girl line

Chapter 766

Chapter 766

"Everyone! I investigated this information for everyone, and I don't want to use this information to make everyone give up the idea of ​​going home!" Liu Nianfeng glanced at everyone, and then said, "Well, let's discuss it! "

Liu Nianfeng smiled slightly and said, "Since you have signed the teacher contract of the starship girl just now, then you are the starship girl that our Zulongxing is officially working on, and you will want to have the benefits you deserve."

"So I promise everyone, I don't want everyone to wait here for six years, just one year, just one year!" Liu Nianfeng raised a finger and said, "After one year, I will start from Select 20 of you to qualify as the first batch to go home to visit relatives."

"Our tutelary mansion will reimburse the family visit expenses throughout the process, but we will also send special personnel to accompany you to visit relatives. In addition, if you are willing to take your family back to Ancestral Dragon Star and settle in Ancestral Dragon Star forever, then Ancestor Dragon Star rewards each of you with a settlement fee of [-] million star coins, and from now on, you can live with peace of mind as residents of our Ancestral Dragon Star!"

"Even if you don't want to settle in Zulongxing, as long as you have worked for five years, and you have worked in Starship Girls Academy for five years, I promise to send you back to the human empire... If you are willing to keep the secret Okay, but if you don’t want to keep a secret, I won’t force it, anyway, my Ancestral Dragon Star Guardian Mansion will not only have the ability to guard all the coveted outsiders, but also have the ability to kill all those who try to betray us!”

Liu Nianfeng's words rang like an echo in the ears of every starship girl. After a while, another starship girl weakly raised her hand and asked, "Excuse me, the first batch of 20 people who went home to visit relatives?" How are the places selected?"

"It all depends on your work performance!" Liu Nianfeng immediately responded, "If your students teach well, then you can be the first batch to go home to visit relatives. It doesn't matter if you don't get the first batch of opportunities to go home to visit relatives, every six months. There are a batch of places to go home to visit relatives, and you can also go home to see your relatives when the time comes."

"Of course, if anyone dares to slow down their work, disobey the rules of the academy, and deliberately teach these starship girls badly, then I, Liu Nianfeng, can rescue you from prison, or put you back in prison Go, you must know that the first government institution built by my Zulongxing Guardian Mansion is not an office building, nor a parliament hall, but an interstellar prison!"

"...I'll do it! I agree!" The starship girl nodded vigorously, and then said.

"I agree!"

"I have no opinion!"

As a large number of starship girls nodded one after another, those starship girls who were still a little hesitant could only follow the trend and respond together. Soon these difficult problems of starship girls were all solved, and Liu Nianfeng also harvested a lot. An excellent teacher, enriched into her own Starship Girls Academy.

After all the starship girls agreed to the deal with Liu Nianfeng, under the arrangement of Liu Nianfeng, these starship girls were led by Li Ruyi to the Starship Girls Academy to start a new life journey, and the entire Emei Hall , and there are only two people left.

"Why isn't Admiral He Dongliu talking anymore?" Liu Nianfeng asked curiously as he looked at the woman who had been motionless all this time.

"I have nothing to say!" He Dongliu smiled wryly, "You have already arranged everything, whether my people agree or refuse, in fact, there is no choice but to follow your words. The road is moving forward, so what is the use of my words?"

In the end, it was Admiral He Dongliu who understood clearly, which made Liu Nianfeng smile a little embarrassedly.

"Then I would like to thank Admiral He Dongliu!" Liu Nianfeng's thank you was sincere, because if Admiral He Dongliu hadn't shut up and cooperated all the way, if He Dongliu used his starship girls under her command If Zhongweixin unites these starship girls and Liunianfeng to fight against each other, then Liunianfeng's play today is really difficult to continue, and if it is not good, they can only use violent means to continue to imprison these starship girls, and then these high-quality The teachers were collectively ruined.

"You don't have to thank me. I'm even more curious now. How does Admiral Liu Nianfeng plan to deal with me? Will you also let me become a teacher in the academy?" Admiral He Dongliu asked curiously.

"If Admiral He Dongliu is willing, it would be great!" Liu Nianfeng nodded. "All the conditions given to other starship girls remain unchanged, and I can also make you the vice president of the academy, responsible for the daily teaching work of the academy's admiral class!"

"Your college actually wants to set up an admiral class!" He Dongliu finally showed a surprised expression on his face, took a deep look at Liu Nianfeng and said, "It seems that your ambition is much greater than I imagined. , you are really planning to become king on your own!"

"It's not enough to become a king by yourself, but I just want more people!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile.

"Yes, I can be the vice president for you!" He Dongliu nodded, and Liu Nianfeng immediately showed joy, and when he was about to say something, He Dongliu hurriedly said, "But I still have one wish." If it is not fulfilled, I will not become a vice president before I fulfill this wish. You can continue to lock me up, I have no objection, anyway, the real explorer He Dongliu died 18 years ago, Now it's just He Dongliu!"

"Wish? Do you still want to continue exploring?" Liu Nianfeng frowned and said.

"Of course! As an explorer, exploration is a dream we will never forget, and it is also a road that no one can stop!"

"Of course, I've been an explorer for most of my life. In fact, I'm already tired. It's just that I don't like having a beginning and an end. I just want to complete my last expedition so that explorer He Dongliu can retire. Vice President He Dongliu will be able to go online now!"

"You want to complete the last unfinished expedition!" Liu Nianfeng figured out what He Dongliu's last dream was.

"That's right!" He Dongliu nodded vigorously, "I fell into the trap for 18 years because of the lost treasure ship. If I don't find this treasure ship and see the treasure on it with my own eyes, I can't rest in peace even if I die! "

"Isn't the location marked on the treasure map the location of the prison? I believe that place has been completely controlled by the Jiugan clan. Maybe the treasure ship is a trap set by the Jiugan clan. There is nothing there at all." The lost treasure!" Liu Nian Feng said.

"No! Look at this picture!" He Dongliu carefully took out his personal terminal, projected a somewhat mysterious star map and said, "This is the treasure map I got back then, and The location of this stargate is the location of the last stargate marked on the treasure map, which is the stargate that directly sent us into the abyss!"

It turns out that this is the mysterious treasure map!
Liu Nianfeng's eyes were also fixed on this treasure map, you must know that there are a batch of most noble treasures in the earth age hidden in it!How valuable it must be!

"At first, I also thought that this treasure map was a trap to lure us into the urn, but recently I suddenly realized something! The wormholes we passed were actually the wormholes in those cages, which were for the stars and beasts. The one used to attack humans, just like the wormhole Wan Juan escaped from, only exists for a while, and cannot exist for thousands of years!"

"But this treasure map was drawn thousands of years ago... After I figured it out, I realized that I was wrong. I made a huge mistake. I actually found the wrong location of the wormhole! When I entered This wormhole is not the wormhole marked on the treasure map at all!"

"What!" Liu Nianfeng was taken aback, "This is impossible, you are the number one explorer known throughout the empire, how could you make such a mistake?"

"Why can't I make such a mistake!" He Dongliu glared at Liu Nianfeng, "This treasure map was drawn thousands of years ago, and the various stars used for positioning on it are all the standards of thousands of years ago." , and it is impossible for these star marks to describe the location of the wormhole with [-]% accuracy... Calculate the standard currently used by human beings, and in reality, there will be an error of tens of millions of kilometers."

"And the error of the star marks thousands of years ago is even greater. In addition, the guy who drew the map is probably not a professional cartographer, and he doesn't have detailed data, so the exact position of the star mark is even a few lights away. There is nothing surprising about the gap of years!"

"When I walked all the way along this map, I found that the stars on this map were a little bit shifted. Although they were basically accurate, they were still wrong by several billion kilometers."

"Just like this wormhole, it's not actually the position on the star mark. It's more than a billion kilometers away from the real position marked on the star mark. It's just that when I found this wormhole, I thought it was that The star mark was off again, and I was very lucky to find the correct position!"

"However, I also have certain doubts, so I asked Limbo to investigate. If Limbo confirms that the star map at the other end of the wormhole can correspond to the star map of the treasure map, then it is considered that the correct wormhole has been found. Already!"

"Unfortunately, I didn't expect Lingbo to be controlled by the Jiugan Clan, who gave us false information and signals, so that the entire expedition fleet was wiped out!"

"..." After listening to He Dongliu's narration, Liu Nianfeng gave the other party a pitiful look, feeling that the other party had found the wrong way back then and ended up like this.

However, this also made Liu Nianfeng's heart very excited. If the wormhole back then was wrong and the real wormhole was still in its true location, then as long as the correct wormhole can be found now, how can it be? Isn't it possible to find the real treasure ship?

"The treasure on this treasure map..."

"Admiral Fleeting Maple, don't worry, I'm not interested in the treasure itself, I'm only interested in the process and the result. All the treasures belong to you, Admiral. I only hope that after the future town guard mansion is truly formed, I will cultivate it for you. After becoming a qualified admiral, you can give me freedom and let me explore freely in the entire Jiangzhou star area!"

"Deal!" Liu Nianfeng said decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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