girl line

Chapter 544 The Antique Three Years Ago

Chapter 544 The Antique Three Years Ago

As soon as Qiu Cixi returned home, a strange thing happened, which made Qiu Cixi's expression extremely ugly immediately.

As soon as Qiu Cixi fell to the ground, a sculpture about ten meters away from her fell to the ground, damaging many flowers and plants.

"Where are people? Where did the gardeners die? Why don't you put this statue in place for me!" Qiu Cixi yelled angrily, and immediately two gardeners rushed over like flying, and at the same time gave Qiu Cixi Apologizing, he helped up the fallen statue.

"Humph!" Qiu Cixi snorted coldly, and was about to leave with her legs, but before she could take a step away, the statue that had just been lifted up fell down again in response to the sound!

"What are you two idiots doing?" Qiu Cixi yelled at the two gardeners. The two gardeners also looked innocent. They didn't know why the statue that had been straightened suddenly fell down again. Could it be that Is it because of the uneven ground?

Although they don't know why, it is obvious that the two gardeners can't let the statue fall again, otherwise they will lose their well-paid jobs.So after they helped the statue up again, they held the statue firmly with their hands to ensure that the statue would not fall again.

"What a ghost, you are so unlucky, even the statue will make you angry!" Qiu Cixi muttered, and then continued to move forward, and then heard a cry of pain... The statue, together with the person holding the statue The two gardeners fell down together.

"..." Qiu Cixi was speechless, but at this time she obviously realized that this was not an ordinary incident of a statue falling, and it was impossible for the statue to fall like this when someone was supporting it. There must be other reasons!
Without further ado, Qiu Cixi walked to the side of the statue with a strange expression, and Liu Nianfeng, who got off the hovering plane one step later, also noticed the abnormality here, and walked over together.

"What's wrong?" Liu Nianfeng asked curiously.

"This statue seems to be possessed by a ghost, I will fall if I take a step!" Qiu Cixi pointed at the statue and said.

"Let me see!" Liu Nianfeng's eyes fell on the statue.

Of course, this statue is engraved with the image of Liunianfeng. I saw Liunianfeng on the statue, wearing a traditional Chinese Hanfu, with a jade pendant around his waist, a sachet, a long sword behind his back, and a sword in his hand. Holding a wooden fan, he is really a handsome young man, as if he stepped out of a costume drama!
"Have I ever worn such clothes?" Liu Nianfeng pointed at the statue and said shyly.

"No..." Choo Ja Hei shyly shook her head, "I just think the admiral must be very handsome in such clothes, so I made a statue like this according to your figure and appearance!"

"Yeah!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, he let the two gardeners go away, pushed the statue himself, and found that the statue was very stable, even if Liu Nianfeng pushed hard, it would be difficult to push the statue down , I really don’t know how this statue still fell to the ground with the support of two gardeners!
"It seems that the problem lies in this statue!" Liu Nianfeng looked at the statue carefully, and found that the statue was a stone sculpture, but the fan in his hand was not carved from stone. Real wood folding fan.

"Can I take this fan down?" Liu Nianfeng asked, pointing at the folding fan?

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate... This fan is not an ordinary fan, but an antique fan. It seems to have a history of thousands of years. We bought it from a prodigal at a huge price! The owner said Only this kind of fan is worthy of the statue of Admiral Liunianfeng! The master also said that unless Admiral Liunianfeng comes in person, no one is allowed to touch the fan!" The gardener refused.

Because Liu Nianfeng has stated in advance that he is absolutely not allowed to reveal his identity, so the whole garden only knows that a stranger has come, and this stranger has a very high status and has been greatly respected by his master, but he does not know this. The stranger is just the legendary Fleeing Maple.

"Presumptuous! Of course he can touch this fan!" Qiu Cixi was very dissatisfied when she heard that the gardener rejected Liu Nianfeng. If Liu Nianfeng didn't press Qiu Cixi down, Qiu Cixi would definitely He started scolding on the spot, and incidentally leaked Liu Nianfeng's identity.

At this time, I really discovered that although Choo Ja Hei looks like a cute loli, and although she is very obedient and obedient in front of her, Choo Ja Hee's actual temper is extremely bad, and reprimanding others is commonplace. The image shown in front of her is completely different, Choo Ja Hei is actually a woman with a great temper!

But it doesn't matter, as long as Qiu Cixi is obedient in front of her, that's enough!
With Qiu Cixi's acquiescence, Liu Nianfeng took the fan from the statue, shook it in his hand, and found that it was actually a Wang Xingji fan.

Wang Xingji was a hundred-year-old name in China at that time. It was created in 1875. In just 100 years, it became the best fan manufacturer in China.

Of course, for this era, if Wang Xingji is still alive, it should be a 6000-year-old brand. Unexpectedly, Liu Nianfeng can still see fans produced by Wang Xingji.

"Is there still such a time-honored brand as Wang Xingji?" Liu Nianfeng asked the two gardeners beside him.

"I don't know..." The two gardeners shook their heads quickly, and Ming Yueer quickly took out his personal terminal, and after searching the Internet, he whispered a few words to Liu Nianfeng, and Liu Nianfeng suddenly showed extreme surprise on his face. expression.

"Cixi, take this fan! Hurry up!" Liu Nianfeng handed the fan in front of Qiu Cixi and said.

"What am I doing with the fan?" Qiu Cixi didn't know why, but since it was Liu Nianfeng's order, she obediently obeyed and held the fan in her hand.

Then, a white ray of light shone on Qiu Jaxi's head, and the figure of a small boat appeared on Qiu Jaxi's head.

"I succeeded in summoning? I have my own soul of an ancient warship!" Until this time, Choo Ja Hei found that there was a figure of a ship in her body, and she said excitedly all over her body.

"En! You have become a real starship girl!" Liu Nianfeng said solemnly while holding Qiu Cixi's hand.

"How is this's really's just a fan..." Qiu Cixi suddenly became incoherent.

"This is not an ordinary fan! It is not a fan that has been handed down for 1000 years! It is a fan that has been handed down for 6000 years!" Liu Nianfeng said lightly, "This fan is made on the earth. , the material used is also the earth, so this fan is actually one of the fragments of the earth... And this fragment of the earth belongs to you, and it contains the soul of your ancient battleship!"

"The reason why the statue kept falling just now is because the fan sensed its owner and was sending a signal to you... This is the induction only after you held the ghost contract ceremony."

"I... this... I..." Qiu Cixi was so excited that she almost collapsed, and she couldn't speak anymore.

"I'm sorry... Admiral... I need to calm down, I need to calm down in my room!" Qiu Cixi suddenly rushed to the depths of "Autumn Charm Garden", she didn't know what to use The expression came to face Fleeting Maple.

"Do you two live in this garden? Or in your own home?" Liu Nianfeng turned to the two gardeners beside him and asked.

"Regarding this nobleman, we all live in the garden, but we can go home for two days every month!" said the gardener.

"Very good, you have made contributions today, you two go back to your room first, your master will reward you tomorrow!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile.

"Really?" The two gardeners showed delighted expressions at the same time, and then happily returned to their room to wait for the master's reward.

"You tell Qiu Jiaxi later, these two gardeners can't stay on this planet anymore, they will guess my identity in a short time, you ask Qiu Jiaxi to take these two guys to the boat Come back to Zulongxing with us, our Zulongxing really needs a few gardeners to take care of the flowers and plants!" Liu Nianfeng said to Ming Yue'er next to him, and three years and two words decided the two The fate of the gardener.

"Yes!" Ming Yue'er nodded, and then said strangely, "Admiral, the ancient warship soul that Choo Ja Hei just obtained should be just an ordinary white ancient warship soul!"

"Didn't you see the color of the soul of the ancient battleship? Why are you asking that knowingly!" Liu Nianfeng said.

"It's nothing, I just want to say that our tutelary mansion's record has finally been broken, admiral, you are no longer that super emperor, you finally have an ordinary starship girl!" Ming Yue'er said with a smile.But then again, this Qiu Cixi is really the first common-level starship girl that Liu Nianfeng got. The worst starship girl before is just a rare level, and Liu Nianfeng has never had one A starship girl who has passed the ordinary level.

"What are you laughing at? For the admiral, the starship girls of the ordinary level are the most starship girls. I can only meet the starship girls of the ordinary level at the 16th starship girl. I am very satisfied! This Hua The emperor's crown is still on my head, you can't take it away!" Liu Nianfeng knocked Ming Yue'er on the head.

"However, Admiral, there is one more thing. I wonder if you noticed it just now?" Ming Yue'er changed the subject, her face was no longer joking, but full of prudence!
"Hmm! I noticed!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, and his face became extremely serious, "The battleship soul on Choo Ja Hei's head is really too small, even smaller than the smallest destroyer, the ancient battleship soul. About five times...and there is not even a naval gun on that ship...that ship is not a battleship at all!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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