girl line

Chapter 744 Inside the Cage

Chapter 744 Inside the Cage
"That's not a city for people to live in!" Wan Juan shook her head.

"Isn't it a city for people to live in? A city for what?" Alice asked subconsciously.

"If my guess is correct, this should be a city where the stars and beasts live, am I right!" Liu Nianfeng said suddenly.

"How did you know?" Wan Juan was taken aback and asked Liu Nian Feng with wide eyes.

"I guessed..." Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly, but of course it couldn't be Liu Nianfeng's guess, and Liu Nianfeng's IQ is not so high. of.

Well, everyone, don’t forget that the star beast of the former demon saint level lived in Liunianfeng’s ring at this time, and it also heard Wan Juan’s words, and then couldn’t help telling Liunianfeng that The city that came to imprison the star beasts only needs a prison that is a hundred times the size of the earth to hold them if they are as huge as the star beasts.

"While I saw this huge city, I was also surrounded by countless small drones, which were the drones that hunted down me before, and I also saw a lot of wreckage from our fleet. Just as I was about to When fighting back, I heard the admiral's order..."

"At this time, the admiral no longer has the firmness and will before, and the only thing left in her voice is decadence. She ordered me to surrender and stop resisting, because resistance is just futile death. The wreckage of those battleships is resistance. And the Nine Senses seem to have reached an agreement with the admiral, as long as the admiral does not resist, all of us can save our lives!"

"I didn't know until this time that the original Lingbo who came back was no longer the original Lingbo. She lied to us. She should have been arrested by the Jiugan clan in that city as soon as she passed through the wormhole." Stop, Ling Bo may have surrendered and become a traitor, or her brain has been controlled, anyway, she tricked the entire fleet into a desperate situation."

"Then, all of us became captives of the Jiugan Clan, and they imprisoned us... It's just that the way of confinement is quite special..." Wan Juan said here, the expression on her face suddenly became very It got weird.

"Why is it so special?" Liu Nianfeng suddenly imagined many inappropriate plots and poses in his mind.

"The ones being imprisoned are not our people... but our warships... We are imprisoned in the cell together with people and warships!" Wan Juan said with a wry smile, and this answer stunned all the starship girls present .

According to what Wan Juan said, after they surrendered, the people of the Jiugan clan did not escort them out of the battleship, but let all human beings continue to stay in the battleship, and then use the battleship as a unit to imprison them one by one. In the prison cell... Yes, that's right, the prison cell here is such a huge abnormality, it is designed on the basis of warships, and a hundred warships can be held in one cell.

But in fact, this is also easy to understand. After all, this is a city used to imprison star beasts, and the cells inside are specially designed for the huge size of star beasts. No problem.

The most bizarre detention in the universe has begun, and all human beings are imprisoned in the Star Warship... Although the Star Warship itself can no longer move, the people inside the battleship can move freely inside the battleship, and Judging from the fact that a battleship is equal to the volume of a large city, such detention still has relative freedom.

At the beginning, the people who were locked up still wanted to escape, but they found that the walls of this cell were made of special materials. Even if the battleship fired, at most it would leave a mark on the wall, and it could not break through the barrier of the wall. ... This is also normal, after all, this is the cell used to imprison the star beasts. If the star beasts can't destroy the wall, then the star warship can't be destroyed either.

After finding out that jailbreaking is futile, no one is thinking about jailbreaking. Anyway, the relative freedom on the star battleship, there are various entertainment activities every day, and it doesn't seem to be depressed to death.

Ever since, this test lasted for more than ten years. During these ten years, some members died of old age, and some members went crazy, but most of them were still alive, but a new problem appeared , that is, the food in the battleship is about to be exhausted.

Before setting off again, the entire fleet carried enough food for ten years. This is already enough food. After all, no one thinks that their fleet will be imprisoned for ten years, or they will definitely return within ten years, or They were already completely dead, and no one would have guessed that they would be imprisoned for more than ten years.

Although after the admiral realized this, he had already ordered the entire fleet to save food, allowing ten years of supplies to last for 14 years, but this was already the limit, and the fleet's food was almost exhausted.

The fleet began to try to contact the guards of the cage, hoping that they could provide food. After all, no matter how dangerous the prison cell was, the prisoner had to be fed.

The Jiugan tribe also heard the human request, and then they sent some meteorites and metals... These are the food provided by the Jiugan tribe, because this is the place where the star beasts are imprisoned, and the star beasts feed on the planet , Feeling that these guys from the Nine Senses Clan raised human beings as star beasts.

Although I don't know whether the Jiugan tribe did this intentionally or unintentionally, it is obvious that they don't regard human beings as human beings and intend to starve these poor humans to death.

For ordinary human beings, it is estimated that some plots in dark novels will happen, such as cannibalism or something.However, He Dongliu is worthy of being the number one explorer in the empire, and the team under her command is almost all strong female men.

What's even more frightening is that in order to ensure that there will be no troubles in He Dongliu's adventure team, all members of the team are women, and there is no man.This has led to the possibility that even the remaining members of the regiment have no possibility of continuing their offspring.

Thinking that the result of the future would be death, a large number of members lost their desire for life, and they began to commit suicide in batches, and this suicide soon caused a big wave. In the end, more than 95% of the members of the entire adventure group committed suicide.

And as I said before, suicide in a space battleship is different from suicide on the ground... Everyone likes to jump into space and experience the thrill of suffocating to death.

As a result, batch after batch of crew members, even including the starship girl, jumped into the universe and committed suicide. Battleships began to be emptied one after another. Among them, the worst battleship, the people in the entire battleship committed suicide , not a single living person.

But this also saves the fleet from another aspect, because there are fewer people who need to eat, so the food can last for more time.In the end, Admiral He Dongliu gathered all the remaining people and food in her flagship, and the rest of the warships became ghosts without souls, floating in the cell.

Among them, Wan Juan and Jiang Ziqing were transferred to He Dongliu's flagship.

At this time, an accident happened. A wormhole suddenly appeared in the cell. The surviving people were shocked at first, and then controlled the battleship to rush towards the wormhole crazily... No matter what the other end of the wormhole is What kind of danger is it? It is better than starving to death in this cell!

But the final outcome was something no one expected. When the battleship was trying to get close to the wormhole, a suction force suddenly appeared in the entire cell, and all the battleships, including He Dongliu's flagship, were firmly fixed in place. They couldn't move at all, but there was only one warship that was not controlled by this suction. Instead, under the influence of the suction of the wormhole, it slowly approached the wormhole, and was finally sucked into it by the wormhole, and successfully escaped from the prison.

"The only ship that got out of the cell is the current Glory, right!" Liu Nianfeng suddenly realized that the only battleship that was sucked into the wormhole was Jiang Ziqing's space carrier, and then returned to her hometown. What fate!

But why did this wormhole only absorb Jiang Ziqing's battleship?
"We guess it might be because Ziqing is no longer a starship girl!" Wan Juan sighed and said, "Ziqing completely lost all her psionic and psionic energy in the second year of her detention and became an ordinary girl. Humans. And only her battleship completely lost the control of the starship girl, and also completely lost all psionic and psionic energy."

"And the power that can restrain our battleship should appear specifically for psionic energy and psionic energy, so only Ziqing's battleship was sucked away!"

"Then what happened afterwards? What happened to my sister? Why was she arrested for experimentation, and how did you escape?" Yixian asked impatiently.

"Ziqing was not arrested alone, but a large number of people were arrested!" Wan Juan smiled wryly, "On the day Ziqing's warship was sucked away, the Jiugan Clan who had never shown their faces finally showed up." They sent a force to forcefully break into our warship, captured a group of people, and they also captured the admiral."

"Later, the admiral and another part of the people came back. The admiral told us that people from the Jiugan tribe used their bodies for experiments. She survived by chance, and those who didn't come back probably died in the experiment. Among those who didn't come back...Ziqing was included!"

Wan Juan let out a long sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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