girl line

Chapter 530 The Good Times of Men

Chapter 530 The Good Times of Men

In the end, Chen Shihan and Liu Nianfeng slept in the same room, but Liu Nianfeng slept on the bed, while Chen Shihan slept on the sofa.

Originally, Liu Nianfeng insisted on not agreeing to this, insisting on sleeping on the sofa by himself, how could Liu Nianfeng let a girl sleep on the sofa and go to bed by himself?

But what I didn't expect was that Chen Shihan was much more determined than Liu Nianfeng. After putting on a posture that if Liu Nianfeng refused to go to bed, he would commit suicide, Liu Nianfeng finally agreed helplessly, and at the same time he had to sigh, To some extent, this world is simply a man's paradise!
The next day, Liu Nianfeng woke up early, and then he was going to visit Tiantingxing, the planet that Liu Nianfeng had previously designated as his own.But before leaving, at Chen Shihan's strong request, Liu Nianfeng changed into a suit of baggy clothes, a hat and sunglasses, and then sneaked out through the back door of the tutelary mansion.

Because according to Chen Shihan, Liu Nianfeng is now a well-known celebrity, and his status in the human empire is similar to that of Jay Chou and Guo Degang. Anyway, most human beings recognize Liu Nianfeng's face, and Liu Nianfeng must be careful to hide it. Your own appearance, otherwise it will cause big trouble.

This made Liu Nianfeng, who was originally elated, a little upset, but there was nothing he could do about it. Liu Nianfeng didn't want to cause new troubles for himself, so he could only obediently put on a disguise.

But then, the unique beauty of Tiantingxing still attracted Liunianfeng's attention.

As I said before, unlike the appearance of other planets, the appearance of Tiantingxin is very unique, like a piece of pure white cotton candy, and it is a large piece of white when viewed from outer space.

The reason for this state is that the cloud layer of Tianting star is extremely thick and dense, which is more than ten times that of the earth, so the entire sky is covered by clouds like cotton candy. Doesn't it look like a piece of cotton candy?
This is also the origin of the name Tiantingxing, because the explorers who came to this planet for the first time felt that they had come to a place surrounded by clouds, just like the heavenly court built on clouds in ancient Chinese legends The same, so named Tiantingxing.

And such thick clouds also make the scenery of Tianting star very unique. Except for a small part of the entire planet where the daily temperature can be above zero, the temperature in most places of Tianting star is below zero. The temperature even reached below minus 160 degrees.

At the same time, this also led to the extremely unique biological system of Tianting star. Almost all creatures on Tianting star have a complete set of means to protect against the cold.

On Tianting star, there are plants that use ice and snow to shape their bodies, plush creatures whose fur thickness is more than ten times the circumference of their bodies, and green plants that live in the warmer crust and grow and multiply with the heat of lava. As well as semi-silicon-based life that can swim in lava. All in all, there are many unheard-of creatures living on Tianting Planet that are beyond human imagination.

After a day of sightseeing on Tianting Star, Liu Nianfeng and Ming Yueer returned to Tianting City, the largest city on Tianting Star!

It can be seen from the temperature that Tianting star is not a very suitable planet for human survival, but because of Tianting star's scarce animal resources and some precious mineral resources, strong humans still took root on Tianting star .

However, except for some minerals and farms built in other locations on Tianting Star, most of the humans still live in Tianting City, which is a city protected by a protective shield. This city can extract heat from the Tianting Star's crust, Heating the air inside the protective cover, so that the temperature inside the protective cover reaches a temperature suitable for human habitation, even if the outside of the protective cover is above minus 150 degrees, the inside of the protective cover is as warm as spring, and it is full of various plants transplanted from other planets. green plants.


"I didn't intend to take you out to eat. After all, most of the cooks outside are not as strong as the cooks in my tutelary mansion! But this "Braised Chicken and Rice" is an exception. It is said that their recipe for yellow chicken, but never An ancient recipe that has been handed down since the age of the earth. I have eaten here four or five times, and the taste is absolutely delicious, so even if there is a risk of exposure, I must bring you here for a meal!" After visiting the beautiful scenery of Tiantingxing After that, Chen Shihan took Liu Nianfeng by the hand and brought him to this restaurant that she strongly recommended.

"Damn... isn't it braised chicken and rice..." Facing Chen Shihan's compliment, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but complain.

When Liu Nianfeng arrived at the door of this store, he found that, as Chen Shihan said, the whole store was already full. More than one person is queuing up here... You know, the total population of the entire Heavenly Court Star is only a mere 200 million.

However, as the admiral of the Heavenly Court Star, Chen Shihan still has considerable privileges, such as jumping in line.

As soon as Chen Shihan showed his face to the waiter of this store, the waiter quickly came over and let Chen Shihan, Liu Nianfeng, and Ming Yue'er sit in the three vacant seats that were just vacated.To put it simply, Chen Shihan jumped in line!

On Earth, Liu Nianfeng scoffed at this kind of queue-jumping behavior and extremely disdained it.But now Liu Nianfeng felt at ease, and felt no discomfort at all.If the admiral doesn't even have this privilege, what kind of admiral is he?

"Hey, we were supposed to get a private room for us, but this store only sells braised chicken and rice, and there is no private room in the whole store, so let's just make up for it and eat in this hall! "Chen Shihan said with a little embarrassment, Liu Nianfeng sat down very naturally, if he had to sit in a private room to eat a braised chicken and rice, Liu Nianfeng would be a little unaccustomed to it.

Probably because I knew that the admiral of this planet was coming, so the meal was served very quickly. Within a minute of sitting down, the hot braised chicken and rice was served.Liu Nianfeng took a bite, and was surprised to find that the taste of this braised chicken and rice was exactly the same as that of a chain brand of braised chicken and rice in the Earth Age. It seems that this is really a recipe handed down from the Earth Age.

It is rare to taste the taste of the earth age, and Liu Nianfeng's appetite was really raised, and he ate two servings of braised chicken and rice in one breath, which relieved Chen Shihan, who was afraid that she would eat with Liu Nianfeng Dongxiliunianfeng doesn't like it, it's a shame.

"Honey! Tell your father, can this betrothal gift be cheaper? My family really can't afford so much money!" After drinking and eating, Liu Nianfeng touched his belly, and was about to pay the bill and leave When I was alone, I heard the two people sitting at the table next to me talking.

These two people are a man and a woman, they seem to be a couple, but what surprised Liu Nianfeng was that the one who said that just now was not the boyfriend of the couple, but the girlfriend who looked sad.

"No! My mother said, it's 30 yuan, not even a penny less!" Hearing his girlfriend's request, the boyfriend said very firmly, and there was even a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"But my family really can't afford so much money! My mother is a miner, and my father cooks for the miners. Where did our family get 30 star coins? Give it to me as a bride price!" the girlfriend begged. .

"Hey, I know that your family is in difficulty, but who doesn't have difficulties? The neighbors in the neighborhood near my house, when they married off their sons, didn't they receive more than 30 dowry gifts? The son of the old Wang family next door to me, married When I went out, I received a full 300 million yuan. My father said that this 30 dowry gift is the minimum standard, and it must not be less, otherwise our family will be looked down upon by the neighbors around!" The boyfriend's attitude is still very firm, There is no doubt.

"But my family really doesn't have that much money!" My girlfriend still begged bitterly.

"Hmph, Baby Lin, don't pretend to be with me, you know whether your family has money, don't think I don't know!" The boyfriend's expression suddenly became cold, "Didn't your mother get 40 in compensation? Gold? What about the money? Tell your mother to take it out!"

"How can that money be moved! It's my mother's money for medical treatment and life-saving!" My girlfriend's expression froze, and her breathing became short of breath. "My mother injured her lung when she was a miner, and it cost 20 a day to enter the medical cabin." , I have to stay for two full days, this is my mother's compensation for medical treatment and life-saving, how can I use this money to get married?"

"Baby Lin, let me ask you, in your heart, is it my boyfriend or your mother who is more important!" The boyfriend jumped up, startling all the diners around "Baby Lin, do you love me or not?" Love me, if you love me, show your sincerity, don't push me here, or we two will break up today! The women who want to chase me are lined up all over the street. Without you, baby Lin, I will immediately Just find a better one!"

"Don't! Don't leave me, I can't live without you!" Lin Baobao hugged her boyfriend and pleaded earnestly at the same time.But her boyfriend pushed Lin Baobao away impatiently without hesitation.

"That's enough, Baby Lin, you poor Miss, I've had enough with you. I've been in love with you for a month, and you haven't even invited me to a decent meal, not even this cheap yellow stew Chicken rice, if it wasn't for the talk of marriage today, you wouldn't even be willing to come and take me out for a meal. What else do you have in your life? Get the hell out of here, and now I'll tell you clearly, even if you spend 30 Come on, I don't care anymore, we're done playing!" After finishing speaking, the man actually spat at Baobao Lin, and then walked away!
"Don't go, don't go! I love you! I love you!" Baby Lin cried out in distress, then put down a banknote in a panic, and chased after her boyfriend.

"Hmph! What a man with an open eye for money. What's so good about such a man? This baby Lin has no bones at all. I'm so pissed off!" Chen Shihan, like Liu Nianfeng, watched the whole development of the situation, and then became angry. He slapped the table with his hand, his nose was smoking with anger, and he didn't know whether he was angry at that man's shamelessness, or at Lin Baobao's uselessness.

But Chen Shihan immediately realized that Liu Nianfeng was sitting next to him, and he was also a man, would this make Liu Nianfeng think he was scolding him!

Thinking of this, Chen Shihan suddenly looked at Liu Nianfeng nervously!
"Don't look at me, I'm not as stingy as you think!" Liu Nianfeng gave Chen Shihan a white look.

"Then what do you think about this matter?" Seeing that Liu Nianfeng was really not angry, Chen Shihan asked very curiously, she really wanted to know what kind of attitude Liu Nianfeng would have when facing such a thing.

"I don't have a good attitude, it's just that it feels a little ridiculous!" Liu Nianfeng's expression suddenly became a little weird, "I'm wondering if my dream is wrong, maybe for men, such a world is more beautiful than the original one. The world is much more beautiful! Will my dream be a disaster for them!"

Liu Nianfeng really began to doubt his dream, he already has some desire to save the men in this world, because they look like they are having fun!

(End of this chapter)

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