girl line

Chapter 930 The Inhuman Fleeting Maple

Chapter 930 The Inhuman Fleeting Maple

"Marshal, these are the materials and data we found from various scientific research units!" On the flagship, Marshal Khalil looked at the servers being moved into the warehouse, with a bright smile on his face.

"Can you read the data in these servers now?" Marshal Khalil asked with narrowed eyes.

"I can't read it yet!" A subordinate shook his head and said, "Although the defense forces of these research institutes are weak, they are not defenseless. The other party has added a set of code locks to these materials. If there is no correct code, then We will not be able to open these data for the time being, otherwise the forced parsing will only cause the data to be completely destroyed and become a pile of garbled characters!"

"It's normal. If you don't even have this bit of defense, it's too abnormal!" Marshal Khalil didn't care much about this result.Any research institution will encrypt its confidential information to avoid it being stolen, and it is completely normal for Liu Nianfeng to do so.

If it was before, Marshal Khalil would still have a headache for cracking these codes, because if he is not careful, all the data may be completely destroyed. Marshal Khalil is not fully sure that he can unlock these passwords. material.

But now with the help of the Jiugan Clan, Marshal Khalil believes that the Jiugan Clan will be able to unlock the passwords on these materials by virtue of the advantages of the Jiugan Clan who have been ahead in technology for tens of millions of years.As for whether the Nine Senses will embezzle these materials, Marshal Kalil doesn't care. After all, their technology is so advanced, maybe they still look down on the technology of Shangri-La civilization.

"Auntie, when will we land on Zulong Star! I can't wait to declare Zulong Star as our territory!" Tan Peiyan said excitedly.

"Where did you say that you lost all the things you learned in school? Are we safe now? Aren't we surrounded by Liunianfeng's planet and the guardian mansion? Don't forget that Liunianfeng is now in the river There are 10 warships deployed in the state star area, now is not the time to relax our vigilance and show off our power!"

"Since Zulong Star is ours now, we are not in a hurry to log in. Similarly, all the starship girls and staff of the main fleet are not allowed to log in. The job of landing is the task of the marines. We must Keep fighting and deal with the battle that may arise at any time!" Marshal Khalil said with narrowed eyes.

"Auntie, you are experienced, but you must be too careful!" Tan Peiyan on the side muttered softly, which made Marshal Kalil annoyed and annoyed.

I thought that after going through some things, the only descendant of my family would be able to develop some skills, but I didn't expect it to be almost like a waste. This made Marshal Kalil worry. To whom?

"By the way, have you found Leng Qiuzhi and Leng Dongguan? I heard that Liu Nianfeng now has two other sons and three daughters. It is impossible for Liu Nianfeng to bring these people to the battlefield. They are still in Zulongxing Are you going?" Marshal Khalil suddenly asked.

"I didn't find it. We estimate that Liu Nianfeng should have a hidden refuge deep underground in Zulongxing. It is estimated that all these people have hidden in the refuge, and it is difficult to find their traces for a while!" The subordinate reported.

"Then scan it for me, let the marines scan every inch of land for me, and don't let go of any doubts. Even if I penetrate the entire Ancestral Dragon Star, I don't believe I can't find any trace of these people!" Marshal Lear cursed.

"Also, have those student soldiers surrendered?" Marshal Khalil asked again.

"No, no matter how we persuade them, they still refuse to surrender, and they have closed the hatch firmly. You are not allowed to use some destructive means. We may not be able to open these armors in a short time. !” The subordinate said with some embarrassment. ,

"Don't worry, it's important to save the lives of these little guys. These future generations are our descendants!" Marshal Khalil still smiled and explained, "There are two most important things right now. The first thing is to grasp The children who live in Leng Qiuzhi and Liu Nianfeng will become the most important bargaining chips in our hands. The second thing is to immediately send a report to all the admirals around in the name of Zulongxing guarding the mansion, saying that Liu Nianfeng is going to hold a meeting For the offensive meeting in the Yangzhou Star District, all the admirals came to the meeting alone, and then wiped out all the admirals around, so that we can truly control the entire Jiangzhou Star District!"

"Yes!" Under the orders of Marshal Kalil, all kinds of work are carried out in an orderly manner, everything indicates that Marshal Kalil is about to take control of the capital of the Jiangzhou star region, and Liu Nianfeng has been fighting for it for more than ten years. The foundation will also completely fall into the hands of Marshal Kalil.

"By the way, how is the situation in the Yangzhou star area? Is there any news that those Jiugan people have caught Liu Nianfeng?" While waiting for the result, Marshal Kalil began to worry about the Jinling Star area. In the surrounding situation, this Liunianfeng is a very miraculous person, who has narrowly escaped death many times, if he escaped from the trap of Jinling Star this time, he will be in great trouble.

"No, our signal seems to have been interfered, and we haven't been able to receive the signal from Jinling Star!" The subordinate shook his head.

"This is normal. The distance between the Jiangzhou Star District and the Yangzhou Star District is extremely long. The wormhole alone takes 30 minutes to walk, and the quantum signal has long since declined. Didn't Xia Shiyu say that she wants you to come here?" Do you bring a set of signal addition and switching equipment at both ends to enhance the signal?" Tan Peiyan pouted at the side and said.

"No, Xia Shiyu never mentioned this matter in the report she gave me!" Marshal Khalil's expression suddenly changed.

"Impossible, I discovered this, so I specially reminded Xia Shiyu that she must add this paragraph to your report to Auntie, how could she not tell you?" Tan Peiyan said puzzled .

"Quick! Find out the information that Xia Shiyu gave us immediately!" Marshal Khalil's expression suddenly became furious, and soon all the information that Xia Shiyu gave to Marshal Kalil was found out, hundreds of It took a staff member 1 minute to search all the information twice before shaking his head and reporting to Marshal Kalil. This point was never mentioned in the information.

"No... There's something wrong with this, Xia Shiyu is a thoughtful guy, she will never miss such important information!" Marshal Khalil thought of a terrible result, so she immediately ordered, "Like Lu The team sent out a communication, asking them to rush into the various units and institutions of Zulongxing, as well as the residential buildings, and pull out all the people inside!!! Count the number of people and verify their identities!"

At the same time, she also ordered all units to stop caring about the safety of the student warships, and directly use violence to break open all the warships and pull out all the people inside.

Following Marshal Kalil's order, Zulong Xing, which was originally quiet and peaceful, suddenly jumped up and down. Finally, a report came, saying that after a rough count, a total of more than 100 million people were found out.

"A population of more than 100 million... how is this possible? How can such an imposing capital only have a population of 100 million? This is farting!" No matter how stupid Marshal Khalil was, he realized that something was wrong.

At the same time, information from the student warships also came in. According to the detection, all of these warships are bionic intelligent humans, that is, intelligent humans with exactly the same body as humans, but all controlled by computers.

Of course, due to the fear of the last intelligent life crisis, these intelligent humans are all low-level intelligence, and can only do some simple and repetitive tasks, but they are very useful for coping with scanning. Anyway, the scanning results are all Live human beings are coming.

And in these battleships, there are only these bionic humans, not even a living person.

However, the people on Ancestral Dragon Star are all living humans. After all, these humans need to directly contact the Marine Corps. Using bionics, it is too easy to be discovered.

"Retreat! Retreat immediately! All return to the Yangzhou star area, cancel the operation!!!" Marshal Kalil finally realized that the situation was serious, and hurriedly issued an order.

On the other hand, Tan Peiyan asked with a blank face, "What's the matter? What happened? Auntie, what happened?"

"That Xia Shiyu is a double agent. She lied to us. She deliberately left you here as a bait. You idiot still don't know anything!!!" Marshal Khalil held back his anger and cursed , But at this moment, the person in charge of monitoring Zulongxing suddenly reported in a voice full of fear that a large number of high-energy reactions were found inside the galaxy of Zulongxing, which is a sign of a suspected star quantum bullet explosion! !

"What! Liu Nianfeng, this lunatic, this inhuman beast!!!" Marshal Kalil spat out a mouthful of blood when he heard the news.

The so-called stellar quantum bomb is a bomb specially developed by humans to blow up stars.

It is conceivable how powerful this weapon is that can destroy a star.

It's just that this kind of weapon can't be used if you want to use it. First, it has an extremely large size, and it needs to be fixed when it is detonated.

The second is that it takes about an hour to detonate the bomb, so this weapon is not easy to use against star beasts. It is a weapon specially used by humans to clean up some dangerous stars.

But if such a weapon is used to blow up a planet, let alone the planet itself, the 3000 million kilometers around the planet are all within the range of the explosion.

This fleeting maple is so vicious that he uses his capital planet as a bait, using these warships and various materials to delay time, the purpose is to attract and relax Kalil's vigilance, so as to win the time for the bomb to explode!

But if you think about it carefully, if you can replace the lives of her Kalil and her 1 starship girls and admirals in her direct line with just one planet, it is really a bargain.

The Zulong star is gone, just find another one, anyway, there is no shortage of planets in the Jiangzhou star area.

As for the lives of 100 million people on that planet, they were naturally thrown there forever as Liu Nianfeng's abandoned sons!

This fleeting maple can be called the most vicious beast Marshal Khalil has ever seen in his life. This is the first time that Marshal Khalil has seen someone more vicious than herself! !
(End of this chapter)

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