girl line

Chapter 552 The Woman in Liquid Nitrogen

Chapter 552 The Woman in Liquid Nitrogen
As Ming Yueer said, the engine room is a very dangerous place, tens of thousands of times more dangerous than the nuclear explosion center. Even if humans wear a full set of protective clothing, they cannot stay in the engine room.The engine room is strictly forbidden to enter at any time, unless the battleship stops working and the engine room has undergone particle neutralization operations for more than 12 hours, humans can wear protective clothing to go in for maintenance and other work.

However, the wreckage of this warship has been sitting here for 3000 years, no matter how many particles there are, after 3000 years, it has already been neutralized.So this time when Liu Nianfeng and others went in, there was no great danger, but the search team felt that the target they wanted to search could not be in the engine room.

"Boom!" With the completion of the laser cutting gun, the outer protective wall of the engine room was finally cut open... In order to prevent the particles inside the engine room from overflowing, the outer protective wall of the entire engine room is more than 50 meters thick. Search It took the team a full five hours to cut a 50-meter-long tunnel into the entire protective outer wall.

After passing through this tunnel, the search team finally saw the scene inside the engine.

"This is a very ridiculous and poorly designed engine room, full of all kinds of fallacies, which will increase the chance of engine failure hundreds of times! I finally understand why the damage rate of warships 3000 years ago is as high as 1% !!" In order to ensure that the search team can quickly start work in the engine room, Liu Nianfeng specially called in some staff who were in charge of the engine room on the Xili.

However, just after these staff entered the engine room, they couldn't help but complain about how bad the engine room design was 3000 years ago.

Liu Nianfeng's attention was not on these complaints at all, he searched on the wall, found a controller, then forcibly disassembled the controller, took out the storage chip inside, and finally took a look at the storage chip number.

"That's right! Bismarck is here!" After seeing the serial number of this storage chip, Liu Nianfeng immediately said with great certainty.

"Admiral? What did you find?" Ming Yue'er beside him asked curiously.

"Look at the serial number of this storage chip, and compare it with the serial number of the storage chip we got, and you will understand why I said that!" Liu Nianfeng handed the storage chip to Ming Yue'er, and Ming Yue'er glanced at it. There was a clear expression on his face, because the number on this memory chip was only five digits different from the number on the memory chip that Liu Nianfeng had obtained before.

This means that these two storage chips were produced at the same time, and two storage chips produced at the same time are often used at the same position on the same battleship. In other words, the previous That storage chip is the chip in the engine room.

It was Bismarck who fled here who forcibly took out the memory chip, recorded his information, and threw it outside to ask for help!

This discovery of Liu Nianfeng excited everyone, thinking that maybe Bismarck was really here.

But the problem is that although the area of ​​the engine room is huge, most of the space is used to house the antimatter engine, and there is only a circle of aisles around it for humans to stay.

And this circle of aisles was quickly searched several times thoroughly, and there was no trace of any frozen survival cabin at all.

"Damn! Where did this Bismarck hide? Could it be that she hid in the engine?" Ming Yue'er muttered, and this sound immediately woke up Liu Nianfeng, who was a little dazed, and directly ordered Dismantled, completely dismantled the engine.

Although the search team couldn't understand Liu Nianfeng's order, and the engine room couldn't survive. If it entered the engine, it would probably be burnt without ashes. How could someone get into the engine?
But what Liu Nianfeng said was an imperial decree, and the search team could only continue to dismantle it.

However, the engine cannot be violently disassembled. Although 3000 years have passed, there is definitely residual antimatter fuel in the engine. If any incorrect operation detonates the antimatter fuel, everyone present Want to leave alive.

Therefore, the search team was very careful in dismantling, and did not dare to use violent means of dismantling such as laser guns. They could only dismantle it by physical means. In addition, the Xili lacked professional dismantling equipment, so the dismantling speed was quite fast. slow.Ten hours passed and the engine was only 1/10 removed.

"What is this?" When a large piece of protective armor was removed, revealing a huge ball inside, Liu Nianfeng asked curiously.

"Returning to the Admiral, this is the cooling tank of the engine, which stores liquefied nitrogen 87 that can help the engine cool down quickly!" A staff member who is familiar with the engine explained to Liu Nianfeng. Like all engines, the antimatter engine of course It also has its own cooling system.

It's just that the water used by ordinary engines cannot be used by antimatter engines. Even for low-temperature objects such as liquefied nitrogen, it is difficult to quickly cool down antimatter engines with temperatures as high as several million degrees Celsius.

And this liquefied nitrogen 87 is an isotope of nitrogen, which has a cooling capacity 3000 times better than that of ordinary liquefied nitrogen. After it was developed, it was widely used as a cooling liquid for engines. Even after 87 years, The cooling material used on the Xili is still liquefied nitrogen [-].

"High-speed cooling!" The name instantly cleared Liu Nianfeng's mind, yes, Liu Nianfeng found that he had been caught in a misunderstanding.

Liu Nianfeng has always believed that if Bismarck wants to live for 3000 years, he must use a frozen life support cabin to do so.

It wasn't until this cooling tank filled with liquefied nitrogen 87 appeared that Liu Nianfeng suddenly realized that Bismarck didn't have to use a refrigerated life-support chamber. She could also use the amazing power of liquefied nitrogen 87 as long as she jumped into the liquefied nitrogen 87. With the freezing ability, he can freeze himself, waiting for future generations to save him.

It's just that Bismarck never imagined that the descendants who came to save him would be human beings after 3000 years!
"No need to deal with the engine anymore, open this cooling tank for me!" Liu Nianfeng once again issued a new order, so the staff quickly gave up their work and began to deal with the cooling tank with all their strength.

Compared with dismantling the engine, opening a cooling tank is a very simple and enjoyable job. Soon the entire cooling tank was opened, and the drain was also opened. Slowly flowing out of the human tank...Because it was exposed to the vacuum for a long time, and there was no persistent light around it, the temperature of the cooling tank was already minus 3000 degrees at this time, so the liquid that flowed out Nitrogen 87 just emitted a little gas smoke, it didn't evaporate into gas quickly, but still flowed in the engine room in the form of liquid.

In order to expedite the discharge of the liquid in the cooling tank, Liu Nianfeng ordered someone to open an opening about the size of a human body at the bottom of the cooling tank, allowing the liquid nitrogen in the cooling tank to flow out quickly. The body is exposed!

"Someone! There is really someone inside!" A staff member with sharp eyes screamed immediately. Under the arrangement of Liu Nianfeng, several other staff members immediately rushed into the cooling tank and sealed the inside. The man who lived for 3000 years was carried out.

When this person was carried out, Liu Nianfeng took a slight look, but the other person's body was completely covered by frost, like ice and snow, and he couldn't see his true face clearly.But the clothes on his body are still intact.

"Quick! Hurry up and send it to the medical cabin!" Liu Nianfeng didn't dare to expose this person in the vacuum for too long, otherwise she would not die in the liquefied nitrogen, but would die under the air. This is Liu Nianfeng Things to cry about.

So Liu Nianfeng had already prepared the most advanced medical cabin, and put it in the engine room. When this person was discharged, he was sent directly into the medical cabin.

"Report! A life signal has been detected! We have detected this person's life signal! She is still alive! This person is still alive!!!!" A staff member in charge of operating the medical cabin suddenly jumped up excitedly, using a method of approaching Said in an incoherent manner.

For this medical worker, this discovery is shocking and enough to change the whole world. A human being can survive 3000 years and still have his own life signal... I believe that once this story is published, I'm afraid it will cause an uproar in the entire human world, and I might even win the most prestigious award in the human empire, such as the Imperial Medical Award.

"Go and discuss with Admiral Chen Shihan... After we return to Heavenly Court Star, everyone on this battleship will be locked up by me, and then go back to Zulong Star with us!" Seeing this scene, Liu Nianfeng He didn't say anything, and with a smile on his face, he just said to Ming Yue'er secretly.

Some of these staff members were brought by Liu Nianfeng from Zulong Star, and the other part were borrowed from Chen Shihan on Tianting Star. After all, there are still great differences between battlecruisers and destroyers. Destroyers also need some specialized staff.

But with this discovery, it is impossible for Liu Nianfeng to make it public anyway, so he can only wrong these unlucky staff members and go to the Zulong star with Liu Nianfeng.

At the beginning, these staff members were naturally resentful and dissatisfied, and they were forcibly sent to Zulongxing in a confinement manner, which would make everyone unhappy.

But after a few years, all these unhappiness and dissatisfaction will disappear, and they will be proud of every day they spend on Zulongxing!

(End of this chapter)

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