girl line

Chapter 581

Chapter 581

"I have been to many planets before, and all the industries on those planets have withered. I didn't expect that Tianquan Star is still so prosperous!" Walking on the streets of Tianquan Star, Liu Nianfeng said in admiration.

"Tianquan Star is the transportation fortress of the Yizhou Star District. There are 12 stargates around it that connect the entire Yizhou Star District. It can be called the most prosperous hub planet in the Yizhou Star District, and it is also a planet that the empire must keep. I heard that there are 12 admirals at the major general level alone, and there are more than 2000 admirals stationed here. The safety factor is even higher than that of Tianduxing, the capital of the Yizhou Star District. Tianquan star has never been lost in the past 1000 years, so these merchants on Tianquan star never take any battle to heart, even if the sky is dark outside, the sun and the moon are blurred, Tianquan star is also Same old style!" Liu Zhuangtian beside Liu Nianfeng said lightly.

It was already the seventh day after Liu Zhuangtian and Liu Nianfeng met that day, Marshal Xiye, the governor, did not know why he brought Chen Shihan and Liu Zhuantian by his side to patrol the entire front line, but There were obviously many battles in the middle, but Marshal Xi Ye strictly ordered Liu Zhuangtian and Chen Shihan not to fight, and only served as the guard fleet of the Governor's Mansion.

So there was no battle along the way, Liu Nianfeng and the others just followed Marshal Xiye to inspect the strategic fortress planets one after another. Tianquan Star was the fourth planet that this inspection arrived at, and it was also a planet that looked completely complete. Not affected by the war, it is still full of vitality and a planet full of people.

There is also a very famous pedestrian street on Tianquan Star, called Tianquan Pedestrian Street.

This pedestrian street is famous because it is different from the streets on other planets. It is a commercial pedestrian street built in the style of the earth in the 21st century. There are various shops on both sides of the pedestrian street. products, while human beings cannot take any means of transportation, they can only walk on this pedestrian street with their own legs.

Unlike the streets on other planets, apart from restaurants, there are Internet cafes on both sides of the street, and occasionally some government administrative departments. Apart from this, there are no other commercial shops, because most of the materials needed for daily life can be bought. Purchase directly through the Quantum Teleportation Array, and it can be automatically teleported with a slight movement of the mind. What kind of shops are there!

It is on this Tianquan star that people can feel this intoxicating 21st century style!

"The weather is nice today!"


"You are coming to Tianquan Star for the first time!"


"You have nice shoes, and they go well with your clothes."


After experiencing such an extremely embarrassing conversation for a while, Liu Zhuangtian's expression was as hard as a kidney stone.And Liu Nianfeng's expression on the side is not much better. Although Liu Zhuantian is trying very hard to find a topic to chat with Liu Nianfeng, but I have to admit that Liu Zhuantian is a master of awkward chats, even if Liu Nianfeng wants to relieve it. The atmosphere between the two will also be suppressed by Liu Zhuangtian's embarrassing topic.

Before the time travel, Liu Nianfeng tried to date a few girls, but after meeting them once, there was no further information.At the beginning, Liu Nianfeng didn't know why, but now after dating Liu Zhuangtian, Liu Nianfeng finally figured out how stupid and ridiculous he was back then.

"Look! This Tang suit looks good, very nice!" Liu Nianfeng probably felt that this awkward atmosphere was not good, so he decided to take the initiative to find a topic to ease it, just in time to see a boutique on the side of the road. Selling Tang suits made Liu Nianfeng's eyes shine.Since coming to this era, he has never seen Tang suits, and thought they had been lost, but unexpectedly saw them in this boutique.

However, the clothes in this boutique are not cheap, and any one of them costs more than 5 star coins.

"I bought this dress!" Seeing that Liu Nianfeng was interested in this Tang suit, Liu Zhuangtian took out his personal terminal and said without saying a word... This shocked the shopping guide who had just walked to the door to welcome customers Jump, he has never seen such a straightforward woman shopping.

" did you buy it after I only said one sentence? I didn't say that I like this Tang suit!" Liu Nianfeng said while holding Liu Zhuangtian's hand.

"You don't like this one?" Liu Zhuangtian glanced at Liu Nianfeng and asked.

"It doesn't matter if this gentleman doesn't like it. We still have many styles of Tang suits here. Come in and have a look!" The male shopping guide said with bright eyes. Of course, he couldn't let go of such a spendthrift customer.As long as one of the clothes here can be sold, he can earn enough for other people's ten days' wages!

"There's no need to be so troublesome!" Liu Zhuantian pushed the shopping guide away. Just when the shopping guide was a little sad and thought that the business was about to fail, Liu Zhuantian clapped his hands and handed over his personal terminal to the customer. The shopping guide said bluntly, "Go and swipe your card, I have bought all the clothes here!"

"Plop..." The shopping guide was unsteady, and he sat down on the ground, then jumped up from the ground with a stride, and rushed to the counter like crazy. He was afraid that Liu Zhuangtian would suddenly regret it. The business is gone.

"Why are you buying so many Tang suits? Can I wear them?" Liu Nianfeng asked with a stunned look like Liu Zhuangtian.

"Don't you like it? These are all given to you! You can change into another one a day!" Liu Zhuangtian said, pointing to this whole boutique, which is worth more than tens of millions of star coins.

"..." Liu Nianfeng was speechless. After asking the people from the boutique to send the Tang suit to Chen Shihan's fleet, Liu Nianfeng and Liu Zhuangtian continued to wander around this pedestrian street, but this time Liu Nianfeng paid more attention to the influence. Deliberately suppress yourself and let yourself speak less.

But what Liu Nianfeng didn't expect was that after he took a look at the leather shoes in a real dragon leather shoe store, Liu Zhuangtian once again became arrogant and bought all the leather shoes in this real dragon leather shoe store up.

Cough cough, don’t think that the name of this leather shoe store is Zhenlong. Real dragon refers to the material of leather shoes. All the leather shoes in this leather shoe store are made of real dragon leather. It is said that the fire resistance attribute is full. , even if it is burned in thousands of degrees of high-temperature flames, there will be no scars... Of course, the owner of the leather shoes must have been burned to ashes.

After experiencing these two things, Liu Nianfeng decided to keep his eyes on his nose, his nose on his heart, and not to take a second look at anything, lest Liu Zhuangtian continue to show off his arrogance.But the problem is that when the news of Liu Zhuangtian buying out two stores came out, the bosses of those other stores immediately sent all the things in their stores to Liu Nianfeng, directly in front of Wang Liunianfeng's eyes. In the past, he troubled Liu Nianfeng tirelessly, and finally said angrily to Liu Zhuangtian, "I've taken a fancy to all of you!"

Well, the angry words were addressed to Liu Zhuangtian.

And Liu Zhuangtian's response was quite simple, just one word.


Today is destined to become a legendary day in this pedestrian street, because a local wealthy girl who suddenly appeared from nowhere actually bought up half of the pedestrian street in one go and wiped out half of the shops in the pedestrian street. The total amount of consumption has reached the level of hundreds of billions of star coins... Such an unprecedented feat shocked the people of this pedestrian street for more than ten years, and they could never forget it until they learned the true identity of the two men and women who had made a simple disguise that day. After the identification, the people in the pedestrian street suddenly realized that it was a good thing for this pair of life and death enemies to dare to love.

And after this incident is widely spread, the future business of the entire pedestrian street will be even more incredible. Countless lovers in the human empire regard this place as the number one must-see attraction in the universe. I came to this pedestrian street to take pictures and put a small golden lock on it to pay homage to and remember Liu Zhuangtian’s feat of spending hundreds of billions for his beloved man, and at the same time bless him and his beloved to grow old together.


"Just stay here and accompany me to have a cup of tea obediently. Don't buy this teahouse, or I will turn around and leave now!" Liu Nianfeng and Liu Zhuangtian finally sat in a teahouse on the pedestrian street, and what Liu Nianfeng said However, the boss who originally expected Liu Zhuangtian to buy his teahouse was greatly disappointed.

But fortunately, Liu Zhuangtian finally paid 100 million banknotes and asked the boss to drive away all the other guests in the teahouse, leaving only her and Liu Nianfeng sitting in the middle of the teahouse. The waiters all stood far away, not daring to disturb the love between this pair of super rich.

Of course, this is what they imagined. In fact, the conversation between Liu Nianfeng and Liu Zhuangtian was not as beautiful as imagined!

(End of this chapter)

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