girl line

Chapter 719

Chapter 719
Leng Qiuzhi's Tianzi is worthy of being a mecha of the same level as Liu Nianfeng's Wukong, and it can be hidden as a small object and carried on the body. The golden round cake instantly turned into a god general mecha , brought Liu Xuanyuan into the cockpit involuntarily, and headed towards Hulk at an extremely fast speed.

"Liu Xuanyuan, you were driving the mecha of the god general!" After setting off, His Majesty the Emperor suddenly said such a sentence, which made Liu Nianfeng's body tremble uncontrollably.

"Your Majesty is holy!" Liu Nianfeng did not refute. Since His Majesty the Emperor can say this, it means that she has already grasped the evidence, and it is meaningless to refute.

"When you rescued me, I was actually sober. I could feel the aura of the god general's mech. Admiral Chen Shihan is so lucky to have such a powerful air-breaker girl and starship girl like you!" the emperor said. His Majesty praised, this made Liu Nianfeng feel a little nervous and relieved at the same time, it seems that His Majesty the Emperor didn't know his real identity, and thought he was just the real Liu Xuanyuan.

"My body hurts very much now, and I need to rest. You summon your own godly mecha, let's replace it!" His Majesty said lightly, and Liu Nianfeng finally understood why she had to give herself to mecha. Bring it on.It's not the reason why the mecha can be driven after being authorized by the god general, but the emperor has already learned that Liu Nianfeng also owns the god general mecha, and she just wants to take the ride of Liu Nianfeng.

"Okay..." Liu Nianfeng has nothing else to say, he can only summon his own Wukong number, and then our emperor took back his own Tianzi number, and turned to be comfortable in Wukong He recuperated in the medical cabin inside the cockpit of the No.

"The actions of His Majesty the Emperor are really unpredictable!" Liu Nianfeng, who was controlling the mech, thought lightly in his heart.

Now that His Majesty the Emperor has learned that he owns the general mecha, he can directly let himself report the news, and His Majesty the Emperor himself can lie safely in the medical cabin on the Little Swan and get a more refined medical treatment. Nursing and self-cultivation, there is absolutely no need for her to drag such a heavy body to report.

This behavior seems very stupid, but our Emperor has never been a fool, she will never do such a pointless thing, so that His Majesty can leave the Little Swan even if his body is injured, and go to the Hulk star To deliver the letter, you have to take Liu Nianfeng with you, the information revealed here is very frightening.

Perhaps, as His Majesty the Emperor said, this time was not a coincidence, and it was a premeditated conspiracy, which is very interesting.

His Majesty the Emperor was recuperating in the medical cabin, without any intention of talking.And Liu Nianfeng was also happy and quiet. The two of them flew in silence for more than two hours. Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations on the signal channel of the Wukong, indicating that the quantum signal had been connected. At this time, they were only about one hour away from Hulk. million kilometers away.

"Call Hulk Star Guardian!"

"Call Hulk Star Guardian!"

Without saying a word, Liu Nianfeng started to call the communication of the Hulk Star Guardian Mansion through the quantum network, and after a long time the communication was connected, and a somewhat lazy voice came from the other end, "Hello, this is the Hulk Star Guardian Mansion, What is your business? If it is non-military affairs, I will transfer you to the civilian channel!"

"No, I have urgent matters. I am Liu Xuanyuan, a starship girl under the command of Major General Chen Shihan, the guardian of Tianting Star. We were attacked by a star beast on the way. Now this star beast is heading towards your Hulk star. , please do your best to be on alert, and immediately evacuate the people of Hulking!!!"

"...!" Hearing such explosive news, the person on the other end of the communication not only didn't feel any nervous, but sneered and said "boring..." and then hung up the communication directly!
"Damn it..." Liu Nianfeng was speechless, without further ado, he dialed the communication again, and the person connected to the communication was the same person just now, but after hearing Liu Nianfeng's voice, he lost even the interest in talking, The second time I hung up the communication directly.Finally, when Liu Nianfeng tried to dial for the third time, the communication hour showed that it was unavailable.

"What are these guys doing? Are you making fun of me?" Liu Nianfeng cursed extremely annoyed.

"It's nothing surprising. The communication offices of various town guards receive hundreds of fake warning messages from ignorant people every day. She probably treats you as an ignorant child!" His Majesty the Emperor didn't know. When did he walk out of the medical cabin, looking at Fleeting Feng who was being rolled up by various tentacles.

After finishing speaking, he looked up and down very curiously, and exclaimed, "It turned out that I looked like this when I was rolled up by the tentacles. I am so stupid!"

"Is there such a thing? Why doesn't my tutelary mansion exist!" Liu Nianfeng muttered.

"You're not an admiral, so it's not surprising that you don't know about this!" Leng Qiuzhi said lightly.

"..." Liu Nianfeng curled his eyebrows, his Ancestral Dragon Star Guardian Mansion had never received such false information!

Well, probably none of the Zulongxing guys have the courage to do this kind of thing, after all, all of them have undergone strict monitoring of quantum communication, whoever dares to play this kind of thing, then don’t worry about the town guard’s dispatching him Went to the mine.

"Then what should we do now? Your Majesty?" Liu Nianfeng said.

"It's okay, I'll notify them!" Leng Qiuzhi took out her personal terminal, and then directly dialed a number, the number was connected quickly, and Leng Qiuzhi immediately said majestically, "It's me! Is the palace all right?"

Leng Qiuzhi's communication was actually sent to Emperor Capital Star.

I don't know what kind of chaos is on the other end of the communication. Anyway, it can be imagined that their emperor has been missing for more than a month, and the palace must be in chaos.

Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng curiously connected to the Quantum Network, and began to browse the news of the last month, wanting to see what a huge disturbance the disappearance of the royal investigation team had caused, but what left Liu Nianfeng speechless was that all There are actually no relevant reports and news in the mainstream media, and it seems that the royal investigation team does not exist at all.

But Liu Nianfeng quickly figured it out. It is normal that there is no report in the news media. If the big news that the emperor and the emperor's younger brother disappeared at the same time broke out, the entire human empire would probably be in chaos. How long have you been hiding it!

"I'm in the Hulker now. You can deal with the royal affairs as you have done before. I don't want to listen to your report now, and you don't need to talk nonsense. You should immediately contact the Hulker's tutelary mansion and tell them that there is a star." Alien beasts are coming, let them do everything possible to evacuate the crowd immediately, they only have three hours left!"

"Also, don't tell those guys on Hulking Star that I discovered these things. You just say that this is the situation reported by Liu Xuanyuan, who is under the command of the Tiantingxing Guardian Mansion. Do you understand?" Leng Qiuzhi hung up after finishing speaking communication.


After another two hours of sailing, the Wukong finally arrived near the Hulk star. At this time, the entire Hulk star was in a state of chaos. A large number of spaceships were busy leaving the port, and the humans on the ground were frantically crowded. Near the Tower of Babel, everyone wanted to squeeze into the Tower of Babel and board the spaceship that escaped from Hulk.

"What's the matter with the admiral of the Hulk star's guard house? How could he handle things in such a mess? Has she lost everything she learned in school?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, His Majesty the Emperor accused very angrily.As for Liu Nianfeng on the side, he feels sorry for the admiral. In fact, it is not easy for the spaceship to leave the port in an orderly manner. After all, it is impossible for human beings to maintain order when they are facing the fear of death. Regarding the matter, His Majesty's request is too harsh.

And in front of Hulk, there is an insignificantly large fleet gathering. This fleet has a total of more than 50 warships, most of which are destroyers, and only two battlecruisers and one battleship.

This fleet is obviously the fleet of the Hulk Guardian Palace. Judging from the superficial strength of this fleet, it is impossible to resist that star beast for an hour.

"Unknown Space Breaker! Unknown Space Breaker, please report your identity immediately, otherwise we will attack you!" When the Wukong appeared outside the Hulk Star, the Hulk Star's fleet apparently also discovered the fleeting time. Feng, an uninvited guest, sent a clear message directly.

"Holke star guardian mansion, hello, I am Liu Xuanyuan, the air-breaker Ji Liu Xuanyuan under the command of major general Chen Shihan, the admiral of Tiantingxing star guard mansion. In the name of admiral Chen Shihan, I will come to support you first! This is my identification code, please accept it!" Liu Nianfeng After sending out his identification code, after a while, a woman in a neat military uniform appeared in front of Liu Nianfeng's camera, nodded lightly and said, "Miss Liu Xuanyuan, thank you for your support, but we are not There is no shortage of the fighting power of an air-breaker girl, so you can return to Admiral Chen Shihan!"

"..." Seeing the appearance of this woman in military uniform, Liu Nianfeng felt trembling all over her body. A long-lost old friend.

【Guess who it is】

(End of this chapter)

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