girl line

Chapter 527 Fleeting Maple's Wormhole Journey

Chapter 527 Fleeting Maple's Wormhole Journey
"It seems that I really have to rest for a few days. I have been soaking in this medical warehouse for three months. I almost forgot what my name is!" Liu Nianfeng in the cabin touched his head in pain and said.

Thanks to Ninghai Pinghai Shennong's reminder to taste the herbs before, Fleeting Fengmao suddenly realized that he found a way to open the fast communication between Zulongxing and the human empire: wormholes.

I have to admit that wormholes are indeed the fastest and best way for human beings to communicate in the universe. Without wormholes, human beings may still be limited to a few galaxies near the solar system, and I am afraid that there are no administrative living planets. a few.And because of the long distances between the planets, once each planet develops and grows, it is estimated that it will find ways to break away from the control of the earth and become an independent planet, and then human beings will return to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

From this point of view, the appearance of star beasts has promoted the development of human civilization.

However, it is precisely because there are no wormholes in the Jiangzhou star area that Liunianfeng is trapped in a lonely star. He does not know what to do when he stays in this Zulong star. At the beginning, Liunianfeng also considered making wormholes for transportation. After all, Liu Nianfeng happened to have the wormhole manufacturing technology in his hands.

But soon Liu Nianfeng gave up this idea, because Liu Nianfeng couldn't control the destination of the wormhole at all.And if the exit of the wormhole that you want to open happens to fall near the only large stargate in the Jiangzhou star area, the difficulty is no different than going to the sky.

To give a simple example, it's like blindfolding you and randomly throwing a basketball on a helicopter in an area with a radius of several thousand kilometers, requiring that the basketball just land on a certain area within these thousands of square kilometers. Like a basket, this is something that normal people would never even think about.

But in the end, Fleeting Feng was awakened by Ning Hai and Ping Hai.

That's right, when Shennong faced thousands of poisonous weeds that might kill him, he could personally taste them and find out the herbs that could treat human diseases.Why can't Liu Nianfeng himself uphold the spirit of Shennong, keep creating wormholes, and keep bumping into the exit position at the other end of the wormhole, so that as long as he goes through tens of thousands of attempts, he will be able to open a road to Jiangzhou sooner or later. Stargate Wormholes!

Liu Nianfeng thought so, so he did it. After research, he found that the wormhole had already formed when the spaceship entered the state of traveling faster than light and used the secret art of stars, wind.

But as long as the star warship immediately leaves the state of superluminal flight, the spaceship will not enter the wormhole, but will be pushed away by the repulsive force of the wormhole, so that the star warship itself does not have to worry about returning after entering the wormhole. You can safely stay in the starry sky of Zulongxing.

As for whether the other end of the wormhole has reached the vicinity of the Jiangzhou Stargate, this is easy to handle. You only need to wait for about 10 minutes, and then check whether the quantum signal from the other end of the wormhole can be received at the entrance of the wormhole. OK.

As long as there is a quantum signal from the other end of the wormhole, it means that the exit of the wormhole is in the area covered by the human quantum network, and the entire Jiangzhou star area, except for Jiangzhou star, has not been covered by the quantum network. It is covered, so the other end of the wormhole must be the Jiangzhou Stargate.

With Liu Nianfeng's current recovery speed of psionic energy and psionic energy, he can use the secret art of the stars once in a day. The engine has caused great damage, and it will take four to five days to repair it. If you are unlucky, you may have to replace it completely. For example, the last time the Haruna was completely damaged, and several cabins were blown up. , if there is no staff nearby, I am afraid that someone will die.

Liannianfeng continued the experiment for three months like this, creating a wormhole every day, and every time he made it, Liunianfeng would have to enter the medical cabin to recover quickly due to physical exhaustion.Therefore, in these three months, Liu Nianfeng spent more than half of the time in the medical cabin, which gradually made Liu Nianfeng himself a little bit unbearable, and planned to let himself take care of himself after today's work was over. Take a week to recuperate, and develop a relationship with the starship girls, otherwise Liu Nianfeng will almost go crazy.

As for the wormhole created this time, Liu Nianfeng has no hope. According to Liu Nianfeng's original plan, it will take at least a year for the wormhole to appear in the vicinity of the Jiangzhou star area. Said.

As a result, when Ming Yue'er rushed to the medical room in a hurry, Liu Nianfeng unhurriedly persuaded Ming Yue'er to calm down and stop bluffing.

"Admiral! I found it! I found it!!!" Ming Yue'er gasped.

"Did you find it? What did you find? What did you find?" Liu Nianfeng, who was still telling people to calm down just now, became extremely short of breath. Could it be that...

"Quantum signals have been discovered... At the other end of the newly opened No. 96 wormhole, we have discovered an extremely large number of quantum signals. According to the analysis, these quantum signals are all human network quantum signals, because they have not been oriented Diversion, so the quantum signal is very scattered, and it is impossible to interpret the specific information, but it is definitely a quantum signal created by humans!!!" Ming Yueer said excitedly!

"You mean, I succeeded!! I have found the entrance to Jiangzhou Stargate?" The flesh on Liu Nianfeng's face jumped a few times, and then he punched the bulkhead of the medical cabin directly, The entire medical cabin opened instantly, and the whole cabin of green life-sustaining liquid poured onto the ground, but Liu Nianfeng didn't care about it, and rushed out of the medical cabin with his own buttocks. He couldn't wait to Take a look at the appearance of the No. 96 wormhole! .

"Clothes! Admiral! Put your clothes on first!" Ming Yue'er chased after Liu Nian Feng with a wry smile.


"What a beautiful wormhole!" Looking at the No. 96 wormhole that just appeared in front of him, Liu Nianfeng said intoxicated.But don't get me wrong, thinking that this No. 96 wormhole is really more beautiful than other wormholes.In fact, all wormholes look the same, and Liu Nianfeng is completely intoxicated with himself.

"Mingyue, have you sent an exploration warship to enter this wormhole?" Liu Nianfeng quickly asked Mingyue after she was intoxicated.

"How could it be possible to send warships in now..." Ming Yue'er gave her admiral a blank look, "Before the Stargate has been established, this wormhole is one-way, and it can only enter but not return. How could it be possible to send star warships in? Only after the Stargate is built, can we send warships through the wormhole to check the specific situation at the other end of the wormhole!"

"No! This is not possible! We must send warships there immediately!" Liu Nianfeng shook his head firmly and said, "Don't forget, the other end of this wormhole is not a desolate universe, but a territory already controlled by humans. If If the distance to the planet is close enough, the humans at the other end of the wormhole may have discovered the sudden appearance of the wormhole. If they don't know it by then and send warships to explore the wormhole, they may get lost in the four-dimensional space. Aren't we harming people?"

"But if we send warships in now, they won't be able to come back within a month of the construction of the Stargate. Will it be too lonely for the starship girls sent there..." Mingyue said worriedly.

"Hmm! You're right. If you send a starship girl there, it would be a little bad. As an admiral, I would feel uneasy!" Liu Nianfeng nodded deeply, and Ming Yue'er beside him He breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that his admiral finally knew how to think about his starship girl, and gave up the intention of sending the battleship.

But in the next second, Liu Nianfeng said, "So I decided, I, the admiral's first soldier, will be the first to lead the battleship through this wormhole! I am really a selfless admiral!"


"Admiral... If you do this, Elder Sister Alice will scold me to death!" Ming Yue'er said with an aggrieved expression as she looked at the strange starry sky in front of her after a burst of space distortion.

"Call you? Why did Alice scold you?" Liu Nianfeng pretended to be confused.

"Is there even a need to ask? Mingyue'er promised sister Alice that she would take good care of the admiral and ensure that the admiral would not do anything dangerous. As a result, you have done such a thing now, admiral! Of course, Mingyue'er will be killed by sister Alice." You got scolded!" Ming Yue'er said aggrievedly.

"Okay, do you think the two of us passed through wormhole 96 safely? Don't worry, Alice won't scold you. If Alice dares to scold you, I will protect you!" Liu Nianfeng vowed, as for how reliable this guarantee is, only God knows!
"Hehe, Sister Alice, since the admiral took the initiative to take me away this time, don't blame Mingyue'er for being sorry for you! The admiral's arms are so wide, it's okay for Sister Alice to give me half of it, right?" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's vigorous back, like a tiger out of a cage, Ming Yue'er said happily, if not for this opportunity to be alone with the admiral, do you think Ming Yue'er would let Liu Nian Feng into the wormhole so easily .

(End of this chapter)

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