girl line

Chapter 560 Liu Xuanyuan

Chapter 560 Liu Xuanyuan

"Welcome to the special assembly point of the Great Horn Sea Starfield Battle. Admirals who arrive in the fleet, please do not try to dock at the star port. Please park within an area 50 kilometers away from the planet. When parking, please pay attention to maintaining the distance between the fleets to avoid Accidents such as collisions occurred.”

"Admirals, please lead your starship girls to take a small transportation boat to the Starport Pier, and then immediately go to the various service windows to go through the basic combat procedures and receive the combat statistics recorder!" In the vast starry sky, there is a star It can be said that it is extremely busy. The star port of this planet is completely full. The entire planet is surrounded by densely packed star warships. It is no wonder that the planet prohibits star warships from docking at the star port... This star Although the area of ​​the port is large, it is impossible to accommodate so many star warships.

The small traffic boat has already filled up the star port.

This is a special assembly point responsible for welcoming the foreign admirals. The admirals who arrived in the Yizhou star area for the first time will go through various procedures here, receive their own combat missions, and allocate temporary berths and other matters. This is equivalent to the connection hub responsible for the battle of the entire Great Horned Sea Starfield. After all the admirals come to the Great Horned Sea Starfield, they have to go to this planet to complete various procedures.

"Please show your DNA certificate and your personal terminal!" At a processing window, the staff said to the admiral in front of him, and the admiral also readily took out his various certificates.

"It turned out to be Miss Chen Shihan, the admiral of the Tiantingxing Guardian Mansion!" After checking Chen Shihan's ID, the staff member saw Chen Shihan's name, and his expression immediately became a little bit wrong.

"Is there any problem?" Chen Shihan asked.

"No..." The staff member shook his head, then glanced behind Chen Shihan, saw the crowd of women and asked, "Are these all your starship girls?"

"Of course!" Chen Shihan nodded.

"But your information shows that there are a total of 29 starship girls registered in your register, but why do you feel that there are more than 40 people behind you!" the staff member asked strangely.

"Oh! That's right, I still had 29 starship girls a few days ago, but wasn't this to be able to exert greater power in this battle, so I recruited 17 more before coming here Starship girls, so now I have a total of 46 starship girls!" Chen Shihan explained.

"But why does the data still show that you only have 29 people?" The staff still felt a little strange and said.

"This...maybe it still needs to be reviewed. You don't know that the data of the starship girl who just joined will not enter the system immediately. You have to wait for a few days..." Chen Shihan said with a smile.

"Why do I still feel something is wrong..." The staff let go of their doubts because of Chen Shihan's explanation, but their faces became even weirder. This changed the faces of many starship girls behind Chen Shihan, and they retreated almost at the same time I took a step forward and made up my mind that if something went wrong, I would leave here immediately.

The atmosphere instantly became extremely dignified. Could it be that Liu Nianfeng is going to die before he leaves the school!

" data has been flashed! They are indeed 46 starship girls!" Just when the atmosphere was extremely tense, the staff's expression relaxed for a moment, and then said with a smile, "It really is an audit Because of this, I just refreshed it again, yes, 17 starship girls were indeed added five days ago, sorry... This is how the military department does things, and it wasted your precious time!"

"It's okay! It's okay!" Chen Shihan breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled, "Do you want to check the identities of my starship girls? DNA certificates or something?"

"No... there's nothing to check here... I can't check it alone!" The staff smiled wryly, "I have to receive two or three hundred admirals every day, and each admiral has dozens of starship girls at least." , there are at least hundreds of starship girls, if I have to check the DNA certificates one by one, even if I have ten times the clone, I will not be too busy!"

"And it's unnecessary. Could it be that there will be a starship girl who followed the wrong admiral and ran into your team? Then you should recognize it immediately!" The staff covered their mouths and smiled. of.

"Yes! That's right! Hahaha!" Chen Shihan nodded again and again. If she hadn't read the information of previous battles, she knew that she would only verify the identity of the admiral before the start of the battle, but never the DNA of the starship girl under the admiral. Because of his identity, Chen Shihan would not dare to let someone into his team at all.

"Well, although DNA identity verification is no longer required, basic registration is still required. Let your starship girls stand in front of this camera for a second, take a picture, and I will register!" The staff said again .

"Okay, Michelle, you come first..." Chen Shihan nodded, and the starship girls under her command began to stop in front of the camera one by one...The speed of these starship girls is quite nimble. One second, one more second without delay, the 46 starship girls were almost registered in less than one minute, which made the staff on the side couldn't help but praise, "Admiral Chen Shihan, your subordinates are really trained!" Well done! The speed is the fastest admiral I have ever seen. Unlike other admirals, the starship girls under him are messing around when they register, and some of them have to put on makeup before taking pictures. It was able to waste more than ten minutes, and it almost made me anxious to death!"

"Yes! Yes!" Chen Shihan laughed dryly, how dare she waste too much time here, she wished to complete the registration work in 0.1 second.

"Wait! Don't rush away!" When the starship girl finally registered, the staff member suddenly yelled.

"..." Chen Shihan and the last starship girl thumped in their hearts at the same time. Could it be that the staff member has discovered some problem!
"What's your name?" The staff member suddenly walked up to the last starship girl and asked.

"My name is Liu Xuanyuan, my lord, do you have any questions?" The last starship girl looked at the staff member with some fear, and said in a soft and sweet baby voice.

"Why are you so afraid of me!" The staff member looked at Liu Xuanyuan's body carefully, causing Liu Xuanyuan and Chen Shihan's hearts to rise in their throats... Could it be that the staff member found something wrong?No, Liu Xuanyuan's dress is perfect, even the appearance is completely based on the real Liu Xuanyuan's dress, although there are some differences in details, but these details may not be recognized at first sight even if the biological parents come. How could this staff member find the problem?
At this moment, Chen Shihan and Liu Xuanyuan's hearts were in their throats.

"Your family lives in Hao Hai Xing?" the staff member looked at Liu Xuanyuan's information in his hand and asked with a serious expression.

"That's right! My family lives in Haohaixing!"

"Where is the detailed address?"

"A 1-storey building by the Libu Lake in Yinhuang Forest Park"

"What's the name of your parents??"

"My father's name is Hu Yanmo, and my mother's name is Liu Kexin."

The staff asked quickly, and Liu Xuanyuan answered fluently, but if you carefully distinguish Liu Xuanyuan's voice, you can find that there is actually a trace of fear in Liu Xuanyuan's voice, and the answer itself is extremely dry, as if memorized by rote It came out average.

"It's really you!" The staff member suddenly hugged Liu Xuanyuan forcefully, then slapped Liu Xuanyuan on the back twice and said, "Sister Xuanyuan! You don't know me anymore, I live in Sister Taozi from the forest next door to your house!"

"Ah..." Liu Xuanyuan looked confused.

"Hey, it seems that you really forgot about me. Thinking about what you liked to do most back then, wasn't it just following my ass and peeking at men taking showers with me!" Taozi found that Liu Xuanyuan didn't know herself at all, and was a little frustrated "Forget it, you were just a four-year-old baby at that time, and I immigrated here with my mother. It's normal if you don't know me!"

"Sister Taozi..." Liu Xuanyuan hesitated for a while when she heard this, and called out tentatively!
"Hey! It's the baby's voice, I will never forget it for the rest of my life!" The sister Taozi giggled, and then said to Chen Shihan apologetically, "This admiral, I'm really sorry, I never thought that my childhood playmate would be Your starship girl, so I was a little excited just now, I wasted your time!"

"It's okay! It's okay!" Chen Shihan immediately waved his hands with a smile on his face. "I haven't seen my friends for so many years. This is also an excusable thing, understandable! Understandable!"

"Hey, I'm sorry, but it's a pity that this is not the time to reminisce, otherwise I really want to sleep with my little sister tonight and talk about what happened after we separated all these years!" Sister Taozi said with some regret.

"Well... you can go to the Heavenly Court Star to find Xuan Yuan to play in the future! But it's getting late now, and there are many admirals queuing up behind me, and the battle on the front line is also extremely fierce. Do you want to go through the formalities quickly? It's over, so I can go to the front line to help!" Chen Shihan said.

"That's right... that's the reason... it's all my fault... it's all my fault! I'll go through the formalities for you right away!" Sister Taozi patted her head, then quickly started to operate on the computer, and after a while, she said to Chen Shihan "Okay, your fleet has been assigned to the Tike Star Guardian House. This town guard mansion will become a temporary berth for your fleet in the next two weeks. The Tike Star Guard House will be responsible for supplying all the basic military supplies of your fleet. .As for the specific combat missions, after you arrive at the Tike Star Guardian Mansion, you will receive command and orders from the military department!"

"Okay!" Chen Shihan nodded vigorously, picked up her paperwork, and was about to escape from the fright that made her a little dizzy.

"Wait!" But Chen Shihan hadn't taken two steps, that sister Taozi yelled again, and before Chen Shihan realized what happened, her hands were grabbed by the other party forcefully.

"What are you doing!" Chen Shihan asked subconsciously.

"Please promise me! Admiral Chen Shihan! Please promise me that you will take good care of my little sister Xuanyuan!" The Taozi sister suddenly became a little red and swollen. She held Chen Shihan's hand tightly and said, "Xuanyuan is a stupid girl!" Stupid girl, she must be stupid on the battlefield, please take good care of her, admiral, and protect her life! Don't let this poor child be in danger and harm, okay? She is like a delicate flower Like a weak little flower, she cannot stand the ravages of war! Please protect her well! Please!!!”

"I understand!" Chen Shihan glanced at Liu Xuanyuan beside her, and said firmly, "Don't worry, even if I die, she will be fine! I like her very much too!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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