... Anyway, there are two star battleships floating in the outer space of this planet, and Liu Nianfeng is not worried at all about this Yuan's rebellious behavior. At that time, a laser falling from the sky can easily kill the Pope of the Star Church.

Of course, if Yuan is able to do things well and fully cooperates with Liu Nianfeng's plan, then Liu Nianfeng doesn't mind letting Yuan continue to be the supreme pope on this planet.

"Your Majesty the Pope! Great joy! Your Majesty the Pope!" Just as Liu Nianfeng was talking to Yuan, a native suddenly rushed over, and ran over excitedly, but when she saw Liu Nianfeng beside Yuan clearly, her expression was extremely strange He stopped and looked at Liu Nianfeng, not to mention how awkward it was.

"This is a saint under the command of the Great God of Stars. He is a saint sent by the Great God of Stars to deliver the oracle. His status is much higher than mine. Why don't you quickly kneel down and kowtow to the Lord Saint?" Seeing the expression on the visitor, Yuan immediately reprimanded him sternly, and he couldn't see that the submissiveness and slavery attitude he had just shown in front of Liu Nianfeng had turned into a real pope.

"Saints? Men? How could the God of Stars use a man as a saint? How could such a lowly thing like a man be possible..."


"Papa!" Yuan directly slapped the woman's face with two slaps, which made the woman's body tremble in fright, and she dared not speak any more.

"Get out!" Yuan directly told the woman to get out.

"Wait a minute!" Liu Nianfeng stopped the other party, and then said with a smile on his face, "Didn't you have something to report just now? Tell me, is there anything important?"

"This..." The woman hesitated for a while, glared at Yuan hard, and then said obediently, "A commoner family gave birth to a baby boy. After testing, he has tens of millions of psionic aptitudes. It is a rare planter." , so I have come here to report to the Pope!"

"Baby boy? Seeder?" Hearing these two terms, Liu Nianfeng suddenly had a bad thought in his heart.

"My lord, it's nothing serious, it's a common's a common thing here..." Yuan immediately explained.

"Take me to that baby boy's house!" Liu Nianfeng said bluntly. He found that he had been ignoring a very important problem, which was the problem of men in this world... After Liu Nianfeng came to this planet, I have never seen men born and raised on this planet. Where did these men go?And if there are no men, how will the human beings on this planet reproduce?

Although Yuan Yuan's intention to stop it is very obvious, but in the face of Liu Nianfeng's strength, all resistance is in vain. He is crawling around with light (harmony) covering the body of a baby boy.

"How can you treat a baby like this!" Seeing this scene, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help being a little angry.Although it was autumn at this time, the weather was not too cold, but how could such a newborn baby be okay?Just crawling around naked on the dirty ground like this?

Even if the primitive society couldn’t make clothes, it’s still possible to wrap it with an animal’s fur. How can a boy baby be allowed to crawl on the ground like this?Does this mother not feel sorry for her child at all?
In fact, the mother is not only not distressed, but very happy, with a smile on her face, because a person dressed as a ghost priest beside her said to her, "Shanlu, you are fine, your belly is fine , has brought down the best planter for our natural tribe. God Jiujiu... No, God Star will definitely praise your achievements and let you ascend to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss after death!"

"Since you have given birth to such a good planter for the tribe, don't live in this thatched house. The tribe will give you a tree house and assign you two slaves. You don't have to participate in any labor , work hard to give birth to more excellent descendants and seeders for the tribe, do you understand?"

"Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!" Mother said gratefully.

"Yeah..." Priest Lingyou nodded proudly, then hugged the crying baby boy in his arms, and when he was about to leave, he found Yuan and Liunianfeng blocking the door.

"My lord pope!" Seeing Yuan appearing, the Lingyou Priest immediately bent down respectfully and bowed to Yuan.Of course, she also saw a man standing beside the great pope, but this ghost priest was smarter than the woman who reported the message before, so she closed her mouth very wisely, and didn't dare to say a word.

"Give me this child!" Liu Nianfeng stretched out his hand to Priest Lingyou, and under the direction of Yuan's gaze, Priest Lingyou obediently put the child into Liu Nianfeng's hands.

"Psychic aptitude of ten million level, that is to say, this child has A-level psionic aptitude?" Liu Nianfeng looked at the poor boy. He was shivering from the cold when he was just born, and his cheeks were blue and purple.Liu Nianfeng quickly took off the clothes he was wearing and wrapped them around the child, making him feel a little warmth again.

"This is the planter you are talking about?" Liu Nianfeng asked lightly.

"Yes!" Yuan said with his head down.

"Then what will you do with this child?" Liu Nianfeng asked again.

"This child will be handed over to the planting plant, and the special personnel in the planting plant will take care of it. When he reaches the age where he can plant seeds, he will be responsible for planting seeds for the tribe's people and continuing the inheritance of our tribe!" Yuan said quickly.

"The planting plant? You really use humans as tools!" Liu Nianfeng snorted again, and then said, "Take me to your planting plant. I want to see how your tribe reproduces!"


The planting plant is located in the northeast corner of the tribe. It is a building made entirely of wood. The scale of the building is huge, like a gymnasium. It can be called one of the largest buildings in the whole tribe.

When I came to the planting plant, I found that there were many women neatly lined up at the gate of the plant. They were all holding a leaf with a special mark in their hands, with anxiety in their eyes, and desire in their anxiety. He stared at the inside of the planting plant, as if he could see the flowers.

When Liu Nianfeng arrived here, the women queuing around started flocking to Liu Nianfeng like wolves saw the meat, but they were blocked by the barriers erected by the two spirit priests who were in charge of vigilance.

"My lord, be careful... the women here have waited for several months before it's their turn to sow seeds, it's hard to control!" Yuan said cautiously.

"..." Liu Nianfeng didn't speak, but his face was ashen, very ugly, and he followed Yuan directly into the planting plant.

As soon as he entered the planting plant, Liu Nianfeng saw scenes of corruption... I won't describe the specifics of the planting plant in detail. Simply put, this is a large-scale, organized, and industrialized (harmony) One after another, each single room is only three or four square meters in size, and there is no furniture in it, only a layer of thick straw. Couples of men and women are in this dojo. He swayed the liquid in his body wantonly.

To put it bluntly, this is the first time that Liu Nianfeng has seen so many men on this planet.

Well, the description is almost here, any more will be blocked.

It is worth mentioning that the expressions of the women here are very natural, just like the ones that Liu Nianfeng had seen in his previous life.But the expressions of those men are very weird. Although they are fighting with full of desire on their faces, they are also very tall, their bodies are also very strong, their muscles are very developed, and their body hair is also very strong. They are covered with black hair, but the appearance of these men is immature, and they seem to be no more than seventeen or eighteen years old at most.

What makes Liu Nianfeng even more weird is that the eyes of these men are quite dull, and the pupils have no focus, and they look like a robot that has lost its soul.

(End of this chapter)

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