girl line

Chapter 691 Returning to the Ancestral Dragon Star

Chapter 691 Return to the Ancestral Dragon Star

Now that it is decided to send all the remaining mermaids to Zulongxing, it is imminent to create a stargate.

It stands to reason that this stargate should be opened in the universe, so that it can facilitate the entry and exit of warships, but in this case, a huge problem will inevitably arise, that is, this stargate has a great chance of being noticed by the human empire.

Although the Human Empire has reached an autonomy agreement with Emerald Jade Planet, the Human Empire is absolutely not allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of the Orc Empire, but this does not mean that the Human Empire will relax its surveillance on the Orc Empire... Don't look at the Human Empire in Emerald City. There is no fleet deployed near the emerald planet, and the nearest fleet responsible for guarding the three stargates controlled by the human empire is hundreds of millions of kilometers away from emerald planet.

With the level of human technology, it is still a very simple matter to monitor the Emerald Planet hundreds of millions of kilometers away under the condition of investing a lot of energy and equipment. Although it is impossible to monitor the actions of individuals, a huge The stargate appears near the universe, but it is impossible to escape the sight of the human empire anyway.

So after assisting Diana to ascend to the position of Beastmaster, Liu Nianfeng carefully considered how to build a hidden star gate that the human empire would never notice...Finally, Liu Nianfeng discovered that building the star gate in the vast The boundless seabed is the only feasible way.

Because only the depth and width of the sea can accommodate a small stargate, and at the same time, the sea can perfectly cover the sight of human surveillance... As for the technology of building a stargate in seawater, humans already have it , and experiments have been carried out on some planets, and the technology is absolutely reliable.

However, this stargate can only be built with the smallest stargate, and can only pass through the stargate of a heavy cruiser at most, otherwise the size of the stargate is too large, and the size and mass of the star warships entering and leaving are also too large. , it will lead to a gravity imbalance in the entire emerald planet.

However, a stargate the size of a heavy cruiser is enough, so that the star warships below the heavy cruiser can be sold to the emerald planet. In the case of Star Warships, then go directly to the Human Empire to buy them. Anyway, the transaction with the Human Empire cannot be stopped.

At the beginning, Liu Nianfeng was still a little worried and hesitant about this plan, because if the Stargate is built in the sea, it will definitely damage the interests of the mermaids in the sea. Once a compromise cannot be reached, it will be a big trouble However, it is impossible for Liunianfeng to destroy the entire mermaid, otherwise Xuelong will kill Liunianfeng.

It's just that the development of the matter is beyond anyone's expectation. Now the entire mermaid clan is going to move to Zulong star as a whole. The construction of an interstellar gate in the sea will not only not get the opposition of the mermaid clan, but will get the full force of the mermaid clan. support.

Without further ado, after getting the support of Xuehun, Liu Nianfeng took action immediately. He first drove the mecha into the deepest part of the Emerald Emerald Sea, and found a place suitable for opening the wormhole. I opened a small wormhole with the scepter of the beast king... Without entering superluminal travel, the scepter of the beast king can only open a small wormhole, and it is still a small wormhole that cannot determine the location of the wormhole. I want to open it To determine the wormhole at the end point, it must be in the state of superluminal navigation, and at the same time cooperate with Liunianfeng's secret star technique.

In order to solve this problem, Fleeting Maple decided to split one step into two steps, first create a small wormhole with a random direction, and then open a large wormhole near the small wormhole to go to Zulongxing.

Fleeting Maple's plan was relatively smooth, because the small wormhole opened by the Beastmaster's Scepter was an unstable wormhole, which might collapse at any time.So after the small wormhole was opened, Liu Nianfeng immediately used the temporary wormhole stabilization equipment he had prepared to stabilize the wormhole, ensuring that it would not collapse for at least a month.

At the same time, the repulsive force of the wormhole itself can repel all the seawater near the wormhole, forming a hollow spherical area, so there is no need to worry about seawater pouring into the wormhole.

After that, Liu Nianfeng immediately drove the mecha into the wormhole. When Liu Nianfeng came out of this small wormhole, he suddenly found himself in a strange starry sky. According to the comparison of the star map, the starry sky nearby Within one or two light years, there are no administrative planets inhabited by humans, so it is really suitable to be used as a transit point.

After confirming that the wormhole was available, Liu Nianfeng returned to the emerald planet, and then asked Diana to land her destroyer Yuli in the atmosphere of the emerald planet, and then plunged directly into the sea middle.

Under normal circumstances, star warships are not allowed to dock on the surface of the planet, because the size of star warships is too large, which will affect the stability of the entire planet and various internal forces, which will cause the overall climate to be unstable, so that various types of warships will be formed. natural disasters.

However, this is just a preventive measure. In fact, according to scientific research, an ordinary planet that is the size of the earth will cause a large-scale climate disaster unless a star warship that is more than ten times the size of a star destroyer docks at one time... If you ignore the climate disaster If so, the maximum number of Star Destroyers that can stay is about 30. If this number exceeds this number, it will cause more terrifying geological and physical disasters, such as planetary orbital displacement, various large-scale earthquakes, and changes in the gravitational constant.

With the size of the earth, ten destroyers can be accommodated under the condition of ensuring safety, and the Emerald Jade Star, which is ten times the diameter of the earth, is naturally no problem. It will not be able to dock hundreds of destroyers. The problem is, besides, in ancient times, when the human empire had not descended on Jade Planet, Jade Planet didn't have any space orbital base technology, and all of their thousands of ancient warships were docked on the planet's surface.

Therefore, when the Xili entered the sea, it did not have any impact on the emerald planet, and the Xili directly entered the small wormhole, and after leaving the wormhole, it entered the state of superluminal flight non-stop. With the cooperation of Liu Nianfeng's star secret technique, a large wormhole was quickly opened, and then directly appeared in the starry sky near Zulong star.


"Admiral, you're back!" The location where the Xili opened the wormhole was quite precise this time, just less than 3000 million kilometers away from Zulongxing. For a planet, it's as if the entrance to the highway is right at home. The gate is as convenient and simple, and the starship girls who stayed on Zulong star immediately came to greet their admiral in surprise.

"During the month I left, how is Zulongxing doing?" Liu Nianfeng and Alice asked with concern after they had been tender for a while.

"It's not too good, and it's not too bad. Although I have encountered some minor troubles, I can still withstand it. The Zulong star is still safe, but what happened to your admiral, Xuelong and the others' hometown? Isn’t it? Admiral, why did you create a new wormhole and come back, shouldn’t you return the same way according to the plan?” Alice asked puzzled.

"This..." Liu Nianfeng froze for a moment, and then stopped talking.

"Admiral, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's attitude, Alice instinctively felt that something was wrong, and something unexpected and bad might have happened on Jade Planet!
Well, things are really bad, what did you ask Liu Nianfeng to say?
You let Liu Nianfeng tell Alice directly that this Xuelong is pregnant and has a child of her own in her stomach, so you plan to move the whole Xuelong family to Zulongxing?
"Admiral! If you don't want to say something, then Alice will never force you!" Alice saw the hesitation and struggle in Liu Nianfeng's eyes, so she decided not to force Liu Nianfeng anymore, but to force Liu Nianfeng to give herself a Answer.

"Hey, I can't hide this matter sooner or later. After all, the entire mermaid clan will move here. I also want to order Zulongxing's factory to renovate the battleship. I can't hide this from Alice. Even if I hide it now, it will be impossible in the future." It will be exposed sooner or later, do I want to raise Xuelong like a mistress?"

"Forget it, stretching out the head and shrinking the head is also a thought, so I'll just say it straight, so as not to cause more trouble in the future!" After thinking about it in his heart, Liu Nianfeng finally decided to tell Alice frankly. After everything, he simply stiffened his neck and said, "Xue Long is pregnant."

"..." This time it was Alice's turn to become stiff.

"What did you say..." Alice couldn't believe her ears.

"I said that Xue Long is pregnant, and the child in her belly is mine, that's my child!" Liu Nianfeng repeated, and then Alice passed out directly.

All the starship girls who went to meet Liu Nianfeng were suddenly surprised to find that Alice, who was the first to meet Liu Nianfeng, stood in happily, and then lay down with a pale face, and Admiral Liu Nianfeng was also ashamed Following Alice, he didn't even have the time to exchange greetings with other starship girls, so he directly helped Alice to her own room, and Liu Nianfeng stayed in Alice's room all night. No one came out of the room, and no one knew what the two men were doing inside.

Then the next day, when Liu Nianfeng, who was in a mess and had a few claw marks on his face, came out of Alice's room, he immediately took over the command of the entire tutelary mansion, and at the same time expressed his gratitude to his starship girls. , Xuelong's hometown has been hit by an unprecedented plague. About 10 mermaids will be relocated to the sea of ​​Zulongxing. Therefore, the starship factory of Zulongxing is required to immediately start refitting a transport ship. Within ten days It must be converted into a transport ship capable of accommodating a large amount of seawater and mermaids. At the same time, a construction team is dispatched to the two newly opened wormholes to build two interstellar gates that can be connected for a long time.

For the construction of the Stargate, the construction team of Zulongxing Guardian Mansion is very proficient. Even if it is to build a new Stargate in the sea, it is only a little troublesome, so the whole construction work is in the fleeting time. Under Feng's arrangement, it unfolded like a raging fire.

(End of this chapter)

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