girl line

Chapter 549 Who is the Murderer

Chapter 549 Who is the Murderer

"I can really smell the smell in the universe, my science has collapsed!" Seeing that Diana actually started to lead the way in the universe in a decent way, Liu Nianfeng was a little happy or worried. Speaking of.

"Actually, this is not without scientific basis at all!" Ming Yue'er smiled and said, "It is true that odors cannot be transmitted in a vacuum, but there are countless particles that are transmitted in a vacuum. According to scientific research, the human body is indeed pervasive. They are all exuding a unique DNA-like particle that belongs to a certain person. So if Miss Diana's nose can smell this kind of particle, then according to the source of this particle, it is not impossible to find Senior Bismarck Possible things!"

"That's right! You're right, even the starship girl has become a science, and there's nothing unscientific about it!" Liu Nianfeng shrugged his shoulders, and then looked at Diana who was suspended in the bridge.

After carefully showing the smell on the chip, Diana took the initiative to enter the bridge, and began to rely on this idea to control the sailing direction of the battleship.And according to Diana herself, she couldn't smell the smell in the cockpit, and only after merging with the Star Warship, could she perceive the source of the smell through her psionic and psionic energy.

So this is actually not a job done through the nose, but a job done through the induction of psionic energy and psionic energy.

When Diana led the way, another ten days passed. On the tenth day, Liu Nianfeng, who was on a long voyage, suddenly received an encrypted quantum signal. After seeing this quantum signal, Liu Nianfeng's His face suddenly became bitter.

"Admiral, what's wrong? The expression is so ugly?" Ming Yue'er asked a little strangely when she saw Liu Nianfeng's expression.

"Alice and the others are already here!" Liu Nianfeng said with a painful face, "The construction of the Stargate was five days earlier than I expected. They worked overtime and successfully completed the construction of the Stargate, and Now I'm chatting with Chen Shihan on Tiantingxing."

"This is a good thing! It means that our strength has increased! Admiral, why do you still look unhappy?" Ming Yue'er asked with a smirk.

"Huh! Although there are only a few simple sentences in this communication, I can smell the smell of wanting to kill people across the universe. Otherwise, how could they complete the construction of the Stargate five days earlier than expected? I'm afraid they want to find the two of us earlier, and then eat us both alive!" Liu Nianfeng couldn't help shivering.

"It's none of my business! Don't count me in!" Ming Yue'er immediately cleared herself up. "This is the decision of the admiral alone, and he was only persecuted by the admiral!"

"..." Liu Nianfeng opened his mouth, and finally said helplessly, "I have already decided, let's go back as late as possible this time, and we will never go back until the oil on the Xili can't support it!"

Fleeting Maple, this is an obvious deception!

"Wow! Report to the admiral! A small piece of metal object was found by scanning 25.73 kilometers ahead. Its shape and composition should not be a meteorite formed naturally in the universe. Do you need to go and check? Baro!" At this time, the driver Diana's voice suddenly sounded in the cabin.

"Metal objects? Could it be..." Liu Nianfeng's heart moved, and without a word, he immediately ordered the Xili to approach the piece of metal, and then grabbed it into the battleship with the mechanical arm.

Although it is impossible to conduct detailed research on this piece of debris because the Yudachi is a destroyer, it can be seen from the appearance of this piece of debris that it is definitely a piece of a spaceship, and it is still a piece of a spaceship that has gone through a long period of time. debris.

"It seems that the battle zone is near here! Diana, your nose is really amazing!" Liu Nianfeng couldn't help sighing.

"Hmph, this is nothing to our Doug family!" Diana replied proudly.

After sailing for another day or so, more and more fragments were found along the way. Finally, in an extremely hidden place in the universe, in a starry sky that was not even marked on the map, Liu Nianfeng finally found it. A large group of warship fragments.

After inspecting a large number of warship fragments and comparing a large amount of data, Liu Nianfeng finally determined that all these warships were built in the style of warships 3000 years ago.

In addition, after analyzing the reasons for the damage of these warships, Liu Nianfeng was surprised to find that these warships were not destroyed by the star beasts, because if the warships were destroyed by the star beasts, there should be very obvious trampling on the battleships, Impact, tearing, etc., the scars destroyed by external force are the result of direct contact with the star beast.

However, some of the fragments of these battleships were shattered due to the explosion, and the other part had very obvious traces of bullet marks. Fleeting Feng even found the warheads of half-melted psychic cannons inside some of the warship fragments, which shows that these The battleship was destroyed in the hands of psionic ship guns and psionic cannons, not in the hands of star beasts.

"It seems that Bismarck's fleet should have been destroyed after being raided by the rebels at that time, not because of encountering the star beast Xuanming as Bismarck wrote in the letter!" Liu Nianfeng finally said He made a conclusion, but there was one thing that made Liu Nianfeng very weird.

There is no trace of Xuanming's attack at all here, but the trace left after being attacked by another fleet.

In this case, the murderer should be the rebel army led by Marshal Xiaoyao.

But if Bismarck's fleet was really destroyed by the rebels, then as the later victor, Marshal Xiaoyao, the leader of the rebels, it is impossible not to record this great victory in his record... because for the victor As far as he is concerned, no matter how small a battle is, it must be remembered in history and used to show his great contributions.

So if the rebels really attacked this fleet and achieved such a huge victory, then I believe that the rebels will definitely leave a strong mark in history, instead of being as unknown as they are now, and then they don’t even know about Bismarck Where did the number finally disappear.

Of course, there is another way of explaining this.

That is, there are some very special factors in this battle, because the way of fighting is too despicable, maybe there is something more shameful, in short, the rebel army is unwilling to announce the details of this battle, but intends to cover up this battle go down.

If this is the case, the situation is not right.

If you intend to cover up the truth, you should clean up the battlefield and clean up all the debris on the entire battlefield, so that even if future generations come to this starry sky, they will not be able to find the slightest trace of battle. Guarantee that the truth of history will not be discovered.

But the battlefield in front of him was displayed in front of Liu Nianfeng so neatly, almost no different from the battlefield at the end of the battle 3000 years ago... Obviously, no one has cleaned this battlefield at all.

In other words, no matter whether it was the rebel army or the government army at the time, people at that time did not know the existence of this battlefield at all, so no one cleaned the battlefield.

From this point of view, it seems that what Bismarck said was correct, it was indeed the star beast Xuanming that destroyed the fleet.

So here comes the problem, which led to the destruction of the entire mighty Bismarck fleet, which in turn affected the entire battle situation between the government army and the rebel army, and even changed the entire history of mankind. In this battle where the rebel army won the final victory, who is the winner of the battle? who?

These questions have always lingered in Liu Nianfeng's mind, causing Liu Nianfeng to think hard, but he couldn't get an answer.

"Forget it, when we find Bismarck, maybe we will be able to get the answer to the question!" Liu Nianfeng thought in this way, and let Diana continue to search for Bismarck's location to see if he could find Bismarck on this battlefield freezer.

But then Diana's nose failed. After searching aimlessly for two or three days with no results, Diana finally admitted to Liu Nianfeng unwillingly that she could no longer find the next direction.She said that the smell of Bismarck is everywhere on this battlefield, and her current psychic power is too weak to reach the strongest level, so that she can't tell where is the real place to hide Bismarck .

This made Liu Nianfeng scratch his head a little bit. The scope of this battlefield is quite large, with a size of hundreds of billions of cubic kilometers... Such a volume is not worth mentioning for the entire universe.But for Liu Nianfeng, it was a terrible size.

Wanting to find the location of Bismarck in such a huge space, Liu Nianfeng felt that he could commit suicide.

"Admiral! We have life detectors on our ship! They can detect life reactions. Can't we use the life detectors to find Miss Bismarck?" Ming Yue'er suggested.

"The life detector must be able to detect life reactions. Bismarck can live in the escape cabin for 3000 years, which means that the freezing effect of this freezing cabin is excellent, and Bismarck's life reactions must be completely sealed. Otherwise, Bismarck would not be able to survive 3000 years!"

"Forget it! Let's go back first!" Liu Nianfeng shook his head helplessly and said, "Actually, as long as we find the location of this battlefield, we can get tens of thousands of robots to form a robot detection cluster after we go back, and come back at that time Explore this battlefield before wasting our own precious time!"

Ming Yue'er was a little unhappy about Liu Nianfeng's decision.Once they go back, it means that the time for her and Liu Nianfeng to be alone is over. Alice and those women will definitely rush forward desperately, she can't compete with Alice.

"Admiral! Have you ever tried the state of ghost resonance!" Ming Yue'er suddenly suggested, and at the same time pointed to the somewhat dazed Diana on the bridge and said, "Admiral, Diana should have used psionic and psionic energy to find Miss Bismarck location, if you and Diana enter the state of ghostly resonance, maybe you can enhance Miss Diana's strength, and you may not be able to find Miss Bismarck!"

(End of this chapter)

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