girl line

Chapter 664 Sister Snake Girl

Chapter 664 Sister Snake Girl
"Are you okay?" Seeing the child slowly waking up in front of him, Liu Nianfeng asked with concern.

It's just that this child from the Snake family didn't want to pay attention to Liu Nianfeng's kindness at all. She first glanced at Liu Nianfeng vigilantly, and then looked at her arms, making sure that the big mouse was still there, and then Struggling to get up from the ground and get out of here.

It's just that the child just twitched his tail when he felt a piercing pain. He lost all his strength and fell heavily on the ground again, lying there twisted like a little snake.

"Your tail was injured. When those Fox kids threw you out just now, your tail hit a sharp stone and cut a big hole. You'd better not use your tail right now." tail, otherwise your scales and the like will be scraped off!" Liu Nian Feng said.

The child lowered his head, looked at his own snake tail, and found that there was a slit more than ten centimeters long, and the snow-white snake meat was turned out. Such a tail obviously cannot be used anymore.

"You are human..." After the child of the Snake clan realized that he could not move, he began to really look at the guy who saved his life in front of him, only to find that this guy didn't have any orc characteristics on him. , so I asked tentatively.

"I'm human!" Liu Nianfeng nodded.

"Are you a human from the Human Kingdom? Or a human from the Human Empire?" Snake Girl asked again.

The human kingdom in her mouth and the human empire seem similar, but in fact they are completely different.The human kingdom refers to the humans who were born and raised on the Emerald Planet, but the number of these humans is not large, occupying less than 1% of the land of the Emerald Planet, and established a small kingdom with a population of less than 300 million.

As for the human empire, it naturally refers to the terrifyingly powerful human empire outside the outer universe. In fact, the human empire originally wanted to subdue the human kingdom, so that it could use the human kingdom to establish a settlement under the control of human beings on the emerald planet. Points, so as to justifiably affect the entire local emerald planet, instead of limited interference in outer space as it is now.

But the problem is that the human empire has promised countless benefits to the human beings in the human kingdom, as well as the high-tech and beautiful life in the future interstellar era, but the human beings in the human kingdom are unwilling to join the human empire, but insist on maintaining their own independent status. Not even interested in any diplomacy with the Imperium of Man.

And the orcs are not all idiots, they are obviously aware of the serious problems once the human kingdom is conquered by the human empire, so they immediately stated that the human kingdom is a member of the Emerald Planet, and the orcs will definitely Protecting the safety of the human kingdom, anyway, the human empire failed in the end, and the human kingdom has continued on the emerald planet, and it has always maintained the style of the cold weapon era, without any changes for thousands of years.

That's why this little girl from the Snake clan immediately questioned whether Liu Nianfeng was from the Human Kingdom or the Human Empire.

"I'm an envoy of the Human Empire! I was sent by the Empire to trade with the Fox Clan!" Liu Nianfeng casually fabricated a legal identity for himself, and anyway, it was impossible for this child to know whether his identity was true or false.

"Don't worry, I have absolutely no malice towards you. I just passed by and saw those children of the Fox family bullying you, and I couldn't bear it so I rescued you. I am a businessman from the Human Empire, and the Fox family dare not do anything to me." Yes, otherwise the Human Empire will cut off all transactions with the Fox family, as long as I take care of you, the Fox family will never dare to bully you again!" Liu Nianfeng said vowedly.

In fact, at this time, Liu Nianfeng had no other intentions for the child of the Snake family, but simply felt that the child was being bullied too pitifully, and he simply wanted to get her out of the hands of those bear children of the Fox family. Just rescue her and give her a safe environment.

Liu Nianfeng swears to the sky, at this moment, Liu Nianfeng has absolutely no other thoughts, he just simply wants to help.

"Are you really willing to help me?" The child took a deep look at Liu Nianfeng, and then asked weakly.

"Of course! If I don't want to help you, why should I save you? There is no benefit in saving you!" Liu Nianfeng said calmly.

"Then can you give this big mouse to my sister?" the girl said while holding the big mouse in her hand.

"I sent this big mouse over there? Then what do you do?" Liu Nianfeng didn't take the big mouse, and then asked the child like this... Well, Liu Nianfeng will never admit it, he has some Afraid of mice.

"Don't worry about me, I can climb back by myself!" The child said firmly.

"Diana, pick up this mouse for me!" Liu Nianfeng turned his head and ordered Diana beside him.

"Ah?" Diana froze for a moment, "Why did you ask me to take this mouse? Isn't this a dog meddling with a mouse?"

"If you want to take it, you can take it. Where did you talk so much nonsense?" Several black lines appeared on Liu Nianfeng's forehead, and finally Diana obediently hugged the big mouse. As for Liu Nianfeng, Carrying the seriously injured child of the Snake family back, finally under the guidance of the child, Liu Nianfeng and the two gradually walked to the edge of the Fox Forest, where there was a burning smell everywhere, and There were scorched wood everywhere, apparently in a woodland destroyed by lightning, and found an abandoned tree house.

"Xiaoqing, your sister is not here, there is nothing here!" But when Liu Nianfeng entered the abandoned tree house, he found that there was no Xiaoqing's sister in the entire tree house.Well, Xiaoqing is the name of this little Snake girl.

It's a pity that Xiaoqing's sister is not called Xiaobai, but Xiaozhen, which makes Liunianfeng a little regretful. If Xiaoqing's sister is called Xiaobai, then maybe he can be named Xiaoxian Go!

"Impossible! My sister is seriously injured, it is impossible to leave here!" As soon as Xiao Qing's voice fell, Liu Nianfeng felt a cold thing wrapped around her neck, and then tightened instantly, Liu Nianfeng Suddenly felt a sense of suffocation.

"Let my sister go, or I'll strangle you to death!" Liu Nianfeng heard a weak but vicious voice whispering in his ear.

"Sister! That's not the case, Liu Nianfeng didn't cause us to come here, he saved me just now, otherwise I would have died in the hands of those red-haired little ghosts of the Fox family!" Xiaoqing immediately explained for Liu Nianfeng.

"Xiao Qing, your experience is still too shallow, don't be fooled by this cunning human being, he must be trying to catch us, and use it to ask for credit for that stupid Lord Hemingway!" My sister hissed as she spoke. Hissing sound.

"It's true! It's really you!" When Liu Nianfeng was about to subdue the mad snake girl with his backhand, Diana who followed behind Liu Nianfeng suddenly cried out in surprise.

"Diana? Nana, it's you!" Xiao Zhen also screamed.

"It's me! Xiaozhen, I didn't expect to meet you here!" As soon as Diana said this, Liu Nianfeng felt the snake's tail around her neck loosen, and a heavy body hit her. , smashing Liu Nianfeng to the ground.


"Liu Xuanyuan, my sister will be fine!" Xiaoqing's cute little head lay on Liunianfeng's shoulder, and her two-meter-long snake tail rolled down from Liunianfeng's waist, and finally Wrapped on Liunianfeng's right leg, the whole person completely regarded Liunianfeng as a pillar wrapped around it.

"Your sister's problem is serious. If I hadn't happened to bring down the nanorobot capsule, your sister would have died! Do you know how many injuries your sister has suffered? There are 28 wounds on her body, 16 of which suppurate Now, the body was infected by seven diseases at the same time, and she still has the strength to wrap around my neck, which is really a miracle!" Liu Nianfeng said in amazement.

"By the way! How is your injury?" Liu Nianfeng asked again.

"It's all ready!" Xiaoqing said happily, twitching her tail, letting her upper body appear in Liu Nianfeng's arms, and then showed her naked body to Liu Nianfeng wantonly and said, "Liu Xuanyuan, the one you brought The medicine is amazing, I only took it for less than half an hour, and all the injuries on my body are healed!"

"Isn't that right? What do you think I brought? This is the nano-robot capsule of our human empire. It can cure any injury! Your sister's injury is much more serious than yours, so it will take a few more It takes an hour to treat, but there is definitely no problem, so you can rest assured!" Liu Nianfeng said triumphantly, this nano-robot capsule is to pack millions of nano-robots in a capsule, and these nano-robots are affected by Controlled by an ultra-microcomputer, it can automatically judge the patient's symptoms, and then treat the patient from the cellular level.

Except for a few diseases in this world, 95% of the diseases can be cured by nano-robots, especially traumas such as knife wounds, sword wounds and fractures, which have a [-]% cure rate. Nano-robots cannot cure diseases.

However, the price of nano-robot capsules is too expensive, and one capsule is worth ten years of consumption in the medical cabin, so even in the human empire, this is a very expensive drug, and the price of one capsule is as high as 1000 million Star coin, um, compared to Liuzhi Xianlu, this price is really nothing,

As a starship girl and an admiral, they usually have 1 or 2 nanorobot capsules on their bodies to treat themselves when the medical cabin is unavailable.

"However, who did you offend to be injured so badly? If you hadn't met me, you two would definitely be dead!" Liu Nianfeng asked curiously.

"Hmph! It's all the fault of Hemingway's stupid king, who actually wanted to eat my sister. If it wasn't for her being so powerful, she bit Hemingway and took me all the way out of Beamon City. My sister and I would have died in Beamon City! "Xiao Qing pouted and said.

"Oh, then what are you doing stealing big rats from the Fox family?"

"Of course it's for my sister! I heard that the big mice of the Fox family are the best supplements. My sister has been relying on these big mice these days to barely survive!"

"Um... how do you plan to eat this mouse..."

"Of course I swallow it raw, otherwise how else can I eat it?"

"..." Liu Nianfeng had nothing to say
(End of this chapter)

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