girl line

Chapter 570 Chen Shihan's New Weapon

Chapter 570 Chen Shihan's New Weapon
"The explosion of the star warship can cause such high damage to the henggong fish!" Seeing this scene, Masharti thought in surprise.For an admiral of the stars, it is not uncommon to see his battleship collide with the star beast and the scene of the battleship self-detonation is tragic, but it is not uncommon. Have seen it hundreds of times.

Although the star warship can indeed do more damage to the star beast than ordinary shelling and torpedoes every time it reveals itself, but such damage is at most ten times stronger than shells or torpedoes. From the perspective of the star beast, The lost qi and blood may be less than 0.1%, such damage is absolutely not worthwhile.

But this male fish seems to be particularly unbearable to the damage from the self-explosion. The self-explosion of the three warships lost about 9% of their blood, and the damage effect is equivalent to that of other star beasts, which has increased by more than a hundred times.

"Could it be that this is the weakness of hengmao? Self-explosion can cause huge damage to hengmao?" Although such an idea is extremely sinful, such a guess can't help but pop up in Masharti's heart.

"If this is the case... we have a total of more than 800 warships, and the total damage is 2400%. If 24 scorpions can be killed in this way, then the pressure on the Stargate side will be huge. It will definitely be greatly reduced, and our mission may be considered complete!" Such thoughts in Mashalti's mind are getting more and more popular, although she knows that such thoughts are extremely evil thoughts, but it seems to be the only one that can complete the task right now. way.

Otherwise, if it continues to develop like this, when the Hengmao breaks through to the vicinity of the Stargate, my fleet may only be able to kill one Hengmao!

Masarti was helpless, and after struggling for about five seconds, he finally gritted his teeth and announced his thoughts and guesses in the public channel of the Provisional United Fleet.

Please note that this was announced on the public channel of the Provisional United Fleet, not the independent communication channel of the admirals, which means that all members of the Provisional United Fleet, including all Starship Girls, can see This message from Shaarti, Mashalti is speaking to those star girls who are about to become victims of his plan.

It is also extremely painful for Mashalti to do this. She knows how cruel this decision is to the starship girls. What a total jerk.

So Masharti announced this decision in front of all the starship girls, and then asked dryly, "What do you all think, let's talk about your own opinions..."

After Masharti's words were spoken, the entire public channel fell into silence. No one spoke, and no one objected or agreed, because whether it is against or in favor, this is an extremely cruel thing. No one is willing to open the mouth first.

"I am willing!" After a full minute or two of silence, someone finally spoke in the channel, and it was not the admiral who spoke, but the starship girl.A destroyer starship girl said in a trembling voice, "For the sake of mankind, for our future, I am willing to sacrifice!"

"I am willing!"

"I would too!"

And following the girl's words, more and more starship girls began to express their views, and their attitudes were without exception, telling others with a resounding voice that they were willing to sacrifice themselves.

"Everyone..." Masarti was choked up at this time, and she was speechless, but what no one knew at this time was that Masarti had already made up her mind at this time. If the starship girl sacrificed because of her own plan, then she, Masharti, would not be alone. She would lead her battleship at the last moment of the battle, and together with the sacrificed starship girls, they would crash into Yokohama. On the body of the fish, use your own life to complete your final redemption!

"Bah! What are you doing all by yourself? It's not time for you to die. After I test my new weapon, you all live well for me, and no one is allowed to be stupid!" In the public channel of the Provisional Fleet When there was a wailing sound of sacrifice, a loud voice suddenly sounded in the public channel, not only stopped the other starship girls who expressed their willingness to sacrifice themselves, but also interrupted the extremely sad atmosphere.

"This sister, you are..."

"My name is Liu Xuanyuan, and I am the Xingchen light cruiser under Admiral Chen Shihan's command!" The female voice said lightly.

"Sister Liu Xuanyuan, what new weapon did you just talk about, what exactly is this..." Mashalti asked curiously.

"Shut up! You will be able to see what the new weapon is right away. Now order all the starship girls around me to get out of the way! Don't be hurt by my weapon!" Liu Xuanyuan said presumptuously, unexpectedly Even Masharti, the commander-in-chief of the temporary combined fleet, said something.

"..." Masharti was silent for a while and said, "Order all warships to retreat 500 kilometers!"

Soon, all the warships blocking the front of Henggongyu retreated a distance of 500 kilometers.

"Stand back a little more! Why are you so close, keep a distance of more than [-] kilometers!" Liu Xuanyuan's voice rang out in the public channel again, and Masharti couldn't help turning over after being reprimanded by this guy. Rolling his eyes, he finally ordered the battleships to continue to retreat, and at the same time decided in his heart, if this new weapon of Liu Xuanyuan doesn't work, he must teach them a lesson.

In this way, all the star battleships were pulled away to a relatively safe distance, and at this time, the closest to Henggongyu was only a light cruiser... This battleship stood out from the crowd like a flock of chickens. The nearest position of the henggong fish attracted everyone's attention.

"Yixian! Let's fire!" This star light cruiser is naturally the light cruiser Yixian, because Liu Nianfeng is not a starship girl herself, but she needs to pretend to be a starship girl, so in the end Liu Nianfeng chose to pretend to be Yixian The starship girl of the No. [-] Star light cruiser, as for the reason... In fact, there is no reason, it just happened to be drawn by lottery on the Yixian.

"Yes! Admiral!" The Yixian nodded, and the four main guns on the battleship fired at the same time, and the shells shot out directly from the battleship of the Yixian, flying straight towards the Henggong fish.

"This chick lied to me!" Seeing this scene, Mashalti couldn't help cursing.She thought that Liu Xuanyuan had prepared some amazing new weapons, but it turned out that they were the simplest naval guns like other light cruisers?
Numerous battles have proved that the small-caliber shells of the light cruiser have no effect on the hengmao. Her shells will only be absorbed by the flesh of the hengmao. Said to be penetrating damage.

"Admiral Chen Shihan, this is someone under your command... I don't want to say anything more now, I immediately order your starship girl to go away, and the other starship girls get ready to fight at a distance of 500 kilometers!" After the shell was fired, Masharti gave up any hope, and gave Chen Shihan a straightforward order.

"Wait a minute!" Unexpectedly, Chen Shihan insisted on Mashalti's order and said, "Commander, the shell has not hit the Henggong fish yet, and we haven't seen the final effect yet. Please confirm that this weapon is invalid. Let's make another judgment, okay?"

"Forget it, let you give up..." Mashalti flicked his sleeves, the shell will be able to hit in two or three seconds at most, and after seeing that the shell is indeed ineffective, it would be okay to reprimand him again Not too late!

In this way, everyone's eyes were all focused on the shells fired by the Yixian, and the warship's high-precision camera closely tracked the shells of the Yixian, so that everyone's eyes followed these shells until I saw that these few shells landed on the skin of the henggong fish with incomparable precision.

And just like the countless scenes before, although the cannonball landed on the skin of the hengmao, the skin of the hengmao directly wrapped the cannonball, absorbing the additional momentum of the cannonball and transforming the power of the cannonball Being invisible, it also made the shell lose the possibility of exploding, and finally, like a sesame seed, it was inlaid on the skin of the henggong fish.

"Miss Chen Shihan, what else do you have to say? Is this your new weapon?" Mashalti became even more angry.

"Er...wait...wait..." Chen Shihan said dryly. In fact, she was very helpless at this time, because Liu Nianfeng asked her to say these words, and she herself didn't know. What kind of medicine is sold in Liunianfeng's gourd!

"Enough, now all the battleships are" Masharti moved the camera away from the artillery shell tracking, and was about to order the battleships to continue the previous fighting style, when the body of the Yokohama suddenly began to tremble violently When he got up, a puff of smoke suddenly came out from its body. Seeing the violent shaking of this male fish, it is obviously very painful now.

"What happened? What happened just now?" Masharti was taken aback, and immediately ordered the camera to refocus on the smoking spot on the Yokohama, and then saw that the spot on Yokoko was originally red The skin suddenly became scorched black, and the blood surged under the skin like magma, and splashed out from time to time, which made people feel very painful.

"Whose attack is this? Whose shell is this?" Masharti asked subconsciously.

"Haha, Commander, didn't you see it? This is where the shells of my Star Cruiser landed just now! This is the power of my new weapon!" Chen Shihan laughed loudly, with a very smug expression.

(End of this chapter)

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