girl line

Chapter 948

Chapter 948
The next journey went even smoother. Shi Guanyin was surprised to find that all the stargates along the way were still usable after that, and the stargates they walked over for three years still maintained excellent usable state.

Originally, Shi Guanyin estimated that it would take half a year to reach the Youzhou star area, but now it has only been about four and a half months, and there is only the last star gate left on the journey ahead.

"There will definitely be no problems in the future!" Shi Guanyin said to Liu Nianfeng after a long sigh of relief, "This last star gate is the Merkel star gate, and it is also one of the gates of the Youzhou star area. It is firmly under the control of our fleet and has deployed heavy troops for defense, so this stargate must be in an intact state. We will soon be able to reach the Youzhou star area through the Mekel stargate.

"The flag you said is not small, maybe this Merkle Stargate will be destroyed!" Hearing Shi Guanyin's words so convincingly, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help curling his lips and said, this is like a textbook the flag.

And when Liu Nianfeng's special envoy fleet arrived at Merkle's Stargate, it was discovered that Shi Guanyin's flag was only half established.

What does it mean to be only half established?
That is, the Merkle stargate is still intact and still usable.

But now Liu Nianfeng and others seem to be unable to reach the Merkel Stargate, because at this time there are tens of thousands of star beasts surrounding the Merkel Stargate. Their purpose is very obvious, that is, to completely Conquer the Merkle Stargate.

"This time we're in big trouble!" Shi Guanyin said with a wry smile on his face, "I didn't expect our luck to be so good, and it happened to happen to besieged by alien beasts from the stars!"

"Tsk tsk! There are tens of thousands of star beasts. If it's me, I might as well give up this interstellar gate temporarily. In terms of tactics, it's the most stupid thing to fight a defensive battle with star beasts around a point. Anyway, it's just An interstellar gate, why don't you destroy it first, so you don't have to worry about the alien beasts coming to attack!" Seeing the battlefield in front of him, Liu Nianfeng said a little puzzled.

"That's because you don't understand the significance of the Merkle Stargate to the Youzhou Star District!" Shi Guanyin said in a deep voice, "The Youzhou Star District is originally a star district with a relatively small planet and area, and more scarce resources. , the resources in the Youzhou Star District simply cannot support the daily consumption of 2000 million starship girls, so we have to take the risk of going to other star districts near the Youzhou Star District to establish temporary bases and continue to develop the rich resources there to fill the Youzhou Star District cost!"

"We have established a total of thousands of resource development points outside the Youzhou star area. These resource development points have only deployed a dozen town guards for defense. If there is a small-scale attack by star beasts, these resource development points will The point is to be able to expel the opponent with your own strength!"

"If you encounter a large-scale attack by star alien beasts, immediately take everyone with you, and reach the nearby stargates as quickly as possible, and pass through these stargates to reach the four stargates that are the main connection points. In order to quickly return to the Youzhou star area, wait until the stars and beasts recede, return to the previous resource point, or create a new resource point, in short, you can't be trapped in the Youzhou star area!"

"These thousands of resource points are responsible for nearly 1/3 of the resource sources of the Youzhou Star District. Without the supply of these thousands of resource points, the Youzhou Star District will exhaust all resources within a year, so this Thousands of resource points must be maintained, and if you want to maintain thousands of resource points, the most important four connecting stargates must also be kept safe!"

"The Merkel Stargate is one of the main connection points. The Merkel Stargate is connected to more than 300 resource points in total. If the Merkel Stargate is destroyed, then all the three hundred resource points will be destroyed. Cutting off the connection with the Youzhou star area, if they want to return to the Youzhou star area, it will take more than four months at the fastest. During this period, at least one-third of the fleet of 300 resource points believed to be destroyed , This is an unacceptable loss for the empire, so the stargates of the four major connection points must be kept, and there must be no loss!"

"It was actually okay when I set off. The IQ of the star beasts was not too high, and they didn't discover the role of these four main connection points at all, so Merkle Stargate has never been opened by such a large number of star beasts. Besieged by beasts."

"Unexpectedly, after I have been away for three and a half years, these star beasts have discovered the importance of the Merkel Stargate, and they have begun to besiege the Merkel Stargate, and they don't know the Merkel Stargate. Whether it can be defended or not, if not, the Youzhou Star District will be over!" Shi Guanyin said very worriedly.

"I think it is still possible if you want to defend!" Liu Nianfeng looked at the situation on the battlefield in front of him and said, "After a preliminary inventory, there are more than 10 star warships in Merkle Stargate engaged in defensive battles. The ratio of the total number of people reaches 10:1, so according to the usual principle of ten times the defense and thirty times the suppression, it is not too difficult for 10 star warships to defend the attack of 1 star beasts!"

"That's right, but it's still a hard fight!" After Shi Guanyin finished speaking, his eyes fell on Liu Nianfeng.

"What are you looking at me for?" Seeing Shi Guanyin's eyes, Liu Nianfeng muttered unnaturally.

"What are you going to do?" Shi Guanyin stared at Liu Nianfeng and said, "At this time, the star beasts are fighting with the guard fleet. It is the time when they are most devoted and selfless in killing, completely ignoring the defense of the rear. You now have 5000 ships If the battleship enters the Star Beast from the rear, it will definitely be able to tear a gap in the Star Beast. In this way, if we cooperate from the inside out, we will not only be able to guard the Merkel star gate, but maybe we can leave thousands of people behind. The life of a star beast!"

"Aren't you asking me to die!?" Hearing Shi Guanyin's words, Liu Nianfeng's face changed, "Yes, if I plunge in all at once, it can indeed change the situation of the battle, but my fleet has to bear the pressure of the stars and beasts!" Anger and attack, when the time comes, out of my 5000 warships, there will be 2000 left... No, I would be lucky to have [-] left!"

"But you can save the lives of at least tens of thousands of star warships and starship girls, and at the same time destroy at least 2000 star beasts. This is a good deal!" Shi Guanyin said through gritted teeth.

"Hmph! That's a good deal for Liu Zhuangtian, but not for our Yangzhou star region. Besides, we are just a mission here, not a real army at all. Our mission is to ensure the safety of the mission. , I can’t agree to your request!” Liu Nianfeng flicked his sleeves coldly and said, “I’ve decided that the fleet will not enter the battlefield for the time being, but just swim around, waiting for you to win, or the star gate of Merkle will not be guaranteed. Time to make a decision!"

"Liu Nianfeng, you...why don't you see the big picture at all, isn't it our human compatriots who are fighting there?" Shi Guanyin was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he pointed at Liu Nianfeng's nose and cursed.

"Yes, there are indeed my compatriots there, but the starship girls here are all my flesh and blood brothers and sisters. Would you exchange the blood of your brothers and sisters for the life of a strange compatriot?"

"Okay! Don't give me chicken soup for the soul, and don't tell me any great truths. I have saved enough compatriots in my life. It's okay to save a little less!" Liu Nianfeng finally said firmly.

Shi Guanyin was so angry at Liu Nianfeng's words that her nose was crooked and she was sweating all over.But after a while, she also calmed down.

Indeed, Liu Nianfeng is now representing the Yangzhou star region, but the fleet fighting in front of him is the fleet of the Youzhou star region, and each side has a His Majesty the Emperor behind them.

It is estimated that this fleeting maple can't wait to further weaken the strength of the Youzhou star area. How could it possibly consume the strength of its own fleet instead?If it weren't for the star beasts standing here now, I'm afraid it's time for the two star regions to go to war!

After thinking about this, Shi Guanyin suddenly felt that his interest had faded, and his vision of looking at everything became desperate. He sat there silently, silently watching the changes in the entire battlefield situation.

In general, Merkle's Stargate still has a certain advantage now. Although there are battleships exploding almost every minute, the star beasts cannot break through the defense force of Merkle's Stargate's guard fleet. Warships continue to emerge from the Merkle Stargate to support the defense.

Therefore, Shi Guanyin judged that many comrades in arms may be lost in this battle, but the safety of Merkel's Stargate is not a problem.

And this discovery made Shi Guanyin greatly relieved.

But soon, Shi Guanyin discovered that a force suddenly emerged from the star beasts that were besieging Mekel's star gate, and began to approach the direction of his own fleet.

"No, we have been discovered, and the star beasts have begun to attack us!" Shi Guanyin's expression changed, but he didn't feel too much panic, instead, he felt a little happy.

"Well, let you, Fleeting Maple, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and sweep the snow in front of the door. Now, you have been targeted by the star beasts, and you can't get rid of it!" Shi Guanyin thought quite relieved. "Hey, he gave you a way to survive, why did you come to your door by yourself!" Liu Nianfeng cursed helplessly as he watched the swarming star beasts.

The number of star beasts in this batch is around 5000, which is enough to eat [-] warships in Liu Nianfeng's special envoy fleet... Well, at least in the habits of star beasts!
"You still can't reveal your strength!" Liu Nianfeng touched his nose, and then gave an order to Alice beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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