girl line

Chapter 944 Fleeing Maple's Decision

Chapter 944 Fleeing Maple's Decision
"How about it! Admiral Shi, please rest here for a while. I will prepare a fleet to go to the Youzhou star area with you. This fleet will serve as my special envoy to discuss with the emperor. As for the final result , Let's see it at that time!" Finally, His Majesty the Emperor made a decision and said.

In fact, this is also a way to procrastinate, not to say yes, not to say no, but to send someone to talk, and it will take at least a year or two to go back and forth during this period.

"Okay!" Shi Guanyin immediately nodded in agreement, although he knew it was a delay, but Shi Guanyin had no better way.After all, the two star regions now have their own emperors, which is a politically incompatible state, and being able to talk about it is already a good result.

In the end, Shi Guanyin returned to her closed villa under the leadership of the maid, waiting for further arrangements.

His Majesty the Emperor turned around and saw his father and mother behind several rows of bookshelves.

Of course, at this time, Liu Nianfeng and Leng Qiuzhi had completely lost the messy state just now, but were sitting there solemnly!

"My son sees the emperor's father and regent! See the emperor! I don't know if my child's decision today will satisfy my father and mother?" Although he is an emperor, in front of his father and mother, Leng Dong is not half as majestic and domineering as an emperor. , just like the children of ordinary people, standing there respectfully and timidly, waiting for the trial of their parents.

"Not bad!" Liu Nianfeng smiled slightly, then waved to Leng Dongguan, Leng Dongguan heaved a sigh of relief instantly, and smiled and snuggled up to Liu Nianfeng's side, leaning against his father's arms like a child.

"Tell me, Dong'er, why did you make such a decision today?" Liu Nianfeng asked with a smile.

"Yes, Father!" Officer Leng Dong cleared his throat, and then said excitedly, "Actually, there are only three decisions that can be made today, one is to agree to go to support the Youzhou star area and help my uncle to tide over the difficulties; "

"Secondly, when this matter has never happened before, at the same time completely block the roads and news between the Youzhou star area, and at the same time strengthen the strength of our Yangzhou star area as much as possible."

"The third is to procrastinate, neither rejecting nor agreeing, just like Dong'er's own decision!" Leng Dong said officially.

"Well, tell me, why did you reject the first and second decisions?" Liu Nianfeng asked again.

"The first decision is naturally impossible. If we really do our best to help the Youzhou Star District and help the Emperor Uncle and the others, then once the Emperor Uncle and the others recover, the Youzhou Star District with 17 Marshals will be able to do so. On the contrary, it is our biggest threat! Since Dong'er has ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, even if the Leng Dong official is willing to abdicate in the future, the emperor uncle will not let Dong'er go, and all of us in the Yangzhou Star District will either flee to the Jiangzhou Star District, or all of us will flee to the Jiangzhou Star District Waiting for the emperor's uncle's trial, looking forward to the emperor's mercy, it is impossible for Dong'er to make such a decision anyway!"

"As for the second decision, that doesn't work either. Although Uncle Huang and Dong'er can't tolerate each other, we are all in the same line, the closest relatives, and more importantly, we are all human compatriots. It is the only force that can rely on each other in this universe. Once the Youzhou star area is breached, not to mention how huge losses the Youzhou star area will suffer, what kind of tragedy will the human beings in it face. Just those who besieged the Youzhou star area Once the star beasts turn around and attack us, the Yangzhou star area may not be able to support it, let alone two demon emperor-level star beasts, so we need the Youzhou star area to support us Now, attract the power of the stars and beasts!"

"So in fact, the best decision for us is to maintain a balance between the power of the Youzhou star area and the star beasts, let the Youzhou star area contain a large number of star beasts, and let the star beasts control the Youzhou star. The power of the region is suppressed within a certain range, so that we can reclaim other fallen star regions. As long as we can recover most of the empire's territory, then the hearts of the world will be in our hands. Willing, if you want to go to war with us, the only way is defeat."

"That's why I decided to send a fleet to go back with Shi Guanyin to meet my uncle and Liu Zhuangtian, and to find out the situation of the entire Youzhou star area before making a decision."

"If the strength of the Youzhou Star District is really weak and it is about to be defeated by the alien beasts of the stars, then we will send various supplies to the Youzhou Star District so that they can persevere. The beasts are equal, then we will simply establish a connection, and then set up some secrets, we must not let the Youzhou star area get extra power, let them consume each other with the star beasts!"

"This is the child's real decision!" Officer Leng Dong said incessantly, and then looked at his father and mother expectantly.

"Hmm! [-]% of the time you have already thought of [-]%, very good results, although you didn't think of all of them, but you can already satisfy your father!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile.

But Leng Dong's expression was a little strange, he frowned and said, "Father, you said you only thought about [-]% of it, so what is the other [-]%?"

"Think about it, baby, what if the strength of the Youzhou star area is stronger than that of the star beasts?" Liu Nianfeng asked.

"It's impossible! If the power of the Youzhou star area is stronger than that of the star beasts, then why would they be trapped in the Youzhou star area, and why would they come to ask us for help!" Leng Dong said in shock.

"Seeking help is just Shi Guanyin's one-sided words. She may have lied, or she may have been kept in the dark, or the entire Youzhou Star District was kept in the dark. Liu Zhuangtian is an ambitious woman. Her gaze It will definitely not be limited to only one Youzhou star region, dare to assure my father, this Liu Zhuangtian, at this time, is probably already staring at our Yangzhou star region, and wants to swallow us in one gulp, this Shi Guanyin is just a beggar It's just a poor pawn sent to explore the way!" Liu Nianfeng said coldly.

"Father, why are you so sure of Liu Zhuangtian! You and Liu Zhuangtian..." Leng Dongguan looked at his father in surprise, and then remembered what his mother said to him when he was gnashing his teeth.

"Ahem! Father and she used to be classmates in the same school, of course it is very clear!" After Liu Nianfeng smiled a little embarrassedly, he became a little serious, "My child, in fact, your uncle is probably not your enemy. Your real enemy is this Liu Zhuangtian. The prime minister of the empire is also the head of the imperial military department, and he also has the rank of five-star generalissimo. This is a living Cao Cao. The power of the entire empire must be in the hands of this Liu Zhuangtian, so this Once we set off to the Youzhou star area, the opponent will only be this Liu Zhuangtian, not your uncle!"

"Yes, father is right, the child has been educated!" Officer Leng Dong said, looking at his father with admiration.

"Hmph!" At the same time, Leng Qiuzhi, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but snorted lightly, her words were full of sarcasm.

"What are you humming?" Liu Nianfeng asked displeased.

"I hate that someone actually has the face to say that others are living Cao Cao!" Leng Qiuzhi wrote mockingly from the corner of her eyes, "Liu Zhuangtian's official position seems to be hung on his shoulders by someone!"

Liu Nianfeng's expression froze immediately, and Officer Leng Dong secretly stuck out his tongue at his father. At the same time, a female officer came in and respectfully said to Liu Nianfeng, "Show the Chief Assistant of the Cabinet, the Imperial Army The Minister, the First Marshal of the Empire, His Royal Highness the Emperor's Father Regent, and all the officials are already on standby at the Tenglong Hall, Your Highness is invited to attend the meeting!"

"Hehe!" Liu Nianfeng smiled awkwardly, as if he had one more title than Liu Zhuangtian.


"Admiral, I firmly oppose it. How could you make such an irresponsible decision!!" At the Tenglong Palace meeting, when the civil and military officials heard Liu Nianfeng's decision, they exploded on the spot, and Alice even more so. Said directly and furiously.

Now most people would respectfully address Liu Nianfeng as His Highness when they saw Liu Nianfeng, and the only ones who could continue to call Liu Nianfeng as Admiral were the starship girls directly under Liu Nianfeng. This was their privilege and right.

And as Alice's voice fell, the entire Tenglong Palace began to boil, and almost all civil and military officials unanimously opposed Liu Nianfeng, and tried their best to prevent Liu Nianfeng from making this terrible decision.

So here comes the question, what kind of decision did Liu Nianfeng make?

It's very simple, Liu Nianfeng first told the civil and military officials about Shi Guanyin and the Youzhou star area, and at the same time informed Leng Dong of his decision to send a special envoy fleet to contact first.

Naturally, this decision was unanimously supported by all civil and military officials. This is the best decision, and no one will object to this decision.

But when Liu Nianfeng said his next decision, the whole hall was completely boiled.Because Liu Nianfeng stated very seriously that he will be in charge of commanding this special envoy fleet, and he will also serve as the special envoy of this special envoy fleet, and will negotiate with Liu Zhuangtian on behalf of the Yangzhou star area and Jiangzhou star area.

Lianianfeng's decision naturally met with opposition from almost everyone, even Alice, Ming Yue'er, the most loyal subordinate who has been following Liunianfeng, was so noisy that the ceiling was about to fall.

What a joke, not to mention how unsafe the road to Youzhou Star District is, and how the Youzhou Star District will treat Liu Nianfeng, now it is no longer what it used to be.

It took Shi Guanyin three and a half years to arrive at the Yangzhou star area from Youzhou star area. Even if Shi Guanyin was leading the way for Fleeting Maple's next trip, it would probably take about half a year. time.

This means that Liu Nianfeng will leave the Yangzhou Star District for at least one year, and the entire Yangzhou Star District and Jiangzhou Star District will also be out of the direct control of Liu Nianfeng during this year. It is undoubtedly the most dangerous signal.

It became a matter of course that the civil and military ministers would oppose Liu Nianfeng's decision.

(End of this chapter)

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