girl line

Chapter 668 Showdown

Chapter 668 Showdown
"Mud!" When Chiyun was shocked by Liunianfeng's shocking performance, but Liunianfeng used another rune spell, Chiyun felt his feet sink for a while, and when he looked down, he found out in horror , the soil under my feet turned into a swamp at some point, and I was being swallowed by this swamp.

Panicked, Chi Yun began to struggle crazily, but in the end, she sank deeper and deeper. When most of her body fell into the swamp, Liu Nianfeng flicked her finger lightly, and the muddy swamp turned back instantly Soil, but at this time about 2/3 of Chiyun's body has been buried in the soil, leaving only two big Opie stuck on it.

"Now the two of us can have a good talk!" Liu Nianfeng walked to Chi Yun's side and said with a smile, "I'll give you two options. The first is for the two of us to communicate well and see if there is any way to save Kaga. Come out. The second is that I will rescue Chicheng now, and then go to Bimon City to snatch Kaga out, and finally I will take the two of them away and fly away, and I will ignore the rest of the mess!"

"Hehe! This is really the funniest joke I've ever heard, human, I don't know how you learned magic, and it's such a powerful spell, but I want to tell you, no matter how powerful your spell is, it's impossible to beat You may be able to save Miss Chicheng from the thousands of troops in Bimon City, but you will definitely not be able to save Miss Kaga, instead you will be trapped in Bimon City yourself!"

"In addition, even if you really have the ability to rescue people from Beamon City, so what, there are tens of thousands of Emerald battleships outside, just relying on Xuelong's omnipotent ship without the slightest combat capability, don't even think about it." Escape from Emerald Green Star!" Chi Yun gritted her teeth and said.

"Don't worry about it, I will naturally have a solution. At worst, I will hide on the emerald planet for more than ten years. I don't believe it. The one who can control and monitor the city for more than ten years Not enough time? I have plenty of opportunities to escape!" Liu Nianfeng laughed.

"Damn it... What are you planning? Why did you join this matter that has nothing to do with you!" Chi Yun asked loudly with a puzzled face.

"Because I am the admiral of Chicheng!" Liu Nianfeng suddenly slapped the table vigorously, and directly revealed his identity, "Well, let me tell you the truth, I am not Xuelong's maid at all. On the contrary, I She is Xuelong's admiral, Xuelong is my starship girl, and Akagi is also my starship girl just like Xuelong, she is mine, I will never allow anyone to hurt her, anyone let her sad!"

Fleeting Maple said domineeringly.

"Admiral!! How is this possible... It is impossible for us Fei Leng Cui people to have an admiral... How is this possible!!!" Chi Yun felt that she was shocked more than one tonight. First, a human being who could spell appeared , That's fine, what's even more nonsense now is that this human has actually become the admiral of Chicheng and Xuelong.

The scientists of the Human Empire have studied the difficult problem that has not been solved for thousands of years, and it has been called absolutely impossible, but it has changed. Chicheng has its own admiral!This really frightened Chi Yun, and her common sense was about to collapse.

"This is the battleship Tianhun of Chicheng, you should recognize it!" Liu Nianfeng knew that there was nothing to prove, so he simply took out the battleship Tianhun belonging to Chicheng in his ghost port. Even if Chiyun didn't want to believe in the faint battleship with nine tails, he could only believe in Liu Nianfeng's identity.

"I really saw a ghost..." Chi Yun was stuck in the mud like this, and it took nearly half an hour before she gradually came back to her senses, and finally said helplessly, "Let me out, I Believe in your identity, I am willing to help you!"

Seeing that Chiyun didn't seem to be telling a lie, Liu Nianfeng released Chi Yun, and Chi Yun was really calm, and never wanted to drive Liu Nianfeng away forcibly, but just sighed. After taking a deep breath, he said with a sad face, "You just said that our Fox family is a bitch, but you are right. We are indeed a bitch. Which race would hand over its saintess to others as food! But There is nothing we can do, if we don't do this, our Fox family will be completely finished!"

It turned out that after losing the beast king's scepter in Chicheng, after the previous patriarch of the Fox clan, that is, Chicheng's mother, committed suicide and made amends, the situation of the entire Fox clan was far worse than imagined.Because after that, the Star Beast launched another attack on the Emerald Planet. After losing the beast king's scepter as a booster, although the orcs barely repelled the attack, they suffered the biggest loss in 300 years. In the end, more than 2000 star warships were destroyed, which means that at least 2000 elite forces of various races turned into dust in the universe.

After the battle, the anger of the entire orc clan gathered on the Fox clan, and all the tribes agreed that it was the fault of the Fox clan that caused this huge loss.

These heavily injured races unanimously demanded that the Fox family compensate for their losses, and even if the Fox family sold everything, they couldn't afford to pay for the 2000 star warships and the death of 2000 elite powerhouses.

As a result, the entire Fox family fell into a precarious situation, coupled with the instigation of some races, not only voices emerged from the orc clan to drive the Fox clan out of the eight upper races, even some races suggested forming a coalition Attack the territory of the Fox family and completely destroy the Fox family to wash away the hatred in their hearts.

The Fox family was once in a state of life and death. Fortunately, the new beast king of the orc family, that is, Hemingway from the Rhine tribe, had a good attitude towards the Fox family. The family even endured a lot of positive pressure, which has allowed the Fox family to live tremblingly until now.

Now that Hemingway's dantian was destroyed by the beating, he took the initiative to ask the Fox family, hoping to use Kaga's Qiqiao Linglong Heart to restore the dantian, which put the Fox family in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Don’t save it, this Hemingway does have a lot of kindness to the Fox family, and if Hemingway’s dantian cannot be restored, he will never be able to be the king of the orc family, and once the new king ascends the throne, without Hemingway as a shield to protect, Fox The clan might be on the brink of genocide again.

Save it, but Kaga is the only saint in the Fox family, not to mention how important the saint is to the Fox family, just trading the life of the saint in exchange for the survival of the Fox family is simply ruthless. The righteousness to the extreme, once this matter is spread, it may become a stain that the Fox family cannot wash away for hundreds of thousands of years, just like the saint who saved the life of mankind with her exquisite heart, will always be Become a joke for other races to laugh at the Fox family.

As a result, the Fox family fell into a state of extreme uncertainty, and then just three days ago, two days before Liu Nianfeng and the others arrived at the emerald planet, Hemingway sent someone to the territory of the Fox family again. Said that as long as Kaga is willing to donate his exquisite heart, then Hemingway will swear to God, use his privilege of the beast king, directly pardon Chicheng's crimes, and use the network of the human empire to spread the news, telling Chicheng not to Hiding outside, you can return to Planet Emerald with peace of mind.

This news completely cut off Kaga's sway, she decided to sacrifice herself for the freedom of her sister, and gave her Qiqiaolinglong heart.Anyway, my younger sister is also the saint of the Fox family. Without myself, the Fox family can continue to pass on, and can also continue to serve as the high priest of the orcs. This is the best ending for the Fox family.

"Hey! News came from Beamon City today that the Kaga patriarch has decided to hold a ceremony the day after tomorrow and donate his heart. And I plan to rush to Beamon City as quickly as possible tomorrow to bring Miss Akagi back The news told me that the Kaga patriarch, I hope that the patriarch can give up her plan of sacrificing herself." Chi Yun said.

"You want Kaga to give up his plan of sacrificing himself? Are you not afraid of Hemingway's revenge?" Liu Nianfeng asked a little puzzled.

"Don't be afraid, because we will still give him a Qiqiaolinglong Heart, but this Qiqiaolinglong Heart is from Chicheng!" Chi Yun said lightly.

"What!" Liu Nianfeng's face changed suddenly, this woman, Chicheng's second aunt, actually planned to send Chicheng to die, Liu Nianfeng wanted to kill this woman on the spot.

"I know what you're thinking, but you have to understand that the Kaga patriarch is an excellent patriarch, and Chicheng made such a major mistake, she should of course pay for her mistakes... to save the lives of the people who made mistakes. Do you think it's fair to let her loved ones give their lives instead of their lives?" Chi Yun said.

"Fuck your mother's fairness!" Liu Nianfeng yelled, "Chicheng's heart is mine, and Kaga's heart can't be lost. That Hemingway is a beast, he is the one who deserves to die, not you!"

"You're going to Bimont City tomorrow, right? Well, I'll go with you, and I promise to rescue Kaga!" Liu Nian Feng said with a pale face.

"If you're just planning to use brute force to save people, then even if I risk my life, I'll stop you here!" Chi Yun said with a determined expression on his face, "Maybe you can just slap your ass and leave." In short, our Fox family has millions of lives, but we cannot escape with you. Unless you kill me, I will never take you to Bimon City!"

"Don't worry, I won't use brute force, I have a way to get the best of both worlds, as long as you are willing to trust me, I guarantee the safety of your entire Fox family!" Liu Nianfeng said, patted his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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