girl line

Chapter 762 Message from His Majesty the Emperor

Chapter 762 Message from His Majesty the Emperor

If you want to ask what is the hottest topic in the entire imperial capital recently, there is no doubt that it is His Majesty's stomach problem.

Since His Majesty the Emperor announced the news of her pregnancy at a ball more than five months ago without any warning, the entire human empire has been blown by this whirlwind several times. For a while, the entire human empire was discussing this child At the same time, I am more curious about who the father of this child is.

With the passage of time, the discussion on this matter on other planets began to decrease in popularity, but the popularity of the imperial capital remained undiminished, and even showed signs of rising.Because unlike other planets far away from the imperial power, the people of the imperial capital have always been proud of being the people of the emperor, and the things they are most passionate about in life are probably various things about the royal family.

In addition, this time, the identity of the child's father in His Majesty's belly has never been heard, so the people of the entire Imperial City are immersed in the excitement of guessing who the child's father is. Five months have passed, and there is no one. The meaning of stopping, but as His Majesty's belly is getting bigger and bigger, this discussion is getting more and more.

As for our emperor, His Majesty is not very happy now. First of all, various things in the court make our emperor feel overwhelmed.Then there is the interior of the royal family. Although Leng Qiumin repeatedly expressed his willingness to resign from the position of the emperor's younger brother to her, his attitude was very sincere, and he even wanted to show his ambition by death.

But Leng Qiuzhi could feel a deep estrangement between herself and her younger brother... If it was still the same sibling relationship as before, then the real Leng Qiumin should have rushed into her sister's arms and cried loudly. Show your jealousy and displeasure, instead of putting on a selfless look like you are doing now.

The affairs of the royal family and the imperial court had already given Leng Qiuzhi enough headaches. What made Leng Qiuzhi even more depressed was his relationship with Liu Xuanyuan. Since that day five months ago, this Liu Xuanyuan seemed to have completely disappeared. Not even a greeting to Leng Qiuzhi.

Later, Leng Qiuzhi couldn't bear it anymore, and secretly asked Leng Moran to send Chen Shihan a somewhat cryptic investigation report, and six of the ten questions in this investigation report were related to Liu Xuanyuan, the meaning was quite obvious, that is He wanted Liu Xuanyuan to come and greet her obediently.

It's a pity that Chen Shihan pretended to be stupid in various ways, so that all Leng Qiuzhi's methods fell into vain...Because she was afraid that the identity of the child's father would be exposed, Leng Qiuzhi didn't dare to force the Heavenly Court Star to guard the mansion too much, otherwise the It will make others suspicious.

What Leng Qiuzhi didn't know was that her younger brother Leng Qiumin had called Chen Shihan again and again, but Leng Qiumin's attitude was much more obvious. He strongly expressed his hope that Miss Liu Xuanyuan could be his personal bodyguard. , that was directly asking Chen Shihan for someone.

Anyway, these days, Chen Shihan's headache is definitely no less severe than Liu Nianfeng's.

At this moment when everyone was feeling extremely headache, Leng Qiuzhi suddenly found that her chief internal officer had rushed in, and after retreating to the left and right, she whispered a word to His Majesty the Emperor.

"What! He really called!" Leng Qiuzhi immediately got a big belly and jumped up excitedly, looking like a mother who was five months pregnant.

"Your Majesty, please take care of yourself!" Leng Moran quickly held down His Majesty the Emperor, and then said, "According to the reverse tracking of the communication, it can be confirmed that this communication is from the Heavenly Court Star, and there is nothing wrong with it!"

"I see... this guy is not completely heartless, at least he knows how to call and ask about his child!" Leng Qiuzhi nodded in satisfaction, and then said impatiently, "You put me on the phone! "


"Liu Xuanyuan! What's the matter with you? Didn't I say, it's best not to disturb me if you have nothing to do?" His Majesty the Emperor, who seemed extremely happy just now, became extremely serious the moment he received the communication, as if he was concerned about the fleeting time. How impatient Feng was on the phone.

"Your Majesty, the baby in your stomach is my child after all. May I ask if there is any problem?" Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly.

"No problem!" Leng Qiuzhi showed a satisfied expression on his face, "Don't worry, our child is well taken care of. The doctor said that he is very healthy in my stomach, and he has already developed self-awareness. A few days ago Still secretly kicking my belly..."

At this moment, Leng Qiuzhi had a lot to say to Liu Nianfeng, even if she said it for a day and a night, she couldn't finish it.

Liu Nianfeng also listened very carefully, but after talking about children for more than an hour, Liu Nianfeng gradually couldn't bear it any longer, so he interrupted His Majesty, who was getting more and more cheerful, and said, "Your Majesty, I am I was looking for you in a hurry, and besides the child, I have something more important to tell you!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! There is nothing more important in this world than a real child!" Leng Qiuzhi said as a matter of course, rubbing her belly.

"It's about the Jiugan Clan..." Liu Nianfeng hesitated for a while, and finally whispered.

"What!" Liu Nianfeng only heard the sound of something falling to the ground from the other end of the communication, and the trembling voice of His Majesty the Emperor, and Liu Nianfeng immediately understood that the high-level human beings are not ignorant of the Jiugan Clan. Know about the Nine Senses Clan.

"How do you know the Jiugan clan? You met the Jiugan clan!" His Majesty asked repeatedly, and Liu Nianfeng could hear the emperor's voice with a little bit of fear and fear.

"Yeah! I've met and fought with them!" Liu Nianfeng nodded.

"What! You fought with them! Are you okay? You won't..." His Majesty's voice became even more frightened, and this fear was not aimed at the Jiugan Clan, but at Liunianfeng.

This moved Liu Nianfeng a little. It seemed that in the eyes of His Majesty, he was not just a planting machine, but at least he had some feelings.

"It's okay, the Jiugan Clan didn't do anything to me, instead I turned a stronghold of the Jiugan Clan upside down!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile, and the next adapted story was sent to the ears of His Majesty the Emperor.

In this story, our Liu Xuanyuan Air Breaker was performing a mission, and accidentally discovered that the drones were attacking a destroyer, so our Liu Xuanyuan stepped forward and drew his sword to help, although the drones were repelled. , but most of the people in the destroyer were dead.

So Liu Nianfeng began to search the vicinity carefully in a fearless spirit, and found a wormhole. After venturing into the wormhole, he found a stronghold where the Nine Senses used to imprison the star beasts.

Afterwards, Liu Xuanyuan went through a thrilling adventure and successfully destroyed the core control mechanism of the cage. He also found out some information about the star beasts, and put forward an astonishing point of view, that is, all star beasts are It was raised by the Jiugan clan, and it was the Jiugan clan who planned everything behind it, using star beasts to attack humans.

This story is half true and half false, most of the plot is true, and most of the settings are also true, but it hides the Jiangzhou Star District, Admiral He Dongliu, Blast and others, and takes all the credit All in one's own body.

But there is no way to do this, after all, these people need to keep secrets, otherwise the secrets will be exposed.

"You guys are so lucky that you escaped like this!" After hearing the story of Liu Nianfeng, His Majesty the Emperor sighed incomparably, and at the same time said with a little panic and fear, "Do you know? You almost let Our children have lost their fathers!"

"Sorry!" Liu Nianfeng apologized, "But this can be regarded as my contribution to human beings!"

"What credit? If the Jiugan clan retaliates against human beings, then we will be in big trouble!" His Majesty the Emperor sighed, then thought of something, and asked extremely vigilantly, "Who knows about this? Do you know?" Didn't tell your admiral Chen Shihan?"

"No!" Liu Nianfeng shook his head resolutely and said, "I know this matter is of great importance. If it is leaked out, it will have huge risks and social impact, so I didn't tell anyone about this matter. I will contact you as soon as I get back to Heaven. is you!"

"You've done a good job! This matter is absolutely confidential, and you are not allowed to tell the second person!" His Majesty said with a sigh of relief, while Liu Nianfeng at the other end said in a puzzled voice, "Your Majesty, you can let me keep it a secret, but I don't want to be kept in the dark. It seems that Your Majesty already knows about the Jiugan Clan, so can't you tell me something?"

"What do you want to know? I may not know as much about the Jiugan Clan as you do!" His Majesty the Emperor smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, our royal family has very few records about the Jiugan Clan. The most powerful technology, as well as most of the knowledge of the star beasts, were handed over to us by a delegation of the Nine Senses, and their request is our living human compatriots."

"Because this matter is related to the reputation of the entire human race, it was only announced to implement a spark plan to protect the future of these human beings, so that the main force of human beings will have the capital to rise again after the destruction. If the truth is revealed If not, the entire human society will be in trouble!"

"Actually, we don't have much contact with the Jiugan clan in the future. We only know that there are a few times when human beings are facing life and death crises, and when they are about to be wiped out by star beasts, they all get help from a mysterious force. Although we There is no definite evidence now, but it is basically certain that this power comes from the Nine Senses, so we humans have always believed that the Nine Senses are a relatively friendly race to us. I think so too!"

"However, some private records of our royal family are different, especially His Majesty Taizu. Although she is vague in the diary, she seems to have had relatively close contact with the Jiugan clan back then. She knows some things about the Jiugan clan. I once said that the source of all suffering and disasters is the Jiugan clan, and told our descendants that we must take the Jiugan clan as the biggest boss and opponent in the future to guard against. The Jiugan clan always wants to destroy human beings. .”

"It's just that His Majesty Taizu's thoughts were not recognized by other people at that time, because if the Jiugan Clan really wanted to destroy human beings, then the Jiugan Clan only needed to do nothing and watch helplessly as they didn't master the spirit. It is enough for all human beings who can and Youneng Technology to perish, but the Jiugan tribe went to pull the human beings, just for this kindness. At that time, most people in the empire did not agree with Taizu’s idea. I am afraid that I will offend the Jiugan Clan because of this, and face the complete blockade of all records about the Jiugan Clan, and even the royal family is not allowed to take the initiative to reveal the last words of the Taizu." Leng Qiuzhi said with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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