girl line

Chapter 933 Kalil's Failure

Chapter 933 Kalil's Failure
"Why? Why did it fail? The high-tech of the Nine Senses, why did it fail!!!" Seeing that the door failed, Marshal Khalil couldn't help screaming, she couldn't figure it out, Nine How could the high-tech of the Gan family fail so easily? Could it be that the Jiugan family is a liar?
Seeing the distraught Marshal Kalil, all the staff in the cockpit were in despair, because at this time the star beasts had approached to a distance of less than 10 kilometers. All the warships trembled instantly.

"It's useless, here is my spherical universe, all the rules in it are independent, unless you have the power to break the entire universe, otherwise all escape props cannot be used in this universe, let alone escape back to the normal universe I'm in the middle!" At this moment, a voice that was very familiar to Marshal Khalil suddenly sounded in the entire cockpit.

"Liu Nian Feng! This is Liu Nian Feng's voice!" Marshal Khalil screamed, "Is Liu Nian Feng here! Come out if you have the guts, let's fight one-on-one!"

"Don't be silly, how could I be in your cockpit. But the whole universe is under my control. As long as I want, my voice can be heard anywhere in the universe, so let's have a good chat Let's go!" Liu Nianfeng said lightly.

"Don't scare people here, the independent universe is a technology that even the Nine Senses don't have, how can you have such a technology, don't try to lie to me!!" Marshal Khalil yelled.

"I didn't lie to you, what I said is true!" Liu Nianfeng smiled and said, "The Jiugan tribe used despicable means to seize the technology accumulated by the Shangri-La civilization for tens of millions of years from the Shangri-La civilization, but this spherical They have never obtained the technology of the universe, so the technology of the Nine Senses has always been one step behind, or they might have a complete three-dimensional space technology instead of the current 3.5-dimensional or 2.5-dimensional technology!"

"Okay, you can't understand what I'm telling you, I'll give you 30 minutes, you can use whatever escape method you have now, and my star beasts won't attack you, if you can escape from here Escaping is also your skill!" Liu Nianfeng said indifferently.

"Hahaha! Liu Nianfeng, you are really powerful, I, Kalil, admit it!" Marshal Kalil let out a few sad laughs, she really had no choice but to admit defeat if she had any other Nine-Sense Technology in her hand up.

"Thank you for the compliment!" Liu Nianfeng said lightly.

"Liu Nianfeng, I have a question. When did Xia Shiyu betray me? Even if she would betray me, she would not dare to betray the Jiugan clan. Why did she betray me!!!" Marshal Kalil was angry asked.

"I want to correct one thing about you!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile, "Xia Shiyu never betrayed you from the beginning to the end, she is still yours now, but I used a little trick to make her mine." people!"

"What kind of trick?" Marshal Khalil asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you after you're caught!" Liu Nianfeng said.

"What about my Jinling Star? How about my Jinling Star?" Marshal Kalil asked again.

"It's nothing, I just sent Xia Shiyu's fleet and some disobedient admiral's fleet over here. As for whether they are dead or alive, I don't know. It depends on how your people will treat them. They are gone!"

"You are really good at calculating. You really are calculating me from the beginning to the end, but I foolishly thought that you were calculated! But Liu Nianfeng, do you really think that I, Kalil, will be captured without a fight? Then you think too much." Even if I, Kalil, die, I will never be your prisoner!"

After Marshal Kalil finished speaking, he suddenly took out a small piece of biscuit-like thing from his pocket, and then Marshal Kalil looked up to the sky and screamed, "Liu Nianfeng, I know why you want to capture me alive, don't you just Do you want me to order my men to put down their resistance and surrender to you?"

"Don't even think about it, I will never be your prisoner. This is a Yueliyue biscuit, which contains super bacteria that can swallow all organic matter within 1 minute. What if I can talk to me now, you have the ability to prevent me from eating It’s gone! Hahaha!” Marshal Khalil let out a wild laugh, and then he was about to eat this biscuit.

With the blessing of future medical technology that can completely restore the body even with only one head left, no matter how Marshal Kalil hurts himself, Liu Nianfeng can save him.

However, the so-called policies and countermeasures, there is still a way to commit suicide in the interstellar era. For example, taking this special biscuit can make anyone completely dead within 1 minute, and there is absolutely no possibility of resurrection.

And Marshal Kalil seems to have really decided to seek death completely.At this time, Marshal Kalil was still somewhat proud of himself, he was able to let Liu Nianfeng eat a big turtle before he died, and this was the only thing Marshal Kalil could be proud of.

It's just that Marshal Kalil never expected that when Marshal Kalil held up the biscuit, Tan Peiyan rushed over, hugged Marshal Kalil, and excitedly He shouted, "Auntie, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. You must not do stupid things!"

"Get lost! I'm not going to be Liu Nianfeng's pawn!" Marshal Kalil yelled violently, and was about to push his niece aside.But when Marshal Khalil almost used up ten layers of strength, Tan Peiyan's body remained motionless, and she didn't look like she would be thrown away by Marshal Khalil.

"Auntie is useless, my body is not for nothing, you can't get rid of me!" Tan Peiyan said excitedly.

"Guard, pull this bastard away!" Marshal Khalil was furious, and at the same time ordered the surrounding guards, but the guards stayed where they were and did not take any action.

These guards were also very embarrassed, because if they listened to Marshal Kalil's order and stopped Tan Peiyan, it would be tantamount to condoning Marshal Kalil's suicide.

But if they didn't stop them, it would be a violation of Marshal Kalir's order, so these guards were very entangled and didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Tan Peiyan suddenly pulled out a syringe from her pocket, and plunged it into Marshal Khalil's body without saying a word.

The reaction of the medicine in the syringe was quite quick. After only two or three seconds, Marshal Khalil rolled his eyes and passed out in Tan Peiyan's arms!
"Phew! Tan Peiyan breathed a sigh of relief, then gently put Marshal Khalil on the ground, and you said to everyone, "My aunt has gone crazy, now I will take over the command, and I will command you all!" "

"..." There was some commotion in the cockpit. These staff members were obviously not very convinced by Tan Peiyan's temporary seizure of command power. After all, even Marshal Khalil himself looked down on his cowardly and incompetent niece.

But besides Tan Peiyan, it seems that there is no more suitable person to take over the command right now.

"Everyone!" Tan Peiyan said in a deep voice, "Everyone, please rest assured, we are facing an absolute death situation. I will not order you to die, and my aunt also said just now, let you surrender on your own."

"So I ordered all the remaining fleets to collectively shut down their engines, unload all artillery, open all external interfaces, and surrender to Admiral Fleeting Maple's fleet!"

"..." The entire cockpit was silent again, and everyone was thinking about Tan Peiyan's order.

"I don't agree! We want to carry out the final will of the Marshal, and we have to fight to the end!" A staff member suddenly jumped up and objected loudly. Just as Tan Peiyan was about to refute, the guards on the side suddenly raised their guns and aimed at the worker. The personnel are just a few shots, directly hitting the opponent to the ground! "

"The marshal is already in a coma. Now we are following the command of Shao Shuai and resolutely carry out the order of the young marshal!" the captain of the guard said through gritted teeth.

"Yes!" No matter how loyal they are, in the face of life and death, most people will make decisions that are beneficial to their own lives. In addition, Tan Peiyan, the nominal commander, ordered to surrender, so these last fleets followed the command one after another. , surrendered to Liunianfeng's fleet, and the battle finally came to an end. All Marshal Kalil's direct troops either became dust in the universe, or became captives in the hands of Liunianfeng, even Marshal Kalil himself , was also imprisoned by Liu Nianfeng.

The next day, Liu Nianfeng's main fleet suddenly appeared in the Yangzhou star area. This was a collective dispatch of the Jiangzhou star area. Under the leadership of Liu Nianfeng, a total of 20 warships headed straight for the Jinling star.

The ambush fleet that was originally stupidly gathered on Jinling Star became the turtle in the urn of Liu Nianfeng and was surrounded by Liu Nianfeng.

And in Fleeting Maple, Marshal Kalil, who was imprisoned in the cell, and the despicable actions that Marshal Kalil has made recently, especially the devastating blow to Tiantingxing, and the attack on Chen Shihan and Leng Qiuzhi After the atrocities.

Part of the fleet surrendered on the spot, while another part of the fleet tried to resist, and was directly blown up by Liu Nianfeng's main fleet, more than 500 girls in starship outfits, and the entire Jinling Star fell into Liu Nianfeng's hands.

It's a pity that when Liu Nianfeng began to search for the trace of the special envoy of the Nine Senses all over the world, the other party disappeared without a trace, which made Liu Nianfeng very speechless. , then Liu Nianfeng will definitely be able to know more secrets of the Jiugan Clan.

With the fall of Jinling Star, the entire Yangzhou Star District can be said to be determined. Without a commander-in-chief who can convince the public, it is impossible for the admirals of the Yangzhou Star District to twist into a rope.

After adding that the Supreme Emperor Leng Qiuzhi declared that he would not pursue all the crimes raised, while maintaining their original rights and status, these admirals surrendered very naturally.

The biggest civil strife in the history of human beings ended at the least cost after all. The power of human beings has not been greatly compromised. This is the result that Liu Nianfeng has been pursuing. Otherwise, Liu Nianfeng will directly lead the army to kill. Liu Nianfeng is also confident, Marshal Kalil is definitely not his opponent!

(End of this chapter)

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