girl line

Chapter 769 Is this the solar system?

Chapter 769 Is this the solar system?
"Where is this starry sky probably?" Looking at the strange starry sky around, Liu Nianfeng asked curiously, and at the same time projected a full star map of the human empire... the whole star map including the Jiangzhou star area. picture.

"Start to compare the star map to determine our current location!" He Dongliu ordered, and the staff in the cockpit began to compare the star map with the current location, but it took a long time to hand in result.

"What's going on? According to the basic requirements of the military code, if you don't complete the comparison for more than 10 minutes, you will be seriously dereliction of duty. Why haven't you handed in the results yet?" Liu Nianfeng asked with some dissatisfaction, because 20 minutes had passed by now, It's fully doubled the time.

"Sorry, Admiral, we are now conducting the third calculation!" the staff member said profusely.

"Third calculation? Why do you want to do the third calculation? Who ordered you to do the third calculation!" Liu Nianfeng scolded.

"No... We just thought that the previous two calculations might be wrong, so we want to do the third calculation!" The staff member was sweating profusely.

"Hmph! If the first two calculations were wrong, how could the third calculation be correct? Just give me the results of the first two calculations!" Liu Nianfeng forcibly asked for the calculated stars from the staff location, but after a few glances, Liu Nianfeng was sweating profusely, and asked the staff with the result, "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake? How is this possible?"

At this moment, the staff felt so miserable that they couldn't tell, they could only look at Liu Nianfeng pitifully.

"What's going on?" He Dongliu was extremely curious by this situation, and then Liu Nianfeng gave the calculation result to He Dongliu with a wry smile. He Dongliu glanced at it, and immediately began to sweat .

"This is the solar system!!!" He Dongliu touched the sweat on his forehead and said, if he hadn't seen the calculation result with his own eyes, who would have believed that the planetary system in front of him was actually the solar system, and they had returned to the hometown of human beings? , in the solar system!

"That's right... there will be no mistakes!" At this time, Liu Nianfeng also recovered, and said with a wry smile, "It is possible for human beings to mistake the position of any star mark, but for the star marks of the solar system, it is absolutely impossible to get it wrong. Yes, this wormhole is indeed a wormhole leading to the solar system, and we have now returned to the solar system! Back to the hometown of mankind!"

"Then the star in front of me is the sun!" He Dongliu rubbed his eyes, pointed to the glowing red sun in front of him and said, "But our human sun was clearly destroyed by the demon emperor Jun. Inside, the entire sun no longer exists, and the entire solar system is shrouded in darkness, what happened to this star? Where did this sun emerge from?"

"Yeah! I can't figure it out either, that's why I think they made a mistake!" Liu Nianfeng also shook his head and said, "And it's more than that, this is the whole picture of the solar system just scanned... No, it's just this planet The full picture of the department... just take a look!"

"Hmm!" He Dongliu took the full map of the planetary system in his hand, and after a glance, he felt chills all over his body.

Because what appeared in front of him at this time was clearly a complete picture of the solar system with a sun and eight planets!

However, in real history, not only the sun was destroyed, but the entire solar system except Pluto, the farthest planet that was eliminated by humans from the nine planets of the solar system, still existed, and all other planets were not destroyed, and the entire solar system became In the darkness, where did this complete solar system come from?

"This is really... This is really..." He Dongliu was trembling all over, and she no longer knew what expression to use to express her mood at this time.

"Admiral He Dongliu, which planet is the guarantee marked on the treasure map buried?" Liu Nianfeng asked He Dongliu while the earth was still calm at this time.

"It says that it is the third farthest planet from the wormhole, which is Mars!" He Dongliu's thinking was a little confused. She had already kept the entire treasure map in her heart, and she could give the answer in a second at most. It took over a minute to speak.

"Then let's go to Mars first! I want to see if this solar system is the real solar system!" Liu Nianfeng said through gritted teeth.

The fleet began to sail towards the location of Mars, and more and more staff members in the fleet realized that they seemed to have come to the legendary solar system. The entire fleet was in a state of confusion, and only those indigenous starship girls They feel very strange, and seem to be a little puzzled by other human beings' emotions.

But this is not surprising, after all, for these indigenous girls, they have long lost the earth in their common sense, lost the memory and longing of the solar system, and they have no feeling for the original origin of human beings.

Fleeting Feng clearly remembers that in the 21st century, if a human spacecraft wants to reach Mars from Earth, it may take 78 years to arrive.

But for the current fleet, it only takes half an hour, and the entire fleet has arrived above Mars in half an hour.Then the high-precision camera began to take pictures of the entire Mars in all directions. After a while, a model of Mars constructed from countless high-definition pictures was suspended in front of Liu Nianfeng.

"This is exactly the same as the Mars in my memory!" Seeing the Mars in front of him, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but said in a daze... Although Liu Nianfeng had never studied Mars, but in the age of information explosion, Mars I have never seen a picture of him before, and the Mars in front of me is exactly the same as the Mars in the picture!
"It's as if you have seen the real Mars with your own eyes!" He Dong rolled Liu Nianfeng's eyes, then began to carefully observe the virtual model of Mars, and finally nodded and said, "All the data can be matched, even the planet The various craters and terrains on the surface are also aligned, which is indeed what is wrong with Mars!"

Having said that, He Dongliu suddenly hesitated, and then added, "At least it is exactly the same as the Mars in the data!"

"Admiral, we have found the location of the wreckage. On the exposed desert rocks near the 22 degrees west longitude and 87 degrees north latitude of Mars, the wreckage of a star warship can be found through the preliminary detection of the high-definition camera. The wreckage should be a star warship manufactured in the Earth era 3000 years ago, and the similarity with the treasure ship in the data is as high as 72.85%"

"The treasure ship actually crashed here!" Liu Nianfeng nodded thoughtfully, then hesitated and said, "I order that the destroyers Little Swan, Fubuki, and Invincible each release a standard expedition team. Let's start a joint exploration of the remains of the battleship on Mars!"

Following Liu Nianfeng's order, the expedition teams on the three destroyers began to prepare.

"I'm going too!" After Liu Nianfeng gave the order, He Dongliu suddenly walked up to Liu Nianfeng and said solemnly.

"It's too dangerous..." Liu Nianfeng hesitated.

"As an explorer, if you can't be the first to touch the goal that you have worked so hard to find, what is the meaning of being an explorer in the present?" He Dongliu said lightly.

"Okay, I understand! You have to be careful all the way!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, he knew that for He Dongliu, if he didn't let her go down now, it would be more uncomfortable than killing her! "

"Then the Glory will also send an expedition team to log in. Admiral He Dongliu is in charge of the entire exploration mission, and all expedition members unanimously follow the order of Admiral He Dongliu!" Liu Nianfeng immediately added an order.

So, after waiting for more than ten minutes, the Glory and three other destroyers released a large landing craft at the same time... Unlike the previous landing craft and traffic boats, this landing craft was specially designed for but extremely unfamiliar and dangerous The landing craft researched and manufactured by the Planetary Exploration Institute is also a treasure purchased by Liu Nianfeng at a large price.

When the four landing craft started to move toward the Martian wreckage, Liu Nianfeng, who was closely watching the situation, suddenly received a sudden report.

"Admiral! The Little Swan expedition team reported that non-expedition team personnel entered the landing craft, and are asking whether to return?" Lin Chouchou suddenly reported to Liu Nianfeng in the communication.

"What? Non-expedition team members entered the landing craft? What's going on?" Liu Nianfeng was a little dumbfounded.

"It's a little girl!" Lin Chouchou said, "The expedition leader of the landing craft reported to me just now that they found a 12-year-old girl hiding in the weapon arsenal of the landing craft. She entered the landing craft illegally." Yes, so now I don't know what to do with this little girl!"

"A 12-year-old girl? When did our battleship even accept a 12-year-old girl!" Liu Nianfeng became even more puzzled when he heard that. How did the girl get in?According to the standards of the Star Warship, only 12-year-old staff members can enter and work in the Star Warship!

"Admiral, do you still remember the little girl you saved with your own hands when we encountered the Zihe cart?" Lin Chouchou said.

"She..." Liu Nianfeng recalled that when the Little Swan was hit by the Zihe car and His Majesty was trapped in the extremely dangerous and damaged cabin, Liu Nianfeng even rescued a little girl Li.

It's just that after saving this little loli, Liu Nianfeng never cared about this little loli again.

"Shouldn't this little loli be a guest of the royal delegation? Why is she still staying on the Little Swan?" Liu Nianfeng asked puzzled.

"I don't know about this. After we let go of all the guests, the little loli disappeared. I thought she left by herself, but I didn't expect that she had been hiding on the boat. If she hadn't hid in the landing craft this time, I'm afraid she will keep hiding!"

"..." Liu Nianfeng was speechless after hearing that, the landing craft was about to land on Mars, and the whole team was ready, so it was obviously inappropriate for the expedition team to return.

In the end, Liu Nianfeng had no choice but to give an order to let the expedition team lock the little girl in the landing craft, and wait until they come back!
(End of this chapter)

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