girl line

Chapter 536 Destroyer Yudachi

Chapter 536 Destroyer Yudachi
"As far as I know, you are very taboo here to explain the origin of the slave girl clearly, and the places that must be explained are also treated as vaguely as possible. Why did you tell the origin of the slave girl so much? Clear?" This question was not asked by Liu Nianfeng, but by Chen Shihan who followed behind Liu Nianfeng and had never spoken. ,

"This guest is a veteran who knows our rules!" The supervisor nodded, and then explained, "Actually, we don't want to say so much, but it was requested by the admiral who sold her to us. She said, The reason why she is willing to sell this starship girl to me for the price of a star coin is to ask us to agree to a request, that is, whenever a customer asks about her, we must tell her about her, so that this Everyone in the world knows what a terrible price to pay for stealthily robbing men!"

"It's so ruthless!" Hearing the supervisor's explanation, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help shivering. The world's most poisonous woman's heart, the ancients did not deceive me, this trick is really too poisonous. This unlucky starship girl has been a joke all her life!

"I bought this woman!" Don't get me wrong, it's still not Liu Nianfeng who said this, but Chen Shihan who followed behind Liu Nianfeng, her eyes were fixed on this slave girl, as if she wanted to eat her It's like going into the stomach.

"Okay! No problem! Please pay the money!" The supervisor looked at Chen Shihan in surprise. He didn't expect that the one who opened up the business first among the two was not Liu Nianfeng who was always talking to him and was the master of the house.It was the silent woman next to her.

"Take it!" Chen Shihan directly threw the three ghost relics out, and they fell all over the ground. The supervisor who killed him rushed to the ground, raised his buttocks, and picked up the ghost relics one by one. , and then said with a smile on his face, "Thank you for your consumption. We will take this girl and pack it immediately. Would you like to provide the delivery address? We can deliver any one to you within five days. On a planet without a tutelary mansion!"

"No need! Just give it to me when I'm leaving!" Chen Shihan said, and the supervisor said a few words into the headset, and the door of the room where the slave girl was staying was immediately opened from the other end, and several women The staff dragged the slave girl and left the room directly.

Afterwards, under the leadership of the supervisor, Liu Nianfeng saw several slave girls again, but either they were too old or had low potential, Liu Nianfeng was not satisfied with all of them, and finally forced the supervisor to be unbearable, and expressed dissatisfaction to Liu Nianfeng asked, "My lord! What are you going to buy? You are not entertaining me!"

"Ahem! I took a look, and the slave girls here are not very good. I'd better go and see those wild girls." Liu Nianfeng's goal was not on these slave girls, so he said smoothly.

"Okay! But you must stop amusing me!" The supervisor said with a wry smile, and led Liu Nianfeng to another corridor.

Like the slave girl's room before, the wild girl is also locked in a room with a wall that can only see the scene in one direction, but unlike the slave girl before, the wild girl here does not live there. It could be considered a comfortable room, but they were simply locked in iron cages one after another.

This iron cage is extremely narrow. Its bottom is about one square meter square, but its height is only about half a meter. Staying in a curled-up position, or a half-prone and half-kneeling position, makes me feel aggrieved and uncomfortable. It must be very uncomfortable to stay in there for a long time.

The pain these wild girls suffered was not limited to this cage. They were all dressed in thick cotton clothes, and even their heads were covered with a layer of soft cotton. In the end, only their noses and mouths were exposed... …But even so, an iron pipe connected to the ceiling was directly inserted into the mouth, which feels like those cramming utensils.

In addition, the collars around their necks are still tied with iron chains, and their limbs are also firmly tied by an iron chain, so that the hands and feet of these girls cannot be brought together, and they can only maintain a large font. appearance.

"Why do you treat them like this?" Liu Nianfeng couldn't help asking.

"We didn't intend to torture them. It's just that these wild girls are not submissive to domestication and training, and have a strong desire to seek death. If we don't use such cages and methods, we can firmly control their hands and feet and keep their bodies Protect the body, and finally cover the mouth, otherwise, if you don’t pay attention, you will find a way to bite your tongue and kill yourself, and we will waste a lot of resources to treat them!" The supervisor explained, "And there is another advantage in this way, That is to be able to wear down a lot of their arrogance, and it will be easier to be obedient when you buy them back in the future!"

"Forget it, I won't waste time here anymore, take me to find the best-rated destroyer if you have time!" Liu Nianfeng said bluntly, not wanting to stay here any longer.

"It's best to just look for it directly?" The supervisor rolled his eyes and led Liu Nianfeng to the deepest part of the place.

There, although there were quite a few rooms, there was only one room with a light on. Obviously, only these four rooms lived with starship girls.

"This distinguished guest came at a good time. Here is a wild girl we just got. If this adult is interested, you might as well buy it back. The price is easy to negotiate!" The supervisor said with a smile.

"This is..." Liu Nianfeng glanced across the wall and was startled, because what he saw was a young (harmonious) girl with dog ears.

"You didn't put dog ears on her, did you, like that starry night just now!" Liu Nianfeng asked.

"No, why do we wear dog ears for the wild girl? Do such boring things?" The supervisor shrugged his shoulders. "These ears are real, genuine ears. If you want to buy her, I would I can touch it for you!"

"These are real ears!" Liu Nianfeng was taken aback again, and after a closer look, he found that although the girl was locked in a cage, and her limbs and mouth were bound, she was the same as most of those lying in the cage. The wild girl inside was different, but this wild girl lay vigilantly inside the cage like a dog, and her eyes were fixed on where Liu Nianfeng and the others were, as if she had seen through the wall that someone was looking at her!
"It really has the same sense of smell as a dog! Is this transformed by a creature?" Liu Nianfeng exclaimed. On this dog girl, Liu Nianfeng seemed to have seen Ono's voice. Could it be that this dog girl Like Ono, is she a girl who was transformed into that appearance by a creature?
"No, biological modification will greatly harm the girl's lifespan. We will never do such a loss-making thing!" The supervisor shook his head and denied it again.

"But if you don't carry out biological transformation, how can this girl look like a dog..." Liu Nianfeng's eyes suddenly lit up, "Wait... Could it be that this is the Emerald Galaxy..."

"My lord, you really have good eyesight. That's right, this is a real fake. The dog girl family from the Emerald Galaxy is the prey that a group of poachers worked hard to sneak into the Emerald Galaxy to capture. , how are you, are you interested in buying this puppy?" The supervisor smiled, and then pressed on the wall, showing the profile of the dog girl.

Name: Diana Doug
Type: wild girl
Age: 12 years old

Bee value: 125 bees

Grade: Starlight
Battleship: Destroyer Yudachi
Rating: S grade

Origin: Captured from the main star of the Emerald Galaxy, it has a very aggressive personality, please handle it carefully!

Price: 220 ghost relics

"This is actually the destroyer Xili, the soul of that peerless ancient battleship!!!!" Before Liu Nianfeng could speak, Chen Shihan shouted at the side, "You actually caught a peerless starship girl to sell, you guys! Don't you want to die? Are you not afraid that the military department will put you in a pot?"

"My lord, please keep your voice down, don't be so alarmed, if this is really a peerless starship girl from the military department, let's not sell it, even if it is given to us, we dare not take it!" The supervisor said with a wry smile "But the introduction clearly stated that this was captured in the Fei Leng Cui galaxy. This is not a starship girl from the military department, and the military department will not care about it! And those brains that Fei Leng Cui cares about, And they won’t go to the military to complain, they believe in getting back what they lost, so don’t worry that the military will be troublesome inside!”

"Then this is too scary! If the lunatics in the Emerald Galaxy know that such a girl is in our hands, I'm afraid the two of us will go away without enough food!" Feng said, "You must not buy her, or if you are found out, you will be in bad luck!"

"Hey! My lord, you can't say it so absolutely. Think about it from another angle. It is precisely because of this dog girl's special background that she only sells 220 ghost relics! To put it bluntly To be honest, if other peerless starship girls sold less than a thousand ghost relics, it would be impossible, and only such a dog girl would sell it so cheap!"

"For 220 ghost relics, you can buy a peerless starship girl. What a bargain!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's really tempted expression, the supervisor immediately began to bewitch.

"Okay! I'll buy it!" Liu Nianfeng took a deep breath, and finally said heavily.

What a joke, the destroyer Yudachi, one of the strongest destroyers, is in front of me, how could I not want it!

(End of this chapter)

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