girl line

Chapter 923 Exam

Chapter 923 Exam
"There is a chance? What chance is there now?" Hearing what his daughter said, the father asked in a daze.

"This is what the teacher told us during class today!" The daughter said after hesitating for a while, "As soon as class started today, the teacher asked us about our record in "Star OL". If you have a cruel-level AI of the same strength, you can sign up for the selection of the admiral!"

"What! What the hell is this? When did the selection admiral look at your game results?" The father was a little dazed, as if he couldn't understand what his daughter was talking about.

"No, the teacher told us that the rules of the Jiangzhou star area are different from the rules of the human empire. Now it is no longer simply required for psionic and psionic talents. If you have outstanding talents in combat, you can do the same. Become an admiral!"

"Dad! I once told you that I was already a player in the king rank three years ago, and I can rank in the top ten in the entire Yizhou Star District. Dad, with my daughter's strength, I am completely You can be the one who passed this selection!" Tian Tian said while holding her father's hand.

"But you don't have psionic and psionic talents at all. Although I haven't read many books, I also know that it is impossible for someone without psionic and psionic talents to become an admiral or a starship girl!" Father said .

"No, my daughter is talented, it's just a double F grade!" Tian Tian lowered her head when she heard that, but she still insisted on saying, "The teacher said that the Jiangzhou Star District is different. The way for admirals with double F-level talents to become starship girls, we just need to be willing to fight for mankind!"

"No, sweet, there's something wrong no matter what dad thinks. This Liunianfeng is not lying to you, is it? It's the time of war, and Liunianfeng may not be able to recruit soldiers, so he uses this method to deceive you Those who go to the battlefield, maybe it is impossible to be an admiral at all, just to be a position like a death-defying fighter girl!"

"Sweet! Dad is only your daughter, don't scare Dad, let's live here again, okay?" The father said a little excitedly.

"No! Master Liu Nianfeng won't lie to us! And my father also said that now is a time of war, and it is a critical moment for the survival of human beings. How can we ignore the survival of the entire human race for the sake of our own lives?"


"Dad! Don't you understand? If the human empire is not good, then we can't have a good life, we can't be driven from our own homes to this planet, and we can't lose our mother, Losing our own homeland, if we don't stand up and fight for mankind now, if everyone has this idea, then we mankind will be finished!"

"Okay..." The father was completely convinced, he could only look at his daughter worriedly, and finally said take care.


"Please fill out this form!" In a sunny room, rows of girls stood here excitedly, and in front of them was a staff member with a serious face.

It is said that these staff members are all directly dispatched by the Education Committee, they are the first batch of residents of Zulongxing, and they are also the ones who decide the result of this selection.

And this time the number of girls participating in the selection is also exceptionally large. According to Tian Tian's observation, there are thousands of girls in this room, and there are tens of thousands of rooms like this on the entire planet, which means that this planet is full of girls. Tens of millions of girls signed up for the selection.

This was something that was impossible to imagine in the past. It would be terrifying for a planet to have tens of thousands of girls sign up to participate in the selection, because the basic qualification for registration is to have at least one talent above D level. It is impossible to have too many qualified girls.

How is it like this time, as soon as the registration conditions were announced, tens of millions of girls signed up, and the selection took ten days in a row. If there were so many people every day, there would be one person after ten days, which is almost equivalent to owning 1% of the girls. The registration rate has increased, which was simply unimaginable before!

"My God! If every planet has such a high enrollment rate, how many more soldiers will there be in the Jiangzhou Star District!" Seeing this scene, Tiantian thought in shock.

However, it turned out that most of these girls who came to sign up came with the hope of making up for it.

For example, the girl in front of Tiantian at this time, after filling out the form, handed the form to the staff for review, but the staff only looked at it a few times, then threw it aside and said, "Unqualified!"

"What's wrong? My rank is Diamond 2. I meet your selection requirements. Why did you reject me?" The girl immediately asked dissatisfied when she heard this.

"We have checked your ranking data, and your Diamond [-] rank is promoted by duo with some other players, but your solo unit is only Brass [-], so we have reason to conclude that you are no more than It's just a player with thighs, so you are not qualified, you can go!" The staff said coldly.

Although the girl was crying and fussing, she was finally dragged out by the ruthless security guards, and Tian Tian, ​​who was standing behind her like this, had several pleasures in her heart.When she was playing "Stars OL", what she hated the most was these high-ranking whores, who obviously had no skills, but relied on the way of hugging the thighs to get to a high rank, and ended up losing the chain in the ranking battle Giving away the head, Tiantian was so angry many times that she didn't want to play games anymore!

"Next!" the staff member said lightly, and Tian Tian cautiously handed out her electronic form, and then looked nervously at these staff members, for fear that she would be screened out like the girl in front.

"You are the strongest king!!! You can also deal with two cruel AIs at the same time!!" Unexpectedly, when Tiantian handed in the spreadsheet, the one just now seemed extremely cold, as if everything The staff who couldn't disturb his mind stood up in surprise, staring at Tiantian with wide eyes.

"I didn't lie to you!" Tiantian was a little frightened, but said firmly.

"Have you received systematic combat training?" The staff asked again.

"No... these are all figured out by myself!" Tiantian said weakly, "I am only 16 years old this year, and I have never received any systematic training. These are all figured out by myself when I was playing games since I was a child." The skills of this lord, is he a person who has received systematic training, you don't want it!"

Speaking of this, sweet tears are about to flow out.

"No! No!" The staff shook their heads again and again, and then looked at Tiantian like a rare treasure, "If you have received several years of combat training, you will disappear from the crowd, this is not the talent we need .If this is really figured out by you alone, then you are a genius, one of the most outstanding geniuses on this planet, and you will have a bright future!"

"Thank you!" Tiantian nodded in fear.

"Well, in this way, I announce that you have passed the first round of review, you can go home and rest now, and there will be a second round of review later, please be sure to come!" the staff said.

"Okay!" A sweet smile finally appeared on Tiantian's face, she bowed to the staff, and ran home full of joy.

fifteen days later.

Tiantian appeared in this room again, but at this time, she no longer had the posture of hundreds of millions of people like half a month ago. At this time, there are only more than 100 million people left. Of course, this is also Very much.

The second round of exams is a practical virtual exam. Players will be automatically assigned to AI opponents of different levels, and then fight against these AI opponents in the virtual space. To pass this test.

Tiantian is naturally fearless about such an exam. Tiantian successfully defeated a brutal AI a few years ago, so this time the exam was very smooth and easy. In just 1 minute, Tiantian achieved won.

Just when Tiantian was about to withdraw from the virtual exam, a voice suddenly rang in Tiantian's ear, "Examinee 12893, would you like to challenge two brutal AIs!"

"Is there still an exam?" Tiantian was stunned for a moment, but she still nodded decisively. She had already had the experience of defeating two brutal AIs before, so there was no big problem.

Facts have proved that the two cruel AIs did not pose any threat to Tiantian. It took her about 5 minutes this time to successfully kill the two cruel AIs.

Just when Tiantian had already finished this test, the voice suddenly rang out again, "Four cruel AIs, do you want to test it?"

"Four?" Tiantian's face suddenly became a little ugly, and defeated four cruel AIs at the same time?This difficulty is not only doubled, it is simply not something that humans can do.

Tian Tian instinctively wanted to refuse, but the unyielding feeling in her heart made her say "I can give it a try!"

"it is good!"

The battle started again, perhaps because the first time was too nervous, so the sweet start was not smooth, and about 1/4 of the battle damage was blown off after a face-to-face encounter.

But this miserable failure seemed to wake Tiantian up instead, she began to calm down and concentrate on the battle.

Tiantian didn't know how long this battle lasted. She only knew that when she killed the last AI battleship, her own battleship also died, and the two sides actually drew.

"I've passed, or have I failed?" Seeing the result, Tiantian said to herself worriedly.

"Candidate 12893, do you have a record of defeating four brutal AIs before?" the voice asked curiously.

"No, this is my first challenge!" Tian Tian lowered her head and said.

"What, the first challenge!" The other party's voice was full of surprise, "You challenged four cruel AIs for the first time, and you actually won!"

"Yeah!" Sweetie nodded, and then added, "I didn't win, I just died together!"

"Very good, let's fight with me!" As the man's voice fell, a silver-white destroyer appeared in the starry sky!
(End of this chapter)

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