girl line

Chapter 911 Fleeing Maple's Female Fan

Chapter 911 Fleeing Maple's Female Fan

"Admiral! There is still no signal from the other end of the Stargate. We have lost contact with the Yangzhou star area for five days!" In a certain starry sky in the Jiangzhou star area, he is commanding and searching the key defense of this area. Fleeting Maple on the Internet suddenly received information from Zulongxing.

"What! Have we lost contact with the Yangzhou star area for five days?" Liu Nianfeng was startled by this sudden information, "Why did you tell me now?"

"Sorry Admiral, because the area we are in has not yet deployed a monitoring network, and the quantum network system has not yet been built, so we can only use the destroyer to travel at super-light speed to transport information.

As soon as we got the information, the network closest to us sent the fastest destroyer to transport the information to us, but it took five full days to reach us! ' Alice explained.

"This is really strange. The other end of the Stargate suddenly lost the signal, and then all traffic was interrupted. Why do I feel that this scene is so familiar!" Liu Nianfeng asked Alice, throwing the information in his hand.

"Indeed! This seems to be what we used to do at the Stargate of Stars in Jiangzhou!" Alice said with a serious expression.

"Hmm! That's interesting. It seems that something extraordinary must have happened in the Yangzhou star area. It's been five days. It's really terrible!" Liu Nianfeng rubbed his temples with a headache "Except for a small area, this star field has basically been explored? There are still no traces of the Jiugan clan, but some lost compatriots have been found!"

"Forget it, I'll leave the matter here to you first. I'll go to the Yangzhou star area right now to see what happened there. I have a very painful premonition!"

"By the way, you immediately send an order to Zulongxing to gather all the squadrons staying at Zulongxing. Maybe they need to be used this time... Well, maybe you don't need to convey the order, I have to go there in person Come on, or wait for your order to come back, it will be five days later!" Liu Nianfeng looked a little nervous and said to himself.

"Admiral, is it too dangerous for you to go alone? Anyway, the fleet is fine now, and our entire fleet will accompany you to the Yangzhou star area!" Alice said immediately.

"No need... If I open a wormhole that can accommodate the passage of the fleet, I will be weak all day and night. Although I can recover quickly by taking the bright moon beads, there are not many bright moon beads, so there is no need for such a waste. In this way Well, I'll open a small personal wormhole first to see the situation, you should explore every area here according to the original plan, and then wait for my order!" Liu Nianfeng said.

Although Alice still wanted to persuade Liu Nianfeng, but considering Liu Nianfeng's current strength and the mecha of Wukong God General, it seems that no one in the entire Yangzhou Star District can keep Liu Nianfeng, so Alice closed her eyes. He opened his mouth, nodded obediently, and went to arrange the follow-up matters.

And Liunianfeng used the Beastmaster Scepter at will to open a wormhole at will. With the increasing proficiency in using it, Liunianfeng has been able to open the wormhole of the destination as he likes!Then he drove the Wukong God General mech and rushed directly into the wormhole.


The exit of the wormhole chosen by Liunianfeng is naturally Tiantingxing, because Tiantingxing is the old lair of Chen Shihan and Leng Qiuzhi, and it is also the lair of Liunianfeng, and the gate of stars is also located here. The first target is undoubtedly the Heavenly Court Star.

Liu Nianfeng's position is closer to the star gate, so he drove the god general mech to fly towards the star gate of Tianting first, but halfway through the flight, Liu Nianfeng stopped, because Liu Nianfeng found that the entire Tianting star Outside the Stargate, there are a large number of battleships surrounding it, and these battleships surround the entire Heavenly Court Stargate. Although the size of the general mech driven by Liu Nianfeng is far smaller than that of the Star Warship, it is also the same in the universe. A rather conspicuous target is impossible to escape the scanning of these warships' blockade anyway.

And what makes Liu Nianfeng feel a little terrified is that these warships surrounding the Stargate have nothing to do with Chen Shihan's dime, they are not warships under his command at all, and there is only one source of these warships, that is, all of them are cards. Marshal Lear's fleet is gone!

"It seems that there is no need to go to the Stargate!" Liu Nianfeng sighed in his heart. Regardless of whether the Stargate is good or bad, one thing is certain, that is, the entire Stargate must be captured by Marshal Kalil. It is under control, and Liu Nianfeng only needs to know this is enough.

"Next is the Heavenly Court Star!" Liu Nianfeng decided to change the target, turned around and headed towards the Heavenly Court Star at full speed.

Liu Nianfeng is very anxious now. If the star gate of Tianting Star has been completely controlled by Marshal Kalil's fleet, then Tianting Star may be in danger. Chen Shihan and Leng Qiuzhi, as well as their own My precious son, Leng Dongguan, is probably in a bad state.

So Liu Nianfeng almost rushed to Tianting Star at the fastest speed. At this time, Tianting Star did not have a large number of warships guarding there, but only about twenty warships guarding there.

Breaking through such a line of defense is still possible for Liu Nianfeng, but Liu Nianfeng can't use the general mecha anymore. Liu Nianfeng went to the closest position to Tiantingxing, and then broke away from the general mecha, and put on a suit A spacesuit with a small engine.

In the universe, the size of a human being is about the same size as a bacterium on the earth. Unless the most rigorous monitoring network is established, it is impossible to find the trace of Fleeting Maple with only more than 20 warships.

So Liu Nianfeng controlled this powered space suit, and headed towards the Tianting Star at a speed of about 50 knots. What made Liu Nianfeng feel terrified along the way was that he actually discovered many things in the universe. The wreck of the battleship.

These warships are not wrecks left over from previous battles, they are all brand new wrecks that are still emitting electric sparks. Liu Nianfeng even found one or two mutilated corpses that had been frozen into ice cubes.And judging from the military uniforms worn on these corpses, they are all staff members of the East Prince's Mansion without exception!
In fact, when Liu Nianfeng saw the corpses of these staff members, Liu Nianfeng's heart was already more than half cold. When Liu Nianfeng actually set foot on the land of Tiantingxing, he was completely stunned.

At this time, Tiantingxing, which had become a little prosperous because of Chen Shihan and Leng Qiuzhi, has completely turned into a dead place at this moment, and almost all the buildings of Tiantingxing have been destroyed. No one was seen, and the entire Tianting star had turned into a dead place, and all the population on the Tianting star seemed to have disappeared in an instant.

Of course, Liu Nianfeng also found a lot of traces on Tiantingxing, many traces of battles.And when Liu Nianfeng arrived at the original location of Tiantingxing Guardian Mansion, he found that this place was even more miserable, and the entire Town Guard Mansion was moved to flat ground.

This tutelary mansion is also a tutelary mansion full of memories for Liu Nianfeng, but now this tutelary mansion has been completely destroyed.However, in this town guard mansion, Liu Nianfeng discovered living humans for the first time.

It's just that these human beings are not residents of Tianting Star, but all soldiers, all wearing the new military uniforms of the Yangzhou star area, obviously these are the forces in the hands of Marshal Kalil.

At this time, these soldiers were driving a huge machine and drilling on the ground. Judging by the size of this machine, it should be a giant drill bit that can directly penetrate deep into the earth's core.

What are these guys up to?Actually want to get through the core of the Celestial Star!
The worst guess came to Liu Nianfeng's mind, so without further ado, he sneaked into the vicinity of the construction site and kidnapped a soldier who was working nearby.

"Master Liunianfeng!" When the unlucky soldier saw Liunianfeng's face clearly, he was overwhelmed with surprise, and even said excitedly, "My God! I'm not dreaming! I'm really I met Mr. Liunianfeng! I was still hugged by Mr. Liunianfeng! Oh, I am so touched, even if I die today, it is worth it!"

Well, not to mention the soldier's exaggerated language, because of the kidnapping, Liu Nianfeng naturally controlled the way the female soldier hugged her in the future.

"You are my fan..." Seeing how excited the soldier was, Liu Nianfeng asked tentatively.

"That's right! I'm your fan, and I'm a super fan! I've added more than a dozen of your support groups, and I'm also the president of your Kuang Jiong Xing Support Club, but I haven't dared to reveal it..." the soldier He stuck out his tongue and said.

"Is there any evidence to prove it?" Liu Nianfeng asked cautiously.

"Of course, my personal terminal is full of your photos, videos, and QQ groups as proof..." The soldier seemed to want to take out these things as a proof, but when he took out his personal terminal again, his expression I froze, and then said very annoyed, "Damn it, I can't take it out now. A while ago, the army suddenly passed down a rule, saying that once someone is found to be your fan of Mr. Liu Nianfeng, they must be cleared out immediately, so I Then secretly went underground, and emptied all the things in the personal terminal...Master Liu Nianfeng, you don't blame me, I just don't want to lose my job!"

"Oh, by the way, I still have this to prove it!" The female soldier suddenly began to undress in front of Liu Nianfeng. Before Liu Nianfeng could react, the other party took out the mask and put it It was turned over, revealing the meaty part of the mask.

"Hee hee! I also hid a photo of you here, because I feel that this will keep you close to my heart forever!" The female soldier said with a look of longing, and Liu Nianfeng also saw it at this time, Inside the hood, there is actually a three-inch color photo of herself pasted there. The female soldier of emotion puts herself on her heart in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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