girl line

Chapter 607 Work Assignments

Chapter 607 Work Assignments
"What are you going to do to those people?" Following Liu Nianfeng into the small office, General Mei Yao asked straightforwardly.

"Didn't I say it? Let them return to their jobs and continue mining!" Liu Nianfeng said lightly.

"Then can't you forgive me a little bit?" General Meiyao sighed, and said in a sad tone, "Many of them will be released after one or two years of detention, so they don't want to stay in this prison. On the planet, they are all people who can go home immediately, if you lock them up for another 30 years, their lives will be completely over!"

"So these are unstable elements. If they are allowed to stay on the planet and are not strictly controlled, they will cause big trouble sooner or later. Maybe the secrets of the entire Ancestor Dragon Star will be leaked, so the prison is the best place to go." A place suitable for them," Liu Nian Feng said.

"..." General Meiyao stopped talking, she knew that Liu Nianfeng was telling the truth, these extremely homesick people would definitely cause big trouble in the future, this is self-evident!
"Don't worry, as long as they really obey the reform and behave well in prison, I will release them early!"

General Meiyao wanted to say something more, but Liu Nianfeng waved his hand and forcibly interrupted the topic.

In fact, the reason why so many people are put in prison is not only because they are afraid that these people will cause trouble...Because even if these people do cause trouble, Liu Nianfeng is nothing to be afraid of. The distance from here to the Human Empire is The distance beyond the human lifespan, even the quantum network has not been built, the military will not care about Zulongxing.

Even if the future is really exposed, the big deal is to completely close the Stargate of the Jiangzhou Star District, which is equivalent to independent the entire Jiangzhou Star District. Even if the human empire mobilizes tens of millions of star warships , and don't even think about hurting a single hair of Liunianfeng.

The reason why Liu Nianfeng really wants to put so many people in prison is very simple, it is because he wants to mine the ghost agate vein, and to mine this vein, there must be manpower, star admirals, starship girls, etc. , This is the fundamental reason why Liu Nianfeng wants to put them in prison.


"Now tell me about your affairs!" Liu Nianfeng looked around at everyone in the room. Among these people, there were a total of four star admirals and more than 50 starship girls. These were the resources that Liu Nianfeng valued the most.

"First of all, I need 20 people to work in the Lingyou agate mine to explore the Lingyou agate in that mine. Is there anyone among you who is willing to work there? I can give you a monthly salary of 100 million star coins. It is definitely a first-class good job in Zulongxing, and I can buy all the supplies you need!" Liu Nianfeng looked at the people around him and asked.

"Isn't this telling us to go back to our old jobs and become prisoners again?" After listening to Liu Nianfeng's words, a bold starship girl said proactively.

"Of course this is not going back to being a prisoner, it's a brand new job for you!" Liu Nianfeng smiled and said, "You have two days off every week, is this the right of prisoners?"

"..." These starship girls and the admirals looked at each other, probably because they were already full of shadows about this job, so none of them were willing to take the initiative to stand up.

"Hello! If you don't want to, I won't force it. Then there is another job, which is to be a teacher in the Starship Girls Academy that I will establish soon, responsible for teaching Starship Girls and Star Admirals!" Liu Nianfeng squinted his eyes. Said.

"I am willing to do this!"

"I am willing to do this too!"

Most of the starship girls and the admirals immediately said, it is good to be a teacher, this is a job that sounds and is more comfortable to do.Immediately won the favor of these starship girls and admirals.

"Well, if you are a teacher, you can earn 10 star coins per month, which is quite a good income!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile, but the faces of the starship girl and the admirals changed again. There are only 10 star coins, which is ten times worse than the 100 million star coins just now!
"Will this be too little?" The admiral said again, "When I was the admiral, the monthly expenses of the town guard's mansion were tens of millions of star coins, but now they only give me 10 a month. Wouldn't it be too little?"

"You are no longer admirals, how can you still ask for the income of admirals?" Liu Nianfeng sneered, "I hope you can temporarily adjust your positions, you are no longer admirals and starship girls, you are worker or teacher."

"..." Everyone became silent in an instant. The biggest dream of most of them was to be able to return to the post of admiral and starship girl, and now Liu Nianfeng had clearly killed their dreams completely.

And Liu Nianfeng seemed to be aware of this, so he said immediately, "For the time being, you will not be the admiral and the starship girl, but the future is not certain. When we have more planets in the future, it will be inevitable." We need a new admiral to guard, if you are still willing to serve as admiral by then, I will welcome you with my hands up!"

Hearing what Liu Nianfeng said, everyone's faces burst into laughter.

"For the time being, I can only provide you with these two professions. Those who are willing to be teachers can be more leisurely, but their income is only 10 star coins. Those who are willing to go to prison to be in charge of prospecting, although it is a bit harder, have a salary of 100 million star coins, and There are only 20 places! Those who are willing to be teachers stand on my left, and those who are willing to go to prison stand on my right!" After Liu Nianfeng's voice fell, many of these starship girls rushed to stand on Liu Nianfeng's right hand They went to the side, and when the quota of 20 people was full, they reluctantly stood on the left side.

It seems that fame, status, and leisure are all fake, only money is the real temptation!

"Admiral Yingting Baiye, you have already had a lot of work experience in Xiquan Prison, so I hope to hire you as the warden of Zulong Prison, and continue to be responsible for the daily work of the entire Zulong Prison. The salary is set at 300 million star coins How do you feel about one month?" Liu Nianfeng asked Yingting Baiye.

"I am willing!" Sakuraba Baiye nodded, there is no better choice than this at this time!
"General Meiyao, I hope you can become the executive vice president of the Zulong Starship Girls Academy and take charge of the daily work of the Zulong Starship Girls Academy. What do you think?"

"Let me be the vice president of the Starship Girls Academy?" General Meiyao was taken aback for a moment, but she never thought that one day she would go to teach.

As for why General Meiyao was appointed as the vice president, Liu Nianfeng also thought carefully, after all, there are a large group of admirals and starship girls in the academy. Although they are prisoners, their hearts are still full of arrogance. Long, I guess she will never be convinced, that is, General Meiyao can control these guys, even if she doesn't do anything, as long as she sits in the office, these admirals and starship girls will not dare to make mistakes.

"May I ask who this dean is?" General Meiyao still cared very much about being above him.

"It's me!" Liu Nianfeng laughed.

"That's no problem!" General Mei Yao nodded, and then asked, "What about the students? Where do our students come from?"

"This student is a little troublesome!" Liu Nianfeng showed a troubled expression.

"Is it because we can't recruit students?" General Meiyao said thoughtfully, the level of development of this Zulong star is so low, and the population will be extremely insufficient in the future, and the starship girl is a talent that can only be produced by one out of tens of thousands. Small human beings, if the population base is insufficient, the Ancestral Dragon Starship girl may have more teachers than students!

"It's not a problem of not being able to recruit students. The first batch of students is expected to arrive in a month, and the number will reach about 1000!" General Meiyao was taken aback by Liu Nianfeng's words, and he managed to get a group of students in one breath. Thousands of students, is the basic population of this Zulong star has reached 1000 million people so scary?

"How should I put it... The real difficulty in educating these students is their ideological problems!" Liu Nianfeng pointed to his head and said, "They are all primitive people, and they don't even have the most basic social knowledge in their heads. I'm afraid you have to teach them some basic knowledge first, your task will be very heavy!"

"Primitive people... have to teach them common sense and basic knowledge of life..." General Mei Yao's facial muscles stiffened, and she probably knew how painful the future work would be.

But at the same time, a brand new hope was burning in the heart of General Meiyao. If Liu Nianfeng can really get a large number of primitive people and form a fleet with thousands of starship girls, then this ancestor dragon star guards The future of the government is really promising!

General Meiyao seemed to be able to vaguely see that a brand new sun was slowly rising in the east! !


"General Meiyao, why don't you leave? Is there anything else?" After explaining everything and ordering the entire town guard to get busy, Liu Nianfeng found that General Meiyao was still staying in his room. and did not leave.

"One thing, I wonder if the admiral has considered it?" General Mei Yao asked.

"what is the problem??"

"Men's problem!" General Meiyao took a deep breath, "Doesn't the admiral think that your tutelary mansion has increased the female population in one go? With such a large female population, there are not enough males to match It's nothing right now, but after a year or two, I'm afraid the entire Ancestor Dragon Star will be boiling!"

"..." Liu Nianfeng's body instantly became extremely stiff, this problem, Liu Nianfeng really didn't think about it!

Put yourself in the shoes and think about it, if there are only men in a city but no women, how hungry and thirsty this city will be!

This problem, Liu Nianfeng must find a way to solve it!

(End of this chapter)

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