girl line

Chapter 780

Chapter 780

Afterwards, Liu Nianfeng visited a lot of people and things in those years, investigated many situations, and finally Liu Nianfeng came to such a conclusion.

That is, on this earth, Liunianfeng and Liunianfeng's parents, Liunianli and Gu Xuanwu, are three people who do not exist at all... At least as far as Liunianfeng's current investigation data is concerned, no one still remembers these three people The presence.

And all the traces that Liunianfeng left on this earth before, such as the signboard with words written on it, such as the tree that Liunianfeng planted by himself, and the countless medals and honors that Liunianfeng had won in school. All gone.

Even some things that changed due to the existence of Liu Nianfeng back then, such as Panpan's move, the promotion and salary increase of the homeroom teacher, and the principal who was suspended because of Liu Nianfeng's complaint, all these people are still in their original positions. any changes.

All in all, this earth is an earth where Fleeing Maple does not exist at all.

But except for Fleeting Maple, all the stories and things that happened on this earth are exactly the same as the original earth, without any difference!
"Could it be that because of my time travel, some mysterious law deliberately erased my existence in order to maintain balance?" This discovery made Liu Nianfeng puzzled, and then made such a guess.

If this earth is the earth after Liunianfeng crossed, then this earth should have the traces of Liunianfeng's crossing, and it will not completely erase the existence of Liunianfeng like now.

If this earth is a different-dimensional earth, then this earth should be exactly the same as the original earth, and there should also be a fleeting maple on the earth.

So Liu Nianfeng had to conjecture that there might be some kind of law of balance in the universe. Once a certain existence surpasses the law, then this law will erase all traces of this existence, just like now !

This kind of speculation was not created by Lian Nianfeng, it was seen in many science fiction novels. As for whether this is the case, Lian Nianfeng still needs to do another experiment!

An hour later, in a hotel box, a figure with a voluptuous figure and a fashionable dress came in. After seeing Liu Nianfeng sitting in the box, he respectfully greeted Liu Nianfeng, "Meet the admiral!"

"It's okay! Now that we have returned to the earth, there is no distinction between the admiral and the secretary. Now we are just a pair of friends on the earth! Come, come and eat some dishes. These delicacies are not available on Zulong Star." What I got! It’s so nostalgic!" Liu Nianfeng waved to the woman, and the woman sat down opposite Liu Nianfeng cautiously.

Although Liu Nianfeng let her relax, this woman is still very restrained and eats very carefully, so Liu Nianfeng didn't say much about it.If the other party really dares to be presumptuous, then something is wrong!
"Li Ruyi, I remember you said you are from the mountain city, right!" Liu Nianfeng asked this enchanting woman while eating.That's right, this woman is none other than Li Ruyi who is a time traveler like Liu Nianfeng.

"Yes, Admiral!" Li Ruyi froze.

"Then do you want to go back to the mountain city?" Liu Nianfeng said.

"In no mood……"

"Be honest, or I'll be mad!"

"Think!" Li Ruyi shed tears.

"Then let's go!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, and after eating and drinking, Li Ruyi, who had hardly eaten anything, went directly to the spaceship, but after only ten minutes, he traveled more than 1000 kilometers and arrived at the mountain city.

"This is where I grew up... Does that archway look missing? I cut it off when I was naughty!"

"Admiral, look, isn't that breakfast shop selling the most popular dumplings? They didn't sell dumplings before, or because I like to eat dumplings, that's why they sold dumplings!" Came to his familiar hometown After that, just like Liu Nianfeng before, Li Ruyi also became extremely excited, this excitement even covered up the fear of Liu Nianfeng in her heart, and began to introduce everything about her hometown to Liu Nianfeng excitedly.

"The things Li Ruyi changed are still there!" But Liu Nianfeng was shocked when he heard Li Ruyi's words.

"Xiao Ruyi, you're back!" Seeing Li Ruyi's appearance, two or three grandparents immediately greeted Li Ruyi.

And Li Ruyi responded kindly.

"Mom! What nonsense are you talking about? Didn't Xiao Ruyi say that she has disappeared? The police searched for half a year and couldn't find her. How could she come back..." A sleepy-eyed, very ordinary woman who was almost the same age as Li Ruyi rubbed her eyes. He walked out of the room with his eyes closed.

Halfway through the conversation, after seeing Li Ruyi with my own eyes, my whole body froze instantly!
"Xiao're back!" More and more people embraced Li Ruyi excitedly after discovering Li Ruyi's return, and Li Ruyi was also extremely excited. She greeted every former relative, her eyes became crystal clear Clearly, the whole person was trembling with excitement.

"It's different! She's different from me!" Seeing this scene, Liu Nianfeng was also trembling.

"Ruyi! Little Ruyi! My darling... Where are you? They said you're back, aren't they lying to me?" At this moment, a voice that made Li Ruyi feel the most crazy appeared, an old man who looked like seven The ordinary woman, an 80-year-old woman, excitedly pushed away the crowd and ran over.

When Li Ruyi saw this woman, she immediately pushed away everyone around her, threw herself into this woman's arms recklessly, and cried out "Mom!"

Liu Nianfeng didn't disturb the long-lost mother-daughter reunion, he knew that his presence would only make Li Ruyi feel uncomfortable, so let her enjoy more of her mother's warmth, and enjoy what she didn't find!
Of course, Liu Nianfeng left a message for Li Ruyi, telling her that she must not reveal her real situation. In addition, as long as the fleet calls, she must return immediately... If Li Ruyi wants, she can bring her parents with her, but it is only limited to Parents, others are not allowed.

And through what happened to Li Ruyi, Liu Nianfeng also discovered that he and Li Ruyi are two completely different situations.

All traces of his existence on the earth have been wiped out. This kind of erasure is so thorough that it is simply a god-like method.But all traces of Li Ruyi are still there. Her relatives, friends and neighbors all remember her, and her parents never forget this daughter. Li Ruyi is a human being on this earth.

But what are you?Are you not a human from Earth?

"By the way! Li Ruyi and I are actually in a different situation. I came here directly through the Nine Dragons Agency, and I also learned from Li Ruyi that when I was with her, I seemed to have been wiped out of existence! "

But Li Ruyi is different, she didn't time travel, she was just frozen for more than 5000 years, could it be said that the way of time travel determines the possibility of being erased?
Is this really the earth 5000 years ago?
"Wait... If that's the case, then the ancient tomb..."

Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng quickly moved to the ancient tomb of Jiulong mechanism in Hubei Province without saying a word, and stepped into the place where he was once sent to another world.

At this time, the ancient tomb is no longer the humble small construction site that it was at the beginning. A large museum has been erected, and ticket offices in four directions have also been built. Enter in an orderly queue.

"Everyone, please take a look. This is the largest ancient tomb of the Spring and Autumn Period in our country that was excavated three years ago. There are many unimaginable and exquisitely shaped funerary objects, which can be called the best in the whole of China. Now let me lead you to appreciate this ancient tomb. The style inside!" The tour guide's somewhat formulaic explanation came from Liu Nianfeng's ear.

"Buy me a ticket!" Liu Nianfeng took out RMB and said.

"Please show your ID card!" With just one sentence, Liu Nianfeng was blocked out.

However, it was not difficult for Liu Nianfeng, since he couldn't walk through the main entrance, then Liu Nianfeng quietly went around to an empty wall, easily cut a hole with a laser gun, and the whole person got into the museum.

Without further ado, Liu Nianfeng went straight to the center of the museum, and saw the coffin displayed in the center of the museum, which was also dug out by Liu Nianfeng on top of Hong Xing, hiding Li Ruyi's coffin!

"Give it to me!" Liu Nianfeng took out a laser gun, aimed at the glass cover and shot it, and the entire glass protective cover melted instantly.

At the same time, the entire museum also sounded a shrill siren, and all the tourists were shocked by this scene. They stared at Liu Nianfeng in horror, and screamed loudly, "Bandits! There are robbers!"

Liu Nianfeng turned a deaf ear to these cries, and all his eyes fell on the coffin.But Liu Nianfeng also knows that the laser gun actually has no effect on this coffin, what really works is his psionic and psionic energy!
So Liu Nianfeng gathered all the psionic and phantom energy in his body, and at the same time cast the rune, turning all psionic and phantom energy into a big knife, and then slashed on the coffin with force.

In the next second, the coffin, which humans could not open no matter how hard they tried, was split open by Liu Nianfeng.

At the same time, the inside of the coffin was also displayed in front of Liu Nianfeng.

"Empty!" Liu Nianfeng froze for a moment, the inside of the coffin was empty!
Taking a closer look, the inside of the coffin was extremely dry, and there was nothing there!

This is not right, you must know that this coffin is actually an ice coffin used to seal Xuan Ming, logically speaking, even if there is no Li Ruyi inside this coffin, it should be a piece of ice, why is it so dry!

Liu Nianfeng saw the texture of the entire coffin cut by himself, and was surprised to find that the coffin was actually made of pine wood!

At this time, even if Liu Nianfeng was stupid, he would understand that this was not the real Xuanming coffin at all, but a replica made of pine wood!
"Here! The murderer is here!" At this moment, the security guards in the museum also rushed in. They all held pistols and pointed their guns at Liu Nianfeng nervously.

At the same time, a guy with gray hair and fat like a pig also ran over. This person, Liu Nianfeng recognized, was the curator of this museum... because at the entrance of the museum, the photo of the curator was posted there! "

"What's the matter with this coffin? Why is it forged?" Seeing the curator appear, Liu Nianfeng asked straightforwardly.

"What nonsense are you talking... This is true, this is the real Kowloon coffin!" The curator's expression froze when he heard Liu Nianfeng's question, and then he replied in a weak voice.

"It seems that you won't cry when you see the coffin!" Liu Nianfeng bluntly took out his laser gun, and then shot the curator in the distance, directly on the curator's knee, instantly knocking the curator down. The boss fell to the ground!
"Shoot! Shoot now!" The surrounding security guards turned pale with fright, and hurriedly opened the box to kill Liu Nianfeng, but Liu Nianfeng just lightly formed a ghostly barrier, killing all the bullets of the security guards. blocked.

"Alien! This guy is an alien!" Seeing this scene, several security guards shouted in panic.

"Let me ask you, what's the matter with this coffin? Otherwise, I'll aim my next shot at your heart!" Liu Nianfeng asked coldly.

"I said! I said! Just after the excavation of this Kowloon coffin, it caused a mysterious incident of the disappearance of the interpreter, so it was stored separately. As a result, within a few weeks, this Kowloon coffin mysteriously disappeared... I am afraid This matter affected my future, so I suppressed it, and then made a fake Kowloon coffin..."

The curator was still defending something afterwards, but Liu Nianfeng had nothing to say. The secret of this earth is much deeper than Liu Nianfeng imagined!

(End of this chapter)

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