girl line

Chapter 673

Chapter 673
No one knows what happened in the Doug family's residence, but one thing is certain, that is, when everyone saw Demilton the next day, the man's eyes were red and his hair was messed up. It looked like a rabies attack.

"It seems that I haven't seen my daughter for a long time, that's why I'm so excited!" Many people thought to themselves.

Besides Daimilton, who was the first to arrive, candidates from other tribes were also rushing to Beamon City. They almost gave up everything in their hands and came here desperately... No way, This is the only chance, if you don't come, then the position of Beastmaster is not yours!

By 12:[-] noon on the third day, the candidates elected by the eight major races had all arrived in Beamon City, and these people didn't even have one more day to rest, so they all rushed to Beamon City Among them, the Beamon University Field started this competition related to the future beast king.

When it comes to the system of the Beastman Empire, it cannot be said that it is a complete empire. To be precise, it should be a republic empire, because although the Beastmaster can monopolize the power, the Beastmaster is not handed down according to blood, but elected by all the tribes of the empire candidates to compete for the position... This is clearly stipulated in the laws of the Beastman Empire, but in practice, only the eight upper-ranking races have the right to nominate candidates for the Beastmaster, and the other hundreds of races have no dime right to money.

However, although these hundreds of races do not have the right to elect candidates, they do have the right to vote.According to the rules of the empire, the empire has a total of one thousand votes, and these thousand votes will be distributed to each tribe according to the strength of each race and the contribution to the orc empire.

Even the weakest tribe will have one vote in their hands, and the most powerful tribe will have no more than 100 votes... In the entire orc empire, only the Rhine and Tago have more than 90 votes. There are only 70 votes for the other eight major tribes, and the total number of votes in the hands of the entire eight upper races is about 600.

In other words, if the eight upper races reach a consensus, then... the other tribes are useless, and the eight upper races will directly decide.

After the big ben, which was presented to the orc empire by humans, rang 12 o'clock at noon, the Beamon University Field, which was originally boiling, suddenly fell silent.

Beastmen are not like human beings, they have so many vain rituals, Prime Minister Turtle went straight to the center of the University Field in a very simple and clear way, and announced to all the audience that the election of the new Beastmaster has officially started, followed by the eight Candidates elected by the race enter the field.

"The first person to enter the arena is Helway, a candidate from the Rhine tribe. He is the younger brother of the previous Beast King Hemingway and the strongest of the Rhine tribe. He once had the record of defeating 30 Rhine warriors by himself. He His wife is also the strongest starship girl of the Rhine Clan, driving the clan ship of the Rhine Clan, the ancient star battleship Lion!" The name is ready!) An announcer of the Swan Clan announced in a loud voice.

It is worth mentioning here that the ancient Star Battleship Lion, the clan ship of the Rhine clan mentioned by the announcer, does not refer to the Star Battleship manufactured by humans that was sold to Planet Emerald by humans.It was left over from the Emerald Planet itself, which is said to be the Star Battleship Lion passed down tens of thousands of years ago.

And before the human empire discovered the Emerald Planet, the people of the Emerald Planet had already fought cruel battles with the star beasts, and they relied on this ancient battleship left over from the ancient times.Originally, it was said that at the beginning, the Orc Empire owned thousands of such ancient warships, but with the continuous consumption of wars with the stars and alien beasts, the number of such warships became less and less. When the Human Empire discovered the Emerald Planet, , Fei Lengcui has less than 200 ancient battleships left, and if humans had not sold a large number of star warships to Fei Lengcui, I am afraid that Fei Lengcui would have died due to the insufficient number of warships under the continuous attack of star beasts Among them.

The human empire is also very curious about this kind of star battleship tens of thousands of years ago. It once proposed to buy one at a high price, but was flatly rejected by the orcs, so the human empire had to settle for the next best thing and proposed to send a ship. A scientific research team conducted scientific research on one of the warships under the supervision of the people from Planet Jade. This time, after spending a lot of money and tens of thousands of star warships, the people of Jadeite finally agreed to the request of the human empire.

And through decades of research, the Human Empire discovered that the strength of these star warships is much higher than the strength of the star warships currently manufactured by the Human Empire, about twice, and many of them have not yet been mastered by humans. With advanced technology, in the next two to three thousand years, humans may not be able to build star warships comparable to these ancient warships.

So there is no doubt that these star warships should be left by another civilization on the emerald planet, but where this civilization came from, humans can't figure it out... At least in the news announced publicly, humans can't be researched,

And the reason why the Rhines were able to dominate the entire orc empire and firmly occupy the position of the eight upper races was because the Rhines had a full 20 ancient battleships, which was the same as the number of ancient warships that the Tigers had. It is the foundation of the Rhine family.

The announcer of the Swan Clan introduced the details of Heilway in great detail, which aroused cheers from the entire campus. First of all, Heilway’s resume is indeed quite impressive, and secondly, there are also some who took the lead in applauding and cheering. people exist.

After Helway appeared on the stage, the candidate of the Tago clan came on the stage, Pavarotti Gian. This candidate has the qualifications and strength not weaker than Helway. After reading his information, It also won the full house.

Afterwards, other candidates appeared one after another. However, compared with the previous two candidates, the information of the remaining candidates was unavoidably less shocking. Although it also aroused a lot of applause, it was far from The fierce applause from the two previous candidates made many people realize that this time, the competition for the title of Beastmaster will again be born among the two races of the Tiger Clan and the Rhine Clan.

The majority of orc representatives have no dissatisfaction with this. After all, the orc empire has been like this since ancient times. Nearly 70% of the beast kings were born in these two races. People have long been used to this setting .

"Okay! The last one to appear on the stage is Miss Diana, the princess from the Doug family!" The voice of the Swan announcer read here, and there was a strange whispering sound in the venue, because the Doug family's previous The candidate has already appeared, that is, the patriarch of the Doug family, and the patriarch of Demilton that everyone is very familiar with.

This patriarch has been the patriarch of the Daoge clan for more than 20 years, and he has accumulated a lot of military exploits and done some awe-inspiring things. Among the total eight candidates, some people think that this Dai Chief Milton is the second candidate after Helway and Ji An. Why did the Doug family come up with a second candidate? Where is the candidate from the Fox family?
Such doubts welled up in everyone's hearts, and the introduction of the Swan Clan announcer continued, "Miss Diana, she is a candidate elected by the Fox Clan, and she is the princess of the Doug Clan, that is, the strongest member of the Doug Clan. The biological daughter of Patriarch Daimilton, she is driving a star destroyer Yudachi from the human empire, and like her father, she also has the soul of the ancient battleship of Yudachi!"

"As for the feats made by Miss Diana... Miss Diana is very smart. She learned to walk when she was three years old, and she learned to talk when she was five years old. When she was ten years old, she could ride Patriarch Demilton as a horse. When I was 15 years old, I was invincible in the entire Doug Clan school. When I was young, I volunteered to sneak into the Human Empire in order to retrieve the Beastmaster Scepter lost by the Empire. I fought hard for five years alone, and I didn’t return to the Empire until recently. Among them, I have plenty of adventure experience!"

The Swan Clan announcer finished reading Diana's brief introduction, and the entire campus burst into laughter. Many representatives on the campus were all old people who had experienced the Beastmaster election more than three times, and some of them had even experienced There have been seven or eight Beastmaster elections, but I have never heard such a funny profile in these Beastmaster elections!

She learned to walk when she was three years old, and how to talk when she was five years old. If this is considered smart, then my granddaughter is extremely smart!
What's more, when he was ten years old, he rode the strongest of the Doug family as a horse, and he himself was a horse for his granddaughter every day, okay?

The only thing that sounds decent is the experience of sneaking into the human empire for five years after the age of 18. This is a relatively miraculous experience among all candidates. If this is true, then it is true It is a good capital.

But the problem is, who would believe that an 18-year-old girl can be active in a starry sky full of evil humans for five years!She was afraid that she had been arrested and imprisoned by humans for five years, or that it was the experience of the Doug family's deliberate grooming, and she might have slept somewhere for five years.

This made the audience laugh out loud.

But while laughing, the audience was still very curious, whether the heads of the Fox family were kicked by a donkey, why would such a young girl be selected as the candidate for the Beastmaster?
(End of this chapter)

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