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Chapter 670 Turtle Prime Minister

Chapter 670 Turtle Prime Minister

A major event happened in Beamon City, a major event that shocked the entire Emerald Planet, and that was the death of their Beast King Hemingway.

There are different opinions on how Hemingway died, and there are various theories, but the most appalling one is that Hemingway was trampled to death by someone!
This sounds unbelievable, but many people believe this statement, and many people swear by the sky that they saw a steel giant suddenly fall from the sky, trampled Hemingway into a puddle of meat sauce, and then The steel giant disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Many people sneered at this point, but there was one thing that was irrefutable, that was, there was indeed a violent vibration from the direction of the Beast King's Palace, and there was indeed a huge footprint in the Beast King's Palace.

Soon, the representatives of the major races in Beamon City rushed to the Beamon City palace to hold an impromptu meeting, and the theme of the meeting was of course to deal with the issue of Hemingway who died suddenly!
"Is Lord Beastmaster really dead?" Even in the venue, some representatives couldn't help asking the people next to them. They couldn't believe the sudden and shocking news.

"Quiet! Quiet!" When the representatives of the major races had almost arrived, an old man with white hair and a heavy tortoise shell on his back walked out of the backstage of the venue, leaning on a cane.

"See Prime Minister Turtle!"

"Master Turtle is mighty!"

"Prime Minister Turtle, Ankang!"

Seeing the appearance of this white-haired old man, almost all the representatives present stood up to greet him, and all of them showed respectful expressions, and none of them showed the slightest joke, even though the tortoise prime minister in front of him was just an old man with good defensive ability.

The reason for these representatives, who are usually big men of their respective races, to be so respectful to an old tortoise, is very simple.

One is because of the age of the old tortoise... the age of the tortoise prime minister.

According to the delegates' understanding, the tortoise prime minister is at least 1023 years old. The reason why he said the least is because this 1023 years old is only the age when he appeared in the field of vision of the orcs. Before that, the old tortoise was alive. In the middle of the sea, God knows how many years he has spent.

The second is that the tortoise prime minister has served as the orc prime minister for more than 600 years. Even if he is alone in Beamon City, even if he has no racial support behind him, if he sits on the position of prime minister for 600 years, there will be no fell down too.

From this, we can know that even those orc tribes with different preferences and standpoints have nothing to say about the job of the tortoise prime minister and are impeccable. For this old man who has lived for thousands of years, that is Sincerely respectful.

"Ahem! Ladies and gentlemen, I called you here urgently today because of a major incident. Our great King Hemingway was unfortunately assassinated this morning!" Said in a voice without any emotional fluctuations.

During the 1000 years, Prime Minister Gui has witnessed at least 120 beast kings changing, and changing another beast king at this time is nothing surprising to him.

"His Majesty the Beast King is really dead!" There was another discussion in the audience, and then a representative immediately asked aggressively, "May I ask Prime Minister Gui, how did His Majesty Hemingway be assassinated? Who killed him? We must Take revenge for His Majesty the Beast King!"

"On this point, please... cough cough... let the Kaga patriarch of the Fox clan answer, she was at the first scene!" Prime Minister Turtle said tremblingly.

"Chief Kaga! She's actually here!" Seeing Kaga's appearance, the representatives present were surprised again.

The patriarchs of the major tribes stay in their own tribes except for some necessary moments. They will only send one or two people with high status to stay in Beamon City as representatives to discuss some daily affairs with His Majesty the Beast King.

So the representatives present at this time were almost all the elders of the major tribes, and Kaga was the only one who appeared in the meeting room as the chief of the tribe.

This can't help but make everyone feel very strange. It's not a festival or a major event at this time. How could the patriarch of the Fox family appear in Beamon City?And it just happened to appear in the palace of the Beastmaster, and even saw the scene of being assassinated even more so, this is simply too weird!

"The thing is like this!" Ignoring other people's doubts, Kaga stood up and replied firmly, "I was invited by His Majesty the King to hold a ceremony in the garden that day, and I was ready to receive him when His Majesty the Beast King appeared at the gate of the garden. When I was there, a steel monster suddenly fell from the sky, stepped on His Majesty the Beast King, and killed His Majesty the Beast King, as well as more than a dozen soldiers and maids around him!"

"The whole process took less than a second. After a second, the steel monster quickly disappeared again, as if it had never appeared before!"

"Damn! He was really trampled to death by a steel monster that fell from the sky!!!" Kaga's words instantly caused a huge uproar. Although these representatives had heard such legends beforehand, they didn't really let go. In my heart, I thought this was just nonsense.

Unexpectedly, this was actually true. Hemingway was actually trampled to death by a steel monster that fell from the sky.

"Who else can prove that what you said is true?" A representative jumped out and asked Kaga.

"Besides me, there are quite a few maids in the Rhine family in the garden, and the captain of the royal palace's guard happened to be beside me at the time, and they all saw it with their own eyes!" Kaga said lightly, while Prime Minister Kame was silent He nodded, obviously acquiescing to Kaga's statement. It seems that this Hemingway was really trampled to death.

At the same time, Hemingway also became the first beast king to be directly trampled to death in the history of the beastman empire, which made everyone sigh.

After determining the cause of His Majesty's death, the most important thing is to find out who the murderer is.

Judging from the sudden appearance and disappearance of this steel monster, it is absolutely impossible to be an accident, but a complete murder. There is no doubt that someone used this steel monster to assassinate Hemingway.

But who can control a steel monster to kill people?And it also made the steel monster appear and disappear in an instant. Even the orcs who are proficient in magic have never seen such terrifying magic!

"Could it be the Star Warship? Someone controlled the Star Warship to crash down and kill His Majesty Hemingway!" a representative asked.

"It's impossible! The entire emerald starry sky is closely monitored. Unless there is special approval, no star warship is allowed to approach our planet for more than 50 kilometers. Once they approach, they will be immediately given up by the surrounding warships." Set fire to kill in seconds."

"And even if there are warships who want to do this, then we can at least have a response time of about 1 minute. At that time, His Majesty the Beast King has already hid in a safe place. How could we be crushed by the star warship without any precautions?" Dead? And how could this star warship appear and then disappear immediately, it's impossible!" A representative immediately refuted, and other representatives also nodded. It is indeed impossible for a star warship to kill people.

"Everyone, personally, I think that steel monster is more like a space-breaking mech!" Kaga said suddenly.

"What! The Air Breaker!" The representatives said in shock.

"That's right, the star warship I'm from is a space carrier. I've seen many types of space-breaking mechs. The shape and configuration of that steel monster is almost exactly the same as the space-breaking mechs, but..." Kaga hesitated Said.

"Just what?"

"It's just that the space-breaking mecha is more than ten times larger than any space-breaking mecha I've seen. From this point of view, it doesn't look like a normal space-breaking mecha!" Kahe said.

"Could it be a special type of space-breaking mecha from the Human Empire? With the technology of the Human Empire, it is impossible to create a large-scale space-breaking mecha!" A representative said, after speaking, all eyes It suddenly concentrated on a male human in the hall.

Don't get me wrong, this human is not Fleeting Maple, he's just a trick, or he is the representative of the human empire stationed on the Emerald Planet, similar to the existence of an ambassador.Originally, the internal meeting of the orc clan would definitely not summon the ambassador of the human empire.

So at the beginning, the representatives were very surprised to see humans staying here, but now it seems that Prime Minister Turtle called this to ask questions about the Void Breaker.

"My lords, our human empire does have space-breaking mechas that are much larger than normal space-breaking mechas!" Seeing so many fierce eyes staring at him, the human ambassador couldn't help sweating on his forehead, but still Insisting, "But those are not our standard mechas, not even normal mechas that can be used on the battlefield, they are just private collections made by some people, because the broken mechas that are ten times larger than normal air-breaking mechas An empty mecha, it is impossible to put it in the space carrier!"

"Hmph, the space carrier can't fit in, so let's use a transport ship to install the head office!" The representative of the Bell clan snorted loudly.

"Everyone, if our human warships don't get your permission, let alone 50 kilometers, we won't approach even if it's 5 million kilometers. How could our transport ship transport such a large empty mecha to What about on the emerald planet? And among all the space-breaking mechas of our humans, there is not a single space-breaking mecha that can suddenly appear and disappear suddenly! This matter really has nothing to do with us humans!" the ambassador He said earnestly, and his words also made many people nod. Indeed, this should not have much to do with humans, and there is no need for humans to kill the Beastmaster, which is of no benefit to humans!
"Wait... Ladies and gentlemen, have you forgotten that the steel giant that can suddenly appear and disappear suddenly, but there is still that thing!" said a guy who looked like a goat.

"That thing!!!" The expressions of all the representatives changed, as if they had thought of something terrible!
(End of this chapter)

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