girl line

Chapter 739 The first girl who died in battle

Chapter 739 The first girl who died in battle
"Hmm... the third scouting fleet has exchanged fire!" Liu Nianfeng, who was watching the report in the guard mansion, suddenly changed his expression. He could vaguely sense that the third scouting fleet had entered a battle state and was fighting with the opponent. Engage in a violent firefight.

"Who is fighting with the third reconnaissance fleet?" Liu Nianfeng was very anxious at the moment, because the third reconnaissance fleet was too far away from him, so Liu Nianfeng couldn't even enter the ghost resonance state, and you could vaguely feel the battle It's going on, and it's a very intense battle.

"Urgent order, the tutelary palace enters a state of first-level combat readiness. The first and second aviation formations, the first and second main fleets, the fifth and sixth destroyer fleets, and all starship girls must complete all sortie preparations within 5 minutes. The fleet will make an emergency attack in 6 minutes!" Liu Nianfeng gave the order without saying a word, and in the next second, a shrill siren sounded in the entire town guard mansion, the siren was so loud that the entire Zulong star could hear it clearly Clearly.

All the people who were working and studying were stunned by the emergency alarm. They stared blankly at the direction of the tutelary mansion, and in the crowd there were many people who were on a leisurely vacation, holding their hands high in the next second. Raising his own arm, a deep purple laser shot into the sky, and a traffic boat flew to them after a minute or two, directly loading these people into the traffic boat.

"There is going to be a war!" Looking at the scene of this pennant, a man said in a daze, with a little fear.

"Yes! There is going to be a war!" The other person nodded, but there was a joyful expression in his eyes.Fighting a war is a painful thing for many people, but it is also the most exciting thing for others, because only war is the moment that can best reflect the value of one's life.

Six minutes later, a total of six 6 warships set sail from the star port of the Ancestral Dragon Star Guardian Mansion. This is the formation of more than half of the main fleet of the Zulong Star Guardian Mansion. The battleship Bismarck and the two Dinghaishenzhen of the tutelary mansion all attacked, and Liu Nianfeng undoubtedly brought out the main force of the entire tutelary mansion.

" must hold on, and nothing will happen!" Liu Nianfeng gritted his teeth and said.


"Fire! Fire!" Harman had put all his strength into the battle state at this time, controlling his own destroyer Harman to crazily fire at those damned drones.

But the size of these drones is really too small. The destroyer's main gun fires fast, but it is extremely difficult to hit these drones.On the contrary, these drones are quite handy in attacking the huge destroyers. Two destroyers in the third reconnaissance fleet were quickly scarred by their opponents... It is hard to imagine that this was done by ten The result of multiple drones.

"Bastard!" Seeing his subordinates injured like this, Haman began to become extremely irritable. The Harman accelerated and rushed directly into the crowd of drones. The drone seemed to have no expectation of Harman's reckless behavior at all, so that the entire battle pattern was disrupted by Harman, and all the psionic cannons on the Harman fired at the same time, and the dense firepower network sent these drones to the ground. Beat into a sieve.

"Look at you bastards still daring to bully Haman!" Haman said triumphantly, but soon Haman couldn't laugh, because after that burst of fierce firepower, the dozens of drones actually had a big Some survived, only two were incapacitated by the psychic cannon, but the weapons could still function!
"What the hell is this! The air-breaker has such a high defense!" Harman screamed involuntarily. According to common sense, although a small drone can move flexibly, its defense is also extremely weak, so even if it is attacked by psionic The machine gun hit once, and most of them were about to explode.

But among these drones, at least two or three psionic cannons were hit by Harman. It stands to reason that they should have been destroyed long ago, but only two drones lost their ability to move, and most of the drones lost their ability to move. Man and machine can still fight again.

"Damn it... Are these nine-sense drones so bad?" Harman's expression became a little ugly, and she had already realized that this would definitely be a tough battle.


"Well, according to the patrol plan, has the third reconnaissance fleet patrolled around the outer space of Stargate No. 52?" After consulting the patrol plan and route map of the third reconnaissance fleet, Liu Nianfeng's expression brightened slightly. Some.

Stargate No. 52 refers to the small star area numbered No. 52 leading to the Jiangzhou star area near the Zulong star, and the straight-line distance from the Zulong star is about 30 light-years away.This made Liu Nianfeng a little relieved. It would be better if the battle happened near Zulongxing, otherwise the whole Zulongxing would be in danger.

But soon Liu Nianfeng became worried again, because this would mean that the third reconnaissance fleet was patrolling far away, and it would take at least five hours for Liu Nianfeng's support fleet to go there. Liu Nianfeng doesn't know if the fleet can last for five hours.

"Well, Alice, you are in command of the main fleet. Use the fastest speed to get there. I'll take the first step!" Liu Nianfeng handed over the task of command to Alice, who was still a little dazed, and took direct control of the Wukong. Leaving the Skycarrier Glory, the speed of Wukong reached the limit of 500 knots, and then galloped towards the location of the third scouting fleet.

In this case, Liu Nianfeng only needs about half an hour to arrive at the battlefield.


"These damned guys..." At this moment, among the stars in the universe, the situation of the Harman can be described as horrible. Nearly half of the ship's hull was interrupted, and the entire power system was completely destroyed, but fortunately The two main cannons are still working, and most of the psychic cannons can also counterattack.

But the other destroyers other than the Harman were not so lucky. Two destroyers have become wrecks in the universe, and the remaining three destroyers are almost in a state of scrap iron. The human and machine are unwilling to waste ammunition and energy on these scrap iron, I am afraid they have also become wrecks.

Of course, these drones are not without paying a price. There are only four drones still alive at this time, but these four are enough to kill the Harman, and the Harman is a little desperate Looking at these four drones that know themselves... Even if the firepower net of the psychic cannon has been working to the limit at this time, these drones are still lightly shuttling through the firepower net, and their counterattack Each blow can destroy a psychic cannon of the Haman, and seeing that all the weapons and teeth of the Haman will be completely pulled out, it will be the last to die.

"Admiral... I'm sorry... I can't hammer your head anymore!" A trace of despair surged in Haman's heart, and at this moment, a ray of light like the sun flashed across the starlight, and the two The drones that were still attacking were bombarded to pieces in an instant, while the remaining two spun around a few times in a daze, as if they didn't notice where the attack came from.

"I'm here! Idiot!" From behind the wreckage of a destroyer, an extremely fast general mech flew out. The two cannons on the shoulders of this general mecha were directly shot by a shuttle of bullets, and the remaining The two drones immediately made dodging actions... But what these drones never expected was that when they thought they had successfully dodged, the shells fell right on the position where they dodged. The two final drones also exploded.

"Admiral..." Seeing the familiar mecha, Haman couldn't help but burst into tears. She knew that she had narrowly escaped death.

"It's okay! I'm late... But, why did you get beaten so badly..." Liu Nianfeng comforted Haman first, and then looked at the devastated battlefield, only Haman was left in the third scouting fleet This semi-crippled destroyer is really tragic!

"Admiral! The battle damage report has come out!" In the cockpit of the seriously injured Harman, the Harman handed the report to Liu Nianfeng with a sad face.

"It's so miserable!" Seeing the report in his hand, although Liu Nianfeng had already prepared himself mentally, he still couldn't help being shocked by this number.

In the entire Third Reconnaissance Fleet, only the Harman still needs to be repaired, and the rest of the warships don't even need to be repaired.As for the other five starship girls, one was killed, two were seriously injured, and the other two were also slightly injured.As for the staff on the various warships, the absolute truth has not been counted at this time, but it is estimated that the death toll is more than 3000.

"This is probably the most tragic battle since the establishment of our Ancestral Dragon Star Guardian Mansion!" Liu Nianfeng held the report in his hand tightly, and said with the same sorrow as Haman.That's right, since the establishment of Zulongxing Guardian Mansion, Liunianfeng's fleet has never suffered such a big loss, let alone the death of 3000 people, and the result of the death of a starship girl is also Liunianfeng's. For the first time in my life.

Although the starship girl who died in battle was from Tianxing, she was a rookie starship girl who had just graduated less than a year ago. Fleeting Feng's impression of her is only a little bit of memory when she signed the ghost contract. But this is indeed Liu Nianfeng's genuine starship girl, the starship girl that Liu Nianfeng swore to protect them and give them the greatest support.

Now Liu Nianfeng's promise was broken, and for the first time, Liu Nianfeng had his own starship girl killed in battle.

At this moment, Liu Nianfeng's mood was extremely painful, he even couldn't help crying, just like Haman who was already crying bitterly beside him!
(End of this chapter)

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