girl line

Chapter 563

Chapter 563

"It seems that our strength is not too strong!" After listening to the self-introductions of the previous 11 admirals, the admiral Masharti who guarded the mansion of Tikexing said with a somewhat ugly face.To put it bluntly, in the eyes of this admiral, except for the first four admirals, the rest of the admirals are all scum, generally around 40-80 warships, which really makes this Masharti The admiral's face was a little ugly. To her, it was like a tiger leading a group of pigs to fight.

"The last little sister, it's your turn!" Mashalti said to the last admiral who hadn't introduced himself yet,
"I am the admiral of the Heavenly Court Star Guardian Mansion, named Chen Shihan, a corporal admiral, a newcomer who just graduated this year. There are 46 starship girls under my command..."

"It's over, we were actually assigned a newcomer who graduated this year. Isn't this giving us an oil bottle? Why is our luck so bad..." Before Chen Shihan finished speaking, he was interrupted by an admiral.

When this admiral introduced himself just now, he said that he has 80 starship girls, which is the fifth most admiral among the 12 admirals in terms of number. This made Chen Shihan who was interrupted angry, and you are only 80 ships It's just a battleship, why do you despise me.

"Hey! Little guy, when it's time to fight later, you can take your fleet and hide at the end, don't hang around us, lest when the stars and beasts come, we have to be distracted to protect you , aren’t you just here to cause trouble!” The admiral’s words were extremely poisonous, and Chen Shihan’s face turned pale with anger.

"Admiral Liu Mo, don't say such things anymore! We are all comrades in arms, but sister Chen Shihan, in fact, what Admiral Liu Mo said is also reasonable. After all, you have just graduated and have little combat experience. You will hide at the back later and don't participate in the battle. Don't worry. When the battle is over, everyone will share some resources with you, and you won't be allowed to return empty-handed!" Mashalti's words were considered to be sympathetic to Chen Shihan, but he slapped Chen Shihan even harder. on Chen Shihan's face.

The translation of her words means that you stay aside and don't hold us back. We will give you something in due course!

"Thank you, Senior Commander, for your kindness!" Although Chen Shihan was furious in his heart, facing an admiral whose military rank was several levels higher than his own, Chen Shihan had to suppress his anger, and then replied in a calm tone as much as possible, "But Senior Commander, our Star Admiral's mission is to fight to protect human beings. When everyone is fighting desperately, how can the junior sit back and enjoy the success? So the junior must participate in the battle, and the junior will never do anything Coward!"

"..." Masharti was stunned for a moment, and then his face was full of displeasure, "Why are you so stubborn? We are doing this for your own good. What can you do with 46 warships? What do you have? Are you a core battleship? Do you have a star battleship? By the way, you may have a few star heavy cruisers, but my little sister, although the star heavy cruiser is also one of the core battleships, its role on the battlefield is not much more than that of the star light cruiser , don’t be complacent with just a few warships, thinking that you can fight, you still need to improve your strength even more!”

"Be obedient, stay in the back this time, we are also doing it for your own good!"

"Senior Commander, listen to what you mean, if I can have enough core warships, will you allow me to participate in the battle?" Chen Shihan asked the senior, staring into the eyes of this senior.

"Of course...but you can't just rely on heavy cruisers. You must have at least one battlecruiser or more..."

"I have it! I have a star battlecruiser!" Chen Shihan rushed to speak out, and immediately made the admiral Masharti speechless. He just said that the other party had at least a star battlecruiser, but the other party Immediately, he slapped himself on the face, it hurt so much!

"Really..." Masharti smiled dryly, "But only one ship is not enough, and the firepower is still a bit insufficient. It is best to have two ships..."

"I have!" Chen Shihan considered Mashalti's words again, and then said further, "I tell you, Senior Commander, I have a total of five star battlecruisers here!"

"I rely on"


Not only Masharti, but all the other admirals present were shocked at the same time. One of the admirals who was drinking water couldn't catch it in one breath, and choked his own throat.

Are you kidding me, this fresh graduate actually has five battlecruisers? ? ? ?

Among the eleven admirals who introduced themselves just now, the most is only three star battlecruisers. Where did this little guy come from? There are so many battlecruisers. It's so's unreasonable...

"Five ships...that's enough...that's barely enough." Mashalti's voice became even more dry, but he still refused to admit defeat, and then said, "the number of battlecruisers is enough, but the number of battlecruisers is enough. After all, a cruiser is not a star battleship, her defense ability is a little insufficient, and she cannot provide enough protection for the admiral, if she is directly attacked by a star beast, she will be finished, unless you still have a star battleship, otherwise..."

"I also have the Star Battleship! And there are three!" Chen Shihan raised her three fingers.

"Plop!" One of the admirals dropped the teacup in his hand.

"By the way! I also have space carriers, but there are not many of them, only one!" Chen Shihan made a last stab with a smile.

"I'm dead... I don't want to be this admiral anymore... What's the point of being an admiral..." One admiral said in despair. Except for Chen Shihan, the rest of the admirals have at least three years of military service Yes, but compared with Chen Shihan, a newcomer, they don't even have a space carrier, which makes them lament the injustice of fate, this world is so bastard!
The meeting ended in a pleasant atmosphere. Chen Shihan also became the core unit of this battle. Everyone agreed that Admiral Chen Shihan must participate in the battle, and he still participated in the battle as a core admiral. Everyone must fight closely with Admiral Chen Shihan as the core... No way, Chen Shihan is the only space carrier in the fleet, and the damage that this space carrier can cause and the protection effect on other warships are unparalleled.

For real veterans, the most terrifying thing on the battlefield is not those huge star beasts. After all, as long as they are fast enough and their driving skills are strong enough, they can avoid most of the attacks of star beasts.The most difficult thing to deal with is actually the alienated clone of the star beast. Once the alienated clone gets close, it is almost a dead end for a star warship.

These alienated clones are like airplanes. Once they get close to the sky above the battleship, the torpedoes and bombs they carry... During the Second World War, those powerful and incomparable battleships fell under the attack of the aircraft carrier. down.

The best way to deal with alienated clones is the air-breaking mecha. Only the speed of the air-breaking mecha can keep up with the speed of the alienated clone. Only the air-breaking mecha can protect the safety of the core battleship.As a result, Chen Shihan's space carrier has naturally become the core of this strategy.

Even if Chen Shihan wanted to hide behind this time, these admirals would not agree, what a joke, who would refuse an aerospace carrier to join the battlefield!


"It's so cool to borrow your fake outfit!" On the way back, Chen Shihan said to Liu Nianfeng with a happy face.In fact, Liu Nianfeng was also at the meeting just now, and he attended the meeting as Chen Shihan's secretary.

Well, if you think about it carefully, there is really something wrong with this statement!

It's just that in order to be as unobtrusive as possible, Liu Nianfeng didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and let Chen Shihan pretend there.

That's right, Chen Shihan was using Liu Nianfeng's things to pretend to be a force.

Chen Shihan's own core battleships are nothing more than a battlecruiser and a battleship. Where did she get five battlecruisers, three battleships, and an aircraft carrier.These are all Liunianfeng's things. Of course, now including Liunianfeng herself, they have become Chen Shihan's starship girl in name, so it seems normal for Chen Shihan to pretend to be Liunianfeng's things.

"Come on, let's see if you are stingy, what is our relationship with each other!" Chen Shihan grinned, "Okay, it's only an hour before the departure time, hurry up and prepare your fleet, we are going to set off to fight !"


"There are so many f***ing battleships!" Seeing the densely packed starry battleships in the starry sky in front of him, Liu Nianfeng sighed.

Although Liu Nianfeng has seen tens of thousands of warships gathering together in the game, it is only a scene in the game after all. When more than 1 warships gather in a starry sky at the same time in reality, the shock caused It will be unforgettable for many people for a lifetime.

"Dear sisters, the star beasts have been killed from two different directions. Now everyone listen to my command and quickly move towards the coordinate point XXX YYY ZZZ!" After gathering around the Stargate for about five hours, Ma Shaarti sent a new order, so this temporarily organized fleet, led by Mashaarti, galloped towards the battlefield.

"Attention all fleets, they will arrive at the battle position in half an hour. Immediately dispatch the destroyer fleet to deploy and control the battlefield, and control the entire battlefield!!" Mashalti gave an order, and more than half of the destroyers in the 12 fleets began to quickly leave. Breaking away from the main fleet, it accelerated forward like a fan.

These destroyers are in charge of battlefield control. Their main task is to control the entire battlefield, connect a complete communication and intelligence network on the battlefield, and ensure that they can control the positions of all star beasts during the battle, which is the role of scouting vanguards.

Soon, just 10 minutes later, an admiral in the team channel of this temporary combined fleet reported in a hasty voice, "The star beast has been found! The vanguard of the star beast squadron has been found, the target coordinates are XXX YYY ZZZ, Heading towards XXX at an average speed of 50 knots..."

"Ah..." The admiral hadn't finished speaking when she let out a miserable cry from the channel.

"What's going on?" Chen Shihan was taken aback and asked subconsciously.

"A destroyer of this admiral is probably finished!" Liu Nianfeng's voice rang faintly in Chen Shihan's ear, "The first starship girl has already died!"

(End of this chapter)

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