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Chapter 685 Snow Dragon Story 2

Chapter 685 Snow Dragon Story 2
At the end of the meeting, His Majesty the Great Beast King also proposed to give some support to the Snakes, such as increasing the trading ratio of some Snakes, and assigning a small piece of pasture to the Snakes.

Regarding the suggestion of His Majesty the Beast King, everyone agreed with it very much. After all, the Snake clan cast 20 crucial votes for His Majesty the Beast King. , nothing surprising.

Regarding this, Kaga's expression was a little ugly. When the Snake clan hooked up with Liu Nianfeng, Kaga had no idea at all, and this time the Snake clan's territory was raised, Kaga was even more concerned from the beginning to the end. Keeping in the dark, or rather the entire Fox family being kept in the dark, Kaga couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. Is this Snake family going to seize the opportunity to rise again?The Snake family and the Fox family are outright mortal enemies!

After this meeting is over, the entire Beastman Empire can completely announce that the overall situation has been settled, and Diana's Beastmaster position is too stable, so there is no need to worry about the risk of overturning.But at this time, Liu Nianfeng didn't feel much relieved, because he had another big headache.

This trouble does not come from others, but from Liu Nianfeng's first Emerald Starship Girl: Xue Long

"I want to attack the mermaids, you ask Diana to order the orc army to cooperate with me!" After Diana secured the throne, Xue Long said directly to Liu Nianfeng.

"Is this Xuelong still obsessed with it?" Liu Nianfeng looked at the determined and lonely Xuelong, thinking with a wry smile in his heart.When meeting Diana for the first time, Diana once told Liu Nianfeng that Xuelong and the mermaid clan actually had a huge hatred that no one knew about. Mom, ask the orcs to cooperate with her in attacking the mermaids, and guarantee that the mermaids will be defeated.

Of course, it is impossible for the orcs to agree to this. One of the orcs and the mermaids stay on land, and the other stays in the ocean. The two are completely different living environments. The other party has nothing worthy of the other's covet... ...More importantly, it is impossible for orcs to live and fight in the ocean, and if they go to the ocean to attack the mermaids, isn't it obvious that they are going to die?
So Chicheng's mother decisively rejected Xue Long, and Xue Long seemed unwilling, and began to lobby among the various tribes until the battle that changed the situation of the entire Beastman Empire broke out. Finding a way to force the beastman clan to send troops with the scepter of the beast king, this is how they met Liu Nianfeng.

"Why, do you want to reject me too?" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's silence, Xue Long's face suddenly turned sad.

"It's not whether I want to reject you, but I don't know what kind of decision to make? Xue Long, can you tell me why you insist on attacking the mermaid clan? Aren't they your mother clan? Why do you What about the clansmen who want to bring outsiders into the palace?" Liu Nianfeng felt that he had to have an open and honest talk with Xue Long, so he asked straightforwardly.

"What if I don't answer your question?" Xue Long asked.

"Then I will never let Diana give orders!" Liu Nianfeng said decisively.

"Okay, I'll tell you!" Xue Long took a deep breath, slapped the tail of the fish in the water tank and said, "Actually, you are wrong about one thing. I want the orcs to attack the mermaids, not to destroy me. On the contrary, for the love of the mermaids, no one in the world can surpass me, the reason why I attack the mermaids is because I want to save the mermaids!"

"Save the mermaid family? Where does this start? Is the mermaid family being ruled by some tyrant?" Liu Nianfeng was stunned for a moment, thinking of a possibility, that is, the mermaid family is now being ruled by a tyrant, as if A tyrant like Shang Zhou and Xia Jie...Although whether these two emperors are tyrants is still open to question, after all, the time interval between those history is too long, and too many artificial modifications have been made. After all, the history books about Xia Dynasty and Shang Dynasty are It comes from the records of the Zhou Dynasty, and in order to reflect the legitimacy of its own orthodoxy, the Zhou Dynasty smeared the previous dynasty in various ways, which is a matter of course!

Can you say that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant who made people's lives worse than death, and the American emperor who overthrew the tyrant is a great hero of freedom?In fact, most people in this world don't even know whether Saddam is a tyrant or whether he has weapons of mass destruction in his hands.

"You guessed right, now the mermaid clan is being ruled by the biggest tyrant in history, I must overthrow this tyrant and save the entire mermaid clan!" Xue Long nodded.

"There is really a tyrant..." Hearing Xue Long's words, Liu Nianfeng was silent for a while, and he suddenly recalled that Xue Long's mother was once a princess of the mermaid clan.And any tyrant throughout the ages will carry out inhuman massacres and destruction of the royal family he belongs to, so as to maintain his ruling power.

Could it be that the reason why Xuelong hates the current queen of the mermaid clan so much, and even wants to use the army of the orc empire to destroy her, is because this tyrant killed Xuelong's mother?
Liu Nianfeng thought about it carefully, this is a very possible thing!

"Hey, Xue Long, don't be too sad. If that tyrant really killed your mother, then I, Liu Nianfeng, will definitely..." Liu Nianfeng was about to comfort Xue Long, but Xue Long turned around inexplicably. Looking over at Liu Nianfeng, he said, "What nonsense are you talking about? How could my mother kill herself?"

"..." Liu Nianfeng was stunned!


After some difficult communication, Liu Nianfeng finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

First of all, it must be explained that the tyrant Xue Long spoke of was none other than Xue Long's biological mother, that is, the little princess of the mermaid clan who completely destroyed the entire orc empire by the flood.

According to Xue Long, Xue Long's mother was indeed in exile at the beginning.But even though it was exile, it was only in name. People from Mermaid Kingdom would often visit Xue Long and her mother. In Xue Long’s memory, her grandparents, and several aunts and aunts also had a harmonious relationship when she was a child. To play with myself.

From Xue Long's point of view, the exile of Xue Long and her mother by the mermaid clan was more due to the necessity to exile in accordance with the rules. In fact, the two parties were still affectionate relatives.

However, all this changed drastically after the death of Xuelong's grandma, the last mermaid queen. On that day, Xuelong's mother suddenly told Xuelong that she was going to take Xuelong to find his father.

Xuelong has never met her father since she was a child. At that time, she only knew that her father was not a mermaid, but a human. He seemed to be a human from the Human Empire, but later abandoned their mother and daughter and returned to the Human Empire. went.

Xue Long thought her mother was planning to leave the Emerald Planet and go to the Human Empire to find her father.But what Xuelong never expected was that her mother took her back to the royal court of the mermaid kingdom. When her aunt who took over as the mermaid queen came to greet her, she blatantly attacked her and killed her almost instantly. After defeating the defense system of the entire royal court, knocking out the aunt and several other aunts and elders, and imprisoning them in the bottomless abyss of darkness, Xuelong's mother swaggered and sat in the mermaid kingdom The throne, while Xuelong became the princess of the mermaid clan.

For such a change, Xue Long was not happy at all, she felt that she was a sinner, obviously her aunt and aunts treated her so well, why did her mother imprison them?What scares Xuelong even more is that there are gradually such legends in the royal court, saying that many mermaids disappeared inexplicably. These mermaids were all captured by a demon to perform some kind of evil spell, and their souls were permanently tortured , the pain is too painful to live, and life is better than death.

At first, Xuelong wanted to catch this demon, but then Xuelong gradually discovered that the demon seemed to refer to his mother. Finally, Xuelong decided to secretly follow behind his mother to find out, and found that his mother They actually caught mermaids one after another from their homes and shells, and threw them all into the Nether Abyss. My mother also arranged a magic circle near the Nether Abyss that even Xuelong couldn't understand. , but what Xuelong could see was that strands of blood energy shot into the Nether Abyss through the magic circle, and inside the Nether Abyss, there were countless tormented mermaids covered in bruises and red eyes, frantically trying to get out of the Nether Abyss. He escaped from the Nether Abyss, but in the end he was shot back by the blood energy of the magic circle.

"My mother has really become a terrible demon!" Xue Long couldn't believe what she saw, just when she was about to ask her mother for clarification, she found that her mother who was secretly staying in the hall, He was frantically cutting the flesh and blood of himself with a knife, cutting the original beautiful ketone body into pieces, and the fish meat that fell to the ground looked like slices of boiled fish fillets.

And the mother's expression was even more crazy, as if she had been controlled by some terrifying monster, and she yelled frantically in her mouth, "Leng Qingqiu, I must save you, even if all the mermaids are dead, I must also save you." save you!!!"

And this Leng Qingqiu is none other than Xuelong's biological father's name.

(End of this chapter)

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