girl line

Chapter 657 The Difficult First Time

Chapter 657 A Difficult First Time

The price of one trillion yuan has completely shocked everyone. What does this Qiu Cixi think she is selling?Did she think she was selling the throne?How dare you sell it for a trillion dollars a bottle.

What is the concept of 1 trillion?
If this is placed on the earth, it is equivalent to a price of 1 million U.S. dollars... It does not mean that the inflation of the human empire has reached 1 times that of the earth. In fact, the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar is similar to that of the star coins. It's just that for the top wealthy circle of the human empire, the status of the [-] trillion star coin rich man in the human empire is like the status and number of the [-] million US dollar rich man on the earth.

"The next thing is the price of the C-grade Liuzhi Xianlu. It's not expensive, it's only 5 trillion star coins!"

"The price of B-level and C-level and above is five times the original basis, which is the price of 25 trillion star coins."

"Finally, the price of the A-grade Liuzhi Xianlu is also five times higher, worth 125 trillion star coins!"

"The sale of Liuzhi Xianlu does not accept any credit, and it only accepts cash purchases! Well, without further ado, now Liuzhi Xianlu is officially on sale. As I said just now, at the press conference At the scene, 500 bottles of D-grade and 100 bottles of C-grade Liuzhi Xianlu, and ten bottles of B-grade Liuzhi Xianlu will be sold, and now the first sale is 500 bottles of D-grade Liuzhi Xianlu."

After Qiu Cixi's words fell, the entire venue fell into silence instantly. The guests who seemed to be excited just now all stopped at this moment. They looked at the 500 bottles of Liu Zhixian in front of them with cold eyes. dew.Are you kidding me, buying a small bottle of D-grade Liuzhi Xianlu at the price of 1 trillion star coins, their money can't be thrown into the water like this.

Because most of the people present were young guests, most of these young guests did not have the guts and courage, nor did they have the funds to buy a bottle of D-grade Liuzhi Xianlu, only those guests with big bosses behind them, hurriedly I opened my mouth to ask the opinions of the bosses behind me, but these bosses said very calmly, wait first, don't worry, at worst, don't buy it!
As a result, it took half an hour to wait.

Within half an hour, the entire Donghuang Palace was quite embarrassing, and no one answered the price. According to the normal situation, this press conference was a complete failure.After the price was released, there was not even a single person who responded to the price. This price must be very expensive and abnormal.

"Hey! It seems that your price has been set high, why not lower it a little bit, who can afford the price of one trillion yuan!" At this time, in the backstage of the press conference, Chen Shihan, who had already stepped back, looked at the people around him with a smile. Liu Xuanyuan said.

"No drop! Not a penny!" Liu Nianfeng shook his head vigorously, "It's impossible for me to lower the price!"

"But if you don't lower the price, then you really won't be able to sell them. And if these things can't be sold, where can I find my [-] trillion yuan?" Chen Shihan was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys. Besides, do you really think that no one wants to buy it? It's just that those big guys want to use this method to force me to lower the price. I want to see if those guys can buy it. No matter how hard you get, don't push too hard, or you will be completely lost!" Liu Nianfeng sneered.

"Very good! It seems that everyone likes our Liuzhi Xianlu very much, and the enthusiasm for buying is also very enthusiastic!" An hour passed, and still no bottle of Liuzhi Xianlu was sold, but the old god was sitting there. Qiu Cixi on the rostrum said with a smile.

And after these words were finished, there was a burst of laughter in the audience.

"Qiu Ci ***, what you said is wrong, you obviously haven't sold a single bottle, how can you say that our enthusiasm for buying is very enthusiastic?" A guest in the audience shouted loudly, and instantly It caused laughter in the whole meeting place.

"Hehe! Then I'll ask you all!" Hearing this, Qiu Ci laughed instead of being angry, "If you really don't want to buy our products, why don't you sit here for an hour and never buy them?" Has anyone left?"

Qiu Cixi's words stopped everyone immediately, yes, if you really think that the price of this Liuzhi Xianlu is too high, then leave on the spot, what does it mean to stay here?It's not that he is eager to move on this Liuzhi Xianlu, but he just wants to take this opportunity to force Qiu Cixi to reduce the price, otherwise the price will really stabilize at a price of one trillion bottles, and these Liuzhi Xianlu will not be able to reduce the price in the future. up!

"Everyone, it is 16:40 in the afternoon, and there are 17 minutes left before the press conference is expected to end at 00:20. Regardless of the current sales situation, once it is after 17:00, all sales will stop immediately, and the first batch will not be sold. All of our products will be sold online, and those who expect us to lower prices can give up, as I said, there will never be any changes in prices in the next ten years!" Qiu Cixi said firmly.

And after Qiu Jaxi finished speaking, the whole venue became commotion again. Could it be that Qiu Cixi is really playing, and she really wants to sell it for a trillion yuan for ten years?

"Grandpa! Grandpa!" In an extremely luxuriously decorated house, a gorgeously dressed girl suddenly appeared in a hurry, ignoring her previous graceful figure, like a crazy little girl, rushed into a In the huge room, and then directly hugged a man in the room who looked 40 years old, who was exercising and building muscles.

"What's the matter? Little girl, you're sweating all over your head... Hurry up... let grandpa wipe it for you!" Seeing his granddaughter's excited appearance, the grandfather immediately picked up the towel in distress and began to give his granddaughter wipe sweat.

"Don't... Grandpa, you accompany me to persuade grandma, hurry up and let grandma pay for that thing for me! Otherwise, after a while, I really can't buy it!" There are more beads of sweat.

"Don't worry! Speak slowly! Grandpa loves you. Speak slowly. What do you want to buy? This dead old woman is our granddaughter who wants to buy something. Why are you so stingy? She just wants a moon." , we can't afford it!" Seeing his granddaughter who was sweating profusely, the grandfather was also sweating from distress.

"Grandpa, I don't want the moon. What I want is a bottle of Liuzhi Xianlu. Do you know that this Liuzhi Xianlu is amazing. As long as I take it, I can have the qualifications of a starship girl!" He shook his grandfather's arm and said.

"What! Didn't you say that talent can never be changed? Are you lying to grandpa?"

"No, no! Grandpa, you know that my biggest dream is to become a starship girl, and I used to think that talent really cannot be changed, but now there is a new product, as long as you take it, you can have the talent of a starship girl. Moreover, Ivanka Trump from White Eagle Heavy Industry and the recently very famous Admiral Chen Shihan testified that they have all used it. It is true. Now that Ivanka Trump has become a star with A-level qualification Ship girl!!" The girl gasped.

"The eldest lady from Trump's family ate it too!" Grandpa was taken aback. What his granddaughter said should not be a lie. From this point of view, this Liuzhi Xianlu is very likely to be true.

"How much is this thing? It won't be very expensive, right?" Someone asked again. This grandfather also knows his wife very well. He knows that she loves his granddaughter as much as anyone else. If it is an ordinary thing, don't If my granddaughter asks, the other party will take the initiative to buy it.

But looking at her granddaughter's current appearance, that old woman actually rejected her granddaughter's request... There is only one answer for that old woman to make such a decision, that is, the price of this thing is too expensive, so expensive that the old woman is too stingy The disease has occurred!

"This... is indeed a little more expensive... the cheapest one costs one trillion star coins..." The granddaughter's momentum weakened instantly when she said this.

"What! One trillion!" The old man was also taken aback by the price, no wonder the old woman refused to pay, the price is indeed too expensive.But the grandfather's fright lasted for a while, and then he held his granddaughter in his arms very firmly and said.

"Buy! Must buy! I can make my precious granddaughter become a starship girl and realize her dream! Isn't it a mere 1 trillion? Our Bourbon family has tens of trillions of assets, and 1 trillion is nothing to us What? Go, grandpa will take you to find grandma, if she refuses to pay, grandpa will let her not go to bed for a week!" said the grandpa domineeringly.

Seeing the grandpa appear, the grandma could only shake her head helplessly. When she saw a few old men coming, she knew that everything was over. With this old man's incomparable doting on her granddaughter, let alone 1 trillion, even if it was Tens of trillions of trillions, this old man will force himself to pay.

Hey, what a loving father and many defeated daughters!

"I'll buy it! Can't I buy it!" Grandma said without being forced by grandpa.

"Hmph! You have the nerve to say that our granddaughter is going crazy thinking about being a starship girl. She has collected all kinds of starship girl peripherals and information since she was a child, and she also uses her own pocket money I bought hundreds of Star Warships, and ended up suffering from depression. If I hadn’t been with her since childhood, maybe our granddaughter would have gone crazy!!!”

"Now she wants to be a starship girl, you old guy is still pushy, is money so important to you? You cheapskate!" Grandpa cursed.

"Hey, can you let me finish my sentence, I just think the price of one trillion yuan is too expensive, I want to wait a little longer, and buy it when the price is a little cheaper... Well, since you said so Yes, then buy it, let me buy the head office!" Grandma was completely defeated.

"That's pretty much the same! Let's buy a bottle now!" Grandpa's eyes lit up, and he pointed to a bottle of D-grade Liuzhi Xianlu on the live broadcast screen.

"Hmph! How is one bottle enough?" The corner of grandma's mouth suddenly showed a disdainful expression, "How can my granddaughter be just the weakest D-rank starship girl, she must at least be a B-rank starship girl." !” After the old lady finished speaking, a phone call was made directly to a certain guest at the venue.

This guest is a director of a company affiliated to the Bourbon family. After receiving the call from the boss behind him, the guest nodded repeatedly, and immediately raised his right hand high after hanging up the phone.

"Sir, please tell me something!" Choo Ja Hei said immediately.

"Please give me 5 bottles of D-grade Liuzhi Xianlu, 5 bottles of C-grade Liuzhi Xianlu, and a bottle of B-grade Liuzhi Xianlu!" The guest said, and following the guest's opening, Liuzhi Xianlu In this way, the first transaction was born!

(End of this chapter)

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