girl line

Chapter 735 Nine Dragons Organ

Chapter 735
"What do you want to do with me?" Hong Liu was dejected when his true identity was discovered, and looked at Liu Nianfeng in extreme frustration.She originally thought that she could become a master in this world by herself, just like the time-traveling heroines in those novels and TV dramas, but she didn't expect that when she just came out of the mountain, she was directly seen through her identity, such Hong Liu never thought about routines and plots at all!

"Are you going to kill me?" Hong Liu suddenly thought of a possibility and asked in horror.

"Why should I kill you? Is there any benefit in killing you?" Liu Nianfeng pouted.

"That's right! It's no good for you to kill me!" Hong Liu nodded vigorously, but his face immediately became even paler. Why can you cross it!"

"..." Liu Nianfeng tapped his head. He originally wanted to complain, saying that he had read too many online novels.But after thinking about it, when I first came to this world, I seemed to have such worries.After all, when you are in an uncontrollable predicament, you will always instinctively think about the worst outcome.

From this point of view, I have no reason to complain about this Miss Traveler.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in dissection. In fact, with the current technology, you can see through all the secrets of your body with just a slight movement of your eyes, even your cells. So for me to dissect you There is no need, it is enough for you to stand here and answer my question!"

"Okay!" Hong Liu nodded obediently. She is a smart person and knew that she would never escape Liu Nianfeng's grasp no matter what, so she decided to cooperate with Liu Nianfeng obediently. The big deal is to be an RBQ.

"The first question? What's your real name, and what era are you from? And when did you time travel?" Liu Nianfeng asked curiously.

"My real name is Li Ruyi. I am 25 years old. I am from Tianjin. I graduated from the University of Foreign Studies and majored in English and Spanish. I am currently an intern. I crossed the river on May 2018, 5!" replied.

"You're lying!" Liu Nianfeng's expression changed.

"No! I didn't lie! I really didn't lie!" Li Ruyi was taken aback by Liu Nianfeng, and quickly denied it.

"You also said that you didn't lie. The production date of the cheongsam you are wearing is May 5. It takes more than ten days for a cheongsam to be purchased from the factory. How could you buy this so quickly? What about a cheongsam?" Liu Nianfeng asked.

"It's like this. This is Ruifuxiang's cheongsam. Ruifuxiang can customize cheongsams for customers. This is my custom-made one. I took it away the day it was produced... It's true, do you believe it? Me, I don't need to lie to you about time travel!" Li Ruyi said in fear.

"It seems that what she said is true!" Liu Nianfeng nodded in his heart, and then said, "Forget it, I won't pursue this matter, tell me how you crossed over? How did you do it?"

"Yes! That day I just received a task to be an interpreter for a foreign inspection team. They came to inspect a newly excavated ancient tomb from the Warring States period!" Li Ruyi curled up on the sofa like a frightened little rabbit. , said honestly.

Ancient Tombs of the Warring States Period! !

Liu Nianfeng's expression changed instantly, and he immediately asked, "Where is this ancient tomb? Is it near Ezhou?"

"How do you know this!" Li Ruyi was taken aback. This is thousands of years later, and even the earth has been destroyed. How could Admiral Fleeting Maple know about a small ancient tomb near Ezhou? ?
"Oh! That ancient tomb is very famous in the future market!" Liu Nianfeng noticed the mistake in his words, so he added coldly, and Li Ruyi didn't doubt it, and then said, "That is an ancient tomb found on a small mountain in Ezhou. The tomb is said to be an ancient tomb from the early Warring States Period, or even the Spring and Autumn Period, and it is said that there is a legendary Nine Dragons mechanism inside!"

"That's right... that's right there... This woman actually traveled here through the same method as me!" Hearing what Li Ruyi said, Liu Nianfeng felt a sudden realization in his heart.

The reason why Liu Nianfeng traveled to the future was because he accidentally touched the Kowloon organ in the ancient tomb, and this ancient tomb happened to be in Ezhou, and it happened to be on a hill...It is impossible for a small Ezhou to have two The ancient tomb of the Nine Dragons Trap, so Liu Nianfeng immediately determined that this Li Ruyi must have accidentally touched the same ancient Nine Dragons Trick as himself, and then traveled to this world.

"Well, it's a pity that I didn't see the Nine Dragons Agency, because the expert team didn't let me go down, and only let me stay outside to translate some materials!" Li Ruyi continued, and this made Liu Nianfeng's body stiff instantly After a while, this Li Ruyi didn't see the real Kowloon organ! ! !
Liu Nianfeng felt extremely surprised in his heart, if Li Ruyi had never seen the Nine Dragons Trap like she said, how did she get through?
But Li Ruyi didn't notice the change in Liu Nianfeng's mood, but went on to say to himself, "I translated the materials for three hours in a row and felt very tired, so I walked out of the tent and wanted to go to those used to Take a tour of the temporary warehouse where the excavated cultural relics are stored."

"There are actually more than a dozen armed policemen in charge of protecting the warehouse entrance, but I was brought in by the commander-in-chief because I had a staff sign on my body, so those guards didn't stop me, so I entered the temporary warehouse." Li Ruyi said, "I really don't have any malicious intentions. I really just went to take a look with the idea of ​​visiting. Then I saw a lot of precious cultural relics there, and took a lot of photos with my mobile phone. Finally, I found that There is a coffin in the innermost part of the warehouse."

"The coffin?" Liu Nianfeng fell into the memory, he began to recall the first time he entered the tomb, there was indeed a huge coffin in the tomb, it was the biggest coffin that Liu Nianfeng had ever seen in his life, this The coffin is tens of meters long and ten meters wide, let alone a person, even a small Ultraman is enough.

And this also made Liu Nianfeng feel very strange, how could such a long coffin be put into a temporary warehouse?Doesn't it need to build a factory-level warehouse to accommodate such a big guy?
"How big is your warehouse?" Liu Nianfeng asked.

"It's not big, it's just a few tents put together, and it's about the same size as this room!" Li Ruyi said after recalling.

"Then how big is that coffin?" Liu Nianfeng's expression changed, and he asked again.

"It's about the same size as a normal coffin... this... this..." Li Ruyi was really afraid that she couldn't explain clearly, so she danced and gestured to Liu Nianfeng to show how big the coffin was.

"Why is this much smaller than the one I saw? Didn't the two of us go to the same cemetery? In fact, there is a second ancient tomb with the Nine Dragons mechanism near Ezhou?" Liu Nianfeng thought puzzledly in his heart.

"Is there a second ancient tomb with the Kowloon mechanism?" Liu Nianfeng couldn't help asking.

"No! It's an ancient tomb!" Li Ruyi shook her head.

"Then who is the commander-in-chief in charge of the development?" Liu Nianfeng then asked.

"Oh! It's Professor Xu Hehua!" Li Ruyi replied quickly.

"It's my teacher, that's right!" Liu Nianfeng nodded in his heart. Xu Hehua is Liu Nianfeng's mentor and the professor who guided Liu Nianfeng on the path of archaeology. Professor Xu Hehua was responsible for organizing the excavation of this ancient tomb at that time.

"When was this ancient tomb excavated for the first time?" Liu Nianfeng asked again.

"About nearly a year ago, in May 2017, I remember Professor Xu Hehua told me that it was discovered in May, but the first time I entered the tomb to explore was on June 5, 5 !” Li Ruyi said.

"It's right again! There is nothing wrong with this ancient tomb, it was crossed on June 6rd!" These time points are all right, and Liu Nianfeng can thoroughly confirm that this is the ancient tomb that caused him to cross.But here comes the question, where did the huge coffin in the ancient tomb go?How did it become such a small coffin?

And more importantly, why did Li Ruyi act as if she didn't know about such a big event as her disappearance in the ancient tomb.Because no matter which world you are in, Liu Nianfeng will always be called Liu Nianfeng without changing your name or surname when you travel. When Li Ruyi heard her name, she should think of the missing person back then, and she should guess the same name as her. She also has the identity of a time traveler... But Li Ruyi doesn't seem to know it at all, why is that?
Liu Nianfeng's heart is full of questions at this moment, and urgently needs to be answered.

"Has this coffin always been this big? Isn't there a bigger coffin in there?" Liu Nianfeng hesitated for a moment, but still asked.

"No... It's recorded in the data that the coffin has always been this big!" Li Ruyi shook her head in a daze, and at the same time looked at Liu Nianfeng curiously. How could this future person who is thousands of years from now ask such a question?
"Well! According to the records thousands of years ago, there should be a bigger coffin in that cemetery!" Liu Nianfeng saw the doubts in Li Ruyi's heart, so he found an excuse to explain.

"Oh! I remembered it when you said that! When I was translating the materials, I discovered that this ancient tomb is very strange. There is a huge deep pit inside, but the size of the coffin is so small... The deep pit is clearly It can accommodate a large coffin that is tens of meters long and nearly ten meters wide... I always thought it was just a passage in the tomb, but it turns out that there is a place for a super-large coffin!" Li Ruyi suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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