girl line

Chapter 616 Decoy

Chapter 616 Decoy
"Liu Xuanyuan! For the sake of human beings, you must help me deliver the things to the military!" Zhu Zhiruo took a deep look at Liu Nianfeng, and after gritting her teeth, she flicked her sleeves without hesitation, followed The staff she left are gone.

"Admiral! You really want Miss Zhu Zhiruo to leave the battleship. The two of us resist it a little bit, maybe we can delay it for 2 minutes!" Seeing Zhu Zhiruo's back going away, Ping Hai said pitifully.

"Are you kidding me? This is a demon-level stellar alien beast. Let alone 2 minutes, even 20 seconds won't delay it. I don't want to lose any of you, so you all just listen to me obediently. After entering the FTL state, don't go anywhere, go directly to the direction of Pique's star gate, and rush back to Tianting star as soon as possible, and wait for my news!" Liu Nianfeng said.

"Waiting for your news!!" Ping Hai's expression changed instantly, and he looked at Liu Nianfeng in disbelief, "Admiral, aren't you with us?"

"Just relying on Zhu Zhiruo, a traffic boat that is not fast, you will never be able to safely enter the super-light speed state!" Liu Nianfeng said lightly.


"Open the door! Open the door for me!" Zhu Zhiruo vigorously knocked on the door of the transportation boat in front of her, trying to enter the transportation boat.But the door of the traffic boat was firmly closed and never opened! "

"Miss, don't knock anymore. Without the order from above, the door of this traffic boat will not be opened!" The staff on the side said with a wry smile.

"What do you mean by this? Are you reluctant to give me a transportation boat? Are you expecting me to lure the star beast away with my physical body?" Zhu Zhiruo was furious and said through gritted teeth.

"Sorry, the order we received did not allow you to use our transport boat!" The staff still shook their heads.

"You!" Zhu Zhiruo pointed at the staff member's nose and almost yelled, but at the critical moment a melodious voice interrupted, "Enough, we won't let you leave by transportation boat, you follow me!"

"Liu Xuanyuan, why are you here too?" Zhu Zhiruo was startled when she saw the person coming, and then a bleak smile appeared on her face, "Alright, since you are willing to come see me off, then you have some friendship!"

"Where are you talking so much nonsense?" Liu Xuanyuan gave Zhu Zhiruo a blank look.

"Then I won't talk nonsense, which transportation boat should I take to leave?" Zhu Zhiruo asked.

"My transport boat is very precious, and I don't want to let it go to waste. Just like what you said just now, just leave our battleship directly!"

"" Zhu Zhiruo was so angry that her nose was crooked.

"Open the emergency escape door for me!" Liu Nianfeng yelled at the staff, and the staff immediately pressed a button on the battleship, and a small door that could pass two people walking side by side opened like this, because this The hatch door is an emergency escape door, so there is no design for an air filter door. After opening, it directly leads to the vast and boundless universe.

The moment the hatch door was opened, a large gust of strong hurricane formed near the hatch, and under the influence of the pressure, the air inside the battleship gushed out of the hatch frantically, blowing everything near the emergency escape door. Sucked in.

Seeing that the emergency escape door opened, Zhu Zhiruo's expression became even more desperate. This Liu Xuanyuan really couldn't even part with a transportation boat, and wanted to use her body to leave the emergency escape door.

"You miser, you lunatic!" Zhu Zhiruo cursed.

"Enough, hurry up and jump out of this hatch!" Liu Nianfeng said.

"I've decided...Since you've treated me like this...Since you've been so stingy...I won't dance if I'm killed...I won't dance if I'm killed...Let's go down together!" Flying wildly, screaming loudly.

"Hmph! This is up to you!" Liu Nianfeng rushed forward, Zhu Zhiruo was caught off guard, and was hugged by Liu Nianfeng directly, and then the two of them were sucked in by the strong hurricane at the same time. Fly out of the escape door.

"You... cough cough... so uncomfortable... am I going to die..." The moment she left the battleship, Zhu Zhiruo wanted to laugh at Liu Xuanyuan, but before she could say it, she felt her body The inflated balloon generally began to inflate, and at the same time a bone-piercing cold and suffocating feeling spread all over the body. Zhu Zhiruo knew that in a vacuum state, she could not survive for a minute.

Zhu Zhiruo began to prepare for her own death.

Then, Zhu Zhiruo felt the world spinning around her, and she slammed into a piece of steel. A gust of life-saving air began to flow into Zhu Zhiruo's lungs, and her inflated body quickly recovered. It made Zhu Zhiruo feel a lot more at ease in an instant!

"Where are we?" Zhu Zhiruo, who came back to her senses, began to look around and found that she seemed to be in a cockpit.But compared with the cockpit of the star warship, this cockpit is extremely small, like the difference between a unit room and a gymnasium.

"This is Wukong!" Liu Xuanyuan's voice recalled lightly, and Zhu Zhiruo realized that Liu Nianfeng's body was tightly wrapped by countless tentacles, stretched and suspended in the center of the cockpit.

"This is the air-shattering mech!" Zhu Zhiruo is not an ignorant person, on the contrary, Zhu Zhiruo has seen far more things than Liunianfeng, so Zhu Zhiruo immediately recognized Liunianfeng's driving style, and through In this way, he confirmed that he was staying in the cockpit of the empty mecha.

In fact, Zhu Zhiruo had seen a lot of relevant information about the cockpit of the empty mech, but because of a moment of panic, her brain was a little out of order, so she didn't recall it all at once.

"That's right! This is my Skybreaker!" Liu Nianfeng said bluntly.

"You are actually an air-breaker girl!!!!" Zhu Zhiruo looked at Liu Nianfeng in disbelief, "Aren't you a starship girl? I have read your profile, you are a starship girl under Admiral Chen Shihan, How did you become an air-breaker princess?"

"Oh! I'm tired of being a starship girl, and I'm going to play as an air-breaker girl for a few days. What, do you have any objections?" Liu Nianfeng rolled her eyes at Zhu Zhiruo.

"... But I've never heard of it, you can switch between Starship Girl and Sky Fighter Girl at will..." Zhu Zhiruo was even more at a loss.

"That's because you are ignorant. There are so many things in this world that you don't know. You will get used to it in the future!" Liu Nianfeng said carelessly. Just dealt with it in this general way.

"No, Ping Hai is clearly a star light cruiser. She can't even install a space-breaking mecha inside. How did you take off? Also, you and I jumped out of the battleship together. Where did the mecha come from?" The longer time passed, the clearer Zhu Zhiruo's mind became, and the more questions she asked, the more difficult it was for Liu Nianfeng to answer!

"Shut up! Where are you asking so many questions? If you ask any more, I'll throw you out!" Liu Nianfeng could only use threats to solve Zhu Zhiruo's problem.

In fact, it is helpless for Liu Nianfeng to do this. Pinghai cannot be equipped with a space-breaking mecha, at least the size of Wukong cannot leave through the traffic hatch of Pinghai, so Liu Nianfeng can only send Wukong outside Pinghai. No. to call out.

Zhu Zhiruo is very smart, knowing that her life is now in the hands of Liu Xuanyuan, she must not do anything to anger Liu Xuanyuan, so she obediently shut her mouth, no longer disturbing Liu Nianfeng, but began to look at the surrounding environment by herself .

And the more she looked at the environment in the cockpit, the more terrified Zhu Zhiruo became.

As I said before, Zhu Zhiruo is a well-informed woman. In order to comprehensively improve her own strength, she even spent half a year researching the information of various space-breaking mechas. The cockpit in front of her was different from the cockpit of all the models of space-breaking mechs that Zhu Zhiruo had seen.

In fact, the cockpit of the air-shattering mecha is full of various instruments, various protective equipment, and driving equipment of psionic energy. Anyway, the copying in the cockpit is very complicated, and it is all wires as far as the eye can see. and various machine instruments.

But the cockpit in front of me is completely different. There are no instruments or wires on the walls. It is just a pure golden metal sphere without any extra things on it... For humans to make It is simply impossible for the air-shattering mecha, which is why Zhu Zhiruo didn't recognize this as the cockpit of the air-shattering mech at the first time.

But it's not that Zhu Zhiruo has never seen the cockpit of such a space-breaking mecha. She remembers that about 7 or 8 years ago, she was lucky enough to follow her sister to the house of a family with a good relationship with Donghuang Heavy Industry. In the movie, I saw the legendary mecha from an alien civilization... The cockpit of that mecha seemed to be exactly the same as the one in front of me.

"Could it be that..." Zhu Zhiruo's face suddenly became frightened, and she looked at Liu Nianfeng who was tightly surrounded by tentacles in disbelief.

"Could it be that this guy is driving a mecha of the god general!!!"

"Hey... you..." Zhu Zhiruo couldn't hold back her curiosity, and just as she was about to die to ask for clarification, Liu Nianfeng suddenly said, "The star beast has come, if you don't want to fall into a daze , just find a place to fix your position!"

"Oh!" Zhu Zhiruo nodded, and then tightly hugged one of Liu Nianfeng's thickest tentacles!

(End of this chapter)

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