girl line

Chapter 624 Trojan Horse Scheme

Chapter 624 Trojan Horse Scheme
"You said that you are from the Hongtian Tribe, do you have evidence to prove it?" In the Lingyou Hall of the Honghe Tribe, a ghost priest of the Honghe Tribe asked with a cold face.

"This is the unique rune of our Red Sky Tribe, you should know it as a priest!" Liu Nianfeng said, highlighting a rune drawn on his arm.

"Insight! Show me how to use this rune!" said the ghost priest in his 30s, squinting his eyes.

"This... May I ask what I want to see?" Liu Nianfeng asked.

"Whatever!" Lingyou sacrificially said.

"Yes!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, and then gently touched his rune with the palm of his hand, his eyes flashed, and he said immediately, "My lord, there is a three-foot-plus cucumber stuffed under it, and it is still full of particles. of ephedra."

"Sure enough, it's the insight technique!" The ghost priest nodded in satisfaction. For the insight technique, the most difficult thing to penetrate is the part protected by psionic energy and psionic energy. For example, she herself is very difficult to see through with the insight technique. The goal.And this Lingyou mage can actually see that there is indeed a cucumber inserted under her, and he can even explain the size and shape of the cucumber clearly. Such attainments are quite a talent!

And this insight technique is indeed a rune secret technique only mastered by the Red Sky Tribe, and the opponent is a member of the Red Sky Tribe, there should be nothing wrong... This poor ghost priest, if she breaks off the skirt on Liu Nianfeng's body to take a look If you do, you will find that Liu Nianfeng is not a ghost mage at all!However, this ghost priest could never have imagined that there are still men on this planet who can jump around alive and well, and even master the secret art of runes.

"Has the Hongtian Tribe really been wiped out? Tell me everything about what happened!" Priest Lingyou asked impatiently after confirming Liu Nianfeng's identity.

"The thing is like this. We heard that the Red Rain Tribe plans to carve a giant statue of the Great God of Nine Senses, hoping to please the Great God of Nine Senses and get more gifts. In order to avoid this situation, our priests of the Red Sky Tribe, So I decided to send people to snatch the statue."

"As a result, the battle went smoothly. Our tribe easily repelled the Red Rain tribe, and snatched the statue that had just been carved back into the tribe. Just as we were singing and dancing at night to celebrate this, this Hundreds of ghost fighters and ghost mages suddenly appeared inside the statue. At the same time, the main force of the Red Rain tribe also launched an attack on us from the outside. Our tribe was caught off guard and was completely defeated by their internal cooperation. Only the two of us tried our best to escape from the tribe!"

"Master Sacrifice, please avenge our Red Sky Tribe. I am willing to shed my blood for the Red River Tribe, just to destroy the incomparably despicable Red Rain Tribe!!" Liu Nianfeng said bitterly.

What Liu Nianfeng said was not made up, but the real truth.

Because when scanning the entire planet before, Liu Nianfeng had already seen all the tribes and humans on the planet, and also listened to the whole battle process when the priests of the Red River Tribe were discussing the battle over and over.

While lamenting that there is also a Trojan horse scheme on this planet, he planned how to hide his identity.Anyway, now the Red Sky tribe has been completely destroyed, and the tribes on this planet lack stable and effective communication.As soon as the Honghe Tribe is done playing, there will be no proof at all. No one can say that Liu Nianfeng's identity is fake.

As for the exclusive rune secret technique of the Red Sky Tribe and all other features, Liu Nianfeng naturally got the news from many people chatting, so it is naturally handy to pretend.

"What! The statue made by the Red River Tribe is actually hollow inside!" The priest jumped up from his chair immediately in fright, "Damn it, the Red River Tribe also built a statue near us, our main force has already gone To snatch that idol, isn't this going to..."

"Master Priest, don't worry! It's just right to snatch the idol back!" Upon hearing this, Liu Nianfeng immediately leaned into the priest's ear, whispered something to the priest, and immediately showed a satisfied and excited smile on the priest's face.

Sure enough, after about three or four hours, a large group of warriors from the Red River Tribe came back happily carrying a large three-story statue... Well, all the ghost fighters in this world have a strange power. It is not impossible to erect such a large statue.

Afterwards, the whole tribe fell into a carnival, and it seemed that the happy atmosphere in the tribe could be seen from a distance of tens of kilometers, but at a position about one or two kilometers away from the tribe, a large group of elite troops suddenly borrowed In the dark night, they sneaked to the edge of the Red River Tribe.

"Very well, it seems that the guys from the Red River Tribe are a bunch of idiots just like the people from the Red Sky Tribe. They really thought they could take away our statue so easily. Today is the time when their Red River Tribe will be destroyed. Once the Red River Tribe is destroyed, our Red Rain Tribe will be the number one tribe in the Huangtian Plain, hahahaha!" Seeing the joyful Red River Tribe, the leader of the lurkers said excitedly.

"Master Sacrifice, we just wiped out the Red Sky Tribe, and our soldiers came to deal with the Red River Tribe before they had time to rest. Isn't this too risky!" Beside the leader, there was a worried person Said.

"You don't understand, this is called a blitzkrieg, and the opponent is caught off guard. The Red Sky Tribe escaped a lot of people. If they rush to the Red River Tribe with all their strength, they may arrive in two or three days. And Once our Trojan horse tactics are known to the Red River Tribe, we will have no chance to easily wipe out the Red River Tribe. Everyone gathered their last strength and after the Red River Tribe is wiped out, all supplies and food are left for everyone to eat. Let’s take a month’s rest and make sure everyone is happy!” the leader promised, and the morale of the surrounding tribe members immediately began to rise when they heard this.

"It's making trouble! Leader, listen, there are sounds of fighting inside the Red River Tribe!" A ghost mage who was in charge of monitoring the situation in the distance suddenly reported excitedly. The leader immediately jumped up from the ground and shouted, "Sisters inside!" We have already fought, kill everyone, the entire Red River tribe is ours!"

"Phew!" This large group of troops immediately went into trouble, and the defense of the Red River Tribe was extremely sparse. There were not even a few sentries around. The people of the Red Rain Tribe easily broke through the outer defense of the Red River Tribe. Killed into the interior of the Red River Tribe.

It was only after these people entered that they were surprised to find that the entire Red River Tribe was empty.

"Kill! Kill this gang of thieves!" At this moment, there was another cry of killing, and people from the Red River Tribe suddenly came out from all directions, facing the Red Rain Tribe who was surrounded by the center of the tribe and gathered together. The troops launched an overwhelming attack, and the soldiers of the Red Rain Tribe were caught off guard, and half of them were killed in an instant.

There was no suspense in the next battle. The Red River Tribe already had a favorable location, but now they surrounded all the fighters of the Red Rain Tribe. The ending was already doomed from this moment.

In the end, the entire Red Rain Tribe either surrendered or fought to the death. In the end, the main force was completely wiped out, and even the leader became a prisoner of the Red River Tribe.

"Impossible! Where are my people? Where did my ice floes go??" The leader of the Red Rain Tribe screamed frantically.

"Hmph! Are you talking about those idiots hiding in the stone statues? They are all here!" Suddenly, countless black things fell down like rain, and the leader of the Red Rain Tribe took a closer look, feeling terrified .Because these dark things are all heads, and the owners of these heads are almost all recognized by the leaders of the Red Rain Tribe. They are the elite troops that the Red Rain Tribe arranged to hide in the stone statues this time. All of these people are dead. up.

"They are indeed elite, but it's a pity that they are too stupid to hide in the stone statues. We put a few fires in them, and they were all burned like this, hahaha!" The priest of the Red River Tribe laughed wildly.

"Impossible, how did you find out my plan? It is impossible for you to see through my Trojan horse!" The leader of the Red Rain Tribe said in a daze. She couldn't figure it out. She had successfully destroyed the Red Sky Tribe's plan. How come the Red River Tribe failed.

"Huh! This is the blessing of the God of Nine Senses, allowing the remaining sisters of the Red Sky Tribe to escape and expose your vicious plan to us! Sister Liu Xuanyuan, come out, and look at this enemy who has harmed your Red Sky Tribe!" After the priest said something, Liu Xuanyuan walked out of the crowd with an angry expression on his face, and the leader's nose began to curse.

"What! The people from the Red Sky Tribe arrived so quickly! Unexpectedly, I was a step too late. I am really dead!" The leader lamented. She didn't know Liu Xuanyuan at all, but the other party was the Red Sky Tribe after all. It's normal for her not to know the person, but as for why Liu Xuanyuan arrived so quickly, she can only think that the other party is gifted in speed, rushing all the way from dawn to dusk to arrive one step faster than herself.

The leader didn't doubt Liu Xuanyuan's identity at all.

"By the way, why do you call this strategy a Trojan horse strategy?" After cursing, Liu Xuanyuan suddenly pretended to be curious and asked, and the others suddenly became curious, yes, what does this Trojan horse mean? ?How had they never heard of the term?
"This is the strategy left by the ancestors of our Hongyu tribe!" The leader said with a pale face, "It took me 30 years to barely decipher the words of the ancestors, and I knew that the book was written by the ancestors." The book of war left behind tells the story of human battles in the previous era, and I absorbed inspiration from there to create this strategy!"

"You actually deciphered the text left by the ancestors!" The priest's eyes rolled, and the original plan to kill the leader was immediately changed to imprisonment. It seems that the leader has completely revealed the text she has mastered. Before, the leader's life could be saved.

As for Liu Xuanyuan, he realized something in his heart, it seems that the people here are also survivors from the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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