girl line

Chapter 611 Super Ghost Electromagnetic Cannon

Chapter 611 Super Ghost Electromagnetic Cannon
After dealing with the ownership of the Lingyou Capacitor Accelerator, Liu Nianfeng finally set his eyes on the box that Ping Hai opened, and the moment he saw the equipment nameplate in the equipment box, an ecstatic expression appeared on his face .

The reason is very simple, this is actually a piece of colorful prehistoric equipment!

Name: Super Ghost Railgun

Level: Prehistoric level
Manufacturing company: Donghuang Heavy Industry.

Applicable ship types: Star destroyer, Star light cruiser, Star heavy cruiser, Star battlecruiser, Star battleship.



Charging time: 30 minutes
Special ability: external installation: the super ghost electromagnetic gun does not occupy the original naval gun equipment slot, and can be installed on the battleship without the limitation of the equipment slot, but when the super ghost railgun is charging, all other weapons are in the blockade status

Equipment skills: Concentrated supply: Concentrate all psionic and psionic energy to supply the energy of the super electromagnetic gun, the charging time can be shortened from 30 minutes to 20 minutes, and the damage multiplier is increased by 1.5 times, but the battleship will lose all energy during this period, and lose other All abilities are like a meteorite.

"This piece of equipment..." Liu Nianfeng looked at the specific attributes displayed on the nameplate in front of him, and found that his head was not enough.When he found out that Yixian had missiles, Liu Nianfeng was taken aback.Now even the electromagnetic gun has appeared, and the attributes of this electromagnetic gun are so special that the combat weapons in the past are somewhat different from this electromagnetic gun. This is a piece of equipment that requires Liu Nianfeng to think about it carefully !

"Super Ghost Electromagnetic Cannon! Oh my God, I've been looking for this piece of equipment for so long, and it's been kept in our warehouse!!" The surrounding Donghuang Heavy Industry staff members were shocked after seeing this piece of equipment. He covered his mouth in disbelief, as if this super ghost electromagnetic gun is such an incredible piece of equipment.

"I request that these two pieces of equipment be installed on the light cruiser Yixian and the Xingchen light cruiser Pinghai immediately!" Liu Nianfeng said to the staff of Donghuang Heavy Industry with a smile on his face.


According to Donghuang Heavy Industry, because the installation process of the super ghost electromagnetic gun is relatively cumbersome and requires some special installation equipment to install, it will take about a week to complete the installation.

Liu Nianfeng has nothing to say about this, so he can only take Ning Hai, Ping Hai and Yixian to visit Yangzhou Star.As the capital of the Yangzhou Star District, Yangzhou Star has extremely beautiful scenery and rich human culture. Even if you play for a week, it is not enough.

But this week is a rare time for Liu Nianfeng to travel with peace of mind in the past year, especially when he travels with his two sisters from Donghuang's family and a sister-in-law, the feeling is even more different.It's a pity that they locked the door tightly for three nights, and Liu Nianfeng couldn't get in. This is a very pity.

A week passed in the blink of an eye, and Donghuang Heavy Industry also heard the news that the equipment installation was completed. Just as Liu Nianfeng was about to pack up and go back, an uninvited woman suddenly knocked on Liu Nianfeng's phone. door.

"You are..." Looking at the woman sitting in front of him, Liu Nianfeng was a little confused.

This is a woman who is dressed in a special way, because she is actually wearing a fairy-like Hanfu. From the perspective of Liu Nianfeng, a keen graduate student of the Department of Archeology, the Hanfu on this woman is extremely formal and formal. Except for minor mistakes in some places, it completely conforms to the etiquette of Hanfu during the Han Dynasty.

This makes Liu Nianfeng feel very incredible, let alone in the 81st century when there is a serious lack of history and culture, even in the 21st century, it is an incredible thing to have such a set of Hanfu with such tight seams and standard etiquette. Only the Hanfu made by professional costume experts can have such strict standards.

Just this set of Hanfu made Liu Nianfeng curious about the identity of the woman in front of him.

"Hi, Ms. Liu Xuanyuan, my name is Zhu Zhiruo, and I'm the manager of the business development department of Donghuang Heavy Industry Group. Today I'm here to discuss some business cooperation with you on behalf of Donghuang Heavy Industry Group!" Zhu Zhiruo said straight to the point.

"Donghuang Heavy Industry?" Hearing this name, Liu Nianfeng still has a good impression, after all, it is a company owned by Huaxia people!It's just that Liu Nianfeng is a little curious, why did Zhu Zhiruo find herself to discuss business cooperation?

If he was still Liu Nianfeng's identity, it would not be surprising that Zhu Zhiruo would come to him.But this is the identity of Liu Xuanyuan, a little unknown starship girl, how could Zhu Zhiruo find her.

"No... Could it be..." Liu Nianfeng's heart twitched, and he squinted his eyes and asked, "Miss Zhu came to see me, and I am because of those two prehistoric equipment boxes?"

"Miss Liu Xuanyuan is really smart, that's right, I'm here for this!" Zhu Zhiruo sighed and said, "I'd like to ask one more question, who is the starship girl who is equipped with this super ghost electromagnetic gun? I hope she You can also join this negotiation!"

"That's unnecessary! I'm their carte blanche, and I'm also the secretary of the tutelary mansion. I'm directly accepting what Major General Chen Shihan wants, and I'll just do what I say!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile.

"Then if that's the case, let's start talking!" Zhu Zhiruo nodded, not feeling any surprise at Chen Shihan's name.Apparently Zhu Zhiruo had already investigated Liu Xuanyuan's origin in advance, but Zhu Zhiruo didn't seem to find out that Ning Hai and Pinghai were Fleeting Maple's starship girl.

"The thing is like this!" Zhu Zhiruo cleared her throat, "We hope to hire the starship girl who is equipped with the super ghost electromagnetic gun to become one of our brand partners and shoot a few commercials for Donghuang Heavy Industry. Don't worry, the price is easy to negotiate, as long as it is a reasonable price, we can accept it!"

"You want to ask Ping Hai to shoot commercials for you!" Liu Nianfeng showed an unbelievable expression. Before that, Liu Nianfeng had guessed many kinds of reasons for Zhu Zhiruo's visit, but never thought that Zhu Zhiruo actually came to invite Ping Hai to shoot commercials. of!

"Wait, I remember that the brand spokesperson of Donghuang Heavy Industry is not a certain big star? Why did you ask our family Pinghai to shoot an advertisement? This is really a bit unbelievable!" Liu Nianfeng said.

"That's the brand spokesperson, this is the brand partner, it's different!" Zhu Zhiruo shook her head, "We just hope that we can ask Miss Ping Hai to shoot a few commercials, the content is the specific battle of Miss Ping Hai using the super ghost electromagnetic gun Screen, other than that, we do not intend to carry out in-depth binding cooperation with Ms. Pinghai."

"I seem to understand a little bit!" Liu Nianfeng nodded thoughtfully, "What you value is not Ping Hai, but the super ghost electromagnetic gun that Ping Hai is currently equipped with. You just want some super ghosts The battle scene of the electromagnetic gun is used as your advertisement display screen to attract the admiral and the starship girl to buy your equipment box, right?"

"Hmm! That's what you mean!" Zhu Zhiruo admitted frankly and straightforwardly.

"Then I'm surprised. If it's just like this, you don't need to come to Ping Hai. You just need to find a starship girl in your group, equip her with a super ghost electromagnetic gun, and then shoot an advertisement. Is it over? Why spend money to find our Ping Hai?" Liu Nianfeng asked puzzled.

"This..." Zhu Zhiruo hesitated for a moment, "I can't answer this question, anyway, it doesn't affect the shooting of the advertisement, does it?"

"If you say that, then there's nothing I can do to help you!" Liu Nianfeng spread his hands together, "To be honest, Admiral Chen Shihan returned from the battlefield with a lot of rewards this time, and money is no longer important to the admiral. Things, we have no need for money for the time being!"

"What we value more now is the reputation of our tutelary mansion, as well as the future and safety of our tutelary mansion. You have asked us to shoot such an advertisement that is unclear and unclear, for the sake of the reputation of our tutelary mansion. And considering the future, I have no choice but to refuse this request." Liu Nianfeng said very simply.

"I assure you, there is nothing harmful in this advertisement to your tutelary mansion. We are just unable to answer your question because of the internal secrets of our group. You can earn thousands of dollars just by shooting a few battle scenes. The funds of Wanxingchen Coin, this is definitely a very good deal!" Zhu Zhiruo said with wide-eyed eyes.

"Don't stare so wide! It's not pretty!" Liu Nianfeng patted Zhu Zhiruo's shoulder and said with a smile, "I have to think about the future of our tutelary mansion, so if I can't understand the ins and outs of it in detail , I can only refuse such an invitation!"

"How could you do this!" Zhu Zhiruo slapped the table angrily, stood up from the chair, and glared at Liu Nianfeng.

"..." Looking at the distraught Zhu Zhiruo in front of him, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help laughing and said, "You are a newcomer who just started this business, right?"

"How do you know?" Zhu Zhiruo was stunned for a moment and asked back.

"Because only a fresh-blooded rookie would do something like you to slap a client on the table!" Liu Nianfeng laughed.

"..." Zhu Zhiruo's face turned red instantly, then sat down obediently, bowed her head to Liu Nianfeng, and apologized softly.

Then he said eagerly, "Please, this advertisement is very important to Donghuang Heavy Industry, please don't refuse it!"

(End of this chapter)

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