girl line

Chapter 648 Break up

Chapter 648 Break up
"Shihan, otherwise forget it, let's build it in another safer place, our Zhu family also has a planet, we guarantee it is suitable, and our Zhu family will definitely support you with all our strength!" At this moment, even Chen Shihan Zhu Yun, the strongest supporter of Chen Shihan, actually started to persuade Chen Shihan to change his plan.

Well, this Zhu Yun said nicely that she would support Chen Shihan with all her strength, but in fact, like Liu Zhengjun, as long as the industrial base was built on her Zhu family's territory, the real controller of the base would be left alone.

"No!" Chen Shihan took a deep breath, then shook his head vigorously and said, "Nothing else will work, it must be built around the Heavenly Court Star."

"That's good! Since Chairman Chen Shihan insists on building on Tiantingxing, at least show us a plan, at least let us believe that building on Tiantingxing is safe!" Liu Zhengjun looked at Chen Shihan lightly and said.

"There is no special plan, but I know a starry sky that is absolutely safe, a place where stars and beasts are guaranteed not to reach!" Chen Shihan said coldly.

"Hehe, this is really a big joke. As long as the star beast wants to go, it is considered the capital of the emperor. It's not like the star beast has never been there. Is there any absolutely safe place near your Tianting star? If there is one In other words, tell us about that place, mark it on the star map, show us why it is absolutely safe!" Liu Zhengjun pressed further.

"..." Chen Shihan was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, it's an absolute secret, once it's leaked out, it won't be safe!"

"Hehe..." Liu Zhengjun laughed dryly twice, the sarcasm was obvious.

In fact, Chen Shihan did not lie. The real construction location of this production base is of course near the Zulong star of Liunianfeng. In the Jiangzhou star area, where no star beasts have ever been found, it is naturally safe and cannot be any safer. .

But how could Chen Shihan dare to reveal the secret that he has an interstellar gate connected to the Jiangzhou star area. Isn't this causing trouble for Liu Nianfeng, so Chen Shihan can only be vague.

And this also gave Liu Zhengjun a great opportunity, including Zhu Yun, all the shareholders began to shake their heads vigorously, with dissatisfaction with Chen Shihan showing on their faces.At this time, Liu Zhengjun also decisively seized the opportunity, jumped up and said, "Since everyone can't dispute, let all shareholders vote by show of hands. As long as 51% of the shares object, the plan will be invalidated immediately. The location has been changed to near the Flood Dragon Star!"

Liu Zhengjun managed to sneak Zhanjiaoxing into it successfully, but the other shareholders nodded one after another as if they didn't notice this at all.

The next step is to vote with a show of hands. There is nothing to say about this process. Liu Zhengjun alone owns 40% of the shares, and there are still about 14% of the shares in the hands of these scattered small shareholders. They all choose to stand with Liu Zhengjun. , In this way, Liu Zhengjun has the support equivalent to 54% of the shares. Except for Zhu Yun who is still firmly on Chen Shihan's side, no one is willing to help Chen Shihan!

"Very good! Now that the result of the show of hands vote has appeared, let's revise this..." Liu Zhengjun grabbed the plan book in front of him with a smile on his face, and was about to tear it into pieces happily. , Chen Shihan suddenly stood up and said, "Wait."

"What's the matter? Admiral Chen Shihan, do you have anything else to say?"

"I want to go to the toilet! Let's take a break for a while and wait until I finish using the toilet!" Chen Shihan said dryly.

"Anything you want!" Liu Zhengjun saw that he was completely sure of winning, with a smug smile on his face, he naturally didn't stop Chen Shihan anymore.

Ever since, Chen Shihan took some angry steps and almost rushed into the toilet.


"Damn Liu Nianfeng, you just hide and watch the show by yourself, and let the old lady come to help you, you bastard, next time I see you, the old lady will definitely bite you to death!" Of course Chen Shihan didn't come to the toilet, she As soon as he entered the toilet, he connected to Liu Nianfeng's communication. Before Liu Nianfeng had time to speak, he scolded Liu Nianfeng in the communication, and took good care of the cowardice he received at the board meeting just now. To vent out.

And Liu Nianfeng was also very obedient, he didn't say a word, and obediently let Chen Shihan vent his temper, and when Chen Shihan had vented his temper, Liu Nianfeng said a few words lightly.

"Is this okay?" Chen Shihan was taken aback by Liu Nianfeng's words, and said in disbelief.

"But His Majesty the Emperor is not omnipotent, and she did not leave us an imperial decree, and even if there is an imperial edict, if the Liu family does not give the Emperor His Majesty face, His Majesty the Emperor will have nothing to do with the Liu Family. Your method will not work! " Chen Shihan said.

"Do you want to do this? What if the Liu family..."

"Okay! Since you are so confident, then listen to you, I'm just your mouthpiece!" Soon Chen Shihan ended the communication with Liu Nianfeng, tidied up her clothes a little, and walked gracefully again Stepping out of the toilet.

"This guy, why did he feel completely different after going to the bathroom?" Seeing Chen Shihan's serious face, Liu Zhengjun thought in surprise.

But Liu Zhengjun didn't have time to think about it, she decided to make a quick decision to solve Chen Shihan's trouble, so as soon as Chen Shihan took her seat, she straightforwardly continued to make a request to change the location of the new base construction.

"I disagree!" Chen Shihan said bluntly.

"It's okay if you don't agree. This is a plan that has been voted on by all directors with a show of hands. You have no right to refuse!" Liu Zhengjun said with a sneer.

"Liu Jungong, have you forgotten the promise you made in front of His Majesty?" Chen Shihan looked at Liu Zhengjun and said coldly, "You promise in front of His Majesty that your Liu family will definitely support me as the chairman of the board for 30 years. And you, Liu Zhengjun, will fully support my work, do you want to resist the order and not obey it?"

"Hehe... I have expected that you will use the emperor to suppress me..." Liu Zhengjun showed an expression that I knew for a long time, and then said with a sneer, "The emperor has an order, so I naturally dare not disobey it. Don't worry , you are still the chairman of Donghuang Group for the next 30 years, and the Liu family's support for you will not change, but even if you are the chairman, it is impossible to count everything. The chairman must follow suit."

"Our Liu family does not object to your chairmanship, but it does not mean that our Liu family will all support your wrong order!" Liu Zhengjun said.

"But didn't you promise to fully support my work?" Chen Shihan asked again.

"Of course! Of course I will fully support your work!" Liu Zhengjun smiled more happily "But I am me, I do not represent our Liu family, I have a resignation letter with me now, I can resign from Donghuang Group anytime, anywhere The position of managing director. At that time, I will be just an idler without any rights in the board of directors, and I will not be able to use the shares owned by our Liu family, so I will be Miss Chen Shihan, and there is nothing I can do!"

"Amazing...awesome..." After hearing Liu Zhengjun's words, Chen Shihan couldn't help clapping.This Liu Zhengjun is really powerful. With such an operation, he did not blatantly violate His Majesty's orders, and he was able to throw Chen Shihan aside. This is really a very perfect operation. This Liu family is worthy of being a treacherous family. Works flawlessly!

But does Liu Zhengjun really think that he can coerce Chen Shihan to submit?She is ruthless, Chen Shihan can be even more ruthless!
"In that case, I don't think Donghuang Group has anything to do with me!" Chen Shihan said coldly, "Then I'll just resign as the chairman of Donghuang Group!"

"It's up to you. If you like to resign, you can resign. No one will stop you." Liu Zhengjun wished that Chen Shihan would resign voluntarily, so that His Majesty's will would be completely invalidated, and the Liu family would not be responsible.

"However, Chairman Chen Shihan, before you resign, you'd better leave me all the information on the super ghost railgun!" Liu Zhengjun said.

"If you want beauty, so what if I don't pay?" Chen Shihan glared.

"Don't forget, you also made a promise in front of His Majesty the Emperor. As long as you become the chairman of Donghuang Group, you will hand over all the information to Donghuang Group without reservation. How dare you resist the order? Is it?" Liu Zhengjun can be said to be extremely proud now, this Chen Shihan used to use His Majesty's will to suppress him before, but now he is fine, now evil people have evil rewards, Feng Shui turns, it is his turn to use His Majesty's will to suppress Chen Shihan !

"Hehe, Shihan naturally doesn't dare to resist the order! Well, I'll leave this information to you! Wait for me to make a communication first." Chen Shihan looked defeated by you, spread his hands helplessly, and then dialed this Communication, and said with a smile, "Xuanyuan, our information is the information of the super ghost electromagnetic gun, you prepare it and send it all over! Well, we will hand it over to Donghuang Group!"

"What! I can't find the memory chip that stores the data? Where did Xiaoji take it?"

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, you look for it slowly, you look for it slowly, when did you find it, and when will you give it to me!" After finishing the call with an extremely exaggerated expression, Chen Shihan's left and right hands were puddled again, Then he smiled and said to Liu Zhengjun, "Sorry, I won't be able to find that memory chip for a while, and I'll give it to you when I find it!"

"What..." Liu Zhengjun's eyebrows were crooked in anger, "You dare to play tricks like this with me, how could you lose such an important memory chip! How is this possible?"

"How is this impossible? I secretly hid the chip under my pillow, but Xiaoji snatched it away, so I can't help it!" Chen Shihan said innocently.

"What the hell is that little jerk?" Liu Zhengjun was about to go mad.

"Little Chick, it's just a chicken, it just has three heads and six legs, it looks so cute!" Chen Shihan laughed.

"Stop talking nonsense here, a chicken with three heads and six legs is not a chicken, it's a star beast Shangfu, do you think I haven't seen a star beast?" Liu Zhengjun roared like a lunatic.

"Hehe, you actually said that Xiaoji is Shangfu, then it is Shangfu... Anyway, the memory chip has been taken away by a Shangfu, and I won't be able to find it for a while. When I find it, I will Just return those materials to you!" Chen Shihan said coldly.

"You are" For the first time, Liu Zhengjun felt that he had such an urge to beat someone up. If not for his self-cultivation, he would have already punched Chen Shihan on the head. up.

"Whatever you say, I might as well put it here, if the base is not built according to my plan, then you will never find this storage chip... By the way, maybe another heavy industry will suddenly get the hang of it Well, it might be that I have researched the super-ghost electromagnetic gun, anyway, I haven't had time to apply for a patent yet! As far as your majesty is concerned, as long as this thing can be mass-produced, no matter which heavy industry produces it, this is actually not the case. Question!" Chen Shihan said with a smile.

"" Liu Zhengjun clenched his teeth tightly on his lips, and blood stains came out several times.

"Okay! I promise you, this base will be built on Tiantingxing according to your requirements!" Liu Zhengjun finally chose to give in. She absolutely cannot accept the fact that the super ghost electromagnetic gun was taken away by other heavy industries.

"That's great, I believe I can find that memory chip soon!" Chen Shihan said with a smile.

"But you have to remember one thing. Our Liu family will never increase capital by even a penny this time. You can go to the group's account to find out the problem of the construction fund!" Liu Zhengjun vigorously pressed his hands on the table. After clapping, she left the meeting room angrily. If she didn't leave, she would probably explode with anger.

"Hahaha!" Seeing her opponent go away in anger, Chen Shihan immediately became dimpled, but Zhu Yun beside her had a pale face, which made Chen Shihan look very strange.

"Mr. Zhu, we won, why are you unhappy?" Chen Shihan asked inexplicably.

"No... Admiral Chen Shihan, I'm afraid we didn't win!" Zhu Yun smiled wryly and shook her head.

"What do you say? Didn't Liu Zhengjun agree to my plan?"

"But she doesn't want to increase the capital of the group!" Zhu Yun said with a helpless wry smile, "I'm afraid you don't know it, but now our group has less than one trillion yuan of funds left on its books, and the construction base requires at least a few dollars." Tens of millions are enough, and next month we have to repay the bank's total of about [-] trillion installments, if the Liu family can't increase capital and transfuse, our Donghuang Group will have no money to start the pot next month!"

(End of this chapter)

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