girl line

Chapter 594 Betrayal and Thieves

Chapter 594 Betrayal and Thieves

"Why? Why are you helping this prisoner instead of being a good admiral of the empire? You are joking about your bright future! How can you be so stupid!" Chen Shihan said bitterly.

"I'm not stupid! I just know how to repay kindness!" Yingting Baiye suddenly yelled at Chen Shihan, "Everyone knows that General Meiyao is innocent, she was framed by others, and she killed that guy for the sake of death It was done by tens of billions of innocent people. General Meiyao is not wrong, she still has meritorious service, the military should reinstate her post, and let the respected General Meiyao spend her old age in her hometown and live a happy life. I am worthy of General Meiyao's dedication for decades!"

"But these bastards in the military department! They know that the general was wronged, and she is right, but they still want to lock the general in this dark place and live a life that is not as good as a pig or a dog. Is there any reason? Is there any law?" Yingting Baiye roared excitedly, and the hot emotion burst out, which shocked Chen Shihan, but she had never seen Yingting Baiye so excited.

And the general Meiyao on the side was also very moved. Although it was not the first time that General Meiyao heard these words, but hearing it again, General Meiyao still felt that his blood was hard to burn.

"Good boy! The past is over! There is no need to say any more!" General Mei Yao patted Ying Ting Bai Ye's back to comfort him.

"Yes, my lord!" Ying Ting Bai Ye nodded respectfully to General Meiyao, but then continued, "I originally planned to make a vote when I was about to retire, and rescue the general. The marshal actually sent me to Xiquan Prison as the warden and guard admiral, this is the will of God, it is God who asked me to save the innocent general!"

"So after careful planning, you directed and acted in such a rebellious drama, and wanted to release General Meiyao, right?" Chen Shihan said.

"That's right!" Sakuraba Baiye said.

"But you don't need to make such trouble, right? You are the warden of the prison. If you want to save General Meiyao, you can just let her go with an order, or simply let General Meiyao pretend to be dead and use the corpse You have countless ways to rescue General Meiyao, why did you choose the most stupid way? I don’t understand this point!” Chen Shihan said in confusion.

"As I said, the prison is the most heavily guarded place in the human empire, and it is also a very difficult place to break through." Sakuraba Baiya shook his head, "Even if I am the guard admiral, I am the warden, but my power is not great. There are two officials, the chief guard and the administrative director of the prison, and the three of us monitor each other and exercise our own rights. If there is any change, the three of us must confirm it before we can implement it."

"In the beginning, I also tried to use my own strength to secretly release the general. But I tried countless times, but none of them succeeded. Until three months ago, my actions were discovered by the chief guard. It forced me to resort to the last resort!" Ying Ting Bai Ye said very depressed.

"But isn't the head of the guard still there? I saw her yesterday..." Chen Shihan said in surprise!
"What you see is just a prisoner who looks very similar to the long guard!" Sakuraba Baiya sneered and said, "The real chief guard and chief administrative officer are both locked in the kitchen of Xiquan Prison. The 2500 guards of Xiquan Prison were also detained together."

"2500 people!" Chen Shihan was taken aback, because the entire prison was only guarded by 3000 people, and 2500 people were locked in the kitchen, but the prison staff who were active in the star port were actually 2000 people!

"Of the 2000 people you saw, 500 of them were my confidantes, and the other 1500 were prisoners pretending to be prisoners. How about it? Isn't it very surprising, very unexpected!" Sakuraba Baiye laughed loudly, this lunatic , Actually arrested most of the people in the prison and locked them in the prison where prisoners should stay.

Instead, the prisoners in the prison were released and pretended to be prison almost all the people on this starport belonged to the prisoner's side, and there was no one of their own at all...and now these people are pointing laser guns at Chen Shihan's soldiers were probably all prisoners before.

"So you did what happened at the other end of the Stargate, and you also arrested the staff at the other end?" Chen Shihan asked suddenly.

"That's right!" Sakuraba Baiya nodded, "Our original plan didn't include you, because only one transport ship can pass through the entire prison, so I originally planned to launch it when the transport ship arrived. But I didn't expect an accident in the middle But she was discovered by the head of the guard. She was also very smart. She knew that I must have arranged a lot of back-ups in the prison, and she would definitely die if she stayed in the prison. So she drove the only one of the prisons that could pass through the prison immediately. The maintenance boat of the Stargate arrived at the outer end of the Stargate, but because I controlled the communication system of the entire prison, she could not notify the military of the rebellion, and only hoped to wait at the other end of the Stargate The transport ship arrives, and then reports the situation inside the prison through the transport ship!

"This is a smart decision. There is no way for the people inside you to pass through the wormhole, so you can't threaten her who stays at the other end of the stargate. She can safely wait for the transport ship to arrive!" Chen Shihan nodded in praise, Then he continued, "It's a pity that the chief guard didn't expect that you actually hid a magic general mecha!"

"That's right! It was an accident at that time, and I didn't expect that there was a magic mech hidden near the prison. But this also shows that it was God who wanted to help me accomplish this. That stupid guard I thought that without the maintenance boat, I would not be able to go through the wormhole. She never imagined that Xiaomi could drive the God General Mecha through the wormhole and kill her in front of her! She doesn't have any weapons, so where is the God General Mecha? In the end, I can only obediently raise my hands and surrender!" Yingting Baiye laughed loudly.

"It's a pity that when they surrendered, the transport boat just arrived, and it was about to escape from the prison's communication shield and send a message to the outside. However, Xiaomi's she couldn't stop the transport boat, and could only destroy it in the end. Without it, we were trapped in this prison instead."

"And I didn't even think that the star beast would destroy Xiquanxing not long later. We could only close the interstellar gate and retreat into the prison to avoid the attack of the star beast. This prison that I thought was under control , it turned out to be a real prison in the end, but all of us are trapped here!"

"At the end of the day, I still want to thank you all. If it weren't for your arrival, we would all starve to death in this prison in at most two months!" Yingting Baiye said with a smile.

"So you came up with the idea of ​​letting these prisoners act as prison staff, so that you can deceive us!" Chen Shihan said with a bitter face, "No wonder we waited for more than ten minutes when we first arrived. The bridge just opened, and at that time you were all urgently practicing how to act, right!"

"Urgent to not urgent, we have long expected that the military department will send a fleet to check the situation of the prison, so I have made a plan in advance, and these prisoners have also started to practice acting as real guards two or three months ago. Yes, I even replaced the information of all the staff in the database to ensure that you can't find any flaws. The only thing I didn't expect was that you came so late that my people were still there Sleeping on the bed, I can only let you wait for 15 minutes, so that I can blow them out of bed!" Yingting Baiye laughed.

On the other side, Chen Shihan knocked on the table vigorously, and said in great pain, "I hate it! I should have thought that no matter what we do, these prisoners seem to be one step ahead of us. She is not going to rescue Liu Xuanyuan at all. People, but to die!!! She has already fallen into your trap!"

"We don't want to do that either!" Sakuraba Baiya smiled wryly, "Actually, I don't intend to expose all of this. If you cooperate with us honestly and let the generals leave with a destroyer, I will never expose the truth. Let them continue to perform, you say it's good, and the two of us don't have to fight to the point of fighting each other!"

"I blame you for being too hateful and stupid, forcing me to tear my skin apart and use the last resort to control you." Sakuraba Baiye sighed and said, "There is no other way now, We can only ask Admiral Chen Shihan to wander with us and disappear into the human empire."

"But that's good too. With your fleet, Admiral, we can make quite rapid progress in the new planet, and maybe we can build a town guard. If we can't be an admiral, we will become space thieves instead. Have a good time too!" Yingting Baiye laughed wildly.

"What! You bastard! You actually want to be a space pirate!" Chen Shihan's expression changed drastically.

"So what about being space pirates?" Sakuraba Baiya shouted, "We are not ordinary pirates, we are grand thieves. From now on, we will only rob those rich and unkind merchant ships, and we will never attack any civilian ships or play anything. The trick of kidnapping and tearing up tickets, we are grand thieves, not pirates!"

"Rogue fart, you are a pirate, stop putting money on your face!" Chen Shihan said with a sneer.

"Hmph! Whether it's a pirate or a grand thief, anyway, you, the admiral, are going to join us as a thief!" Ying Ting Bai Ye laughed, seeing her appearance and expression, she was extremely proud!

(End of this chapter)

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